Dear Diary,
That day, my eyes were closed slightly. Lips open, welcoming his sweet mouth to kiss me. Both my arms were encircling his muscular body. We both were lying down on the long dining table naked. Both cuddled up cozily. I was literally pinching his shoulder, unable to hold myself steady from all the sex. My breasts were already loosened from all the pinching and pressing. His right hand was cupping my left boob and his left hand was holding my head in the back, pulling me closer towards him. I was pressing my breasts against his chest, helping him to reach my lips easily. He was about to kiss me, and I was about to get a final kiss as part of my revenge on my best friend. Then I felt the sensation in my stomach. The same old feeling which kept on coming since past few days. I opened my eyes suddenly and pushed him away.
“Something wrong?”, Joseph asked me, feeling aghast from my repulsion. I didn’t reply. All of my attention was on that sinking feeling in my stomach. I kept looking into the abyss, completely unaware of the fact that Joseph was looking at me. “Sindhu!”, he shouted, holding both my shoulders and jerking me awake from my daydream. I looked at him and said, “Will you give me a minute Joe, please?”. He seemed to look still concerned but managed to nod his head to say yes. “Thank you. I won’t be long I swear”, I returned with a smile on my face, got up and dressed in a minute and headed towards the door to leave the Church basement.
I came out of the basement, ran upstairs as quick as I can. After what seemed like an eternity, I somehow managed to come out onto the open grounds outside the church. The feeling was getting worse minute by minute. And the Indian summer is not at all helping. I have been experiencing this weak sensation since last week. When I asked my sister Nihitha about this, she joked away, “Stomach must be upset. After all, you like to drink semen”. I kept on walking hurriedly, looking sideways to see if anyone was noticing me. It was really hard to keep up the pace in the dress I was wearing on that day. Yes diary, I was in my bridesmaid gown. My best friend Pravallika was getting married in few minutes on that day to my boyfriend Joseph.
Remember Joseph? My boyfriend. Well, not anymore. Remember how he fucked me last time in my house? Fucked me and my sister Nihitha? I didn’t know even then that he was seeing Pravallika, my childhood best friend. He was engaged to her later that week. That bitch! I didn’t realize that I have always hated her until I came to know about their engagement. Pravallika and I grew up in the same neighborhood since I can remember. We both sat on the same bench in school, shared the same room in college and fought over same boys. She used to win in every fight over boys. Whenever I liked a boy, she used to steal him away from me. My innocence didn’t let me hold any grudge against my friend. After all, we were friends for life. That’s why I had thought at least.
I saw an empty field far away from the church. There was a water well, and a banyan standing beside it. I threw one last glance behind, making sure no one saw me. Lifting the gown to my knees with one hand and closing my mouth with the other, I ran like a mad cat towards the well. As soon as I reached it, I couldn’t hold it any longer so I let the puke flow from my mouth onto the barren ground. I spurted it all out, feeling nauseated. My head was throbbing in pain, eyes turned red. My hands and legs were shivering in fear. I knew what this meant. This vomit. I dreaded to even acknowledge the fact. “Oh my God! I am pregnant!”, I said to myself in complete disbelief and shock.
I drank plenty of water from the well. Some Good Samaritan left a tiny bucket hanging inside the well with a tightrope. I cleaned my face, not giving a fuck about all the careful makeup I had applied to myself before for the wedding. Sometime later, I came back to my senses. Sun was very angry on that day. He was fuming with all the heat. I decided to go back inside. I rummaged through my bra to pull out my mobile to check the time. Fuck! There was barely enough left before the ceremony starts. And I was the fucking bridesmaid. Pravallika must be looking for me. I saw three notifications on the screen. One from Pravallika and two from Joseph.
I wanted to open Pravallika’s first, but I was concerned to know where Joseph was. I wanted to assure him first that I am ok. So I opened Joe’s messages. The first one read: ‘Where are you, Sindhu? Are you alright?’. I felt really sorry for him, even though I was livid on him for marrying that slut. Sighing, I opened the second message: Pravallika is not responding to my messages. What are you up to? Reply me ASAP’. “Finally”, I said to myself. The plan, after all, seemed to be working, I figured out blindly. I opened Pravallika’s notification. It read: ‘I saw you both. In the basement’. “You better do something about it then bitch”, I snickered. The plan was perfect. If she thought that I would be silent after learning about all the horse-shit relationship between them, she was wrong. And I am not the one to let go of my injustice.
