The next day when I left for office, rohini broke the shackles
Rohini went to vivek’s room and she said
Rohini ” hi vivek”
Vivek ” hi”
Rohini ” can I ask you some thing”
Vivek ” for sure”
Rohini ” I found my bra under your bed few days back”
Vivek ” ohh is it….I found it some where in my room so didnt know what to do so kept it under my bed..Sorry for that”
Rohini clearing her voice and dared to ask” and what were you doing with my panties late night yesterday”
Vivek..Immensely embarrassed “uhhh … Hmmm”
Rohini” how did it feel”
Vivek ” what ??”
Rohini ” sniffing my undies and masturbating”
Vivek ” …. Hmmm…. Im sorry for that, please dont tell this to visahl … Pleaseee”
Rohini..Going near vivek and sitting beside him ” I can understand your problem vivek..Lonely..Sex starved..At this age..This is common”
Vivek ” thanks for understanding rohini, I thought you would get angry”
Rohini ” I was initially, but later when I gave it a good thought, I found there is nothing wrong in that”
Vivek ” thanks …Thanks a lot”
Rohini ” vivek you need help and I can help you”
Vivek ” what..What do you mean ”
Rohini “i understand your friendship with vishal very well, it is also my duty to help you in this tough situation”
Rohini ” you must be hungry for some real sex, that is why you did those crazy things….You know”
Vivek ” yes iam rohini…Its been long time since i..Uhhh..I had penetrative sex the desire for some real sex is uncontrollable”
Rohini “i know vivek” holding vivek’s hand ” that’s why iam here…To help you..My hubby’s best friend needs some real help now and ill do it for you and for my hubby”
Rohini” vivek you can have sex with me, I dont have any problem with that, hope this will solve your issue”
Vivek ‘ but what if vishal comes to know about this rohini, I dont want to spoil his life”
Roshni ” dont worry vivek, ill take care of that, and remember iam just trying to help you to get out this, thats it”
Vivek ” thanks a lot rohini you are as good and understanding as vishal”
Rohini ” ill be coming to your room tonight, after vishal has gone to sleep”
Vivek ” its very risky rohini, we can do it in day time when he is not around”
Rohini ” I dont enjoy in day time and ill give sleeping pills to vishal before he goes to bed, dont worry about that”
Vivek” ok rohini, once again thanks”
Roshni ” that my pleasure to help you out vivek, see you tonight”
I came back from office with an expensive wifi-spy camera and hide it in vishal’s room when he had gone out for a walk, didnt tell about this to rohini.
We all had dinner together and then vivek went to his room, rohini and I went to our’s
Vishal ” so what’s the news babe”
Rohini ” I spoke to him and he was convinced”
Vishal ” woow that’s great”
Rohini”yes , it was little difficult but I did some how”
Vishal ” im proud of you my baby”
Rohini ” iam doing this just for you vishal, and I could see the spark in vivek’s eyes when I told him that we can have sex and he can fulfill his hunger”
Vishal “that’s great news baby, hey your skin is feeling so silky today, what the matter”
Rohini ” hmmm.. I waxed my body so that he may enjoy it to the core”
Vishal “my god you are fully prepared for the war, iam sure he will, he is monster in bed”
Rohini smilingly ” just shut up vishal”
Vishal ” iam sure you will equally enjoy rohini, then only you can truly help him”
Rohini ” ill try my level best”
Finally the night came..Rohini took a bath and applied her best perfume, and was dressed in mini pink night wear, one could easily see her inner thighs in that dress”
Rohini ” ok vishal im going to his room, will be back soon”
Vishal ” I wont mind even if you come in the morning”
Rohini ” no ill come back in an hour”
Vishal ” I dont think vivek will let you go so easily”
Rohini ” if it is so then please dont mind if I come in the morning”
Rohini kissed me on my lips, it tasted strawberry, and left the room”
As soon as she left the room I locked the room from inside and switched on my pc and connected to wifi spy camera, I could see vivek waiting for her, the calrity was too good, I could see the whole room very easily, the show was about to begin.
