It happened some years ago. I was in college and I had a friend named Rina. On one evening I walked up to the door of the house and rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps and then the door opened revealing Rina smiling. I smiled back at the lovely girl and entered the front hall. “How long did it take you to walk?” she asked. Only about 15 minutes, but boy, it’s still pretty cold for almost April.” “Did you bring it with you?”
I passed her the brown paper bag and she took its contents, a bottle of Champaign, and placed it on the front hall table. Rina and I are both finishing 1st year at university, so we are 19. I looked at Rina; a tall slim classically pretty sexy with blue eyes, shoulder length hair and long legs. She is slightly taller, if certain little bids are telling the truth, interested in me.
“Put your coat in the closet and I’ll put this in the kitchen,” she said, “we’re going to sit in the den; go down the stairs and turn left, first door on your right.” I went down the half flight and entered the room. “Hi,” a voice said. It was Rita, Rina’s younger sister who was just finishing high school and just had her 18th birthday. “Hi Rita; I didn’t expect you to be home on a Saturday night; no date?”
“No, so Rina said I could hang out with you two for a while and chaperone since my parents are away; is that OK?” Her teasing tone of voice suggested that clearly she was aware of Rina’s interest in me! “Sure,” I said. Rita is shorter than her sister with green-grey eyes, a pretty upturned nose and medium brown hair that falls part way down her back. She has a more average build for a teen-aged girl and therefore more of a figure than Rina.
“Hey guys,” we heard from the kitchen, “come up here and help make the drinks.” The den it turned out had its own set of connecting stairs to the kitchen which we climbed with Rita leading. I admired Rita as I followed her, she was pretty cute!”What do we mix with this?” Rina asked.”Rum and Coke is what most people have for their first real drink,” I said.”OK,” she replied, “I’ll try one; I’ve only had wine before this.”
“Rita?” I asked.”Yes please.”Something told me that this wouldn’t be Rita’s first “real” drink; as I knew from our friends that she had gone to quite a few parties and had a number of boys dating her on and off.”I’d better measure the drinks; do you have a shot glass?”Rina went into the dining room and returned with one while Rita opened a cupboard to show me where the soft drinks were kept. I carefully measured three weak rum and Cokes and we returned to the den and began to talk.
Naturally, with three very inexperienced drinkers, some giggling and laughing soon erupted, even though the amount of alcohol consumed was not yet very large.As the talk became more playful, I noticed the electricity in the den. I sensed that both these girls liked me and found me attractive and were therefore flirting with me. Although I have had some girlfriends, my sexual experience is pretty pathetic; amounting to touching a bare breast during a session of heavy kissing and then being told by my now ex-girlfriend to stop.
The first drinks were pretty well gone so we decided to have seconds. Rina, ever the sensible one, said we had better bring some food as she knew you shouldn’t drink on an empty stomach. When we returned with new drinks and some chips and fruit the conversation started up anew. “Did you know that Debbie really likes Scott?” Rita said. Debbie was a mutual friend, a petite redhead, in the same year as Rita, but a little older; I played sports with her brothers.
“I suspected as much because at their party she was always trying to sit beside him. Does he like her?” I said.”Don’t know.”The three of us had recently been at a party given by Debbie’s older brothers.”Now promise you won’t tell anyone,” Rita said in a conspiratorial tone, “but she says she’s going to invite him over to her house and then play strip poker with him”.Rina and I both laughed loudly.”Big talk!” I said, “And you believed her?”
“No way!” exclaimed Rina, “She wouldn’t have the nerve to even ask him over much less play strip poker!”More laughter! Suddenly Rita turned to me and slyly asked, “Have you ever played?””Rita!” Rina was clearly surprised by this bold question. “No, no, its OK, I can answer.” “A few years ago when I was about 18 up at the cottage there was this girl I knew from a few cottages down, Mona, who tried to start a game in the sleeping cabin.”
“Mona explained all the proper strip poker rules to us and we dealt some hands but pretty soon everyone but Mona pretty much chickened out.””If the others had continued I don’t know whether I would have gone on; I was really nervous because Mona is still young. If her parents found out we would have been in a lot of trouble.””Maybe I shouldn’t have worried, I haven’t seen her since then but I hear she is pretty wild.”
“Proper rules for strip poker,” Rita laughed, “what did she do, look them up in Hoyles?””No, she said her older brother Vinod explained them to her one night; according to her he has played in a game that went all the way.””So what are they?” asked Rina.”Are what?””The proper rules for strip poker.””Yes, tell us,” said Rita giggling.With some alcohol to spur me on, I immediately entered into a detailed explanation.
“OK, well if little Mona is to be believed, you play five card draw. There is no betting. After each hand the loser has to remove one piece of clothing. In addition the winner of the hand can choose to have one other person remove a piece of clothing. When you remove a significant piece of clothing, like a shirt, pants or underwear, you have to stand up so everyone can see you. And you can’t cover yourself with one hand while removing the significant article with the other; everyone has to be able to see for a few moments.
You can’t hide anything until you sit back down. Once you are naked, you still keep playing, if you lose a hand or are chosen by the winner of a hand you have to do a dare chosen by the winner. The dare can’t be to do something with or for the person choosing it. Dares are given out green, yellow and then red, so the first person having to do a dare gets something mild, so they’re not too embarrassed; like standing up so everyone gets to look at them naked for a full minute.
The next person to do a dare gets a yellow one, maybe to kiss or hug someone for a minute. If another person is involved in the dare, and really doesn’t want to be then you have to give a new dare; but everyone is supposed to cooperate. After that its red dares. We didn’t discuss them at all; probably because we were all too nervous. When everyone has lost all their clothes, there is one final hand with everyone naked. The winner of this hand gets to request dares from all of the others but this time they can involve themselves in the dare or request something between two of the losers.”