Pushing the mobile back into my bra safely between my boobs, I began to walk back to the church. The ceremony’s about to begin in about 40 minutes. “Joe must have gone back to the church floor. And Pravallika is not talking to him now. I better hurry to my car and just drive home soon”, I was reassuring myself. My car was parked behind the church, so if I sneak up in stealth mode somehow to my car, I am free to escape from this circus. Feeling better about the plan I had come up with, I managed to leak a smile at last and started to jog to my car in hushed steps. But the joy didn’t stay for long. I completely forgot about my recent situation. “What the fuck was all that retching episode about? Am I really pregnant?”, I started to talk to myself as if I am a mad woman, left astray on the roads.
Last I remember, I fucked a couple of schoolmates, that’s it. I made sure they wore condoms. I was always very strict about it. The only time recently I fucked without a condom was with Joseph in my house, when I shared him with Nihitha. But Nihitha seemed to be alright. She was not experiencing any pains. And it was almost a month ago. Did he impregnate me somehow? Oh, I am going to kill him. “You better cancel off this blasphemy of a marriage Pravallika”, I said to myself again. Then it all came back. I stopped right there in my tracks. I knew who the father was in a sudden revelation. I couldn’t believe myself. I thought he was wearing a condom. “Oh no!”, I groaned. Of all the men, I expected him the least to be the father of my would-be child. It’s my DAD!
I felt nauseated. My forehead was sweating. Ears were ringing in shock. “What’s happening to me?”, I was about to utter these words when I collapsed to the ground then and there. Next thing I know, I was lying down on the bed inside the church basement. Pravallika was standing beside the bed, folding her hands. She was looking at me, not in concern, but with pure scorn. “You awake?”, she asked me. “I guess”, I replied weakly. “Good. Now, will you get up? I have few questions”, Pravalllika was literally demanding me. I got up and sat up on the bed and was about to say ‘OK’ when Pravallika’s hand flew out of nowhere and landed on my cheek. She fucking slapped me. “Ouch!”, I howled in pain. She began, “I am not even sorry Sindhu. Oh, by the way, I caught you fucking the brains out of my would-be. Yeah, I saw everything through that damn door. How could you do that to me? Your best friend!”
She burst into tears. ‘You deserve those tears bitch’, I said to myself calmly but acted as if I am innocent in this whole matter. “I’m sorry Pravallika. I really am. Please stop crying and let me explain”, I tried to calm her down. I made her sit down beside me and started to rub her shoulder to pacify her and surprisingly it seemed to be working. In breaking voices, Pravallika said, “I…I couldn’t believe what I…you and Joe…Oh my God”. I didn’t know what to say. ‘Keep crying, you filthy cunt’, I wanted to say to her but instead kept those words to myself. I said slowly, “I always loved Joe, Pravallika. You should know that better than anyone. When I came to know about you both, the first thought that came to my mind was how lucky you are. Really! I felt happy for you dear, even though I loved him. That much I love you”.
She tried to push me away but I held her tight. She retorted, “Oh really? Well, even I thought that you cared for me, Sindhu. But I couldn’t believe you did that to me. Why did you sleep with him right here inches away from my wedding day? I demand an explanation right now and it better be honest”. All the while this bitch kept on blurting out this nonsense, I came up with another plan. Oh, I didn’t tell you the first plan I laid to destroy this marriage right? Let me pause this current storyline for now. I will continue, don’t you worry. Sorry diary. My mind is still caught up in a whirlwind of emotions and I’m all jumpy. Anyhow, let me explain from the beginning.
It was during the beginning of the summer. I came back from a late night party. My mom was out of town, apparently to meet some guy she met on Tinder. Both my sisters and dad were in the living room watching TV when I came home. I noticed my dad sleeping absently on the couch, while Nihitha and Reshma were watching some good old porn. Reshma said, “Sindhu, when are you going to come out of this incest-fear taboo?” I didn’t expect such a sudden and straight question. “Shut up. I am drunk and I need to sleep, good night”, I fired back and walked straight to my room. The thing that I always dreaded had happened that night finally. I had kept myself away from getting fucked by my dad for years. Not anymore.
