So I surrendered my innocence and continued with life. There was no more of maid Sujata, after she had been sacked In the mean while, I graduated from a management school and after the first job, landed in my second job with a multinational company. Obviously the pay, the way the employees were treated was outstanding and it seemed to be an opportunity of life time for me.
The hitch was that I was posted away from home and had to stay alone for the first time. Again due the conservative nature of our middle class morals, I was not even allowed to come home after seven pm in the night. This new job indeed was really a huge opening in my career and life.
As my parents were not comfortable in me staying alone, they dug out a close friend of theirs. I had met this family a few times. They would stay in our house whenever they visited Bangalore.
Family consisted of husband and wife and a young Anita about 7 to 8 years younger to me. Though my interaction with this family was quite limited i.e. mainly during their visits, we were extremely comfortable with them as my parents friendship with them went a long way back.
It was decided that I would stay with them in Bombay. It was considered a great solution as it solved the problem of looking for new accommodation in a new city. Further in my parent’s eyes, the family would be like my own and the other couple would keep a watchful eye over me.
While this suited everybody, I was ruing my lost opportunity to stay alone and may be get a little ‘adventurous’. I settled in and started to like my job and the stay with the new family. Their eating habits, day to day life style was more or less like what I was used to in my own house, hence the transition was exceptionally easy.
Now coming to the Anita. I always considered her to be a little bit of a twerp. She must have just been 19 yrs of age and was doing has become. She used to call me ‘Anna’ i.e. Elder brother. She was slim and about 5 feet tall. Exceptionally fair and her lips were pink. She seemed to be a late bloomer in the sense; I could see she had budding breasts.
Surprisingly she had a perfect hour glass figure. The slender waist swelled into a gorgeous and extremely well shaped back. She was slim so she back was shapely but did not jutt out like what one would expect from somebody better built then Anita. She looked at best 16 years of age though she must have been well into her 19’s.
I used to think of her as an extremely silly girl as she was lost in the movie world. All her dialogues and some of her actions used to mimic the latest movie. This she did consciously and used to gleefully tell me about the movie plot and how handsome the hero was, the comedy lines in the movie etc. My thoughts were what outstanding intellect do you expect from an Anita of 19 years?’
After the initial few months of stay I was asked to teach accountancy to her. Was not a problem at all and by the end of the month there was a marked improvement in her test results. So all good and hunky dory.
To be honest, I blissfully continued my existence without any thoughts of sex. There were a couple of funny incidents. I had managed to get a penthouse magazine and had hid it at the bottom of my clothes in my room. After a lapse of one week the magazine disappeared.
I was stunned and thought that uncle (I used to call her parents uncle and a) had found the book and had removed it. However on a general gut feel, as were working on the accountancy, I whispered to the Anita that a special book of mine is missing from the cupboard and I think I should talk to uncle about it. Normally the TV is on loud and we could converse quite comfortable in the corner doing the accounts. The next day, the book was back in my box! While my suspicion was confirmed, I still did not dwell too much on this.
During the weekends when she would wash her hair (what we call ‘head bath’) and walk back to her room through the corridor and as I used to pass her, she would call out ‘good morning’ and giggle. She would come out in her loose nighty and her hair wrapped in a towel and walk back to her room and before the mirror where used to spend a good deal of time making up, combing her hair..etc. This ‘good morning’ was not a normal morning greeting, which much I was aware, as it used to only occur when every crossed her in the corridor from the bath. I had a few classmates which whom I used to spend the weekends evenings.
During one of the evenings as we were going around window shopping, one of my friends was drooling over a beautiful girl who passed by. He looked at all of us and said ‘good morning’. I was immediately on to him and asked him what he meant by that. It turned out to be out of a movie where the hero was a bus conductor used to cry out ‘good morning’ every time the cleavage of a female commuter. Now it all made sense. She used to walk back from her bath without any bra. I could make that out as couple of times her nighty was slightly wet and I could see her little nipple straining against the dress. My immediate thoughts were what a silly Anita, again the actions relate to a movie.
I used to teach her, play board games with her and sometimes drop her to the bus stop. Generally was completely trusted by the family. By now I was about 6 months into my stay at Bombay with them. Uncle & a used to go out shopping grocery and the usual other stuff. During these times we used to be alone. During one such occasion, I had my bath and was walking back with only a towel around my waist. As I passed her in the corridor, she started giggling and made to reach out and grab my towel. In good natured response, I held on tight and ran into my room to change. This happened couple of times and I observed that on all occasions we were alone. For the first time something woke up in my mind. I was not sure how to react.