While I was explaining all of this, the girls were drinking and listening, so the second round of rum and Cokes were nearly gone except for my glass, which was only half empty. This was probably a good thing, because I was starting to feel the effects of the rum a little. Once I finished there was an awkward moment of silence. Everyone, I am sure, was thinking about the game I had just described. “I’m going to get another drink, who else wants one?” Rita said to change the subject.
“OK,” Rina said, “I need to use the bathroom.” “I’ll get another one in a minute, I still have some left,” I replied. When the girls left the room, I realized that my explanation might have spoiled the party. In particular, even though the girls had asked about the rules, I knew from certain other little birds that Rina was quite shy about boys and had never had a boyfriend. Maybe I just blew my chance with her. Maybe I was too forward allowing this particular subject to last so long. Maybe she would think I was trying to get her to play strip poker. Maybe …
Rita returned with two fresh drinks and she and I discussed school for a few moments. When Rina came back into the room she sat down. Her beautiful blue eyes seemed to have some extra sparkle. She waited until she had our attention. “OK everyone;” she Monaounced, “let’s play!” “What?” Rita asked. “Strip poker; the proper way!” “Rina!” Rita gasped, “You’re kidding, right?” “No, I’m serious.”
Rita and I paused, not certain what we were hearing was real. “I know that everyone thinks that I am a Miss Goody Two Shoes, but …tonight I want to do something wild, for real, not just talk like Debbie.” Her eyes had a certain fire in them; clearly she had made up her mind upstairs in the bathroom. I was confused; beautiful Rina, of all the girls I knew, would have been the last one I could have imagined asking for an actual game! Rita hesitated; she couldn’t quite believe her older sister’s suggestion.
“But he’ll get to see things,” she protested, coloring a little.”Yes, and you’ll get to see things too!” “I don’t know whether we should do this?” Rita whispered, more to herself than anyone. “Don’t be a fraidy cat!” taunted Rina. Rita reddened further. I was stunned; for Rina this was totally out of character; Rina always deferred to Rita regarding boys and parties and such, because Rita had more experience. Now Rina was the daring one and Rita was the hesitant one.
“I’m going to get another drink,” I said, leaving the room. It seemed best to retreat to the kitchen until the situation resolved itself. As I mixed the rum and Coke I realized that if they decided to play I was going to have to participate or look like a total coward to Rina. Which might mean showing myself naked to two girls. They won’t do it I reassured myself. No way!
As I came back down stairs I heard the tail end of a discussion with Rina’s voice saying, “… besides, I trust him.” That was flattering! Rina looked boldly at me and said, “we’ve decided to play if you will, however, if we do play, you have to keep everything that you see quiet. No talking to anyone about this!” Unbelievable! “OK, I promise,” I said, my insides turning over several times, but trying to be cool, “Rita?” She nodded still not looking quite as certain about things as her older sister.
Rita said, “I’ll get some cards after I use the bathroom.” I think she wanted out of the room for a moment to reconsider her decision. “You better write down the order of poker hands for me,” Rina said, “because I don’t play very often.” “I have a better idea,” I said trying to keep my voice steady, “do you have a Rumoli game?” “Yes.” “Well if you get it the board has all of the hands printed on it, we can use that.”
Rina left the room and I sat there nervous, but also excited at the prospect of possibly seeing not one but two real live naked girls; and very beautiful ones too! I decided that using the bathroom would be a good idea as well and when Rita returned she pointed out where I could find it. As I relieved myself I noticed that my little soldier was trying to arise, another problem! I tried to calm him down before returning to the den.
When I got back the girls went to the kitchen for new drinks and then we took a half a dozen cushions from the sofa and chairs and placed them on the den carpet as seats around the coffee table with the Rumoli board folded underneath the glass top where everyone could see it. Rina closed the drapes and turned out any unnecessary lights.
“I guess we should cut for the deal,” I said, just to have something to say. The atmosphere was positively electric. “Wait,” said Rina, “how many pieces of clothing does everyone have on?” Rita counted, “Skirt, blouse, sweater, underwear, shoes and socks; nine!” “I have the same,” Rina said. “Shirt, pants, underwear, sweater, shoes and socks; eight,” I counted.
“One less, too bad, how sad!” said Rita, and there was some uproarious laughter, no doubt helped on by the rum and Cokes. The laughter also helped to break the tension in the room and it seemed to me that Rita had gotten over her anxiety somewhat and given her outgoing personality was becoming more excited by prospects ahead, now that she had taken the first step. Rina was looking directly into my eyes and she seemed quite flushed, which I took for excitement, although it could have been the rum.
I said, “Well, if you allow me to count my belt then we’re even?” “That’s fair,” Rina said earnestly. “Hold on,” Rita objected, “he’s a boy so he has less to show, maybe he should start with one less item of clothing.” “Don’t be a baby!” Rina said, “Everyone starts the same.” Rita won the deal and distributed the cards, we discarded, and she dealt replacements. When the cards were shown, Rita had won with a pair of queens. She looked relieved!
“I guess the part about the winner choosing someone other than the loser to take something off doesn’t matter when there are only three players in the game,” I said, “if you lose a hand, you strip.” Rina and I then each removed a shoe with some nervous laughter. It was a big step; we were actually playing!
Rita’s relief was short lived as the poker gods decided to give me three very strong hands in a row, which meant that Rina was now without shoes and socks and Rita only had one sock left. “This isn’t fair Rina,” Rita said, “he’s too good for us.” “Just a little lucky,” I said trying to reassure her, “things can change.” I sensed that the game was about to end as far as Rita was concerned; so during the next hand I threw away my good cards and lost with a bust.
“You see,” I said to Rita. Rina finally won a hand. “I thought I would be the first one naked for sure, the way things were going,” she said primly. I stole a glance at Rita; she was looking at Rina, clearly astonished at how calmly her shy sister was contemplating being nude in front of a boy! Despite my gentlemanly gesture in losing a hand, I was still nicely ahead having only lost my shoes. Within a few minutes I regretted my generosity as Rita won two hands in a row. I took off one sock after the first loss and then got a flash of inspiration and removed my belt after the second hand.
