The cell phone light blinked, indicating an incoming call; this was the third time in as many minutes. Clicking her tongue in annoyance at the disturbance, Priya pushed away from the strands of dark, slightly damp hair clinging to her temples, and reached for the offending instrument.
It was Ravi, her real estate broker. Priya had been trying to avoid the man but he was simply too persistent. “Ah, Mr. Ravi,” she exclaimed, “What a surprise! I wasn’t expecting your call…” There was no trace of impatience in her high, clear voice, and the conversation, where she only contributed the occasional “yes,” “of course,” and “not a problem” was pleasantly brief.
It had been a long day, and she couldn’t wait to get back home. But because of Ravi’s call, she had to make a detour to her flat first. She rose; slipped her feet into the high heeled slippers she had kicked off under her desk, dropped her cell phone into her handbag, and left the office.
Ravi had called saying her previous tenant had returned the remote control of the a/c she had reported missing, and asked if she could please come by to the flat so that he could check if this was the actual instrument, before handing it over to her. Priya was a little surprised that Ravi was being so pleasant and helpful. He had put in a lot of work to find her a new tenant, when another agent stepped in and closed the deal; he lost a fat commission.
She expected Ravi to be upset; she had seen a brief flare of anger in his eyes when she broke the news to him, but he just smiled and dismissed it as something one had to be prepared for in his line of work. The anger, if it ever existed, never surfaced again – not in his words, tone of voice, or in anything he did. Priya prayed this meeting would be very brief, and that she would never have to see him again.
Priya wore a slightly crumpled, parrot green tunic with tiny gold flowers and her hips swayed under an ankle length, vegetable dyed cotton skirt. Long, leaf-shaped gold earrings dangled from her ears and chunky beads circled her neck. She had thick dark hair; she was curvy, not very tall, with big breasts and hips flaring generously beneath a softly rounded belly. And then, her eyes crinkled, and dimples appeared tantalizingly at the corners of lush lips that stretched wide in genuine pleasure. You couldn’t look at Priya smile and not smile back.
The apartment building was lovely, and Priya usually lingered to watch the children and talk to some of the mothers, but this evening, not being in a very chatty mood, she quickly let herself into the building. She felt along the wall of the living room for the light switch and flicked it on. Nothing happened. Puzzled, she flipped the switch off, and then on again. Still nothing. Wondering what was wrong, she walked to the wide bank of windows and looked into the garden – the concealed lights glowed softly. The apartment complex had 24 hour back up power, there was no reason for the lights in her flat not to come on. Priya picked up the intercom phone and punched the managers’ number.
“Alex, this is Priya from D708. There’s no power in the flat…” She listened with a frown as Alex had no explanation for this. Angry words welled up in her throat, and Priya bit the inside of her cheek in an attempt to stem them. She didn’t answer. “Should I send up an emergency light?” Alex continued, hesitantly. “Please do that Alex,” Priya replied finally, trying to keep the annoyance from her voice. She was quite upset at the turn of events. Her new tenant was due to occupy the flat on Monday, and there was so much last minute work to be done before that. “And please buzz Ravi in when he arrives,” she added before replacing the receiver with an angry click. Damn the man Ravi. Friendly or not, he just couldn’t seem get his act together!
The emergency light was brought up to her in a couple of minutes, and even though it helped bring a little light into the darkness of the large living room, it did nothing for the sticky heat. Sweat beaded on Priya’s temples and pooled in the hollow of her throat. She cursed Ravi some more and flicked open two buttons on her shirt for a little air. She pressed the fabric against her breasts, trying to mop up the sweat. It darkened with moisture immediately.
Priya walked around, opening the French doors, and the windows, hoping to entice a cool breeze into the dark, empty spaces. She looked down into the garden and realized how she loved this place, how beautiful it was. She thanked heaven for giving her the courage to take on a huge loan to buy the flat. Even though she would be in debt for at least 10 years, it was worth every bit of hard work that went into paying it off.
