
Hello all ISS readers! I am back again with a hot sizzling story. As you knows me I’m Abhishek Singh 18 male living in Delhi near mother dairy of Pandav Nagar. I will hope that u will enjoy the story. Mail me any comments, queries or anything on or [email protected]. It was her twentieth anniversary day. Shobha was waiting for her husband Malhotra, a businessman who was never in time. Today her eyes were anxiously waiting for him as he had promised to take her out. Since a few years Malhotra was so busy in his business that he had practically neglected his wife. His main aim was to make money and he was so successful in it, that he multiplied his financial resources day by day and this kept him away from his wife and their only son Rahul. Rahul, who had just completed 18 years, was a brilliant student. He was the reason for Shobha to be content with life as her husband had been neglecting her since a few years. The only thing Shobha had at her disposal was money and she had it in plenty as her husband never questioned how she utilized it. Stepping into 38th year Shobha still possessed a figure that made every male turn his eyes. She was not conscious of her figure as she had resigned from enjoying sex with her husband since a long time and it never occurred to her that she made other males in the locality dream of having her. She was always occupied in her own thoughts of seeing her son Rahul come out with flying colors in his examinations.

This particular day as she resigned from waiting for her husband, she walked the few steps to her son’s bedroom to enquire about his studies. Rahul on seeing his mother dressed up asked ‘are you going out Mom?’

The sudden questioning of her son brought tears to her eyes and shaking her head she said ‘no, I am not.’

Rahul was upset at looking at his mother’s wet eyes and to bring some cheers to her face said ‘mom, I again topped in my History.’

This news brought much relief to Shobha and she coming forward embraced her son. Rahul had a fascination for his mother’s dark long hair. He always liked to feel the silky strands of her hair whenever he got the opportunity. Today as his mother had left her hair open, Rahul was happy to feel the silky long hair brushing his face when his mother bowed down to embrace him. As Rahul was fondling her hair, his mother straightened up and this left him holding her curls in his hands. His mother was surprised to see him holding her hair and when she smiled at him and asked the reason for it, he replied ‘Mom, you have long silky hair and they are so soft to touch.’ Shobha brushed his hair in response and without saying a word went to her room. There in the recluse of her room she started weeping. She felt ignored by her husband and this hurt her feelings. She had done everything to see him come up in life and now that he had reached the pinnacle, he had ignored her completely and she felt sad that she had lost him.

Thinking it was her fate; she changed her clothes and went to bed with a novel. She was so absorbed in reading; it was nearing 12 p.m. When she saw the lights on in her son’s room. Putting on a robe over her nightie she went to his room. On entering the room she was pleased to see her son engrossed in his studies. Seeing him burning oil till midnight saddened her also. She went closer to him and putting her hands across his shoulders she hugged him. Rahul was shocked by the sudden appearance of his mother and as he turned to look at her, his face came in contact with her soft hair and this made him to inhale its fragrance. Inhaling the rich aroma from her hair made him dizzy and as he was still deeply engrossed in it, he found his mother brush her hair on his face intentionally. As Rahul was captivated by the aroma of his mother’s hair, he felt his mother brush her hair over his face. This prompted him to take hold of a lock of hair and gently fondled it. Shobha was thrilled by his act and seeing him enjoying playing with her loose hair, she let him fondle it for few more seconds before pushing back her hair. Then straightening up she said ‘it’s late, you better go to bed.’

Rahul smiled and getting up he put off the lights and went to bed. It was very late when Malhotra, Shobha’s husband came. Without speaking a word to her, he slumped on the bed and in no time was fast asleep. Shobha did not sleep the whole night. She was kept awake listening to her husband’s snoring. Once she was tempted to put a hand over his body and arouse him but as she lifted her hand, she saw him turn the other way. This made her withdraw her hand. After a sleepless night Shobha got up early to take care of the breakfast. As she finished the cooking and set the table, she saw her husband come down and gobble the breakfast in a hurry. By the time she could give him a cup of coffee; he said ‘I have to hurry’ and left her holding the cup of coffee in her hand. As Shobha stood holding the coffee in her hand, she was pleasantly surprised to see her son grab the cup of coffee saying ‘thanks.’ Seeing his eager smiling face, Shobha forgot her husband and was happy to serve her demanding son. Rahul was well built at the age of 18. He had broad shoulders, well muscled chest, and strong arms with an appetite of a bull. He just consumed what ever was laid on the table and after having a hand wash, he wiped his hands on her mother’s sari which had become a custom of his.