“Why did you leave one sock on?” asked Rina, puzzled.”I’m saving the other to cover something else up later,” I replied. Gales of alcohol enhanced laughter from the girls as they conjured a mental image of me with my last sock placed strategically. But now it was time for Rina to make a decision when she remembered that she had to lose a significant article of clothing, her sweater having gone on the previous hand. Rita looked at her and said pointedly, “You’re the one who wanted to play, stand up and take something off!”She stood up, took a deep breath, and then began to unbutton her blouse with trembling fingers, her earlier calmness suddenly gone.
I tried, somewhat unsuccessfully, to not look too interested as she slipped the blouse off her shoulders and threw it onto a chair. She was wearing a white cotton bra that contrasted nicely with her flushed skin as she blushed prettily. You could make out the outline of her nipples on her small breasts. I smiled at her as gently as I could to ease her embarrassment and said, “Don’t worry; we’ll be joining you soon.”
It was my deal, and things were getting serious. I pulled a pair of 9’s and got a pair of 2’s with my draw. I wondered whether Rina would continue the game by taking of her skirt. Rita had a nothing hand so I laid down my two pair expecting victory. Rina smirked at me as she showed her three 10’s, Rita just groaned. Rina then looked at Rita and said, “No more sweater; unless you want to take your skirt off?”
Rita just laughed at this ridiculous suggestion and then removed her sweater and I decided to get rid of my last sock.”Changed your mind?” Rina said playfully. Rina was on a bit of a roll and won the next hand also. Rita stood without hesitation to remove her blouse, probably because Rina had already done it, and I got up and took off my shirt to the approval of the girls. I wasn’t particularly concerned because although I am not a very big guy,
I play a lot of competitive tennis and am fairly fit. Rita’s fuller breasts were covered by a lacy white bra with a deeper plunge. I thought I could see erect nipples under it. Maybe Rita was more excited about this game than I had figured. “I think it’s time for one more drink; ladies?” “Make it light,” said Rina, “I’ve had plenty already.” “Ditto,” said Rita. OK, I thought as I prepared the drinks in the kitchen, we’re coming to the moment of truth. I was less nervous than I thought I would be at the beginning of the game, perhaps the rum was helping.
I returned to the den, served the drinks and sat down. Rita dealt the cards without hesitation. I finally won a hand but prudently didn’t make any comments. Rita and Rina looked at each other. “I will if you will,” Rita giggled, slurring her words slightly. Surprisingly, Rina stood up first, unzipping her skirt and letting it fall to the floor. She sat down immediately but not before I caught a glimpse of her mound covered by her white cotton panties.
She met my eyes again when she noticed me looking at her. Rita then did the same; exposing lace trimmed panties that matched her bra. Suddenly, I realized that I was sitting with two very beautiful girls in just their underwear. My semi-firm penis decided that this was a very interesting situation and began to swell. Given that my next loss was going to be my pants, this was not good!
Now there was major tension in the air, everyone realized that the next hand would cause one of the girls to expose her breasts, but no one said to not deal the cards so I did. My hand was garbage! Four replacement cards didn’t help matters so I prepared myself for the worst. I laid my cards down and said, “Shouldn’t be too hard to beat this.” Rina showed her bust hand but her jack high beat my 10 high.
Rita rocked backward with glee, also allowing me a quick peek at the crotch of her panties. Bad idea as my friend down below stirred further. Rita sat up again and showed her hand, a bust king high! She had won the hand. I decided to stall the next big decision by Rina, “OK ladies,” I said gallantly, “if you can be in your underwear then I can be too.” I stood up stripped off my pants, my jockey briefs showing both girls that my friend was somewhat aroused. Rina stared at my still covered erection and put a hand involuntarily to her month.
Rita, true to her bolder personality, giggled and said, “Someone really likes this game; I can see that.” I blushed despite my best efforts not to and sat down, insides churning. We both turned to Rina, who was clearly hesitating and certainly blushing. But Rita spoke right up, “OK, Miss Goody Two Shoes, you wanted to do something wild tonight, well here’s your big chance, preliminaries are over; this is the main event!”
The taunt seemed to stiffen Rina’s resolve. She got up. Before she could do anything further I said, “Wait … if she does this then we all have to go all the way …no excuses. It’s not fair if one person has to show off and others don’t. Agreed?” There was a moment of silence. The girls looked at each other. “Agreed,” they both said almost in unison.
Rina then removed her bra showing me her modest breasts with small pink nipples.
“They are very beautiful Rina,” I said earnestly, “I would love to touch them.”It was a risky thing to say, but thankfully she didn’t seem offended. Then she said sweetly to me, actually smiling, “You’ll have to wait till the dares.” The implications in that statement made my heart virtually stop! The sudden look of concern on Rita’s face showed that she’d forgotten about that part of the game.
Rina sat down, modestly covering her breasts with her crossed arms, but it was her deal, and she needed to use two hands. It was another moment of decision; finally, with a shy glance in my direction she picked up the cards and began to shuffle. Her uncovered small breasts moved deliciously as she did. As the cards went around, not a word was spoken, the electricity in the room even higher. Everyone knew that someone was going to be naked after this hand, we had all agreed when Rina took off her bra!
As I picked up my cards I looked at Rita inspecting hers. She was smirking; she probably had a good hand. I looked at my cards, nothing but a low probability chance at an inside straight. But in my current situation I had to throw caution to the winds and go for it; Rita’s face clearly told me that hoping for a miracle match to my one face card wouldn’t prevent disaster! I took another swallow from my drink and prayed.”One”, said Rita.
“I’ll take one,” trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice; like I played strip poker every day. Ha!”Three,” said Rina, very quietly. She probably had a pair. I looked at my card, and my heart sunk to my ankles, the poker gods who had been so kind to me earlier had abandoned me completely. I was going to lose the hand for sure. Rita eagerly displayed her hand, “A full house.” “Nothing,” I groaned; I was going to have to strip naked!
