Kevin fucking his beautiful neighbor

Hi, this is Kevin from Bangalore. This is another story to ISS. All comments are welcome.

My husband and I had moved into town and had picked this new apartment complex to live in until we could find a place of our own. It’d take a lot of research to find one of the better neighborhoods as my husband was now becoming established in a well paying job so we’d be able to afford a nicer home than the one we just moved out of. My husband and I are the same age at 27 years old and have been married since we were 25. Our marriage had been great and although we didn’t have any children, it didn’t bother either one of us as we wanted to establish our careers first before settling down and raising a family. This was one of the reasons for the move. We both decided that it was about time for us to have our children. We ultimately wanted a boy and girl, but would be happy with any combination that we’d be blessed with. I’d stopped taking birth control prior to our move.

The neighbors in the apartment complex were wonderful. We were both reluctant to move into such a housing area because we enjoy our privacy and knew that apartments were hotbeds of neighbor discontent due to parties and loud noises. This apartment on the other hand was quiet and all of the neighbors seemed to be older and more mature. This was a great temporary place for us to live. One of the neighbors, this story is about him, is a man named Kevin, who lived in the unit next to ours. Kevin was in his early thirties and a quiet man. Kevin was about 5’10 and was a big stalky man – dwarfing my 5’3″ petite frame. He mostly kept to himself. His wife was vivacious and friendly and used to meet me very often.

My husband Kartik had talked to Kevin on occasion and they’d become pretty good friends, playing badminton, going out some times. Whenever Kevin was around, he’d look at me in a kind of strange way. He seemed to be “checking me out” whenever Kartik wasn’t looking. This didn’t bother me and I didn’t feel threatened because he was always so nice to Kartik and me. And besides, I worked damn hard to keep my body in shape, so that both Men and I would like what they saw. I run every day, and workout, and watch what I eat. Although I wasn’t a prejudicial person, I never thought about what it’d be like to be with a man because the life I shared with my husband was quite satisfactory and everything in our life seemed to be going well, including our sex life. One could say that I was a person with a strong libido. I’m a person that requires my sex on a daily basis. If Kartik didn’t make love to me on any particular day, I’d find time before going to work or after I got home to take matters into my own hand. Sex was never far from my thoughts. The way Kevin looked at me when Kartik wasn’t looking always made me feel special. Whenever I’d catch him looking, he’d get a big grin on his face and then just turn away. I take pride in my body and although nothing I have is very big, I take pride in the small slender frame and my small firm breasts.

Occasionally I wear tight T-shirts and go without a bra and on occasion when Kevin has seen me like this it causes my nipples to protrude into tiny buttons visible on the front of my shirt. I’d almost be embarrassed, however nothing would be said. One day when I was home from work, I was in the washroom doing the laundry. This was a chore that no woman likes to do, but is essential. I had the day off and thought I’d finish this task before Kartik got home from work. I had plans for the night, that didn’t include doing chores. I’d been thinking about Kartik all day and was looking forward to some really good sex that evening. When I finally finished, I picked up the basket and headed to our balcony to dry the clothes. I could see Kevin standing in his balcony smiling at me. I was glad to see him and waved to him. He waved back. Only last week his wife had gone to her parents place for about a month. I asked him to come over for dinner as he was alone.

He told us that he ‘hated to eat and run, he should be going because he had an important meeting in the morning and he didn’t want to be tired.’ Kartik went into one of the back rooms to get a magazine that he had borrowed from Kevin, I jumped up from the table to begin the wifely chore of doing the dishes. Kevin walked up behind me and put his hand on my ass and gave it a tight squeeze. I noticed that his hand nearly covered one of my cheeks. When I looked at him, he squeezed it again and whispered thank you again for the great dinner. With that, he winked at me and turned and walked away. I was stunned and happy. After that it seemed that Kevin was always touching me when Kartik was not looking. I didn’t mind and felt that it was his way of bonding with a friend. It wasn’t sexual except for the time we had him for dinner and he grabbed my ass, but it really didn’t bother me. I didn’t feel threatened by him, I guess because I liked him so much. After dinner Kartik suggested we have ice cream and he would just go over quickly to the nearest ice cream shop and get the ice creams.