The next time we were alone, I went for my usual bath and wound my towel around my waist. This time I was slightly breathless and obviously turned on. As usual, she was there in the corridor and started to reach out and grab. This time I let her backs me into the corner and took my hands off the towel. In a way she sensed victory and grabbed and opened my towel. In all the anticipation I was completely hard. She held my towel and gazed at it for about 30 seconds. I did not realize that in my excitement I had started to secrete the pre cum. Couple of drops seeped out and fell to the ground. She immediately exclaimed sees! Pushed the towel back into my hands and ran away. Nothing more happened. The you & a came back. As we sat later that night doing the accounts, she whispered it looks so ugly. I told her ‘what did you expect, to see flowers? And in any case it is exactly like what you saw in penthouse magazine.
There was a startled silence. Now that evening, her grandmother had come down to stay with them for a month. We used to sleep on two separate parallel beds a little away from each other. As the old lady was now in the house, I most gallantly gave my bed to her and spread out my mattress on the ground beside Anita. The lights were switched off (a small bed lamp was always lit in the night) and in a short while I could hear the regular breathing of the old lady. I was just tossing about on the ground.
Then suddenly Anita’s hand dropped from the bed on which she was sleeping. It was like she is in deep sleep and her had had slipped over and dangled over the bed. For the brief moment as it came down it brushed my cheek. I am not sure what drove me, but I slowly moved my head and reached out to her dangling hand. Almost instinctively I slowly moved my face and took her forefinger into my mouth. My head still rested on the pillow, I merely had to move closer to her bed. I froze at the thought of what I had done and at the same time felt as sharp intake of breath and her body stiffening. I did not move for about a minute. There was no further movement from her.
I started moving my tongue around her fingers. Given my heightened state of sexual awareness that night, this was the only piece of her body which was accessible to me. I sucked her finger like it was her nipple. I also observed that she moved closer to the edge of the bed so that I cud now take her entire finger into my mouth. I must have sucked her tenderly, sometimes nibbling her with my teeth for almost 3 hours that night. I moved away when I heard the old lady shift in her sleep.
Next day morning was perfectly normal. Same occurrences that night. This night she consciously let her hand drop and ensured that it rested on my face. It is amazing how creative one can get even sucking a finger as that is all I cud get my hands on. It was amazingly sensual and I actually enjoyed. It also taught me that you can make love to every part of a female’s body. This continued for a week.
Then one evening as I came back early from work you and the old lady were waiting for me. They were dressed up and told me ‘take care of the house we are going to buy some jewels for some wedding. Anita will come home from college shortly and her food is on the stove’. I was eagerly awaiting Anita’s return. I quickly changed from my jeans into shorts. I also took off my underwear and had only my thin shots on. She came and walked into the house. She was wearing a skirt (well below her knee) and a shirt top. She was wearing shoes.
As she sat on the sofa to take off her shoes, I walked up to her and lifted her legs and pulled off her shoes. She was extremely surprised. She of course knew that no one was at home. I literally carried her into my uncle’s bed room and threw her on the bed. After her initial surprise she started to struggle with me. As I literally threw myself on her, she turned and was now face down. She told me, ‘touch me but you can take off my clothes. If you do that I will scream’. She refused to turn on to her back. I kissed and licked her neck. Then sat on her back so to ensure that she does not escape and facing her legs started licking her legs.
I licked, nibbled and sucked her entire length of her legs. Surprising I found one more sensitive part of a women, the pit behind her knee. As I ran my tongue over that part, I realized that she was very turned on as she trembled as I sucked that part. Slowly I reached up to her panty line. She refused to let me proceed. Out of sheer frustration, I turned and lay over her supine form. I was not sure what else I cud do as she refused to let me take her clothes off.
As I lay over her I suddenly realized that my hard on had found a niche where it fitted quite well i.e. In her ass cheeks’ crack. I softly told her, I am only going to lift your skirt and I will not take off your panties and that am a promise so please don’t struggle. She lay still breathing hard. In a flash I lifted her skirt and quickly pushed my hard on into her crack. Her panty had got stuck in between and I really cud not complain. I settled down on her with my hard on in her crack. I was still in my shorts which was very thin. I could feel warmth radiating from her through her panty and it electrified my hard on.
I slowly started to dry hump her. I ground my hard on as hard as possible into her bottom. I continued to thrust like this for a few minutes. In a short while I climaxed most violently. I held her slender frame locked in my arms tightly and as I shuddered to climax, I felt her body also trembling with mine. I got up and ran into the bathroom washed myself and quickly changed back into the jeans. Later that evening when everyone was back, she chose to ignore me and give me hostile looks from across the table. That night as I lay down, no hand came down for me to suck. I guessed that I had pushed my luck far enough and that was it.
