Dating My Daughter – Season 2 Part 1

Hello ISS readers, I am back with season 2  ‘Dating My Daughter’ series. I know it’s been a while, so here is a quick gist of what happened in season 1.

My daughter Amy, who has been away for more than a decade, came to visit me to get to know me. She even brought her beautiful petite friend Elena. Another friend of hers lived in my city. She works at a cafe, and her name is Jen.

I got close to her during her visit, and things progressed both emotionally and sexually between us.

Her friend Elena is a feisty little girl. She seduced me into having a sexual relationship with her too. The girl even seduced Amy into doing lesbian stuff. She also had fun teaching Jen about sexual pleasures.

My love life was nil, but my hot secretary Georgina is into me, and we had a few sexual encounters.

When we were on vacation on the Island, we met Graham and Olivia, his daughter. And yes, she seduced me into fucking her brains out.

I finally ended the season by finally taking my daughter’s virginity in the luxurious penthouse when we watched the boxing match.

So let me continue from that hotel. After taking the virginity of my daughter, we both were exhausted and fell asleep in no time.

Meanwhile, Jen was feeling bored at her home. She decided to call Elena.

Jen: (Mmm. That’s it! I’m going to call Elena and ask her why she didn’t come. I know it’s late, but I’m sure she’s still awake.)

Jen: Elena?

Elena: Oh, hi Jen.

Jen: Did I wake you up?

Elena: Oh no, no. I was in bed, but I couldn’t sleep.

Jen: So how was your day, Elena? Did you get to hang out with Amy?

Elena: No, I didn’t! I wanted to, but I caught the flu pretty bad this morning right after I took a shower. I’ve been sneezing practically all afternoon, and I’ve spent most of it in bed.

Jen: I’m sorry to hear that. I wonder if Amy had as much fun as we did during our shoot with Richard? Is she with you right now?

Elena: No. She and Aafi went out of town to go to some boxing thing that he got free tickets for. I think they’re staying at some motel out of town for the night.

Jen: I see. (Hmm. I would so love to spend a night away in a motel with Aafi.)

Elena: Jen, are you still there?

Jen: Huh? Oh, sorry, what did you say?

Elena: I said that Amy had spent more nights staying with her Dad than she has at this hotel room!

Jen: Well. Maybe it’s a good thing she’s not there tonight. Otherwise, she might have caught a cold from you.

Elena: Hmm, you could be right. I’d hate to get anyone else sick from this.

Jen: So what are you doing right now?

Elena: Just lying in bed, as I said. I’ve been on my laptop all afternoon amusing myself.

Jen: Oh really? Have you been on any site in particular?

Elena: Well, actually, I read this weird adult comic series a couple of hours ago.

Jen: Oh my! So does it have a lot of sex and stuff in it?

Elena: Yeah, it does. Oh, speaking of sex. Guess who fucked me yesterday?

Jen: I have no idea.

Elena: Aafi.

Jen: WHAT?

Elena: Hey, don’t yell! Your mom could hear you.

Jen: You’re lying Elena, I don’t believe you!

Elena: I’m not lying to you!

Jen: But. Why? How? What the fuck Elena?

Elena: Hahaha, don’t be jealous.

Jen: I’m not jealous.

Elena: Yes, you are. You’re such a bad liar, Jen! Don’t worry. I’ll talk to him about you next time we make love. We could do a threesome. I’m sure he’s going to love your small and petite body. He likes petite girls, you know?

Jen: Mmm, okay. I hate you, you know.

Elena: Hahaha, don’t be like that! It would be best if you kept practicing with your dildo, though. He has a huge dick!

Jen: Really, how big?

Elena: Bigger than your mom’s dildo! He made me cum twice.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Elena: Sorry, Jen, I have to go, there’s someone at the door. Call me tomorrow?

Jen: Sounds good. Night Elena.

Elena disconnects the call.

Elena: (Hmm. I wonder who that could be at this late hour? I bet it’s Amy trying to surprise me! I hope she’s with Aafi.)