I woke up to my dad, sleeping beside me on my bed. I jumped out of the bed and couldn’t believe the position I was in. I slowly inched towards the mirror and looked into it, with my heart racing fast. My bottom lip was bleeding, and I had no clothes on me. I touched my pussy and it was all wet from my dad’s semen. I couldn’t recall what the hell happened at all. I was so drunk last night. I blamed myself for this. Immediately, I showered and got dressed up. My dad was missing on my bed when I came out of the bathroom. He went out to work, Reshma said. She wore a sarcastic smile on her face, my sister Reshma. I raised my eyebrow, inquiring what is wrong with her. “Welcome to the club sister”, Reshma was smiling and was giving me a high-five, which I slapped it away with my hand. Nihitha came and said, “Knock it off you both. Sindhu, take a look at this.” She passed me a wedding invitation card. It said: Pravallika weds Joseph.
A volcano erupted inside me. Not for Joseph. I can take it if he married someone else other than me. But, he was marrying my best friend. That hurt me deeply. I wanted to do something. “You need to do something about it sister”, Nihitha eyed me in full determination. Reshma added, “We can devise a plan to stop that wedding. Don’t let Pravallika steal your future Sindhu”. Here comes the plan thus. My sisters and I, after hours of brain-storming, came up with a wonderful plan to cancel the wedding. The plan was to setup Pravallika to walk on me, while I will be fucking Joseph. Looking at us, she would freak out and cancel off her own wedding in despair. It all made sense to the three of us. “Serves that loser Joseph right”, said Reshma. Nihitha snickered, “You’re just angry because you didn’t get to fuck him with us the last time.” The plan was set perfectly.
On the wedding day, I paced nervously in the church basement. I looked into the mirror, adjusting the bridesmaid gown and it is then that I noticed it clearly for the first time. My tummy looked odd. It was a bit bulged outwards. “Am I putting on some weight?”, I interrogated myself. But, deep down I knew some idiot dropped his seed inside me. Was it Joe? Or worse, my schoolmate Rajesh? Oh my God! I shook off the feeling then and there. Previously, before leaving the makeup room of Pravallika where she was getting all glammed up, I asked her to not to come to the basement.
“Basement? Why?”, she asked innocently. I bit my tongue coyly and said, “I’m worried about my life Pravallika. Lately, my days are not good. My parents are thinking of marrying me off to some jerk without my consent, while my ex is getting married. To You. I’m all fucked up. My life is fucked up. I don’t know, I need the basement to myself for a while maybe. To vent down my sorrows”. Well, I acted as best as I can and looked like she took the bite. Because, she said, “Oh honey. I am sorry. You’ll be fine don’t worry. And I am sorry for Joseph. I didn’t know you both were serious. I told you that already. But please, don’t do that basement venture”.
‘Hah! Caught you bitch’, I said to myself. I even managed to cry a few teardrops, but to be honest, they were because of the insane smoke from her hair straightener. I laid my eggs inside her mind now. If she couldn’t find me anywhere, she knows where to find me now. Part-1 of the plan accomplished. ‘Now, to Joseph’, and I went to him in the main chamber of the church. He was fucking nervous. I slowly crept on to him from behind and hugged him tight after clearly noticing no one was around. He turned around, shocked, and shouted, “What the hell!… Sindhu?”
He was so shocked to see me hugging him on his wedding day. “Sindhu. Careful now”, he warned me, looking vigilant. I touched his cock over his pants and began to tease, “You can have your filthy wife anytime you want. But, I am limited edition now. And your offer is going to expire soon in about…60 minutes more for your wedding, right? I’ll be in the basement. Come quick or you’ll regret it for the rest of your life because I’m going abroad and you’ll never get to see me, kiss me, fuck me ever”. I blurted out these lines into his ear, and then turned around and walked towards the basement door.