Rohini entered the room
Rohini ” vivek’
Vivek ” please come dear”
Vivek was only wearing shorts and his muscular body was visible.
Rohini went near vivek, vivek came close to her, he already had a bulge, rohini was standing near the wall and vivek came too close to her and sniffed her.
Vivek ” you smell awesome rohini”
Rohini ” just for you vivek”
Vivek pushed rohini against the wall and came close to her lips, sniffed at her lips “ummm….Strawberry, very arousing”
Rohini put her both hands on vivek’s muscular chest, she doesn’t know about the spy camera.
Vivek puts a finer in her mouth..
Opening both lips, my dick was erect by now, then he kissed her on the lips gently, and then he sucked on her lower lip, then the upper at the same time he was gently pinching her navel, then he sucked on her both lips, he started kissing her more passionately making her lips wet, rohini couldn’t control herself anymore and then she kissed back vivek, she was kissing vivek aggressively pushing her mouth in to vivek’s, she never did that with me, she closed her eyes in pleasure and both kept kissing each other like crazy lovers..
Rohini was exploring vivek’s upper body while kissing, she was enjoying more than vivek, she brought out her tongue and vivek sucked her tongue..Biting some time, while sucking vivek’s mouth was almost inside rohini’s mouth…Then she sucked on to vivek’s tongue throwing her arms around vivek’s neck..
While doing so vivek pulled up her mini dress, she was not wearing panty and his hands were all over her beautiful and round ass..He slapped her ass hardly..
And he kept slapping her ass while she was busy exploring vivek’s mouth, rohini never kissed me that much but she was enjoying every bit of vivek not knowing about the spy camera..
Vivek started brushing her already wet pussy with his fully erect dick, rohini left a loud moan..”aaaahhhhh” both went near bed and vivek sat on bed, rohini got down on her kneels and surprisingly took vivek’s huge cock in her hands, she rubbed his cock all over face, and then she took the cock in her mouth..
In our married life she never did that to me, she gently pulled down towards the shaft and she opened her mouth just slightly to tease and excite vivek..Breathe on him, blow on him with her hot breath, begin at the bottom of his shaft and licked upwards, slowly.
Then she take a bite of him, gently setting her teeth into his flesh..Vivek moaned “aaaahhhhhh” in pleasure..She wet him again with her tongue and used her hand to spread the liquid…Opened her mouth and took him inside slowly keeping her tongue wet..Increased the speed of the action on his cock, vivek was moaning loudly..
Rohini said “are you enjoying my sucking vivek”
Vivek”no woman sucked my cock this better rohini you are awesome, vishal is a lucky husband”
Rohini ” I never did this to vishal”
Vivek “ohhh really no way…Poor vishal, im so lucky”
I wondered shy she never did that to me..She was behaving like a professional…. Vivek was about to come and she increased her speed further..
Vivek ” im cuming rohini my god..This feels good…Keep sucking..Pleaseeeee”
And then vivek came right in rohini’s mouth..She swallowed every drop of it..His cum was dripping from rohini’s mouth, then she lick the cum off of his cock..Seeing this I masturbated..I released shit load of cum.
Rohini pushed on bed..And she sat on his lap bent over and put her mouth in to vivek’s..Both started kissing again..Vivek’s cock gor erect again and was touching rohini’s ass as she was sitting on his lap..Rohini broke the kiss and removed her dress and threw aside..She was completely nude now..She started massaging vivek’s chest..His chest was clean..She was licking his chest and biting his nipples..
Vivek “oh my god..Rohini you are too good..You are hot a fucking bitch..I never enjoyed this much in my entire life..”