The first indication Priya had of another person in the flat was the sound of the front door closing. Startled, she walked back into the dimly lit living room. The soft hair on her arms rose in a frisson of fear when she saw the shadowy outlines of a tall, male figure turn away from the door. Her mind screamed at her to run, to call for help, to do something, but her body refused to respond to the urgent commands, and panic-stricken, she remained rooted to the spot.
The man stepped into the weak pool of light – it was Ravi. A rush of relief mixed up with embarrassment at her needless fear and inaction washed over Priya and brought back with a vengeance her annoyance with the man before her.
Ravi smiled and held up a set of the front door keys and security card. “Sorry if I startled you Ma’am,” he said, polite as always. Priya forced herself to smile back, fighting not to let her irritation show. “It’s perfectly alright Mr. Ravi, I was startled, that’s all,” she said, her voice just a little snappish. “There’s no power. I believe it’s been disconnected…”
He interrupted her as he walked towards her. “I’m sorry Ma’am,” he apologized again. “The cheque from TRC services is taking a while to come in. It will be done on Monday, I promise.”
Ravi was standing in front of Priya now, uncomfortably close, holding out a package for her to take. His eyes flicked down to the invitingly open neckline of her shirt. He could see the gentle swell of her breasts, and the tantalizing shadows in between. A rush of desire shot through him.
She must have been waiting here in the muggy apartment for a while; even in the rapidly fading light he could make out the sheen of sweat on her skin. His eyes travelled up to her face, and stopped at her lips; slightly open, plump, kissable lips painted a delicious dark pink. Ah, how he wanted to run his tongue between them, and dip into the treasures they promised. He cleared his throat, and forced himself back to the present.
Priya was uncomfortable, and had a desperate urge to get out of here as soon as possible. She snatched the package from Ravi. “This is useless now.” she said curtly, “How can I check if it’s the right control when there’s no current. Anyway, it doesn’t matter,” she dismissed. “I’ll let you know if there’s any problem. Sometimes I think you need to get your act together. It’s not enough just to be nice. You had one month to pay this bill and still nothing’s been done.” She held up her hand as he started to talk. “You know that I have my new tenant moving in on Monday, and there’s so much to do.” Priya’s pent-up feelings of guilt, annoyance, and fear had taken control of her mouth and she couldn’t stop the ugly words from tumbling out. “Even that you messed up.” she accused, “dragged it on for so long that I had no choice but to find another agent…”
Ravi’s face twisted at the mention of another agent. Desire for this obnoxious woman, anger at losing his commission and humiliation at the way she was speaking to him fused together in his stomach like a potent, toxic poison. Raw anger flashed across his tight features, but Priya didn’t see it. She had already turned to walk towards the door.
He took one quick step towards Priya, grabbed her by her shoulders and pushed her hard against the wall. She yelped in shock and hurt as the back of her head smacked the hard surface.
“What the hell do you think you are doing, Get your hands…” Ravi slammed his hand over her mouth. “Shut up,” he snarled, “I’ve had enough of you giving me orders and expecting me to jump every time you snapped your fingers.” Terrified, Priya clawed at his hand and kicked out at him. The toe of her slipper connected with his shin, Ravi grunted with pain, but didn’t let go. Fighting to get loose from her unexpected assailant, she sank her teeth into his palm and bit down hard.
“Arghh! Bitch!” he screamed and yanked his hand away, but before Priya could take advantage of the momentary break, and run, or reach for some kind of help, he slapped her so hard across her face, she fell back against the wall, stunned.
The room seemed to sway before her in a haze of grey. Tears welled up in her fear filled eyes. She cupped her palms against her burning flesh and looked up at the man looming in front of her. Her breasts heaved as she gulped in air. With the top buttons of her shirt undone, her hair falling loose about her face, shivering with fright, Priya looked so vulnerable, and so desirable.