And here I was in the basement, waiting for 15 odd minutes and there was no sign of Joseph. “Fuck”, I cussed and was about to leave when I heard the creaking footstep sounds coming down from the church main chamber upstairs. The door opened and there I saw Joseph standing. We both were standing like that for at least few minutes before he ran towards me and jumped to kiss me hard. “Sorry baby. Sorry for leaving you behind. I love you. Sorry for marrying Pravallika”, he began to utter those disgusting words to me while kissing me and tearing open my dress.
‘What a lier’, I said to myself but still obliged his every moment. I undressed him as quickly as I could. We both were naked. He pushed me onto the long table lying in the center of the room. I fell onto the table on my back. He jumped onto me like a hungry dog and started to lick my boobs, which dangled out open after his ravenous act of ripping off my gown bonnet. “Mmm”, I moaned. It felt good, his lips on my nipples. It felt naughty, the thought I made a groom fuck his would-be’s best friend, the bridesmaid, on his wedding day. I enjoyed every second of those moments, him sucking on my boobs. They were already red from his teeth bites. Suddenly, I could hear my phone ringing, and I knew it was Pravallika calling me. Soon she would be worried about me and then she would come downstairs to find Joe fucking her best friend on her wedding day. I smiled. Then out of nowhere, I felt his sweet cock on my lips.
“Suck it, Sindhu. Make it wet”, he asked. “Oh, you are going to have a hell of a time today Joe”, I replied him and took his dick into my mouth till his tip touched the deep inside my throat back. I took it completely inside and slowly took it out. And then I started to give slow to and fro motions. I teased him by licking his tip for a while. I kept my other eye on the door to see if Pravallika was here yet or not. Feeling disappointed that she was not present yet, I began to suck on his dick as hard as I can. I sucked like a pig. “Ah! Oh Sindhu. My baby. Yes! Suck on it”, Joe kept on moaning. I sucked him so good, he actually came into my mouth then and there.
“Oh shit”, he said and got himself up. I wanted to keep him occupied at least until Pravallika comes down. I wanted to him to have another go with me, so that he might for a bit more down here in the basement, fucking me. So I behaved my sluttiest best. I drank all of his semen happily. I licked every drop of semen, reaching every drop of it with my finger on my face. Licking all of it, with fingers in my mouth, looking at him all naughty. After all, his semen tastes yummy. I wanted my plan to succeed. He seemed to think for a while before he started to dress up. “Already? Really Joe? You’re weakened”, I taunted and teased him. To that, his ego rattled. “Hell no. Not yet. Ride me now”, he ordered. ‘Yes!’, I was elated. I made him sleep on the table. His head was on the door side. I made sure he slept in that way. Then, I climbed on top of him. I slowly, made my vagina engulf his big cock. “Ah”, I moaned. Not an inch of his dick was visible. It was fully inside my cunt.
His dick was still hard and strong like always. I felt an instant warmth rush into my nerves. My pussy was filled and tight with his cock, I didn’t want to waste any minute. Then I remembered, how we both used to have sex everytime we met. All the good times we shared on bed came back to me in rush. We used to be the sexiest couple and everyone, including my family, used to be jealous looking at our intimacy. Heck, I didn’t even care for Pravallika to walk on us anymore. I just wanted to fuck him. And I did. I fucked him like never before. I jumped on his dick in cowgirl position. He was fumbling with my boobs, while I held my hair from falling onto my face. I kept on riding him and I almost forgot about my plan. Then I noticed someone standing in the doorway.
Pravallika was there. ‘Yes’, I gave a high-five to myself. I made sure that Joe didn’t know that she was there, and I also made sure that Pravallika didn’t notice that I knew she was there. I kept on fucking him. I threw a quick glance at the door and I caught Pravallika leaking tears. She was crying. “How does that feel?”, I said to Pravallika. But both Pravallika and Joseph thought I said it to Joseph. Joe replied, “Like always baby. The best”. And kept on fucking him. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck”. I kept on fucking him, feeling happy that she was watching everything that was unleashing before her eyes. She was watching, struck in horror. And that made hornier, and I jumped on his cock even more enthusiastically. “Oh my God I am coming”, I cried out loud and then I reached my orgasm.
