Doctor Riks

Hi this is Arnav , im writing my first story .This happened to me about 7 six years back.

It was when I had given my 8th std final exams .On first day itself I met with the accident and there was a minute fracture in my knees .Becoz of this I cannot play anymore with my friends and I was getting bored at my home.

One day my mom came and told me that your cousin raj (who was then 28 and was just married )is coming to take me to our native place.She told me that uncle and aunt are goin out for pilgrim to jammu and raj would be going to UK for his further studies & cannot leave his wife to our place as shes a DOCTOR and has to manage her patients.I accepted the proposal as I was anyhow getting bored at home.

AS told ..Raj came and we headed towards our village. There I met my Bhabhi Richa .

Richa was very beautiful . I met her for the first time as I was not present in ther wedding becoz of my final exams. Raj Introduced me to his wife . I said “ Hi , Richa Bhabhi to which she replied that ur brother cals me riks and so you to call me riks.

I found it funny but I liked the name Riks . Initially I was very conserved with my bhabhi. After three days raj also went to US for his studies. So I was Responsible to take care of her for next 15 days until my uncle and aunt returns.She used to leave the house at 10 in the morning and used to cum at 1 for lunch and then again would leave around 4 and return by 8 in evening.After she would we used to watch Telivision and have dinner .

On alternate days she used to Examine my fracture also.

Now letme tell ull .. I was only 13 yrs old at that time and had only little idea about male/female relationships.I never even had a night fall . And the reason was I was never in a company of any female as young as her. Initially as I said I was reserved with riks but as days past I became a bit friendly with her . She used examine my Plaster It was on 7th (SAturday) day of my stay when Riks ,before leaving her office said that it seems that plaster needs to be removed . So be ready in the evening ill take you to the orthopaedic wher we will get ur plaster removed.However tat day she got late from her clinic and when she reached home it was already 10 in the night.

Riks and said im sorry , I had many patients today tats y I got late . I said its ok Bhabhi on which she said I have told you call me riks . I think you are still not friendly with me .

I said “Nahi bhahi – ops srry Riks ” . She simled and patted my back and went to her room.she changed to her nighty and we had dinner . She was trying to relax as next day was Sunday .We both were watching a cartoon movie in between Riks got up and said tat cum lemme see if I could remove the plaster on ur leg.For which I hesitated and said its ok we will visit the doc tomoro .She replied that “ Kal orthopaedic band hoga and Monday again there could more patient for which I might get late again” . I told her fine she took me to the drawing room . She went to her room and came back with the scissors and a knife like instrument . I wasa bit nervous by looking at those instruments she said its fine and it wont hurt me.

She asked me to lay down on the bed she sat near my foot and raise my pant uptil my thighs but I wasn’t goin up further and the plaster was still deep in .After trying a lot she directly said “arnie remove ur pants “ I got a bit shaken and first time I felt presence of a young female next to me. I said “No how can I “. She laughed and said “ Are Underwaer pehni hai na andar “ . I remained silent a bit and then said “ No nahi pehni isiliye bol raha hu” .

She laughed loudly and then said how can u manage without underwear . I didn’t understand wat she said and I asked her why . She became quite and said no nothing I understood why ur still 13 .I was still confused . She then said ok Im leaving this room this, take this Bedsheet and wrap it around urself and call me when u are done.

I did so and gave her a call.She came in and again laughed looking at me . She controlled her laughter and then started with her work . She first cut the plaster on my thigh and from there started tearing it with her scissors uptil my ankle. And finally she removed the plaster . “There you are free from the burden arnie” . I said thanks a lot Riks .

To which she said no probs big boy. And went to her room. Later she came and wished me gud night and sweet dreamz went to her room . I went to sleep but first time I dint know I was feeling uncomfortable was becoz of the touch of riks fingers on my thighs.However after few mins I felt asleep.

Next day it was Sunday . I got up early around 8 and was surprised to find riks still sleeping .I went to her room the moment I entered I felt a peculiar smell of femines . I had never ever felt like that before however I didn’t bothered much and went to wake her up. I called her Riks plz get up .. its morning but she still sleeping after trying a lot she jst said “arnie soone de ang dukh raha hai , waise bhi aaj clinic nahi jana he “(Arnie lemme sleep ,my body is paining , anyhw today i don’t need to go to clinic “) .

I said “fine soti raho “ I got up and looked at her , she was looking very beautiful I glance her coupled of mins and then left . Still I didn’t had any feeling for her .

(Rest to be continued later)

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