Rohini” there’s still lot to come vivek”
Vivek over turned her and he got on top of rohini..He brought his face close to rohini’s boobs
Vivek ” I have never seen such wonderful boobs”
Rohini ” then what are you waiting for” she winked
Vivek dug his face in to rohini’s boobs..Rohini left a loud moan in pleasure “aaaaaahhh vivek”
He was sucking her boobs one after one..Licking them..His wet tongue was all over her boobs, she was caressing vivek’s back and put her legs across vivek’s hips..Rohini was crying in pleasure..I can see that..She was in immense pleasure.
Vivek went down to her pussy..And looked at her..
Rohini ” please do it vivek..Im dying for it…Lick my pussy”
Vivek ““i want to taste your pussy and lick it until you cum again and again” saying this vivek was licking her pussy..Like a mad dog..He put his tongue in her pussy and rolled it up and down..Rohini was moaning madly..She was going crazy..He started licking her more rapidly caressing her inner thighs..
Rohini “aaahhhh … Aaahhhh … Aaahhhh … Aaahhhhh…Vivek you are fucking awesome at licking”
Vivek started fingering her at the same time..I have never seen couple enjoying sex to this limit..Sex juices were oozing out of her pussy and vivek was licking that all
Rohini ” oh fuck im gonna cum..Ohhhhh yeeesssss im cuming vivek..Im cuming…She was lifting her body in pleasure and there she cum..”aaaaaaa aaaa ahhhhh hhhhh hhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhh”
But still they were not finished yet…
Vivek was teasing her pussy using his hard cock..He was putting 1/4 of his cock and took back..He repeated for some time..
Rohini ” ohhhh vivek please dont tease any more..Fuck me now”
Vivek ” say you are a bitch”
Rohini ” yes im a bitch..Im your bitch”
Vivek ” fuck me like a bitch…Like w a whore” these dirty words were making her go even crazy..
Rohini ” ohh yes fuck me like a bitch..Fuck like a bloody whore, slut…Fuuuccckkkkk meeeeee..” she begged
Vivek inserted his huge cock in to her pussy very slowly..Rohini “ohhhh myyy goooddd..Your cock feeellssss soooo good inside..”
Vivek was fucking her slowly and steadily..With good strokes..Teasing her in between..
Vivek ” you like this bitch..Uhh..”
Rohini “ohhh yess I like it you fucker”
Vivek ” you like mine more or your husband’s”
Rohini ” definitely your’s..Your’s your’s..You are too good at fucking”
Vivek was caressing her both boobs with hands while fucking..Rohini was feeling out of this world..Rohini pulled vivek towards her and was kissing like crazy…She crossed her silky smooth legs across vivek’s hips for better grip…
Vivek was pounding her..Increasing his thrusts it sounded “thap thap thap thap thap”
Rohini ” aaaaahhhhhhhh fuck you vivek fuck you…Fuck me harder..Fuck my pussy harder..Fuck the hell out of me”
Hearing this vivek lost control on fucking..He held her both hands and was fucking very very hard..It was very deep fucking…
Rohini was about to cum..She was screaming in pleasure ” aaaaahhh my god im cuuummingg….Ohhhhh fucckkk..Im ccuumminng..She grabbed his back with both hands and pulled him closer and held him very tightly…Her boobs were crushed under vivek’s huge chest.
Vivek put his mouth in rohini’s and went on and on..Until both came together and then vivek slumped on rohini breasts..Rohini hugged vivek.
Rohini ” what a time we had..I never enjoyed sex this much”
Vivek ” me too baby..This was my best..You sleep here only”
Rohini ” why vivek..Aren’t you satisfied”
Vivek ” what if I feel to have sex again..At midnight?”
Rohini ” as you wish..Ill sleep with you today..Lets sleep nude”
Vivek ” what if vishal gets up ”
Rohini” dont worry he will not wake till I wake him up”
Vivek ” you planned really well”
He kissed her and both slept together..Nude. All I recorded on my laptop..I couldn’t believe what just rohini did..If let your woman to have fun..She will break all the boundaries..
The next morning I woke up ..Rohini was already awake..
And what happened next how they continued this relation will be published in next part.
My Best Friend’s Desire – My Wife – Part 3