As soon as he left, Kevin turned to me and put his hands on my shoulders and as I looked up into his eyes, he pulled me close to him and put his lips on mine. I’d been wondering what it would be like to kiss this him, but that is about as far as the thought went until that moment. His lips were soft and warm. He felt as powerful as he held me and I could feel my resistance melt almost immediately. The kiss actually felt really good and just the thought of doing it , made it feel quite exciting. The kiss was not just a peck on the lips, but one that began to linger. I opened my lips and his tongue began to brush lightly against them. The soft sensuous feeling of his tongue sent shivers up my back. While kissing, he grabbed my hand and pulled it down between us placing it on his cock, which had become rigid and was probably the biggest cock I’d ever felt in my life. I gave it a squeeze and could tell that it was a mammoth in proportion to my husband’s. The thought that went through my head was that I didn’t know how a woman could put this thing inside herself. It was by far bigger than I’d imagined in my wildest fantasies. As we broke the kiss, he told me that he had wanted to do that for quite some time. I could tell he had been thinking of me, but he never asked me to do anything else, and as I looked him in the eyes, I could also tell he hungered for me.

That night as I lay in bed with my husband, I couldn’t help but think of the size of Kevin’s cock. Kartik was asleep, but I was not even close to being tired. My pussy was aching at the thought of this big cock. All the times that he has touched me and the winks he has given me were all beginning to mean something to me now. I know he and Kartik were good friends but the relationship between Kevin and me was different. There seemed to be more of a husband and wife bond than just friendship. Although nothing sexual had happened, I was wondering if it would, now that he had put my hand on his cock. I couldn’t start being unfaithful to my husband, especially now that we were planning on making a baby, but the thought of having sex with Kevin was now on my mind. Since it was Sunday tomorrow, I’d talk to Kevin. With the desire that I now had, I decided that I’d make love to him once and that’d be it. I couldn’t do it with him more than that and I’d tell him. I had to see what that big cock was like.

Call me impulsive, or over sexed, or anything you want, but I just had to have a go at that, just once. With that, I fell asleep. The next morning as I was preparing breakfast for Kartik, he told me that he would be away for a week on business tour as he got the message early in the morning when I was asleep. I had some feelings of guilt for even entertaining the idea of making love to Kevin. The more I thought of it, the more the feelings were replaced with feelings of lust. By the time Kartik left for the business tour, I couldn’t wait to see Kevin. As soon as Kartik was out the door, I called Kevin on the phone and told him to come over to the house when he was dressed as I’d like to talk to him. About fifteen minutes later there was a soft knocking on the door. I was still in my robe and after apologizing to Kevin I made some coffee. I told him that I’d been thinking about the previous night and our friendship. I told him that I could see the way things were going and I really wasn’t disappointed. With a knot forming in the pit of my stomach, I asked him if he’d like to make love to me. He looked at me with astonishment on his face, and said that it would be the answer to his prayers. I told him that I had been thinking him also, but that we could only do it this one time. I didn’t want it to happen ever again because Kartik and I were planning on making a family and that I knew it was wrong. When I got up to clear the table, Kevin came towards me and turned me towards him. My back was against the kitchen counter. I looked into his eyes and could again see the look I’d seen before. I now recognized it as lust, as his lips lowered to meet mine again. Kevin was wearing shorts and as we kissed, I reached between our bodies and could feel his stiff cock. Again I was amazed at how big the thing was and my body began to tingle just thinking that in a few moments we’d be attempting to push it into my little black pussy. Kevin reached out and pulled my robe open. I wasn’t wearing anything underneath and his hand slipped down between my legs to the wet spot. I bent my legs slightly as his large hand went between them. His middle finger immediately found my stiff little button and I almost came as he rubbed the sticky fluid from my pussy on my clit. His finger slid into my depths. Because his hand was so large, his finger felt like it was as big as my husband’s cock.