“A pair,” Rina put her face into her hands. “I win,” Rita squealed and clapped her hands together. Then she looked at each of her victims one at a time with a mischievous look on her face, gleefully enjoying our misery; then she said with a great deal of drama, “Now … who wants to go first?” The statement just hung in the air. “For someone who wasn’t sure she wanted to play you certainly are enjoying yourself,” said Rina bitterly.
“Too bad, missy, we all agreed, it could have been me first!” she exclaimed triumphantly.”OK, OK, it’s usually ladies first but I’ll start,” I said mournfully. Rina looked at me gratefully. I stood up, my heart pounding, and pulled my briefs off displaying my semi-erect equipment for the girls to see. Turning sixteen shades of red I sat down as quickly as I could and covered myself as best I could with my hands. Rina was blushing again. She avoided meeting my eyes.
“Oh my,” Rita giggled with an excited look on her face, “you have such nice little friends Rina and they will show you lots of interesting things. Maybe you can invite some more of them over to play.” Rina turned to positively glare daggers at Rita, but before she could say anything Rita exclaimed, “Time’s up ‘Wild Thing’,” she paused for effect, “no more stalling; you’ve seen him, now let’s get those panties off so he can see all of you!”
Rina looked at the floor, no doubt hoping a hole would open up and swallow her but then, somehow finding her courage, she arose; I gulped. While I had started to get used to seeing her breasts, I was now going to see my first real live fully naked girl! I forgot all about my own lack of clothing as I watched trying not to get too excited.
Rina stood there, beet red, and peeled her panties down far enough that they were able to fall to her ankles on their own. She kicked them away and sat down, giving me the briefest glimpse of pink beneath the silky straw colored hair covering her mound. My heart was racing!
“Aren’t you going to ask her if you can touch her there as well?” said Rita wickedly! Rina turned an even deeper shade of red, if that was possible. I turned to Rita, totally embarrassed, “This game isn’t over yet, you know!” “I know, and it’s my deal; let’s play cards so I can see you two do some dares!” Rita was really reveling in her situation; still in the catbird seat with all of her underwear on while Rina and I were trying to hide our nakedness and worrying.
I looked at my cards, another bust! I discarded everything but my king and requested four cards. I got another king in the draw, and rejoiced internally. There was a fair chance I might win with this hand. Then I wondered what to give Rina as the green dare if I did win. I looked over at Rina. Her blush had gone down quite a bit and there was a certain new confidence on her face. She must have a good hand as well. Rita looked happy, my good spirits started to wane, it seemed impossible Rita could win yet again!
I laid down my hand and announced, “A pair of kings.””Tough luck, my friend,” Rita crowed, “a pair of aces.”I groaned.”Now who gets the green dare and who gets the yellow one?” she mused, trying to rub in her good fortune.
“Not so fast,” Rina exclaimed, “I have a flush!””What””I believe the correct expression is: “read ’em and weep,” Rina said, showing her hand. The chance to return the favor and have Rita strip seemed to have cheered her up.”Now then, young lady, why don’t you just get busy and take that bra off…Imagine,” she turned to me and said sarcastically, “you’re going to be the very first boy to actually see her breasts!”s tone of voice and a slight reddening of Rita’s face as she stood up suggested that Rina’s suspicions about me not being the first boy to see Rita’s breasts were more than a little correct.
But Rita could take it as well as dish it out; standing she removed her bra without fanfare and turned to me, “Do you like what you see? Would you like to touch these ones too?””Very much,” I said diplomatically, admiring her fuller breasts and darker nipples.”Well you heard what the lady said earlier, so you’ll just have to wait for the dares,” she teased me. I was sure from her playfulness that not only was I not the first boy to see her breasts but likely wouldn’t be the first to touch them if I got the chance.
Rita made no attempt to cover them even after she sat down. Her earlier concerns about the game apparently had totally evaporated; perhaps the fact that she was winning had something to do with it.”Speaking of dares, doesn’t someone have one coming up?” Rita giggled.”Yes,” said Rina thoughtfully, “but we need some things, I’ll be right back.”She got up keeping a hand across her mound for modesty and climbed the stairs to the kitchen. I tried very hard to look into the shadows between her legs as she went.
Rita laughed at me as she watched my eyes follow Rina’s nude form, “Just don’t know where to look next, do you?””There’s no point me pretending that this sort of thing happens to me every day, and even if it did, you certainly wouldn’t believe me,” I replied. Rina returned, covering as much of herself as she could down below. She laid an egg timer and a ruler on the coffee table.
“Now,” she said earnestly to me,” since this is the green dare I don’t think it should involve anything with another person. I want you to stand up, uncover yourself and measure your penis with this ruler, and then tell us what the measurement is. After that you can sit down but you can’t cover yourself till the minute is up. When you are uncovered and standing, I’ll start the timer.”
“That almost sounds like two dares, but OK,” I said. What the hell! They both had seen plenty already and my attempts to cover myself were not very effective. And the next deal was going to be mine, so I would have to use both hands for the cards rather than hiding myself. I took another swallow from my drink.
“You’re measuring to see if it will fit Rina?” Rita needled. The drinks and the nudity were clearly making the remarks increasingly suggestive and outrageous. Rina leaned over and hit her with a cushion, giving me a well lit and sensational view of quite a bit of her pink nether lips as she used her other hand to steady herself. That was all my little soldier boy needed to be able to come to complete attention.
I took the ruler from the coffee table and stood up, beginning the measurement. Now I am a pretty average guy, and I know from scientific data that the average is between five and six inches, so I wasn’t embarrassed much more than the circumstances provided for. Almost five and three quarter inches I Monaounced, and then sat down, leaving my arms at my sides.
