A Peeping Tom

Dear Friends, I’ve been a great fan of ISS and I greatly enjoy the stories published on ISS. I am Zenon from Bangalore and I have always wanted to post a good story on ISS. But sadly I could never get a chance as every time I sat down to write; nothing good would come to my mind. Today I saw something spectacular and felt like sharing it with my friends.

I sincerely hope that what I saw gave me tremendous pleasure and through my narrative skills I can convey the same pleasure to my friends and readers of ISS as I had. For the first time I am posting a story on ISS. I’d really appreciate if you leave your comments after reading my first story. If the comments are encouraging, I promise to post the stories regularly on ISS so that you all can entertain yourselves. My e-mail is

Now coming to my story, before I start describing to my eager readers what I saw this afternoon, let me give some background. Those, who live in Bangalore, will know that Bangalore has many browsing centers at every nook and corner of the city. Some of them offer very good service by way of providing wooden cabins with enough room for two people to sit and browse the Internet.

Each wooden cabin has a door which can be bolted from inside so that people cannot see your computer screen and you can do any private activity on the Internet. This afternoon I happened to go to one such browsing centre in the Whitefield area of Bangalore and saw something that I’m sure, will remember all my life. I am a marketing manager for an FMGC company and while I was working in the field at Whitefield, my boss called me to send him some data urgently by e-mail as he had to go to his sales review meet in the evening and to prepare his presentation he required certain data from me.

I looked around for some browsing centre and I found this decent centre at the basement of a good shopping complex. The browsing centre was divided into three halves. Each half had a row of six to seven wooden cabins facing each other and between these rows there was enough space for one person to walk at a time. I noticed there were as many as twenty-three systems for the customers and one for the care-taker of that browsing centre.

Each system was kept in a wooden cabin and all these cabins were given a number. The first cabin was given number two. Probably the number one was given to the system lying on a table in front of the care-taker of that browsing centre. One young boy of around twenty years was the care-taker. He gave me system number 14. It was close to the glass entrance of this browsing centre.

From this cabin one can clearly see the care-taker and also those who come to browse the net. There was a register kept in front of the care-taker and whoever came to browse the net, was required to enter his/her name, phone number and the number of some photo id proof. After these entries were made, the care-taker would give the token indicating the system number. I occupied my system at cabin number 14 and saw it was facing cabin number 2 which was unoccupied.

I was surprised to see a distance of, maybe, hardly one foot between the two opposing cabins. The cabin had a door which covered the cabin partially. What I mean to say is the door didn’t cover the entire cabin; it would partially cover the cabin which means the person sitting in the opposite cabin could see your knees clearly even with the door closed and if he bent down, he could see even your face clearly. There was privacy but not complete privacy. Peeping Toms could have a field day. It was that sort of browsing centre.

I sat down without bothering to close the door as I was feeling suffocated. I opened my inbox and began to download the format my boss had sent me to fill and email back to him. It was an excel sheet. I opened my diary and began to fill that format with the relevant data while keeping an eye on the glass-door. Some ten minutes must have passed when I saw a young girl dressed in a black t-shirt and blue jeans enter the browsing centre. She was around 20-22 years old with perfect figure.

Her back was facing me while she stood there making entries in that register. I observed her carefully when she turned around. She looked pretty. She had short hair, small eyes, slender neck and puffy lips. She was dusky. Her tits were small but firm. And her jeans fitted her narrow-waist perfectly. The care-taker handed over the token to her and after collecting the token she walked past my cabin on the way to her cabin.

As soon as she walked past my cabin, I stood up and came out of my cabin under the pretext of receiving a call on my mobile. It was just a ploy to see which cabin she occupied. I stepped out of the glass door and turned around (while pretending to talk on my phone) to see her getting inside a cabin which was two cabins after mine in the same row. I did a quick math to figure out her cabin number. As per my calculation it was the cabin number 12. Now if one wanted to see what went on in cabin no.

12, one should occupy cabin number 3 which was bang opposite the cabin number 12. I was desperate to see what she did in that cabin behind the closed door. I had heard from my friends that girls too were fond of reading stories on ISS and after reading those stories they too got turned on like the way we guys did. I began to imagine her opening the ISS and reading some steamy hot story which would turn her on so much so that right in that cabin she would start masturbating by unzipping her jeans and putting her fingers up her pussy.

Thinking all these thoughts I returned to my cabin and tried to concentrate on my format as the deadline was nearing and any moment the boss’s call was expected.  I somehow controlled myself and began to concentrate on the format when I saw a young guy enter the browsing centre. To my surprise he didn’t stop at the registration counter. Instead he walked straight inside and went past my cabin knowing fully well where he wanted to go. The care-taker too didn’t try to stop him from barging into the browsing centre in this manner.

I was surprised and again came out of my cabin using the same ploy of talking into the phone to see where that guy had gone. I stepped out of the browsing centre and turned around while pretending to talk on phone to see that guy entering the cabin number 12 which was already occupied by that 20 something girl. He sat down and closed the door. My heart beats increased rapidly. I wanted to occupy the cabin number 3 at any cost to be able to see what they got up to in that cabin behind the closed door.

I walked up to the care-taker and requested him to let me change the cabin. He asked whether the system had any problem. I explained to him by saying that the system was working fine but the phone calls were ruining my concentration and was asking for a change of system preferably somewhere deep in the corner so that signals would grow weak and there wouldn’t be any calls for me until I finished my assignment. I quickly added it was okay for me even if he could give me system number 3.

He thought for a minute, said okay and asked me to bring back the token of system number 14 and replace it with the one for system number 3. I thanked him and quickly went to occupy the system number 3. I closed the door and settled down in the chair with my heart pounding against my rib cage. I had begun to sweat too. The girl was extremely beautiful and to see her in live action was going to be a memorable experience. I leaned forward to see what they were up to. The guy was sitting closely beside her.

