Long Hair Mom Fucked

I am Raja from a small town of Pandua in West Bengal. I am the only son to my parents. Father is running a grocery shop, small one. He is managing our lower middle class family somehow. The incidence happened when I was 22 and was in college doing my graduation. I am average looking young guy with slim body & average height. This story is about me & my mom. Mom was 44 then. She is small in height, slim, average looking & not very fair. She looks like a perfect Bengali house lady.

The biggest treasure she has her long, thick, black & dense hairs which goes below her butt. I am a long hair lover since childhood. Whenever I spot a long hair lady, it gives me an instant hard-on and desire for fuck is built. Since the age of 18, my attention went to my mom’s long hairs. Whenever I got a chance to touch, I never missed. Say, I told her sometimes to allow me to comb. I love mom’s hairs in bun which is huge in size. One day I played with her bun while she was sleeping.

Then slowly I started asking her to touch her bun very frequently. She did not understand what it mean as she had no idea that long hairs can create sexual desires. While cooking, I used to caress her bun for 10-15 minutes everyday. Then went to bathroom & masturbate. Slowly my desire for having her body started building in me. I was making plans how to get her under me.

I was a member of a local club. One day our club friends had bhang altogether. It was first time I had it. Upon reaching home, I looked at my mom. A great desire started building in me for sex with mom. It was due to bhang which creates this scenario. Father was in shop. Mom was roaming here & there in house and my eyes were following her. I was looking at every part of her body from boobs to belly to legs and even imagining her cunt. I asked her –

– Mom, why u are so thin?

– I am always like this

– Ur weight must be 70 kg

– What are u saying? I cant be more than 55 kilo

– Let me check

– How?

– Come to me. I will tell

I thought it is good chance to touch her body. I was sitting on small bed in front of TV. She came near me & I asked her to sit in my lap.
Mom – but how will u check by making me sit in ur lap?

– U sit naa, I can check

– Ok, let me sit

She sat. Oh my god, her small buttocks were touching my already hard cock. It got harder. Her breasts were just close to me, but I was not able to touch. I was smelling her bun. I was going out of control & just wanted to hug her tightly. I embraced her by belly which was flat.

Me – I love u mom. Just want to love u

– Its ok, first tell me my weight

– Ok u are right, its about 55

– Leave me now

– No, I want to keep u like this

– Are u mad, I have a lot of work to do

– Ok, but promise me, u will again allow me to hug

– Ok

She left. But I was in uncontrollable position, just wanted to fuck that small beauty. However I thought that I have to wait. In afternoon I again went to club for passing time. But all the time, mom was in mind.

Suddenly a plan struck my mind. I had bhaang again from one friend. I take some & kept rest. It was in green paste. Then I borrowed some milk cake from sweet shop & mixed the bhang in it and headed for home. I was in great fucking mood & my heartbeat was rising. Mom opened door. She was sleeping & all her hairs were flowing below her butts. She was looking as sex queen. I said –

– Mom, one of my friend was having Puja in their home and given this prasad

– It is fruits or sweet?

– Sweets. Friend told me that it should not be left. I already had much. U take it

– Ok

Thus mom ate around all 100 gms of bhang-mixed milk cake. I was waiting for the reaction. She sat in front of TV & took all her hairs to make a big bun. I waited for 10 minutes silently, but no reaction was there. Then I asked mom –

– Mom look at me

– What happened? (without turning her face)

– Look this side

She looked. I saw her eyes were slightly red and her head turned very slowly. That means reaction started. My cock was full erect. I said –

– Mom can I hug u?

– Why?

– Just want to love u

She said nothing. Possibly she became weak to talk. I went near her & sat besides her. Hugged her from side. Hold her hair bun & gave a kiss on cheek.

Me – can I kiss u on lips?

She was silent again

I held her face with both hands & gave a passionate kiss on lips for 3 minutes, her lips became red. Then I put my right hand on her right breast and started pressing over saree. She said –

– Don’t do this

– Why?

– I am your mom

– So what, this is not bad

She had no more power for argument. I kept on pressing those beautiful small boobs with both the hands. This continued for 10 minutes. Then I pressed her cunt from over saree, she was silent & totally intoxicated with bhang. Then I removed my pant & lowered my shorts. My cock came out which was 7 inches in size. I took mom’s right hand & kept on my cock & started up-down by holding with my hand. She resisted a little, but in vain. I lifted her & turned towards me.

Forcibly lowered her face & adjusted my cock tip on her mouth. Initially she was not opening it, but then opened. I made her to do up-down movements on my cock, I was in heaven. Sucking continued for 10 minutes. Sensing that I will not be able hold on more, undressed her fully. Made her lie on bed & inserted my cock in her small & tight cunt. She moaned. I started fucking her rapidly & cummed inside her in 15 minutes. She kept lying for another one hour. Then she got up & sensed everything by seeing her nude body. She scolded me like anything. I convinced her that I went out of control & so does she. That’s why we had sex. She cried for sometime. But after that I used to fuck her almost every afternoon when father is out on shop.