I noticed that both girls were still looking at it through the glass table top; then the timer buzzed. “Well ladies,” I pronounced, “the free show is going to go on because I have to deal.””Bad luck,” said Rita, but without too much sympathy at all, “maybe you should just leave it uncovered for the rest of the evening.””Maybe I will,” I teased, “since you seem to like looking at it so much.” Checkmate!
I dealt the next hand. The cards went out and we all looked at them with intensity. With yellow and red dares in play, mere nudity was the least of the concerns. After the discards, we showed our hands. Rita had three aces; there was just no stopping her! She was wasting her time at school; Vegas was a much better choice for her career. And of course she wasn’t too bashful about announcing her victory; Rina and I looked at each other with a mutual sinking feeling.
“Now,” Rita said with almost clinical precision to me, “since you were the loser you get the yellow dare, my lovely and loving sister gets the red dare.” Rina looked imploringly at Rita, but to no avail. “Since it’s a yellow dare, and I know Rina it dying to kiss you anyway; kneel next to her, put your hands behind your back, and kiss her for one minute; no touching with your hands.” Rina gave her sister a glaring look for this indiscretion about her desire to kiss me, but nevertheless turned to face me.
I moved over next to her and put my lips up to hers; she looked at me shyly, and then, met me. When you attend high school, you learn about chemical reactions; well, this one was spontaneous and large. As we began to kiss, Rina surprisingly put her arms around my neck, pulling me to her. I suddenly knew what it was like to be a drowning man; our tongues intertwined, I could feel her breasts against my chest and the urge to wrap my arms around her was overwhelming, but I couldn’t because of the dare. When the timer went off, we both reluctantly broke the kiss off, breathing heavily and staring into each others eyes.
“Well,” Rita said, perhaps taken aback by the obvious passion in the kiss, “some people had way too much fun with that dare. I’m going to have to try harder.” That jolted Rina and I back into reality. “Now then,” she said, turning to me, all business, “can you give me a totally honest answer about yourself?” “Yes, I think so; what would you like to know?” I said still breathing deeply. “Have you ever seen a girl naked?” “Before tonight; no.” I answered truthfully, my ego sinking like a stone.
“But you’ve seen pictures?””Yes,” I replied sheepishly. What a totally, hopelessly inept social moron I was! Every guy my age except me surely had seen completely naked girls and probably done plenty with them. I had touched a total of one nipple! Look in the dictionary under the word “loser”; see my name listed first!!
“OK, my friend, this is your lucky day; Miss Rina over there is going to make you an expert on female anatomy.” Rita continued, smiling evilly, “Rina, get up on the edge of the sofa and open your legs so he can see everything, and I mean everything. I’ll time you; after thirty seconds I want you to take your fingers and open yourself up so he can see inside.”
Rina and I both gasped.”Rita, please! No; no fair!” But Rita was relentless and said, “I could have chosen a dare involving some touching, this is just looking, what’s the problem?” Of course after seeing the kiss, she knew exactly what the problem was!!”So,” Rita said. After a long pause, Rina said, “Please, don’t make me Rita.” But Rita was unmoved, “Go on,” she said, “we all agreed; all the way. Don’t be a fraidy cat!” Certainly revenge for Rina’s remark earlier in the evening.
“Or you can stop the game,” she continued, “that’s fine, I got to see him, he doesn’t get to see me; too bad for him!” Rina, scarlet, considered the situation and then took a deep breath and turned to me pleading, “Don’t look too much; promise?” She was so upset, so vulnerable, so nervous; I wanted to take her in my arms and reassure her, but I was helpless in the circumstances. Man zero; mouse one!
Of course the relentless one just had to offer a comment, “Don’t be ridiculous, of course he’s going to look, he’s a guy, he’s programmed to look, get over it!” “Can you look away for a little bit?” Rina said. “Of course.” I turned away, still paralyzed at this turn of events. “That’s fine missy, but I don’t start the clock until he gets to see you.” “You can turn around now,” said Rina in a whisper, and I saw heaven. I was trying to not stare, but there were her pink folds, falling away into the crevice between her legs, like a beautiful flower. None of the pictures I had ever seen did any justice to the real thing. I looked at every crease and wisp of hair transfixed, barely daring to move.
“Thirty seconds,” Rita called. Rina took her trembling fingers and opened the soft lips. I saw a pink coral color. I couldn’t speak, so I just looked and looked, incredibly aroused. “Time’s up!” said Rita smugly as the timer went off; noting my intense reaction to Rina’s intimate sexuality, “I guess you know something about naked girls now!” I looked away from Rina to spare her any further embarrassment. My erect penis was so hard and had a mind of its own; I tried desperately to calm down.
Rita continued in an encouraging tone, “Rina, I think I’ve found a great way for you to get more attention from boys!””If I get a dare for you, look out!” Rina said recovering herself a little bit. It wasn’t said either as a threat or as bravado, just a cool chilling statement; like you’re going to be the victim of an axe murder very soon.
Rina, still blushing, got up from the couch and returned to her place looking at Rita murderously. “Next hand,” she demanded, reaching for the cards. Rina dealt the hands, but there was a different feeling in the room now, she was clearly determined to even the score with Rita.
I got my usual horrible hand, while Rita squirmed a little as she decided which cards to discard. Perhaps her run of luck was ending. After the draw we showed our hands, Rina won easily with another flush. “Rita dearest,” Rina said with a look of revenge in her eye and an edge in her voice, “don’t you think you are a little over dressed? Since you lost, it’s time for you to take off your panties; and by the way, don’t be bashful … after all, thanks to you he knows everything about girls now.” She continued acidly, ”
Maybe after you’ve removed them you could sit down and spread your legs and show him your little secrets, I’m sure he’d like that!” Rita gave Rina a withering look as she stood up. But I sensed some hesitation on her part. I began to suspect that she hadn’t allowed her relations with other boys to get to this stage quite yet which might explain her concerns at the beginning of the game. Blushing, she began to peel off her lacy panties, showing darker brown hair. As they reached her crotch I couldn’t help but notice very prominent full lips on her sex that fell well below the line of her pubic hair. It was an incredibly erotic sight. I kept staring at them until Rita sat down and nervously covered herself with her hands.