Three nights of ignoring me and the hostile looks, I could not in contain my joy when the hand came down and brushed my face again. I sucked the finger with all the more passion and grateful that may be this would progress. The next day I managed to get a short time when we were alone and I went through the same ritual of dry humping. This time she lay quiet and let me dry hump her with her panties on until I climaxed.
That night again she let her fingers down. This time I was frustrated with just touching her clothed body and sucking her finger. She had moved to the edge of the bed to give me access to her finger. I could see her breasts moving up and down rhythmically to her breath in the light of the night lamp. Gathering all the courage I had I lifted my hand and placed it on her breast on top of her nighty. I had her finger in my mouth and with the other hand held her shoulder so that she could not move away. I slowly unbuttoned her first two buttons. She tried to crush my fingers with her other hand so that I could not move it around.
Slowly I gained access to her breast. I could feel the small buttons with my finger. As she was wearing a bra, I could only get two fingers in. My finger and the middle finger. Using this I caught hold of her teat and slowly started to pull it in a gently milking motion. Slowly she let go of my hand and I continued this for about half an hour alternating between the two breasts. She suddenly seemed to sit up. I was stunned and thought that she is going to call out to her parents. Instead I realized that she had propped herself up on her elbows and was reaching behind herself for some reason. Within a few seconds she lay down again and her hand came down. I sucked it and at the same time reached out to her breasts.
I was amazed to discover that she had unbuttoned her bra to give complete access to my roving hand. This became a regular affair. I used to keep her awake sometimes up to 5 am in the morning sucking and tweaking her nipple. It is amazing what sexual drive can make one do. I for one love my sleep…! One of the days when we were along, I again carried her to bed and put her face down for the dry hump.
She started pushing and fighting again. I was surprised, after all I was playing to her rules and she had been ok with this. She pushed and turned and when I was just about to give up and walk away. She lies on her back and spread her legs. I realized all her fighting was to make me come on her face up. I raised her nighty and kissed her on her panty covered pussy. She refused to let me take it off; instead she just pulled me on top of herself, closed her eyes and turned away. I again dry humped her to my climax.
Sometime later the old lady went back to her house and I was back on my bed. I was not getting time alone with her and our beds were now separated by considerable distance. Out of sheer desperation one night, I got up and touched the night lamp with my legs. There was a loose contact that I knew of. It immediately plunged the room into darkness. Within few seconds I moved over lifted her nighty and began dry humping. After couple of minutes, during which I think she came, she started whispering in my ear, ‘enough please move, what if they wake up’. I held her tightly in my arms until I came. Couple of times when she thought I was asleep I saw her hands reach down and touch herself. I immediately grabbed her hands as they were, making her acknowledge that she was indeed touching herself. This continues over a few months. I am amazed at the risks that I took.
Slowly over a period of time I managed to slip my hands into her panty and touch her pussy. I was not able to insert my finger but could feel her wetness. Couple of nights she used to get up to pee and I followed her to the bathroom. She made me stand out. She used to turn away, lift her nighty and pull her panties down. She used to squat on the ground and relieve herself. All I could see was her glorious bottom and heathen twinkle. She used to be on her toes when she used to pee. I could almost see her pink hole from behind.
It is during this time I started developing a likening for the female odor. She used to return and lie down from the bathroom, I used to touch her and get a few drops on my finger. I used to take it and suck my fingers. When I used to touch her wetness, I used to suck my fingers. We very rarely talked about this during the day. During my bath I used to rummage through the dirty clothes and search for her panties. I used to hold it to my nose and inhale the glorious female smell. There were variations to this. Some times I would lie down beside her and take her hands, envelope it over me and move it until I came. All this effective happened over a year and half.
Like they say good things do not last forever, it came to an end quite rapidly. She was 20+ and had completed her graduation. Suddenly her matrimony was fixed. I was quite pained. While our relationship was lust driven, I have nevertheless developed a liking for her. In a true sense she was the first women whose body I yearned for and if there was any way our parents would accept it, I would have gladly married her. However it was impossible as she was considered my sister.
We both were shocked that her marriage was fixed all of a sudden. She was in tears and told me at all should end. I agreed. The date was fixed and wedding preparations began. Closer to the wedding we realized that the next day would be the last day we would have together alone before the relatives would start arriving. I guess she really liked me because in spite of all the passion and sometimes being rough in such passion, I was gentle with her and always played by her rules. She was running between beauty salon..etc and that night as we slept she gave the sweetest of smiles and told me ‘surprise for you tomorrow’. Given her marriage, I expected something related to it. Next day her parents had hired a car for full day and started out quite early to hand over invitations. I was not even awake when they left.