Elena is shocked seeing the person behind the door. It’s Amy’s mother, Rachel. She storms into the hotel room.

The next morning Rachel went to our apartment and couldn’t find us. She went back to Elena’s place and forced her to tell the truth.

Back at the penthouse, Amy and I wake up. Before starting the day, I wanted to give something special to Amy. I took two rings out of my pocket.

Me: They’re a pair of promise rings. We both wear them to show our love and commitment to each other. It’s also a sign that we both take our relationship very seriously.

Amy: That’s so cool, Dad!

Me: Here. Give me your hand.

I put the ring on her ring finger.

Amy: Oh my! Dad, I don’t know what to say.

Me: Say that you like it.

Amy: What?! I love it! Hahaha! Give me your hand now!

I wanted to talk about the first time we did last night. But unfortunately, I got a call from the office asking me to come back. Our boss lady is coming back from her vacation early.

So we had to leave the penthouse in a hurry. I dropped Amy at her hotel room and headed to work. Amy knocked on the door. When she entered, she was shocked to see her mother.

Rachel managed to convince her daughter to come with her with a promise that she could come back within a week.

Rachel: Elena, I’ve packed your things as well. I can have a car pick us up downstairs in ten minutes.

Elena: Okay, I’ll see you in a minute.

Amy: But Mom, wait! I have to say goodbye to Dad and let him know that I’m leaving! He’ll be mad at me if I don’t tell him.

Rachel: Don’t worry, honey. I just talked to him a few minutes ago.

Amy: You did?

Rachel: Yes! He agreed with me on this. He wants you to go back and do things right.

Amy: Oh. If he’s okay with it. I’ll do what he says.

She tried to call me. But I was busy at work. I couldn’t pick up the call. She left a message. They reach the airport soon. Rachel called her husband, Brad.

Rachel: Yes, Brad, I’m at the airport now. We’re waiting for our flight. Yes, she wants to stay here. But I convinced her to come with me.

Rachel: I told her that there are some legal requirements we’ll have to go through. If she wants to stay with her Dad legally. No, you idiot! I’m not going to let her come back!

Rachel: As soon as we arrive home, I’ll give her what she deserves! How dare she talk to me like she did the other day! She will be grounded for life!

Rachel: Yeah, I’m not sure what he told her about us or what he did to her. But it seems that she loves him. Nah, don’t worry. He’s not going to come to our country and rescue her. He’d never do that!

Rachel: He’s a coward. He’s always been a coward. That’s why I left him all those years ago. We’ll be safe once we land. She’ll forget him in no time, you’ll see.

Back at work, after I met with my boss, I checked my phone.

A message from Amy

Amy: Hi, Daddy. I know that you talked to Mom a few minutes ago, so I’ll keep this short. I’m flying home with her and Elena shortly. My holiday visa expires after today. Elena and I had no choice but to head home. Well, You know this already because you talked to Mom earlier. I’m doing this only because you told her that it’s the best for me. So don’t worry.

Amy: Mom has promised that I can live with you and complete my last year of high school here. Isn’t that great!? She just needs me to sign some forms back home. So I’m no longer under her custody. I’ll be back in less than a week. And we can finally be together without any more problems. I promise to call you as soon as we land. I love you, Daddy, talk to you soon, Amy xxx

What?! What is this?! Rachel didn’t call me! I didn’t even know she was here. Oh my God! All right. Calm down, Aafi. What should I do? I can’t let her take my girl away. Not again.

That’s it! I’m heading to the airport now! If I hurry, I can get to them in time before they leave. But when I reached the airport, I realized that the flight left 10 minutes back and it was the only flight for today to that country.

Devastated, I didn’t know what to do. I tried to find her and call her on social media. But I couldn’t reach her – the same case with Elena. I decided to take the help of her friend Jen. She promised to call me if she finds anything about Amy and Elena.

I was at home overthinking everything when there was someone at the door.

Knock, knock, knock

Mmm. I wonder who could that be? I answered the door to find my secretary Georgina. She looks like a hot milf with huge boobs.