Then as he was about to leave for college he surprised his mother by bending over her head and inhaling the rich aroma of her hair said ‘bye Mom.’ Before Shobha could react she saw him move out of the door in a flash. Shobha after seeing his back was quite happy, thinking of her son who was so fond of her. This made her forget about her husband’s peculiar behavior. The days continued to slip away in the same fashion till the dates for Rahul’s exams were announced. One day Rahul came home very much excited. Handing his mother the print out of his exam time table said ‘Mom, the exam dates have been announced and they are starting from coming Monday.’ Shobha was saddened to hear this as she felt that her son now had to go many a sleepless nights studying for his exams. She made up her mind to give him company and help him out in his studies. That night around 10.30 Shobha entered her son’s room to see him scratching his head over some mathematical problem. Seeing him whacking his brains out over it, she slid closer to him and putting her cheeks over his she embraced him. Rahul was pleased by this and instinctively he lifted his hand and caught hold of some strands of hair and brought them over his face. This silky touch cooled him a bit and forgetting the problem he started to caress his face with his mother’s hair. Shobha let her son fondle her hair and seeing him relax a bit let him have his way.

Rahul continued fondling her hair and as he turned his face, his lips smacked his mother’s rosy cheeks. This act suddenly embarrassed him and feeling shy he bowed his head down in shame. Shobha quick to re-act and pulling her son up and saying ‘it’s okay,’ she pecked a kiss on his cheek in a motherly fashion. This act encouraged Rahul and reciprocating her kiss he went back to face his problem. On having his mother by his side helped Rahul in solving the problems and when he finished the work, he looked up at his mother and said ‘thanks Mom, your presence was a great help to me.’ Shobha smiled on hearing those words and hugging him again she kissed him goodnight. The next day the same circumstances prevailed and as evening approached, Shobha was surprised to see her husband come home early from his office and go up to his room. As Shobha followed him, she saw him packing up a suitcase and when she asked him, he said ‘he has to leave for fifteen days on a business trip.’ As this was customary, Shobha did not question him. As Malhotra departed, Shobha felt lonely in the big house and as her mind was wandering, she heard her son come home. This brought much relief to her and after taking care of her son’s appetite; she excused herself and went out shopping.

By the time she came back it was quite late and as she went in to his son’s room she saw him busy with his studies. When Rahul looked up at her she opened one of the bags and handed over an expensive shirt to him. Rahul was pleased and taking the gift from her, he kissed his mother’s cheek. Rahul had kissed his mother on impulse and as he had kissed her, his saliva laden lips had left behind an impression on her cheek. Shobha was astonished by this act and when she went to her room she saw herself blushing on having received a wet kiss. Shobha knew the kiss was not intentional but she was kissed on the spur of the moment. But still this kiss lingered on her mind. Shobha after recomposing herself went to his son’s room again and staying close by to him, she saw him through the rest of his studies. When he finished it Shobha deliberately kissed him with her wet lips ‘goodnight.’ Later in her room she felt spicy for having kissed him like that and this brought some comfort to her. The next day as Rahul finished his breakfast and wiped his hands on his mother’s sari, his fingers accidentally brushed her warm thighs. This act made a new sensation creep through his body. He stood still for a few moments devouring it and before his mother could look up at him, he felt the house. This sensation remained through out the day and when he came back home he tried to stay away from his mother fearing that she would reprimand him. His mother did not utter a word in that respect and this brought Rahul much relief. That night Rahul was pleased to see his mother come to his room with her hair loose. On seeing her come in with her hair flying all over her face, he welcomed her with a big smile.