Their thighs were touching each other’s thighs. He too was wearing black jeans and white sport shoes. Over black jeans he was wearing a white shirt. I was unable to see his face. I began to notice their movement carefully. She was typing something while he was sitting quietly and fiddling with his mobile phone. I was slightly disappointed as I had expected to see them in deep embrace with their lips locked. I remained in that position for a few minutes. Now my back had begun to hurt so I straightened up and sat properly.

I had to prepare the format. Once again I downloaded that format form my inbox and thought of peeping again before starting to fill the data in that format. With a trembling heart I bent down to peep again to see the guy’s hand on that babe’s tummy. When I saw that, my heart skipped a beat. I bent further down and saw they both were engrossed in a French kiss. Wow! What a kiss that was! I began to enjoy. After all the decision to change the system had begun to pay off. The only thing I needed was to be careful.

Without getting caught I should enjoy this peeping Tom activity I thought to myself and began to enjoy. My cock too had become hard by now so I began to caress it gently anticipating more from this young couple. I was not disappointed. They both were fully aroused and now the guy was trying to lift her black t-shirt. But the girl began to resist by holding his hand and bringing it to her bosoms. Maybe she wanted him to press her boobies without lifting her t-shirt. The guy obliged and he began to press them madly.

I was able to see everything clearly. Now the girl’s hand was on his crotch and I could see a throbbing hard-on. Slowly the girl unzipped his jeans and took out his massive cock. What a big dick it was! My god! It was nearly seven inches and quite thick too. The girl pulled down the foreskin and began to play with it by holding it in her palms and by shaking it gently. The guy was surely having the time of his life.

And of course why not? When a young beautiful girl begins to play with your hard dick, would you not obviously get transported to the seventh sky? The same thing was happening to the guy too. Without any fear of being caught by the care-taker of that browsing centre, they were making out so bravely. Their dare-devilry too turned me on. I was so aroused by now that I wanted to push the door to their cabin open, lift the guy getting his cock massaged, throw him out and sit myself in his place to enjoy that pretty girl’s hospitality. Alas! I could do it.

Now the guy was losing all the control while getting a dick-massage. It was a great sight to watch that girl’s slender fingers dancing all over his dick. She was an expert. God alone knew from where she had learnt that erotic dick massage. He again tried to lift that girl’s black t-shirt. This time, to my surprise the girl didn’t protest.

He slowly lifted the t-shirt to reveal her belly-button. He rested his palm on the belly-button and kissed her lips gently. Now the girl had stopped massaging his dick, instead she was holding his face in her hands. The guy grew bolder and further lifted the t-shirt till the lavender color bra came in to the view. Wow! It was a designer’s bra with lovely laces all around. As soon as I saw the bra, my dick began to fight to come out of my pants. I had to unzip my pants and let my hard dick out.

I noticed pre-cum and wiped it with my handkerchief. The format was completely forgotten. Who cares for some lousy, number-crunching format when a pair of ripe tits is inviting you to suck their nipples? I cannot tell you how aroused I was. I pinched my thighs to see whether what I was seeing was a dream or reality. It was indeed unbelievable.  Coming back to the guy and the girl they were completely out of control. My back was protesting but I carried on.

The guy had freed her boobies from the clutches of that tight bra and now they were hanging like two ripe mangoes. Her fully erect nipples were glistening in the semi-darkness. They were the color of black grapes. The guy gently took her right nipple in his mouth and while suckling it, he began to tease the left nipple with his fore-fingers and thumb. Was the girl not moaning? She was suppressing her moans while having such a nice time.

Now he left the right nipple and moved his lips to the eagerly waiting left nipple. The girl welcomed him by lifting her small boob and inserting the nipple into his waiting mouth. How friendly the girl was! I envied the guy who was so lucky to have such a broad-minded girl-friend. They both were interested in giving the pleasure to each other. They were not selfish. I saw a great chemistry between the two young people at work. I was greatly delighted to see their compatibility with each other.

Now while suckling at her left nipple, the guy slowly unbuttoned her jeans button and unzipped the jeans. The girl didn’t protest at all. Oh my god! What was going on? Was I going to see full-blooded love-making session right in front of my eyes only a few inches away? I couldn’t believe my luck. The girl was wearing a white panty. The guy continued to suck her nipple while exploring her pussy. He had put his fingers up her panty and was, maybe, working on her clitoris.

I was not able to see her pussy though her panty was visible and underneath her panty his fingers were moving rapidly. I was dying to see her pussy. They both were at the peak of their pleasure without a care in the world. How lucky! I envied them.The love-making was about to reach a crescendo now. The girl stood up with her back facing the guy. My heart skipped a beat as in all likelihood he was sure to slide down her jeans before setting her in his lap and that might just reveal her pussy – something for which I had been waiting all along.

Alas! It broke my heart to see the girl turning around to face the guy and the guy sliding her jeans as expected before setting her in his lap. When he slid her jeans a little, her ass came in to view and believe me, friends it was the nicest piece of sublime and equally well-rounded ass one could ever dream of! He set her in his lap and began to press her buttocks with both his hands. They were in what looked like a missionary position thought I cannot say for sure whether his dick entered her pussy. But they were indeed having a gala time in that small wooden cabin.

I couldn’t bear to see all this any longer and decided to bring an end to my sweet agony by shooting my load off. I imagined my dick between the cracks of her luscious ass while shooting my load. It was easy to imagine that as her ass was pointed towards me. I had a great time. Of course! Not as much great time as the guy with that pretty girl in the cabin behind the closed door. Hope you all too had a great time reading my first story. Write to me your comments and feedback. Also write in to say whether you would like to hear more of such stories from me.