I was still drowsy when I heard her calling me from her parent’s bedroom. I got up and stumbled sleepily to the room. What I saw woke me up alright. She was standing naked, her nighty, bra and panty was lying on the ground. Using her right for finger she beckoned me to her. She then turned and moved to the bed. She lay down and told me see and touch me all you want as this will be the last time. She had a perfect body. She was stunning. She was petit, not very big boobs, but the nipples were baby pink. She had thick hair down. She turned over to let me see her all over. She was picture perfect young women.
I moved immediately and hungrily lowered my mouth on her nipples. She held my head and told me ‘no marks, I can’t afford to have marks just now!’ I must have sucked her breasts alternatively for god knows how long. I flipped her over and started running my tongue right from her toes to her forehead. I kissed her on her lips and let my teeth run over her forehead. I gently chewed her ear lobes. I liked and nibbled the neck between ears and shoulders. Slowly I moved to her centre and finally touched her with my tongue. Her odor was heady and overpowering. It was better than what I expected. It smelt like sweat, pee and the unique part which can only be described as a female odor. I licked every inch of her outside and slowly started pushing my tongue inside her. She reached down and used her hands to open herself for me.
She had the tiniest of clitoris. I plunged my tongue in. She made me repeatedly lick her entire length. It started with her anal hole and moved all the way to her clitoris. Slowly she worked into frenzy and started pulling my hair and thrusting herself to my mouth. In a few moments she gave out a small involuntary guttural cry, out of the depth of her throat and every muscle in her body froze. She then pushed my face away. She lay panting looking at me. She then reached out and took me in her hands.
She then asked me to get up and pull out an old towel which was hanging behind the door. She spread this beneath her and asked me to come close. By now the entire room was thick with the smell of her sex. She asked me to promise to stop whenever she wants. I think she was comfortable with the fact that I would do whatever she wanted and would not push beyond what she wants. She was still lying down. She turned away from me as if not wanting to catch my eyes and told me does it now’.
I started backing off saying no you are getting married in a few days, if you have held on for so long why give up now. She did not even bother replying. Her eyes were still tightly shut. She merely said, ‘make sure you remove it before you come’ and opened her legs even further. While I dreaded the possible outcome, I lay on her and tried to get into her. Obviously my one prior experience had not made me an expert, I was not getting anywhere. I reached down, raised her legs, took hold of myself and rubbed it on her. Slowly I was able to position it correctly.
She was lying down with her knee folded up. I was on her, but only the lower portion was joined. Rest of the body up, with my hands on either side of her head. I could look down and see myself at the entrance. With all my might I pushed. Something just gave away and after an initial resistance I just slipped it. Her eyes opened insane with pain and she looked shocked and almost chocked with the pain. I was looking down when I had entered her and was stunned to see blood bubbling up. It seemed to just bubble up like a spring all around my where I was in her and started pouring out. I froze in the position I was in. She cried out in the typical south Indian fashion calling out for her mama. I found it hot and throbbing and obviously stick with blood.
She then just lay down limply with both her hands beside her. I lie over her and whispered ‘do you want to stop?’. She was still in pain and literally snapped back at me ‘just finish it’. I slowly pulled myself out. It is amazing that she was so tight and with all the blood that it made a slight sucking kind of noise. I slowly thrust myself in again. She again grimaced with pain. I slowly started moving in and out. It seemed that there was not enough place inside her for me to enter. Each thrust seemed to penetrate even deeper. I now was grinding myself into her. She for one seemed to be in continued pain and was repeatedly asking me to finish fast.
It was not that I was on for long, I guess them pain was getting to her. I worked myself into frenzy. The thought of a gorgeous creature offering herself to me soon had its effect. As I panted over her, I saw this young girl and could not they believe the unbelievable pleasure that she was giving me. I suddenly felt the end approaching. The suddenness with which it came shocked me. I was barely able to pull out when I started sprouting. I just lay down on her and pressed on her stomach to get the maximum friction.
As I pressed myself on to her stomach, I repeatedly came in short bursts and my entire body shook with each burst. When I lifted myself off her, there was lots of blood and sperms all over her stomach and navel. Blood had flowed down her back and had wetted the towel. She got up shakily and refused help from me. She walked into the bathroom.
When she came out, she had cleaned herself and had washed the towel clean. I had dusted and rearranged the bed spread. So all tell a tale signs had been erased. I was extremely scared that she may fall ill that night as she looked weak through the day. She looked like an angel on her wedding.
I briefly spoke to her after her nuptials. Apparently she had bled again when her husband penetrated the first night, which left him completely satisfied. We never did get an opportunity again. We do meet during family occasions like weddings..etc but never got time alone again. I personally treasure what we had together and it is something that I will carry with me for a life time. When I catch her eye during our family get together, I see the same and may be just a touch of an unshed tear of what would have been had we been united. .