Seeing Rahul’s grinning face, Shobha came forward and planting a kiss on his cheek, she sat next to him on the chair. Her closeness again sent creepers up Rahul’s body and defying it he went back to his studies. As Shobha felt tired sitting next to him, she started to get drowsy and many a times leaned on him. This intimacy relaxed Rahul and loving every bit of her closeness; he held her loose strands of hair and started to caress his face with them and inhaled their aroma. From the corner of the eye, Shobha watched her son caress her hair and inhale its fragrance. She let him play with her hair as she too liked his fondling. As Rahul kept on inhaling the fragrance of her hair, his face drifted to her cheeks and he kissed her rosy cheeks. This jarred Shobha and without lifting an eyelid she let him kiss her and when he removed his lips from her cheeks she smiled at him, which boosted Rahul. Smiling back at his mother he continued with his studies. When Rahul stirred to get up, Shobha held his face in her hands and bending over it, she brushed her hair on his face and said ‘sleep well.’ That night Rahul had a sound sleep and the next morning he was up early bouncing with joy. That morning Shobha saw a young and energetic Rahul helping her out in her daily household tasks. Rahul was immensely pleased to be near his mother and when he finished his breakfast, he deliberately brushed his fingers again on his mother’s thighs while wiping his hands on her sari. Shobha felt his fingers on her thighs this time. Though she took it to be an accident, the brushing of his fingers on her thighs invigorated her. She stood without flinching and when Rahul turned to leave she called out ‘Rahul.’

At first Rahul was scared on being called and when he turned to face her and saw her smiling face he was overjoyed, and when his mother asked him to come soon in the evening as she had to go to the mall he was really thrilled. By the time Rahul came home in the evening Shobha was fully decked up and ready to leave for the mall. Rahul hurriedly changed and escorting his mother, went to the mall in a cab. After window shopping for some time, Shobha purchased few saris and coming down they stood in queue to enter fast food outlet. As the outlet was crowded, people started scrambling to gain access and in this melee a young man who was standing close to Shobha started eyeing her body. This was noticed by Rahul who kept some distance from the two of them. Gradually the unknown person inched towards Shobha and in the melee he brushed his hand on her buttocks. At first Rahul on watching this was filled with rage and when his eyes were focused on his mother’s rich back, his eyes were glued to the pulsating buttocks of his mother and on seeing the man brush his hand again on his mother’s buttocks, it aroused him. He stood watching the action and when his mother reached the counter the unknown person after a final brush of his hand over her buttocks, moved to the other side. The sight aroused Rahul. He started sweating on having watched an unknown person feel his mother’s buttocks. He wished he could have witnessed it for a longer time but as the person moved away, Rahul stepped closer to his mother and his eyes were riveted on his mother’s back. His slippery fingers were itching to feel the pulsating flesh of his mother’s back and as he tired to put a hand down, his mother turned and this made his hand to come in contact with her thighs.

Shobha for the second time felt her sons hand on her thighs. Under both circumstances she felt it was accidental but later on as the evening progressed and she watched her son eyeing her body her thoughts were dramatically changed. She loved the way her son was eyeing her body. She started to get stimulated. A warm wave started to fill her body and in the midst of the crowd of the mall she was thrilled. Soon she realized it was getting late as her son had to study for the exams she hurried back home with him. Rahul was taken back when she suddenly asked him to leave but sitting close to her in the cab made him forget it. When both of them reached home, Rahul straight away went in to his room for studies and Shobha after a break of an hour strode into his room and this time her hair was fully loose. Rahul watched her entering his room from the reflection of the mirror. Though he saw her hair was loose, his eyes were roaming over her lush body. Shobha though in her late thirties had a well endowed body. She had a voluptuous figure and her fair complexion was striking to the eye. Rahul’s eyes were focused on her lush body and as he saw his mother approaching he turned to face her. Shobha coming over sat next to him, her thighs touching his. Rahul was delighted to have her sit next to him and after some time to attract her attention, he started to scratch his head. This made Shobha lean forward to enquire about his problem. Rahul on seeing her falling prey to his plan said ‘Mom this problem is too much.’ Shobha could do nothing as she did not understand the ABC of mathematics. She moved closer to him and putting her hand over his head and pulling his face to her cheeks she hugged him. This was what Rahul was hoping for. As his mother pulled him up, he nuzzled his cheeks deeper to hers and putting a hand across her shoulders he started playing with her loose hair. Shobha was thrilled to see her son nuzzling closer and playing with her hair. She then turned her face and brushing her lips on his cheeks said ‘try again, you will succeed.’