I looked up and Pravallika was gone. ‘Part-2 accomplished too’, I congratulated myself. We both lied down side by side like old times. I kept smiling. Joseph had no idea why the fuck I was smiling. He kept on asking, “What? Why are you smiling?” I lied, “It’s just the feeling. Fucking you just minutes before your wedding”. He laughed and I acted to laugh and was all perfect. Pravallika would right away cancel off this stupid wedding. She would be all sad and alone and I would win. Joseph would be damned by everyone. Those feelings made me cheer up like never before. Until I felt the similar pang inside my stomach. And the rest of the story, I have already typed in. Haven’t I? Yes, I did.
So, we are back in the present now. Pravallika and I, in the basement. She crying and demanding me an explanation. All this while, I wondered where the hell Joseph was. She jerked me hard. I came back to my senses. Pravallika was still crying. She was still asking me, “Tell me, Sindhu. Why did you fuck him on our wedding day?” I lied to her again. I lied to her that I loved him. I lied to her that I was sorry for her. But I was not at all sorry. I was happy. My pussy was happy. “Like I told you already, I just love him Pravallika. Nothing else. And he loves me too. I know it. I just know”, I kept on putting doubts in her mind. “We were the most envied couple in the college, remember? Even you knew it for a fact. You want me to be honest? That’s what you want right? Then hear this. I hate you. I want this wedding to be canceled off. Joseph is mine. Even if you marry him tonight, I will fuck him every chance I get to. I will sneak up into your home every night and fuck him just like I did now.” She wept like a mad woman. I don’t know how did I gather all that courage and let out everything. All of a sudden, she ran upstairs. She ran upstairs and canceled off her wedding.
And guess what?! She convinced her parents and Joe’s parents to marry me. I was standing, all innocent, head facing down to my legs. Joseph was getting grilled, literally. I was sure his dad even hit him on his cheeks. Both of them. He looked so embarrassed. I was the poor girl who was caught up in a love-triangle and got cheated. I tried to stop from laughing. Well, one more thing cleared up as well. And it was a hell of a major one too. Remember when Joseph fucked me and my sister Nihitha? I was just out of my periods when he fucked us. You know what that means diary? Joseph was not the reason for my pregnancy. My dad it is! Officially!
How happy was I when I found out that my dad is going to be the father of my child?! Of course, at first, I was all skeptical and angry and all. But, I realized soon that I love my dad more than any man. If given a chance, if all these public taboos such as incest are acceptable, I would gladly accept my father to be my child’s father. Why should I not choose my father to be my baby’s father? For public? Because they would point out at us? At our imbecility? Well, fuck the public. I will do what I want to do. Nihitha and Reshma were elated after knowing about my pregnancy. I know the public would point out at us if they ever come to know that my dad impregnated me. My child would be harassed too if his/her friends know about his/her fatherhood. So I made sure that my child has a legal father, didn’t I? Joseph, it is, if you are still wondering. I will just say to Joseph that I was pregnant because of him. He would gladly accept it. Anyhow, we both are about to get married next month. I know I might come up as selfish. But hey, that’s me.
Our wedding is about to happen in June. And I am so happy. My baby will be fine. My dad was so fucking happy after I let him know my secret. He hugged me closely and kissed me on my forehead before he said, “My baby. I love you. You are mine. Only mine”. I smiled and said, “I am exclusively for you, dad. I love you too”. And we had sex, right after that small chat, this time while I was sober. And it was the best sex I ever had, I swear. My dad made me have my orgasm for 5 times. Do you believe it? 5 fucking times in one go. I am officially into the incest now. And I regret that I delayed it this late. At least I made it. Mom still cries sometimes in happiness. She always felt sorry for me on what I was missing. “Now we all can have fivesome, gangbang, group sex, literally everything. We can have a complete family sex finally!”, she was pestering us all on the day when she found out that her husband is about to her grandchild’s father. She even smiles to herself, wondering about all the confusing relationships our family is about to be in coming future. She gets to hold her first grandchild in coming months. Hmm! I know it’s all messed up, our family’s relations. My child will be the child of my dad, but grandchild of my mom. Crazy, huh?
But I don’t care. All I care about is, I have my family with me now. And always. By the by, welcome to the family Joe. My dear would-be husband. Would-be incest. Would-be … well, the list goes on. Bye diary.
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