I felt a playful slap on my arm. “What are you doing, young man,” Rina said sternly, “after all I’ve done for you recently; and now I catch you looking at another woman, even if it is my sister!” The tension from Rita’s exposure was immediately released. I smiled as I looked into her gorgeous blue eyes, “I guess like Rita said: ‘I’m just a guy, I’m programmed that way’.” But I was secretly thrilled by the way she referred to us in the context of a couple! Rina returned my smile and replied, “You better be nice to me, you still have a red dare to perform for me.”
Oh, oh! While watching Rita strip I had totally forgotten about it. “Can I get one more drink before I do my dare? Anyone else?” Rina said, “I think we all better have one before the final hand.” I collected the glasses, noticing that Rita’s eyes were riveted on my erect penis. Rina noticed it too! I collected the glasses and mounted the stairs, with as much dignity as I could given my naked condition. While up in the kitchen I took a tissue and removed the drop of moisture on the end of my penis, things were embarrassing enough as it was.
When I returned with the drinks and sat down Rina explained my dare. I was certain after she had had to show me so much that I would get the same treatment.”I notice how much my sister admires your male parts, so let’s give her a closer look! Rita, go sit on the couch; now then, you go right up in front of her so she can see you up close. You just stay there and keep your hands behind your back for the minute. She can do anything she wants to you.” She continued with a bold look at Rita, ”
I know it’s not your dare but who cares, I dare you to touch him down there!” I could tell by the look on her face that this little unscripted challenge was definitely part of getting even with her sister. Rita flushed again, but looked excited. Rina had raised the stakes, now touching was in play! Even though I was now used to the girls seeing me naked, I was nervous again, and very worried that I wouldn’t be able to control myself if she touched me!
Rita got up and sat on the couch, which gave me another view of her amazing sexuality until she closed her legs; definitely the wrong time for that! I got up and stood right in front of her with my erection just inches away. Rina started the timer. At first Rita just looked, but then she raised her hand and touched my penis lightly, like it was hot and she might get burned. Then she began to touch me with more boldness. As she reached the tip, touching me at the opening, I struggled for control.
“Be careful,” I said in a very serious tone, “it’s very sensitive there and I’m very excited, I could really embarrass myself and make a mess.””OK.” Rita said nodding. Maybe some of her boyfriends had made a mess when they were fooling around with her; she seemed to know where I was going with my request. She moved her hand down to my scrotum and felt my testicles, examining me carefully.
“They should have had this in grade 8 health class instead of those stupid diagrams, Rina.” Rina laughed at her little joke. The Rita looked up at me and said, “I’ve never touched a man before, it’s kind of neat.” Rita put her hand back around my erection, as if trying to grasp its size and weight. The timer went off and she removed her hand. She smiled at me as we returned to our places.
“What did it feel like?” Rina asked, in an earnest tone. “It’s heavy, and pretty hard.” Rita replied, and then, puzzled, “I don’t know how it would ever fit inside me?” “No wonder it hurts the first time.” said Rina. “I need to go to the bathroom,” said Rita.”Me too,” said Rina, “we’ll be back.” Maybe they just wanted to leave the room to discuss my equipment in private?
When Rina got up she made no attempt to cover herself and just stood before me like a blonde goddess; she was achingly beautiful! Maybe she figured I had seen so much already that there was no point in trying to hide things any more. As she turned to leave the room Rita also got up, but, probably because she wasn’t as accustomed to being nude in front of me, kept a hand over herself. I deliberately looked away so she wouldn’t be so embarrassed.
I sat by myself in the room waiting for the girls to return. I was in a state of wonder at what I had seen and replayed the images in my mind. When I had arrived I was hoping for some kissing with Rina as the night progressed; this was past anything I could have ever imagined, and being a guy, my imagination could be go pretty far!
Some banter Monaounced their return. Rita was still trying to cover herself a bit. As they settled into their places Rina said, “Last hand!” I looked at the girls, “I’ve had rotten cards most of the night, my luck is bound to change and then I will be able to give each of you wonderful lovely girls an extra, extra special red dare of your very, very own.” I said drawing out the words for effect. “You have to win first, my friend,” Rita exclaimed laughing, “so you better concentrate on your cards and stop daydreaming about what you’re going to have us do or you will end up losing!”
“OK, let’s start,” said Rina, “whose deal is it?” “Mine,” replied Rita, dealing the cards. I looked at my cards; a pair of sixes looked back at me. I also had an ace. Not great, not terrible. I discarded two cards and looked at each of the girls. Rita’s face told me immediately that she didn’t have anything much and at least there was one less ace in the deck for her to get because I had it. Rina seemed to be making a decision.
I got my replacement cards, with a bonus, an additional six. Rita laid down her cards, “a pair of threes,” there was obvious disappointment in her voice. “Three sixes,” I said, trying to not sound excited. “Three jacks,” said Rina excitedly, “I win!”A moment of silence was broken by Rina. “Oh dear,” she exclaimed, with a loud sigh, feigning concern and putting the back of her hand to her forehead for full effect, “I guess I have to give two red dares because of the rules?”
She let that hang in the air, while Rita and I squirmed. This was a new side of her personality; although not normally inclined to do so, she clearly knew how to put the knife in and give it a good twist when required! Rita looked ashen; her face suggested that she was realizing that maybe humiliating Rina earlier wasn’t such a great idea in hindsight, even though it might have been fun at the time.
“Now,” she said turning to me, “you get to go first because I would like my darling little sister to sit there and think for a while about the dare she made me do earlier tonight, and imagine what a truly awful return dare I have in store for her!” “However, you have been more than a gentleman and done your dares without complaining, so I feel you should get something nice to finish with.” she said formally. Turning to her sister, she said sharply, “You, however, should be worried, very worried.”