‘If you hold me like this, I will try,’ he replied.

Hearing those words Shobha put her hand over his shoulders and drawing him closer and hugging him said ‘Yes. I am here, try again.’ Rahul on being hugged by his mother was exalted. He went back to his math and in trying out the sum, many a times he either dug his elbow or brushed his hand over his mother’s thighs. Shobha felt the pressure of his elbow over her thighs but as she saw him engrossed in the sum, she let it pass.

Rahul could not continue feeling his mother’s thighs for a long time without raising suspicion. After a lapse of five minutes he let out a gasp and saying he had worked out the problem he turned his face to his mother’s and kissed her cheeks, thanking her. Shobha was pleased to see her son get through the difficult sum and in a way of reciprocating his actions; she held his head firmly and planted a deep kiss on his cheeks.

‘Thanks Mom,’ yelled Rahul on being kissed hard on his cheeks and holding the kissed part of his cheek he looked up at her.

Shobha seeing Rahul looking up at her said ‘Happy.’

‘Yes Mom, please stay by my side till my exams are over,’ he said.

‘Why?’ questioned Shobha a little mischievously?

‘Because you are a source of inspiration,’ he said patting her cheeks. Shobha was exalted to have felt him patting her cheeks and if she had not stopped from saying out loud she would have said ‘inspiration for what?’ She did not say so and as Rahul had completed his work, he got up. Shobha kissed him a motherly goodnight before leaving him. After her departure Rahul lay awake for sometime visualizing the events of the day and when sleep took over him he dreamt of his mother. It was no different with his mother. Today after a lapse of some years she felt light at heart. Her body was singing new tunes and this made her sleep at ease.

Next morning there was a change in the appearance of his mother. The sari was replaced by a negligee. Shobha had seen that her body was well covered as she had put on a veil over it. Rahul was pleased to see the change, as whenever his mother came under the sunlight the impression of her voluptuous body was clearly visible. Shobha had not realized this. She had dressed up in negligee as it freed her movements and was light on her. Rahul’s eyes had a field day ogling over his mother’s features. At one stage Shobha was curious as Rahul did not speak to her and as she suddenly turned to face him, she saw his eyes were glued over her back. She could feel his stare and this made her heart beat a leap and felt the warmness creeping over her body. She stepped into the kitchen to avoid her son learning about her and when she came back she was recomposed.

Rahul after finishing his breakfast and washing his hands took hold of the material of his mother’s veil and as he wiped his hands with it, the veil slid down from his mother’s body exposing her rich breasts ensconced in the thin material of the negligee to his gaze. Rahul was embarrassed as his actions disrobed his mother and uttering ‘sorry’ he ran out. Shobha smiled at his discomfort and shaking her head and steadying her dress she went back to her chores. By the time Rahul returned home from college, his mother had changed over to her usual sari but the sari she had draped on her body had a tantalizing effect on him. It was peach colored one which went very well on her figure. For a few seconds Rahul stood looking at her and his stare again made his mother get excited. Rahul on reaching his room for wash took his own time to come out. He had locked himself in the bathroom, wondering at his mother’s mode of dressing. He was in two minds. He did not know whether she was tempting him or was acting just casual. As he made up his mind to try to be a little bold and find out for himself, he came down. After having his supper as he was working out over the math problems, his mother entered. This time her hair was in plaits and this mis-fired all his calculations. He felt sad and dejected. He diverted his attention to his studies and when he felt his mother sit next to him and hug him, he has elated.

Carrying out his math’s assignments as he tried to nudge his elbow over his mother’s thighs it slipped and got lodged between the v of her thighs. He immediately jerked his elbow away as he felt her hot thighs and said ‘oh! Sorry.’ Shobha hugged him closer saying its okay. This prompted Rahul to face her and on seeing a smiling face, he put his hand on her head and said ‘why is your hair plaited?’

‘Do you want to it to be loose,’ she asked softly? ‘I like your hair to be untied and loose,’ he replied.

