We have been living together for four years now and, step by step, i
Found out that my husband really loves to dominate me and once in a while
He comes with new ideas to increase the pleasures of our home life.
Besides the fact that he never, but never, pisses outside my mouth when
We are together, sometimes he “saves” all his afternoon piss to me when
He is at work. He comes home running, takes his dick out, i go down on my
Knees and open my mouth for his use. I must say that i am very proud
Being able to give that pleasure to my male. If he likes to piss in my
Mouth why not give him that service?
He also decided that to clean his dick my mouth is much better than water
And soap. From then on every morning before having a bath my husband
Gives me his cock to be licked clean. Normally he wakes up, pisses in my
Mouth and gives me five minutes to lick him clean. On the weekends i take
A little bit more time: he pisses, i lick him, he gets hard, fucks my
Mouth, i swallow his cum, he pisses again just a little, and i lick him
Clean one more time. I remember that some time ago he had to go to another town for two days
And when he came back i was informed that he had not used any water or
Soap on his dick and i had to clean him the usual way. It was a little
More difficult due to the “fishy” smell and taste, but i did it and he
Was happy. And i enjoyed it.
My husband also decided that i should wear at home a micro skirt so micro
That barely covers the round of my ass. He finds that i look sexier than
Being nude. My little prick is then covered and he says that i am more
Feminine. On the weekends, instead of being barefoot i use a pair of four
Inches heels shoes (my poor feet).
Three months ago my man found out that he could make a good use of my
Long nipples. He modified a tray in order that one side of the tray is
Attached to my waist and the front side is suspended with wires from my
Clamped nipples. Then he uses the tray as a table to eat. The tray is big
Enough for two dishes, a bottle of beer and once in a while for a book to
Read. And there i am standing in front of my husband with my tits burning
From the pain while he enjoys his meal.
And once in a while a he also likes to write on his “lovely table”.
Under his culture a wife must prove every day that loves her man and that
Accepts his domination. He told me that in africa, in his country, it is
Normal that a man “corrects” his wife when she makes mistakes and that
He would do the same with me. I was told that it would far better if he
Does not punishes me for my mistakes but instead he spanks me on a daily
Basis, keeping me marked all the time, spanking me with love for the sake
Of my eventual mistakes. From that day my ass is canned everyday. It hurts but not too much and if
It is my husband’s will, i am happy and he never hurts me too much. Just
Five to six stokes per day are enough to keep my ass marked
Once in a while he invites some friends for dinner. Two of them are young
Black men that also came from my husband’s country to work. On those
Occasions i am supposed to be dressed, a mini skirt much longer that the
Micro, a tee shirt and my high heels. This two know that i am not a real
Female that i am a sissy wife and they know also that my husband is very
Happy because i am a good house wife and a fantastic sex partner..
Last month on a friday evening, they were having diner with us, the three
Of them got a little bit too much to drink, and suddenly my husband
Decided that wanted to piss. He told me to kneel and open my mouth and i
Was so ashamed to perform my duties in front of the two men, i said no,
My husband got cross, he slapped my face, forced me to my knees and
Pissed in my mouth. He was so cross that he said that our gests could use my mouth also for
Pissing and if they wanted i should give them blow jobs. I tried to
Refuse my husband got even more cross with me and said that as a
Punishment the two boys could use me all the weekend as a sex toy. They
Could take me with them for two days use and abuse me. I could not refuse
Anything they ask and if i did they could beat me as hard as they wanted.
I should be brought back sunday evening, alive and with no permanent
Marks. I was crying and they were happy. Around ten in the evening they went
Back home and took me with them. We walked for half an hour, me in my
Mini skirt and barefoot, until we found the house where they lived, an
Old house far from the centre of the town. They brought me to the
Basement, ordered me to undress, attached me to a table belly down and
Told me i was going to be punished for disobeying my husband.
Well for more than ten minutes my ass was the target for them. They used
Their belts and after some time my ass was on fire and i was crying. It
Was a small table only my belly was on top of it my tits were outside
The table always clamped and with weights and the decided that the
Weights were too small, took out the 8 oz. Ones and suspended very heavy
Ones. I think they suspended more than two pounds of each of my nipples.
Oh my god the pain!! With clover clamps the pressure increases with the
Weight and my poor tits were really in pain.
Then they fucked my ass. They took the plug out, used some lubricant and
Each one used my hole. They were big but nothing that could be compared
With my husband’s cock. They were drunk and they fucked me for a long
Time before ejaculating. For me it was a real pleasure to be fucked for
More than one hour by two strong young males. If it was not the pain on
My nipples i had been aa happy slut.
Of course they inserted the big plug in my ass in order that the all the
Cum could be kept inside my body.
For the night it was decided that i should sleep on the table but on my
Back with my legs up. A rope was used to attach each of my legs to a beam
In the ceiling, my hole and my mouth with a good access. The night was
Long because i was not comfortable and because they used me as their piss
Hole several times. One of them each time that used my mouth for his
Needs took several minutes to fuck my ass with the plug and slapping my
Face just for fun. I was happy in a way my tits being spared of the
Torture as they took out the clamps and the weights for the night.
In the morning i was very tired, my ass was sore, my belly was full of
Piss and i was willing to go back to my beloved husband, my master, the
Owner of my body. I am a real submissive but i prefer being dominated by my man. He hurts
Me, he fucks me dry with his monster cock, i lick him clean, he pisses in
My mouth, my feet hurt when he takes me for long walks always barefoot,
He punishes my ass with the cane, but i know he appreciates the use of my
Body. Sometimes he uses me as a sofa, he sites on my chest or belly to watch
Television or to read a book. He is a big man, heavy, my body hurts, it
Is hard to breath and after two or three hours it is really a torment.
Even if i know that i have no choice than to service my husband in every
Way he wants in every way that pleases him. But when he stands up
Everything returns to normal, i kiss his feet or his dick being happy to
Be alive, being happy to live with the man that chose me for his sissy