The sinking look on Rita’s face indicated that she already was! Rina said, “I want another kiss, a really good one, like before, but this time, because you asked so nicely, you may touch my breasts as much as you like while we’re kissing.” I was electrified, but wisely refrained from saying anything. Almost every impossible ridiculous dream of my young life was coming true this night! Rita protested, “Oh, that’s a really terrible dare for him to do; I’m sure he’s so devastated he’ll never come over and play strip poker with us again!” she said sarcastically.
“Keep talking,” Rina said, “the more you complain, the worse your dare is going to be.” Rita said with disgust, “I suppose you need me to set the timer.” “Yes please,” said Rina primly, “rules are rules.” The she moved over beside me, not caring what I could see or not see, she looked into my eyes with a soft expression and we started our second kiss. I waited a little and then moved a hand to one of her breasts. It was soft, but the little nipple became harder as I touched it. I tried to be gentle as I squeezed a breast and played with the nipple.
Her kiss became fiercer. I brought my second hand up, touching her as gently as I could. This was very different than the furtive touching of my previous girlfriend. I had a sense of her body trying to reach out to mine, I could feel her breathing and her heartbeat; I fell into a place far away, where just the two of us existed. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Time’s up,” Rita said, her wide eyes showing she was clearly impressed by the fiery kiss she had witnessed, “if either of you even care. Maybe I should go upstairs?” Rina looked at her, breathing heavily, “Nice try, but we have to finish the game.”
Rita’s face fell, there was no escaping! Rina had recovered some of her equilibrium but was still flushed from the kissing and touching. She thought for a while and then pronounced: “Here’s the dare.” She turned to me, “Go sit on the couch please with your knees together.” I got up, still a little giddy, and complied. “Rita, you are to get up on couch and put one knee on each side of his legs and push forward until he can feel your sex against the his penis. I’m going to ask him if he can feel you and until he says so, I’m not starting the timer!”
Rita and I looked at each other, speechless.”And,” Rina continued.”There’s more?” Rita blurted out, hardly daring to believe what she already had heard.”Yes, when she’s against you,” Rina said, turning to me, “you are to hold on to her waist, or,” she said smirking, “lower down if you like, so she doesn’t fall over.””Then Rita, I want you to put your hands behind your head and lean forward so he can touch your breasts with his mouth.”
Rita, totally taken aback, turned at least the sixteen shades of red I had earlier, “You would make me do this?” Rina’s answer was immediate, “Absolutely!””And if I don’t?””Then I’m going to tell all of our friends about this game and that you chickened out; it will be all over your high school in no time!””You wouldn’t dare!” shocked at the prospect of the gossip at her school.”After tonight, do you really think I wouldn’t? But if that’s how you feel about it go ahead, try me! Just wait and see how much people will be laughing at you.”
“But this isn’t fair,” she protested, “this is way more than I made you do and besides, it’s two dares. I have to touch him with myself down below and then let him kiss my breasts.””So what, your dare was two part, I had to show myself and then open myself for him, so there was two things. And you don’t even have to show everything between your legs to him,” Rina said.””Yes but this dare involves touching, a lot of touching,” Rita argued.
“That dare you made me do was the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever had to do in my whole life,” Rina retorted, “you knew how much I liked him, and you still made me show off everything to him after only one kiss, everything!” She turned to me and said earnestly, “If you had laughed or made jokes, I would have just died!” I didn’t know quite how to say I would have never done that, but the intensity of her statement left me without words. I just nodded gravely.
“I have to think about this,” Rita said hesitantly, “give me a minute.””Alright, take your time,” Rina replied, and then adding for further effect, “Who knows, you might actually enjoy the dare!” Rina sat there, now with a look of triumph, as she saw the huge look of concern on her sister’s face.”And if she does the dare,” Rina said to me, but for sure fully intending her remarks for Rita, “I want to see the full treatment for her breasts, kissing, sucking, licking, whatever they do in dirty movies. Besides,” she said, in a more conspiratorial tone of voice, “I know that boys like to do that, so I figured you wouldn’t mind helping me out?”
I nodded my head. How could I refuse! Rita was looking away, obviously trying to make a decision.”Maybe soon I might want to have you try the same thing on me,” she said suggestively, looking straight into my eyes, “We’ll have to see how much Rita likes it!My pulse started racing while my insides started melting down.”But of course only after you have fully practiced on Rita.” she laughed, her eyes dancing with blue fire.
“You don’t mind me getting to touch her?” I asked.”Not tonight; some things just have to be done, you have my permission to enjoy yourself as much as you want,” she said playfully, “after all, you have to cooperate or it spoils the game, and rules are rules.”
Now she was laughing out loud, and I couldn’t help but join her a little.”OK,” Rita finally said in a resigned tone, “I guess I don’t have much choice, since you’re blackmailing me.”Rita looked at me and said, “And you are never, never, ever to tell anyone about this,” looking me straight in the eye.”Swear to God.””Because otherwise every guy within ten miles will think I’m a slut and an easy lay.”
The things these girls knew! Then Rita got up and approached the sofa. She put one knee then the other on either side of my legs, and then moved forward until we touched in an intimate fashion. I could feel the softness and heat on my erection and I began to get quite a bit harder. I sensed that she could feel this too as she shuddered slightly. Trying to not be too bold, I grasped her at the waist as Rina had requested. She raised her arms behind her head, looking at me nervously and leaned forward, quite red.
Rina asked, “Can you feel her?””Yes.””I’ll start the timer; have a nice time Rita,” Rina said sardonically, thoroughly enjoying her revenge. Gently, slowly, I began to kiss her breasts as Rina had asked. Then I began to suck on each nipple, alternating between them. They got more and more erect as I marveled at their feel to my tongue. I was surprised to see Rita close her eyes. As I continued my play, she started to breath deeper and then I was startled to feel some movement down below; she was pushing herself further up into my erection and beginning to move ever so slightly back and forth! I let my hands fall to her hips and helped her.