Georgina: Hey there, good looking!

Me: Hey Georgina. What are you doing here?

Georgina: I thought I’d drop by to see how you were. (and make sure you didn’t get lost in your fortress of solitude.)

Me: Oh, I see.

Georgina: Is it a bad time? Do you want me to come later?

Me: Oh no, please. You can stay! I was alone so.

I couldn’t resist kissing her. My hands naturally grabbed her boobs.

Georgina: Wow! Hold your horses, Aafi! There will be time for that later.

Me: Sorry!

Georgina: That’s okay. I think this might be the first time I’ve ever been to your place?

Me: Yeah, I’m sorry I haven’t invited you over sooner. Would you like a quick tour of the apartment?

Georgina: That would be great!

I showed her the kitchen. She offered to cook for me later. Then we moved to the bathroom. We still don’t have the door.

Me: So this is my bathroom.

Georgina: Oh! The door is missing.

Me: Uhh yeah, I’ve been meaning to get that fixed. Luckily it hasn’t been too much of a problem. I could do with a bigger shower, though.

It is a pretty tiny shower. However, it seemed perfect for both Amy and me to share, given how petite she is. If I ever showered with Georgina there, it would be as tight a squeeze as a restroom on an airplane!

Georgina: Are you okay, Aafi? You seemed lost in thought.

Me: Oh no, it’s nothing, Georgina.

Georgina: Were you thinking about showering with me?

Me: What?! How would you?

Georgina: Oh! Didn’t I tell you? I can read minds now, haha! I’d love to take a shower with you later.

Me: I don’t think we could fit in there together, Georgina.

Georgina: Nonsense! We’ll fit, you’ll see!

Me: Okay, if you say so. Anyway, let me show you the rest of the apartment.

Georgina: Wait! Could I use the bathroom for a minute? I need to pee!

Me: Oh, sure, Georgina! I’ll wait for you in the living room.

Mmm. Georgina is sure taking her time in there. I wonder if I should check if everything is okay? Let me peek in. Oh, she’s still-

Georgina: Mmm. Oh, hey, Aafi. Do you want to use the bathroom as well?

Me: Actually yes, I was waiting for you to-

Georgina: Then come over here.

Me: What?

Georgina: Yes, come come!

I went and stood in front of her. I could see a stream of piss flowing from her clean shaved pussy.

Me: Georgina, what are you doing?

Georgina: Come on, don’t be shy! Here, let me help you.

She unzips my pant and pulls my cock out.

Georgina: Done! Big as usual, haha!

Me: Georgina, I’ve never done this before.

Georgina: Me neither, haha! Come on, just let it out!

I let out my stream of piss while Georgina directed my dick into the toilet. Wow! Georgina is definitely full of surprises!

Georgina: Okay, let me clean myself up, and I’ll see you in a minute.

Me: All right!

She came out after a few minutes. I showed her my bedroom next.

Georgina: Mmm. Very nice. (So this is where the action may happen at some point with Aafi. I’m looking forward to it already.)

Me: Yeah, it’s not bad. I could probably do with a new mattress, though.

Sigh. My bed feels so empty without Amy there beside me at night and when I wake up in the morning.

Georgina: It’s perfect for me! I’m sure we’re going to have a lot of fun on this beautiful bed.

We went to the living room and sat on the couch.

Georgina: It’s a nice place you have here, Aafi. Tidy and organized. I must say I’m pretty surprised!

Me: Well, to be honest, Amy is responsible for the apartment looking the way it does. It won’t be the same without her here, that’s for sure.

Georgina: So no word from Amy as yet I take it?

Me: No, I’m afraid not. But a friend of hers, Jen, said she might have some information that might help me be able to track her down.

Georgina: That’s great news then, right?

Me: Well yeah. But I don’t feel that confident that she’ll come through for me. Every other attempt I’ve made to find Amy has amounted to nothing so far.