If this man’s finger was this big, how big was his cock going to be. Could I take it. Kevin fingered my cunt until I just about collapsed leaning against the counter. He lifted me up and sat me on the counter top edge. My legs spread on either side of his waist. He backed up momentarily and pulled his shorts down to his knees and the biggest cock I have ever seen popped out. The head was massive and pink-black in color. His huge shaft was almost a perfect dark black color, and was all knotty and veined, and I knew that it’d probably hurt, but I was willing to try. At this point you couldn’t have stopped him anyway I think. His cock looked more like it belonged on a horse than a man. I could see the end was glistening with pre-cum as he guided it to my pussy-lips. It was a good thing that my cunt was so wet because when he tried to enter me, he stretched my lips as far as they would go. I have never had anything in me as big as that. My clit was stretched tight against the top of his cock as he worked it in slowly. I think his cock must have squeezed to a smaller size because I was as tight as I could get. For a second, I thought it was going to be a futile attempt to fuck this man, and then I could feel its length begin to enter me.

I could feel the head of his cock as it pushed into me a little at a time. I didn’t want to stop, I was crazed with lust at this point. Just watching what he was doing to me, was driving me over the edge. His hips moved back and forth slowly and as his meat became sticky with my juice, it inched into me. Finally I could feel his balls touching my ass and as I looked down between us, I could see his cock was deep inside of me. I thought I could see my tummy bulging slightly as I was impaled on his huge tube of meat. My hips worked back and forth and the feeling was incredible. Almost immediately my pussy began to convulse in an intense orgasm. When it tightened around his cock, he must have been overwhelmed by the feeling also. I could feel his cock begin to throb and the head swelled to a size that wouldn’t let it out of me. When he pulled back, it wouldn’t come out. My pussy had a death-grip on his swollen meat and wouldn’t let him withdraw. Although he attempted to pull it from me it was, at that moment, impossible. While apologizing for doing it, he began to shoot his sticky sperm deep inside of my tummy. I could feel his cock expand each time the head spit its hot creamy load into me. Knowing then that our sexual organs couldn’t be separated, Kevin held me tight against him until our orgasms subsided. It wasn’t until minutes later that his cock began to get flaccid, that he was able to withdraw his cum soaked cock from deep within my pussy. I told him he didn’t need to apologize, but I would need to go into the bathroom and clean up.

He kissed me again . As I got down from the counter top, a big gob of his white cum began to drip from my stretched pussy. I couldn’t believe how much he had pumped into me. If Kevin had been half as excited as I’d been, I can understand why there was such an amount of sperm in there. My pussy felt like it would never be the same. I have never stretched it as much as it had just been and the lips were swollen and almost sore. He didn’t even ream me with that swollen meat of his, he just pushed it into me and we were locked together like two mating animals. But Kevin seemed to have some thing else in his mind. He picked me up and took me to the bedroom and lay me on the bed. Kevin slid into bed next to me and I could feel the heat of his body. He held my face with both hands and lowered his head next to mine on the pillow and brushed his lips against mine. I was hot and couldn’t wait much longer. I was a hungry woman and couldn’t wait. I kissed him hard and began to pant by the time he slid his tongue deep into my mouth. I could feel one of his hands gripped my ass and pulled me tight against him. His cock was like an iron rod that was pressed its length between our bellies.

I immediately pulled my leg up and over the top of his. I was open now for him to play. We kissed and touched; he sucked on my breasts and made my nipples become as stiff as marbles. I could have almost cum without him touching me. I had my hand around his cock and was jacking him off when he threw the covers back and grabbed my legs with both of his hands and pulled them apart. I literally pulled him on top of me and told him that I couldn’t wait any longer, that I wanted to feel his huge cock inside of me. Again, I was quite thankful that my pussy gets extremely wet with our previous cum juices because Kevin guided his cock to the entrance of my tight little pussy and slowly eased his weight down on top of me. I thought I was going to be split wide open. I’d forget just how big his knobby cock becomes. In two thrusts I was impaled on that gorgeous hunk of meat.