‘Do you like to untie them,’ she questioned? Rahul bowed his head in the way of answering her. As soon as Shobha saw her son bow his head, she slid across and pushing her back she wedged her body on to his chest and lifting her head up said ‘please’. Rahul was wonderstruck by this act. Feeing his mother rest her back to his chest and seeing her plaited hair in front his face he felt aroused. He lifted his hands and holding her plaits he slowly untied them and when her hair was set loose, he nuzzled his face into it and inhaled deeply. ‘Do you like its fragrance so much,’ asked his mother. ‘I love it,’ he said pushing his head deeper into her thick curls. Feeling his face dig deeper into her curls, his mother plastered her back on to his chest and let out a soft moan.

Rahul was excited on seeing his mother squirm and moan softly. Instinctively he put his hands over her shoulders and having a grip on them, he nuzzled his face in her hair and making way he kissed the nape of her neck. Shobha’s body trembled on feeling him kiss on the nape of her neck and in response she lifted her hands and held his head hard. This emboldened Rahul and taking cue from his mother he slid his hands under her arms and tried to caress her arm pits which were fully covered by her blouse. This move tickled Shobha and feeling her son trying to caress the hair under her armpits she straightened herself and gently removing his hands from under her armpits said ‘later.’ As soon as she uttered the word ‘later’ she felt shocked as in one way it meant that she was game for it. Thinking it over she felt she had unknowingly accepted her son’s move to caress her armpits. Though it was totally wrong she let go off it there. Rahul on the other hand was overjoyed to hear her words and he mentally pictured caressing her bare armpits. He felt delighted and impulsively kissed his mother on her cheeks. All this had aroused his mother and hugging her son she said ‘now go back to your studies.’

This prompted Rahul to be deeply engrossed in his studies and when after an hour or so as he got up, his mother standing in front of him hugged and kissed him goodnight. Today’s action had gone a shade ahead of what both of them had thought off. Both were pleased with the outcome of it. Shobha for one felt delighted as her closeness made her son work hard in his studies and for Rahul it was like sailing on cloud nine. The next morning Shobha was up early preparing breakfast and after setting the table she saw him coming down and sit on the dinning table with a book in this hand. Today was the first day of his examination. Seeing her son absorbed in the book prompted Shobha to sit beside him and feed him. As she was feeding him, which she often used to do, many a times her fingers felt the warm wetness of his mouth which invigorated her. She kept feeding him and once even pushed her fingers into his mouth. Rahul loved all this and without giving a hint he had opened his mouth wide for her fingers to penetrate his mouth. As he finished his breakfast he took one spoonful of food and looking up at his mother he reciprocated her actions. Shobha very gladly accepted it and as she got up from the table she felt his hand brushing her thighs as he wiped his hand on her sari.

Feeling his fingers on her thighs, Shobha to tease her son a little said ‘now don’t pull out my sari.’ On seeing his mother tease him, Rahul was thrilled and in a reflex he jerked her sari a little. ‘You devil’ cried Shobha and smiling at him said ‘enough, now please go.’ Rahul went to the college elevated and wrote his exams with ease. When he returned home a bit late after meeting his professor to discuss some problems, he saw his mother waiting impatiently for him. This brought much joy to him and coming in he hugged his mother and said ‘I have done well in the exams.’ It was but natural for his mother to kiss him on hearing the news but the kiss which was intended for the cheek slipped a shade down and landed on the edge of Rahul’s lips. Rahul stood shocked on having felt his mother’s lips brush his and before he could come out of it, he saw his mother hurrying to the kitchen. As his mother strode into the kitchen in a hurry the impressions of her voluptuous buttocks were clearly visible from her sari. Rahul after having captured an eye full of her heavy buttocks juggling in the sari went to his room with a hard on. Shobha did not come to his room at the usual time but was late. She had to regain some strength before coming in and when she did so, she did not find Rahul at the desk but saw him perched on the sofa. Rahul was reclining on the sofa as he had completed his math’s papers which required him to sit before the desk but now as he only had to read for the other subjects he was resting on the sofa. Shobha silently made her way to the sofa and sat down a few spaces away from him. Rahul sensing his mother hesitate, sat still for some time and when he saw her inching towards him, he turned to face her. Both of them smiled and this brought much relief to them. It was Shobha who started the conversation by asking ‘what exam do you have tomorrow.’