Georgina: Keep your head up, Aafi. You’ll find her. You’re a smart guy. I’m sure she’s just waiting for you to head over there and bring her home with you!

Me: I sure hope so. I just wish I could take some time to stop thinking about it. You know, to clear my head.

She cooks me some lunch, and we have it on the couch.

Me: This is really good! Where’d you learn to make that?

Georgina: Like I said before. I pretty much looked after my sisters growing up. So I had to teach myself to prepare meals for them and myself nearly every single day!

Me: Georgina, honestly, I don’t know how to thank you. These last few days have been a nightmare. So thanks for trying to make me feel better.

Georgina: (Oh, sweet dear Aafi. You melt my heart.) Don’t you worry, Aafi? You’ll figure this out. I have faith in you.

Georgina really is incredible. How many women would have stuck by me through these past couple of weeks? Just talking with her is making my day better already! We finish the food.

Me: So, what should we do now?

Georgina: I’ve got an idea! Seeing as I got you all tense just now, I’m going to give your body a good ole rub down! Just something quick and simple to hopefully set your mind at ease.

She goes behind the sofa and starts rubbing my shoulders.

Georgina: How does that feel?

Me: Yeah, that feels nice.

Georgina: Yeah, you’re really tense, baby. Try to relax and let Georgina take care of you. Have you had a massage anytime recently?

Me: Well. Amy had started giving me the odd massage. And I’d return the favor by giving her one as well.

Georgina: (That’s a little strange? Still, it could explain why the two of them were so close. Massages are pretty great if they’re done correctly!) That’s nice.

After a quick massage, she joins me back on the couch. I just noticed her dress. It’s maroon color and has a deep neck barely covering her voluptuous boobs.

Me: Say, that’s a nice dress you’re wearing. Where did you get it?

Georgina: Oh, this? I got this for a clothing store fashion launch I did a while back. All the models they used for it got to keep the clothes that they were modeling.

She kissed me with passion.

Georgina: And in case you were wondering. No, I’m not wearing a bra under here. See?

Me: Oh my God!

She pulls her dress aside to expose one of her nipples.

Me: Sorry Georgina, I… I…

Georgina: Hahaha, Aafi! I love it when you get all shy and nervous. You’ve been like that ever since we first met! Please don’t ever change. It’s one of the most loveable qualities that attracted me to you in the first place

Me: I’ll try my best, haha. Thanks for everything, Georgina. For the massage and for that fantastic meal.

Georgina: No sweat! So how do you feel now? Better?

Me: I feel a little more relaxed. But I’m still feeling pretty stressed out.

Georgina: (Hmm. The way it sounds, I have to wonder if he’s had any form of ‘release’ in the past couple of weeks? I mean, Aafi and I have only had sex once, that time in the office. So maybe he’s a little backed up down there. know how to handle this.)

Georgina: Well, maybe there’s another way that I could help you relieve some stress.

She suddenly gets down on her knees in front of me.

Me: Wow! Georgina, I don’t think…

Before I could complete it, she has already pulled my dick out.

Georgina: Just relax, baby. Let your Georgina take real good care of you.

She pulled my pants off and started to jerk me slowly, all the while looking directly into my eyes.

Georgina: Does that feel good, Aafi?

She increased her pace suddenly.

Georgina: It’s getting hot in here. I need some air.

She gets up and removes her dress. Only a black thong remains on her sexy hot body. Wow!

Georgina: There, much better. Now, where were we? Oh, that’s right.

She’s back on her knees and continued to jerk me off.

Me: Georgina, you don’t have to…

Georgina: Oh, but I want to Aafi. I know you need this.

She licked the tip of my cock.

Me: Oh christ!

She took the tip inside her mouth.

Georgina: You feel so good in my mouth Aafi!

She started blowing me with full speed take the upper half of my cock in her mouth.

Georgina: Are you going to cum for me, Aafi?

Me: Wait! Hold on a sec. Look, I appreciate you trying to help Georgina. I mean, this feels great but, I don’t think I can do this right now.