Even though I had absolutely no experience with girls I realized she was becoming aroused. I was amazed how quickly she responded to my attentions to her breasts and the feel of my penis. Before matters could progress further, the timer went off. She opened her eyes and gave me a smoldering look, getting slowly off me, maybe letting herself rub just a little more than necessary along my penis as she did. I exhaled. The base of my erection was covered with her moisture.
Rina had seen the reaction by her sister as well, “My, my, Rita, I think there needn’t be any more dares for you tonight or you’ll be losing your virginity on the spot!” Rita’s expression showed her agreement with Rina’s assessment. I think she was as surprised as I was at the intensity of her reaction to the touching we had done. “And as for you,” she remonstrated, wagging a finger at me, and laughing, “I told you to enjoy yourself, not to seduce my little sister right under my nose!”
Rita was a little unsteady, the combination of alcohol and sexual arousal affecting her. She sat down for a minute to recover, then looked at the two of us and Monaounced softly, “This game is over, and three’s a crowd, I’m going to go upstairs.” Finishing her drink, she finally got up and bent over to retrieve her clothes and shoes, giving me an unobstructed view from behind of the special place between her legs. As she stood back up, she gave me a slow wink. I realized that this was her way for making up for the fact that she had seen all of me, but I had not seen all of her. I looked at her and nodded, so she would know that I understood.
“Play nicely children,” she said as she disappeared. We were alone, I on the couch and Rina on her cushion. There was a moment of silence, and then she said, “May I ask you something?” “Of course,” I replied. “When you were looking at me, you know … there, what were you thinking?” “I found you to be so much more beautiful than any pictures I had ever seen. I was so grateful that you allowed me to see you, even though I knew how hard it was for you. I wanted to hold you and hug you and tell you that it was all right, you had done something wonderful for me!
But Rita was there and I couldn’t. And it was also the most erotic thing I have ever seen, it made me very excited; it was hard to keep control of myself afterwards.” She looked at me, gratefully, “That’s what you thought?” “Yes, I will remember it for the rest of my life.” She got up and came over to the couch and sat in my lap. I could feel the fire where her sex was touching my thigh. “Please kiss me,” she whispered.
We locked into our third embrace, and after a long time, I raised a hand to her breast and she shivered as I caressed her. Then I felt her shift her position on me and take her hand to guide mine down her body over her mound and into the warm place below. I had read that you had to be very gentle so I explored carefully, touching her where I thought her clitoris was and then putting one finger inside her a little. She kissed me even more fiercely and then broke off our kiss and nuzzled her head into my shoulder.
I used my wet finger to run up and down everywhere, ending up with it back inside her while my thumb massaged her above. I could feel her breath on my chest becoming ragged and she began to moan. As I continued, she suddenly placed her hand on mine roughly forcing my thumb down onto her. Her legs closed tightly around my hand and I felt little uncontrolled spasms clutching my finger as she made a tiny whimpering noise against my chest. After a few moments I removed my hand and rocked her in my arms.
Even without anything to compare to I was sure she had had a climax. As she recovered I tried to put my hand back on her, but she gently stopped me. “I want more; everything,” she whispered, “but we can’t tonight, I’ll get pregnant. She continued in a very truthful and serious tone, “You gave me wonderful new feelings, just now.” “But …” I said in a low voice.
“No, you don’t understand,” she quietly interrupted me, placing a finger on my lips, “If we do more I am sure that I will lose control of myself and I won’t be able to stop and even if you try to stop I know I will make you take me because I want you right now so much more than you can imagine. I am right between my periods; it’s too risky; I’ll get pregnant for sure.”
Unprepared as I was for this night and this situation, I could only reply bleakly: “You’re right.” But inside me reason and instinct were at war. I knew she was right; I had only to sweep her back into my arms and smother her with kisses and she would yield to me, quickly and completely. The temptation was intense, I hesitated. Perhaps sensing the danger, she moved away from me and stood up.
“Wait here, I’ll be right back.” I sat there, my groin aching. When she returned she sat on the couch leaning her body against me. I saw she had brought back a small towel. Before I could protest she said, “Everyone thinks I am such an innocent, but I know a lot about boys and sex from things I’ve read. Don’t be embarrassed, I know you will have to do something about this,” she continued, glancing at my penis, “as soon as you can, so do it with me now, together, so I can feel what it’s like.”
I didn’t say anything. I had so many conflicting feelings running through me: embarrassment, desire, disappointment. She placed the towel and then used her hand to gently caress me. In my supercharged sexual state it was only a matter of moments before I erupted into the towel and all over her hand. As my breathing steadied, she gently cleaned both of us off.
I was slumped against her, momentarily spent.”I had no idea it would feel so powerful.” she said, “Better?””Yes.” I replied, still a little unsure about things.”Then I think you had best get dressed or I’ll change my mind and we’ll both end up sorry.”And with that she placed a chaste kiss on my lips and got up.I pulled on my clothes but she only zipped up her skirt and threw her sweater over her head.”I am going to take a shower after you leave; too bad you can’t join me, but maybe another time if we are more prepared.” she giggled a bit,
“So a very cold shower is needed I think.” She continued in a more serious tone, “I need to think about us and things because of … well, you know …” and then her voice trailed off. The partly spoken promise entered my heart leaving me with hope. I finished my drink. We headed upstairs to the front door. “I suppose,” she said, “that you now think
I am a very fast and wild girl, like the one from the cottage you told us about?” “I only think,” I said solemnly as I put on my coat, “that every time I look into those blue eyes I am a lost soul.” We kissed; a long, long, tender, gentle kiss. As she turned for me to leave I could see a glistening in her eyes, but she gave me a gentle smile as she closed the door. I walked out into the cold night, not yet a man, but no longer a boy! The End. This is my first fiction story. I hope you had fun.