‘Its science Mom’ replied Rahul.

‘How are your preparations going on’ asked his mother?

‘I was waiting for you for the final revision’ replied Rahul.

‘Why me?’ asked his mother smilingly.

‘I need some comfort’ saying this he slid closer to his mother.

‘My poor child’ saying this, Shobha hugged her son and asked ‘are you comfortable now?’

‘I need to feel the softness of your hair’ saying this Rahul started to fondle her hair.

‘You can feel as much as you wish’ uttering these words she let her loose hair to brush his face and turning she settled her back on his chest. Rahul was enchanted to have his mother reclining on his chest on the sofa. He held a chunk of her hair and inhaled its deep aroma. His mother had used a new fragrance which intoxicated him.

‘You smell lovely, Mom,’ he said as he dug his face deep into her hair.

‘This is for you, my Son,’ she replied grinding her back on his chest. Rahul by instinct put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her up a little. Shobha went limp in his arms and slid up as he pulled her. Rahul on having pulled her up started kissing her on the nape of the neck and moved down to her shoulder blades. Shobha shivered as she felt his warm wet lips on her naked shoulder blades and uttered some words which were inaudible.

Taking her murmur as a green signal, Rahul put his hands upon her shoulders and on squeezing them he slid them under her arms. Shobha feeling her son slide his hands under her arms lifted her hands and taking hold of his head she lifted her face and kissed him on the cheeks. As Shobha lifted her face up, Rahul’s chin which was resting on her shoulder blades slid down and felt the upper part of her swollen breasts for a fraction of a second. This touch excited him and getting bolder he thrust the open palms of his hands down and held her armpits. This action aroused Shobha and again she lifted her face and kissed his cheeks which in turned lodged Rahul’s chin squarely on the rising mounds of her breasts. Resting his chin on the warm soft swelling breasts, Rahul started to caress her under the armpits and as his mother did not complain he started to feel the coarse thick hair under her arms. This action of his made his mother moan. Rahul taking it for granted started pressing his chin down on her breasts while on the same hand he tried to grasp as much of her coarse hair under her armpits as possible. Feeling his ministrations getting bolder Shobha could not sustain from asking ‘do you like to play with my hair so much?’

This was music to Rahul’s ears and he replied ‘I love to feel and caress them.’

‘Why? What’s so nice about it’ she asked?

‘Its softness and its silkiness,’ replied Rahul.

‘Now are you happy that you felt it,’ she asked?

‘I wish you would wear sleeveless blouse,’ he shot back.

Hearing those words Shobha was mesmerized. She took hold of her son’s face in her hands and bringing closer to hers she planted a wet kiss on his cheeks and said ‘maybe tomorrow.’ On being kissed on his cheeks Rahul by instinct put a finger to his lips indicating that he would want her to kiss his lips. Shobha shied at this gesture and getting up she said ‘now finish off your studies.’ Rahul was more than happy to have had a felt her armpits and also conveyed the message that he would want her to kiss him on his lips. As he went on with his studies, Shobha got up and left him.

Once inside her room she went in search of a sleeveless blouse and found a few old ones. As she tried them on her she felt they were very tight and exposed much of her breasts. She made it a point to get some new ones stitched. The next morning it was a repeat of the previous day’s proceedings. At the dining table as Shobha was feeding him, she felt him opening his mouth wider when her fingers came up with the food. To cool his passion Shobha intentionally thrust her fingers inside his mouth two or three times. And when Rahul fed her she bit his finger lightly. When Rahul washed his hands and looked up at his mother, he saw the loose end of her sari was tucked in her waist and his mother had put her hands on her waist daring him to pull out the end of the sari and wipe his hands. Seeing this Rahul acted as if he was baffled and when he had passed his mother and his mother felt sure that he had lost, he suddenly turned and putting his hands from behind he pulled the loose end of her sari and wiped his hands. The sudden action of her son made her loose control and she fell backwards in his arms. Getting up she said ‘you devil,’ and pushed his son out when she regained her composure.

‘Your own devil’ saying this Rahul went out.