We would have been locked together again, but I guess he had better leverage with us lying down and because of my extreme wetness he was able to pull it back out and reamed it into me again. My knees were now pulled back against my chest allowing him deeper penetration into me. The more he reamed his cock in and out of me, the looser and more sensitive my pussy lips became. I told him that I wanted him to squirt his load of molten cream deep inside of me and I guess that is what he wanted to hear because at that moment he withdrew all but the bulbous head from my pussy-lips and I could feel the hot jets of liquid squirt deep inside of me. Again and again the liquid spewed from the slit at the end of his cock. When he finally finished he rammed his meat back into me and I could feel a large amount of his sperm squirt from my pussy and leak down the cheeks of my ass and onto the sheets. My pussy grabbed onto his cock and squeezed tightly as my body shook in its own intense and badly needed orgasm under his body. We laid in each others arms for about a half hour. I must have dozed off from the intense workout I had just received. When I awoke, I was lying on my stomach with my legs slightly apart, but one of Kevin’s fingers was running the length of my dripping slit. I lay motionless, just thinking of how stretched my pussy had become when I felt his finger slide into my wet tunnel. As he finger fucked me, his thumb was rubbing against my clit. I felt that I could lie in bed with Kevin all day. He rolled over on top of me and slid the covers back again. He pulled my hips until I was on my knees and elbows.

I spread my legs apart and like a dog in heat, arched my back so my pussy was exposed to him. Kevin mounted me from the rear and it was easier for him to penetrate me now that I was stretched for his massive size. He pulled my tiny hips tight against his pelvis and I knew that I could feel the tip of his cock touching my lungs. I braced myself as he slammed his giant meat deep into me for about five minutes before he let loose with another load of hot searing sperm. We fucked for hours that day. I was taken on my side, I straddled him, from the front and back, almost every way we could think of. When he rolled over and collapsed on the bed, I looked at the clock on the dresser and it was almost 2:00. I’d been in bed fucking him since 7:30 that morning.

His bed was soaking with sweat and the cum my pussy couldn’t hold. I kissed him on the cheek and told him that I’d be alone for a week before Kartik returned from his business visit and we could now fuck gloriously. I put on my robe and went to the kitchen to make some sandwiches. We sat in the hall on the sofas and had sandwiches and juice. After I was full, I took the plates to the kitchen and started cleaning them. Kevin came and sat on the kitchen table and we started chatting as I washed the dishes. While chatting, Kevin had come behind me and had thrown the robe over my back and was gently rubbing his fingers up and down the swollen labial lips. He lifted me in his arms and carried me to the sofa. I backed into the sofa and spread my legs. I looked him in the eyes and waited with an urge for him to ram his penis in me again.. He came close to me and I could sense his cock hardening. . I lifted one leg up against his side and his erect cock was guided to the ever increasingly familiar pussy that now seemed to belong to him. The lips, although still tight seemed to allow the monstrous cock to enter freely.

I leaned against the sofa as he banged my pussy hard. I came not once, but twice before he finally unloaded his hot sperm inside of me. I took his cock in my hand and opened my mouth and began licking around the crown and then sucked the rubbery head into my mouth. My hand slid up and down the length and although I could barely get the head of his cock in my mouth, I sucked feverishly until I could feel his balls tighten in my hand and his tube begin to throb. I knew it was coming and I wasn’t disappointed. It took less than a minute to make him shoot his load in my mouth. He told me that he found it extremely stimulating to see his best friend’s wife on her knees sucking his huge cock. He pulled my legs apart and with two of his fingers he separated my pussy lips enough to slide the enlarged head into me. After a couple of firm thrusts he began to bang my pussy with a vengeance.

Without his penis leaving my cunt he lifted me, turned me around on his penis and put me on to carpet on my fours and started pummeling his gigantic penis into me. He bent over me and wrapped his hands around my breasts from behind and started mauling my breasts. His fingers found my marble hard nipples and he squeezed then brutally. Pain raced through my breasts and coupled with the pain in my lower abdomen and the heavenly feeling in my vagina, I raced to another orgasm. It was a wonderful orgasm and I clamped my vaginal muscles hard on to his penis. This set him off and he sprayed his cum deep into me. Out of sheer sexual exhaustion, I collapsed on the carpet and he fell on top of me. After this we continue fucking regularly, stealing the moments in either his house or my house when our spouses aren’t at home!!!

Hope u all enjoyed this story. If any girls or ladies within the age range of 13-50 looking for fun feel free to email me @ . Replies to all mails are assured. Looking forward to all your mails.

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