Hi, This is Rivarthana. I’ll be sharing a story of a friend which made changes to her life.
Shikha was a 24-year-old bold and hot wife. She was never very conservative but was very decent to her society. She had a respectable social life and was leading a few non-profitable NGO’s to help out children. Her husband Anandu was not so bold. But was stern and a respectable man in his early 30’s.
They were enjoying their life. Both had Job’s which paid them 6 digit salary for each per month. Anandu was a Mechanical Engg. and Shikha a management employee. Both were from Kerala.
They were mutually Interested in a vacation and a bike trip to relieve their work strain. Shikha can also ride a bike. And is very good at it too. As a mechanical engineer, Anandu is a very big fan of his bikes too. They had a Himalayan to them. It was a gift from Shikha to Anandu on their first anniversary. Although Shikha was very dignified she was a kinky wife. She has sexual fantasies even a man would be shy to have. Ananthu is okay with that but not very encouraging. So they had a plan to visit Coorg to Mysore to Bangalore and then to Goa.
They made their arrangements, packed their bags as little as they could. Anandu had taken a couple of rugged jeans and 3 to 4 t-shirts and some boxers to chill at goa along with some inners. He had a riding jacket and a jean on him. While Shikha had taken a couple of shorts plus a jean and some tanks and a few sexy bra’s deciding to go pantyless. A woolen hoodie she had worn along with a cargo pant. But the interesting thing was that she had taken a couple of sheer bikini’s which were see through to an extent and rarely used in Indian beaches. She had an eye for attention at the beach. Two backpacks were all they carried.
Soon they left for Coorg from Kochin at night. Was a 10-hour journey and had to cover a distance. Anandu was riding. After a few hours of journey, they left the town and reached the calmness of villages and small forests and isolated areas. Anandu stopped at a tea stall which was still open at half past 2. Both of them had to take a loo. There were only an old man and his grandchild who was a teenager (18 or 19) there. Anandu asked for the toilet and in response, he laughed and asked how could he expect a toilet at such a tea stall. If needed it’s there at his house which is adjacent to it. But would require waking up the ladies. Anandu asked Shikha and she said it’s fine.
They ordered a tea and Anandu went to take the loo in the open. Shikha too wanted to take a break. When Anandu came she told him so and didn’t want to wake up the ladies. She said she wouldn’t mind going in the open. They both had their tea and Shikha stood up signaling him that she is going to take loo and Anandu went to the old man and casually enquired and paid the bill. But the teenager was at the back door of the tea stall and was watching Shikha going further away from the bike to the woods. He quietly followed her.
Shikha found a flat place cursed the god for making women bend down on the loo. As she was about to remove her pants she felt someone was watching her and looked back. The teenager quickly hid behind a tree. She saw him but acted as if she didn’t see anything and started to walk back. But then she was all horny of a teenager watching her and what harm could it do? He was lean and weak and she wouldn’t need Anandu’s help in tackling him if needed. Shikha was well versed in martial arts as well and was a karate brown belt. So she decided to tease him instead. She looked around again and removed her pants. The teenager was in awe shock at the sight of her pantyless white bum. She bends down and stood up again deciding to take them off. She removed the pant completely and placed it on an adjacent bark.
She bent down again taking the piss. Meanwhile, the teenager had started to fap at this and Shikha noticed this and was feeling funny and horny. She had her piss and stood up and took out a tissue from one of the pockets and spread her legs as if to wipe her privates and felt her pussy with the tissue. The teenager was nearing his climax and he couldn’t resist at the sight of her plump ass. He wanted to grab it like anything. She was about to put on her pants and finish the fun as the teenager took all his courage and slowly went forward holding his dick in one hand fapping. Shikha noticed his movements but kept silent, he came behind her and grabbed her ass as hard as he could in his other hand.
Shikha gasped but swiftly grabbed his hand and twisted it and caught him at his back taking his other hand too in her single hand. She had him controlled with one hand. She whispered to his ears, “Never to touch a woman without her permission”. And with the other hand squished his dick he was having huge pain as she asked him what punishment he wants. All this time she was bare bottom and she was holding his hand near to her vagina. He tightened him more and asked again only this time his hand was in contact with her pussy. But that was unintentional but the teenager couldn’t take more. He was moaning in pain but was touching her wet pussy and his dick was in her hand. She squished it a bit more but to her surprise, he came right then. He splashed all over making her hands covered in his spunk sperm.
She laughed at it and she said that she had just the punishment and rubbed his sperm on his face. And asked never to do this again or tell anyone of it. He agreed to it nodding in shame. Then only she came to know that his hand was on her privates. She gave his hand a couple of shakes as if threatening him but instead thrusting towards her pussy. She left him and asked him to take some tissue from her pockets. He did he gave it to her. She wiped her hands and threw it and gave him one tissue and asked him to wipe her pussy clean as she didn’t want his sperm near her pussy. For the teen, this was dream come true he quickly bent down and started to clean. She was wet and his touches made her wetter. He cleaned outside and stepped back. She then put her pants back on and casually walked towards the bike. The teen had his best ejaculation and the incident of a lifetime.
Anandu asked what took her so long, She said she’ll explain on the way. She never kept secrets from him. They hopped on and continued the ride only this time Shikha was riding.
To be continued.
Mail me at about the story and your views.