Shobha smiled on hearing him say so and feeling good she went to complete her house hold duties. That evening Rahul came home late as he had his practical examinations too and as he was very tired he went up to have a wash. Coming down later he saw his mother tucked up in an old cotton sari that had covered her bosom and shoulders completely. He did not get the meaning of it and as he finished his supper he went to his room all the time thinking he still had three papers to compete. It was after some time that he heard his mother come in. He was puzzled to see her holding a glass of milk in her hand and the way she had tucked her sari so tightly. Sitting by his side on the sofa Shobha lifted the glass of milk to his mouth and Rahul gulped it down. It was when his mother lifted the loose end of her sari to wipe his mouth that he saw for the first time that she was wearing a sleeveless blouse and this aroused him instantly and he gaped at her. Looking at him gaping, Shobha asked ‘happy?’ ‘I am delighted’ replied Rahul trying to hug his mother.

‘Wait.’ Said his mother to put down the glass and moving closer and stating ‘you are still a small child’ she again wiped his mouth with her sari. As his mother came closer Rahul laid his hands over her shoulders and as she was wiping his mouth he moved his head on her forehead. Shobha continued wiping his mouth and when she was satisfied, she gently placed her lips on his cheeks in such a way that her lips even touched the corner of his lips. Rahul feeling her lips bracing his, he turned his face slightly till his lips came in full contact with his mothers. As soon as Shobha felt his lips on hers she hugged her son tightly in her arms and hid her face on his chest in shame. Rahul realized the dilemma in which his mother was and as he gave her some time to recompose he put his arms over her back and held her tightly in his arms. This was the first time he had held her in this fashion and this gave him a sense of being the man he wanted to be, that is, a fully grown up.

After seeing his mother relaxing Rahul gradually fondled his mother’s back, feeling the fleshy curves on her back. His mother moaned and continued nuzzling herself deep on his chest. This gave him some encouragement and Rahul sliding his hands down on the exposed flesh of his mother’s back and waist, fondled her bare flesh for the first time. This act made his pecker to vibrate inside his pants. This also invigorated Shobha and tightening her hold upon him she moaned louder. This motivated Rahul to pull his mother up and reclined on the sofa. As he pulled his mother up, he felt his mother’s breasts flattened on his chest and feeling her breasts crush his chest made him erupt his cum in his pants. Shobha on feeling her breasts were crushed over his chest and on seeing her face close to his, looked up at him and seeing him sweat and understanding its implication she planted a wet kiss on his cheeks and getting up she left the room. Rahul was flabbergasted on having erupted his cum in the presence of his mother. He had not expected this to happen and this worried him. He was not sure whether his mother had known about it or not. And as he lay on the bed thinking about it, his mother was happy to have made her son cum. Though she knew it was wrong she was content in making her son happy. She felt there was nothing wrong in hugging and kissing her son and this brought her much relief.

The next day the atmosphere in the house was charged. Shobha was dressed in her nightie with a thin veil upon it. Her hair was tied with a scarf and she had applied fresh body spray which had filled the room with fragrance. Rahul coming down and seeing his mother’s attire was delighted. He hurried his steps and coming behind his mother he put his arms around her waist and nuzzled his head on her hair. Inhaling deeply the aroma he untied the scarf holding her hair before wishing her good morning. Shobha stood still allowing her son to loosen her hair and when he was inhaling its fragrance she said ‘the breakfast is getting cold.’ Holding her by the waist, Rahul dragged his mother to the dining table and sat down. Shobha proceeded to feed him and as Rahul’s hands were free, he started to caress her waist. Shobha started enjoying his caresses and took her own time in feeding him.

Rahul then became adventurous. He slid his hand down over the left side of her buttocks and placed it over there. Shobha did not object to this. His hand then slid further down and came upon her rich thighs. He started to slide his fingers slightly over her thighs and when his mother did not object, he tried to push his hand further down between them. Shobha suddenly pulled his hand away from her thighs. Rahul’s hand went back to her waist again. He knew there were some limitations and he continued fondling her waist with more vigor squeezing the soft rich curves of her waist. Shobha did not object to this and as she got up on feeding him she felt her son’s hands caress her voluptuous buttocks and this made her shiver. As Rahul got up he playfully held his mother’s veil. Shobha turned around to face him. Rahul smiled at her and pulling out her veil he ran away from her before wiping his face and hands with it. Shobha screamed obscenities at him and when Rahul threw the veil back at her after stepping out he heard her say ‘when come home, I will make you repent, you naughty fellow.’