Georgina: Nonsense! You just need a little more inspiration.

Me: Georgina? What are you…?

She stopped blowing and brought her tits near my cock, and place my cock in between them.

Georgina: As I said, I’m here to help you relieve some stress.

She started to move her tit up and down and squeezed my cock in between them. Oh man, they feel so damn good, so firm.

Georgina: That’s it, Aafi. Do it! Cum all over my face!

Me: Uhhhh!

I shot my full load of cum on her face.

Georgina: (I find it such a rush when I can make Aafi explode!) Wow! You came a lot! Feel better?

Me: Wow. That felt amazing! Thanks, Georgina, seriously.

Georgina: Hey, that’s what I’m here for! Well, that and a lot of other things! Could you hand me some tissues, please?

Me: Umm. I think I don’t have any.
Georgina: Well, in that case. I’m going to take a shower. And you’re coming with me, haha!

Georgina and I jump into the shower.

Georgina: So, is your mind all clear now?

Me: Yes, definitely! Sorry I’ve been such a downer of late.

Georgina: It’s okay. I understand how you feel. And I promise that I’ll help you in any way I can.

Me: Thanks, Georgina. You just continue to amaze me. Do you know that?

Georgina: Haha, well I do like to surprise people. Wow! (And apparently, Aafi has his surprises.)

She’s looking down on my growing hard-on.

Georgina: It seems our little friend hasn’t gone to sleep yet, haha!

Me: Mwah!

I grabbed her wet nipple while kissing her.

Georgina: Mmm!

Slowly I moved my hand towards her bare pussy.

Me: He really likes you, Georgina!

Georgina: Fuck me from behind, boss!

Me: As you wish, my beautiful secretary!

I turn her around and place my cock near her pussy entrance. Okay, here we go. She’s really tight.

Georgina: Oh! (Take me to heaven!)

After slowly penetrating her fully, I start to fuck her. Grabbing her ass, I pulled her towards me and fucked her in a good rhythm.

Georgina: Oh god! Yes, keep going like that! You’re amazing, Aafi!

Damn! I love fucking her!

Georgina: Do it faster, baby!

I didn’t need any more encouragement and started pounding her wet pussy like an animal.

Georgina: Oh yeah! Just like that! (I’m so wonderfully full!) I’m cumming!

Shit! Her pussy is squeezing my dick!

Me: Georgina, I’m about to…

Georgina: You can cum inside me if you want.

I shot my cum deep inside her wet pussy. When I pull out cum starts dripping out of her cunt.

Georgina: I can feel your warm sperm coming out of my pussy!

Me: Wow! That was…

Georgina: Amazing, right?

Me: Exactly!

Georgina: Actually, you are the amazing one Aafi. Even though I’ve made you cum twice in just a few minutes. Your dick is still hard! I’ve never seen a man with such an amazing ability, haha. How do you do that? Are you taking the little blue pill, old man?

Me: Oh no! Not at all! I don’t know. My penis gets super hard when I’m with a girl I like.

Georgina: Well, thanks for the compliment! Listen. I want to stay in this shower with you forever. But I need to get back home. Family stuff! Sigh. (Be nice to take Aafi with at least. Maybe someday.) Can you promise me that you’re not going to stay at home all afternoon and be miserable?

Me: Haha, I promise I won’t. My mind seems clear now. And I’m feeling very optimistic that everything will work itself out in the end.

Georgina: That’s the Aafi I know!

Me: Thank you, Georgina. I don’t know what I’d do without you.

Georgina: Haha, just shut up and kiss me, you fool!

Me: Haha! Mwah!

Georgina: Talk to you soon, Aafi.

Me: Sure thing, Georgina. Bye!

She gets out of the shower and goes home.

Wow! Georgina really knows how to make a man happy. I can’t believe I’ve just had sex with her in the shower. Even though I’m really sad for not being with my beautiful baby girl, spending some time with my secretary helps.

Let me stop here. Do share your feedback at or Hangout. You can read style=”color: #3366ff;” href=””>my other story here.