Rahul came home early and when his mother enquired about his examinations he replied ‘it was easy and I only have two more to go.’

‘Go and change’ said his mother.

As Rahul came down his mother excused herself saying she had to visit their neighbors and will be back soon. Rahul after spending some time watching the TV went back to his room for studies. It was after quite some time when his mother came to his room. His mother had worn the same nightie which she had worn in the morning and she had discarded the veil. Seeing her without the veil Rahul smiled at her and asked ‘why, what happened to your veil?’

‘There’s no point in wearing it’ she replied.

‘Why’ asked Rahul, as his mother sat next to him.

‘My son does not allow me to put it on,’ she replied.

‘Why, what does he do,’ asked Rahul moving closer to her.

‘He pulls it away from my body’ replied his mother.

‘But why,’ he again asked her as he put his arm around her waist?

‘I don’t know the reason, tell me if you know it,’ she replied.

‘I have a vague idea but before I tell you, promise you won’t scream at me’ he said.

‘No, I won’t scream at you, I promise’ she said smilingly.

‘Then come closer, I will put the words in your ear’ he said.

Shobha moving her ear to his face asked ‘Is this enough?’

As his mother brought her ear near his face, Rahul first tenderly nibbled her ear before speaking softly ‘I think he wants to see your br no che…’ First he wanted to say breasts then changed it over to chest.

‘Yes, what does he wants to see’ asked his mother moving closer.

‘I think he wants to see your chest’ he said and waited for her response silently.

On hearing it his mother was mildly surprised and she held back for a few seconds before replying ‘I think he should be reprimanded as he is becoming naughty.’

‘Yes, indeed’ he is becoming naughty. How do you intend to reprimand him’ asked Rahul embracing his mother?

‘Let him finish his exams, then I will see to it’ she said.

‘That means you don’t mind it’ he asked putting his arm across her waist and pulling her to him. ‘I did not say so’ she replied.

‘What’s wrong in allowing him to see’ said Rahul pecking kisses on her cheeks.

‘I have not decided about it’ she replied.

‘How long will you take to decide about it’ he said shuffling her hair with his hands.

‘Keep trying you may succeed’ shot back his mother. Hearing those words Rahul was encouraged. Lifting his hands he held his mother by her head and drawing her face closer to his, he kissed her squarely on her lips. Shobha sizzled as he felt his hot lips on hers. Unable to control anymore she drew his head and opening her mouth wide kissed him back. Rahul was enchanted by this and in a reflex action he pushed his tongue deep inside her mouth and embraced his mother’s body to his. Shobha was stimulated by the passionate kiss and as Rahul drew her up to his body, she tamely succumbed to his ministrations. Her body was set on fire. Rahul feeling her body shivering started to caress her back and bringing his hand under her arms he moved it over the side of her breasts. Shobha moaned hard when she felt her son’s hand trying to feel her breasts. She pressed her upper body to his completely, squashing her breasts over his chest. Rahul could no longer put his hand on her breasts. He placed his hands over her shoulders and pushing her back he trust one of his hand on her chest.

Shobha moaned louder. Her tongue slipped out and started to lick her son’s lips. Rahul felt possessed. He thrust his hand deep between his mother’s chest. His hand felt the opening of his mother’s nightie. His fingers started to fumble over her hooks and with great difficulty he managed to unhook two of them. As the flaps of his mother’s nightie gave way, his fingers came in contact with the warm flesh of his mother’s bosom. This aroused him. He dug his hand deeper till he could feel the silkiness of his mother’s brassiere. This made his prick shot up. Shobha’s body too was throbbing in the heat of the passion. She lifted her body for a second to allow her son’s hand to take possession of her breasts and as Rahul slid his hand over the cup of her bra, she shuddered and wet her panties. Rahul too was on the verge of shooting and as his mother allowed access to his hands to cup her bra his pecker shot up and when he felt his mother’s body convulse in the heat of the passion he again jammed his lips on hers and cupping her breast over her bra he shot his load in his pants. Hello readers wait for few days I will paste more parts of it.