For the first time, she saw Ravi as a man, and not just her real estate agent. In his early thirties, he was tall, many inches taller than her. He was lean and lightly muscled, and obviously stronger than he looked. He was breathing hard, and sucked at his hand where she had bitten him, as if to soothe the pain.
“Leave me alone,” she pleaded in a half-choked voice, trying to appeal to his better nature, “you’re hurting me.” His hand was a blur as it connected with the other side of her face in a hard slap again. The sharp sound of flesh striking flesh echoed loudly in the empty room. Priya slumped hopelessly against the wall, her legs trembled, and she knew they wouldn’t support her.
“You hurt me, bitch,” she heard him snarl as he pressed his hard frame into her soft, quivering body. He cupped her face in his hands, looking at her with hunger and something else that she couldn’t quite identify, but frightened her to the core. She felt the growing hardness between his legs against her, and repulsed, struggled to push him away. She twisted her face away from him and shoved against his chest, but, held down forcefully, with the wall behind her, she couldn’t do much, except maybe screaming for help.
Ravi seemed to read her intentions, and even as she opened her mouth, clamped one hand over her the lower portion of her face, and the other around her throat. Pain shot through her lips and the ravaged insides of her cheek. Priya gasped but with his hand over her nose, she couldn’t breathe; her air supply was cut off. Her eyes widened and she moaned behind the press of his flesh. Frantic, she scrabbled at his hands, trying to shift them away from her face, to get a little bit of respite, some room to breathe. “Shut up.” Ravi snapped. “One sound and you’re dead. It will be easy enough for me to drag you out of here and dump you in the nearest river. Nobody will even know. Do you want that?” The words and the force with which Ravi spat them out terrified Priya. This snarling stranger was not the polite and friendly man she had come to know over the last year. She looked at him out of wide and frightened eyes and shook her head slightly.
He eased up on the pressure and she slid down the wall, coughing, and greedily gulping in life-giving air. She was on her knees now, hunched over, one hand on the floor, supporting her weight, and the other at her throat. Tears flowed down her cheeks, and her shoulders shook with the effort to keep her sobs silent. With one last, futile attempt to somehow get out of this nightmarish situation, Priya lunged for her handbag, lying next to Ravi’s feet. May she could get to her cell phone…
Ravi took a quick step forward and kicked the bag out of her reach. He fell to his knees by her side, grabbed her hair, and yanked her head back. “You snobby little bitch,” he barked, if only you had waited a little more, I could have closed this deal for you. But you had to go to somebody else. You cost me almost 2 lakhs, and you’re going to pay for it.”
Open mouthed with pain, Priya could only mewl in protest. She reached back with both her hands, trying to free her hair from his cruel grip. To any observer with a bit of compassion, Priya looked pitiful- her face was streaked with dark lines of tears, and her eyes were filled with horror, her neck muscles strained as she arched back to try and ease the pain of having her hair savagely pulled back, but to Ravi, burning with anger towards the woman whose impatience he believed had cost him a huge commission, and filled with the humiliation of being ignored by her, she was simply an object he could take his fury out on. He grabbed her arms and twisted them behind her back, holding her by the wrists. For a minute he thought about tying them with his belt, but then decided it would take too much time and effort, and god knows what the whore would do in that period.
He felt a strange, and very heady, combination of power and sexual excitement course through his veins at the sight of this woman, terrified, trembling before him. She had tormented him in his dreams for more than a year now, as he tossed on his damp sheets, knowing that women like her were not available to working-class men like him. And here she was – he looked at Priya almost as if for the first time – she was sobbing, arms pulled back tightly, shoulders pushed to the ground, ass high in the air, and hair, loosened from its clip, damp and clinging to the sides of her neck and face, trembling, pleading. He had come this far, and he had her lying on the floor in front of him in a classic fuck me pose, too scared to put up a struggle. He was damned if he wasn’t going to take her, and take her rough, and hard.
Leaning forward on the sobbing woman, holding her motionless with the force of his weight, he let her hair go and quickly yanked his zipper down. The sound grated harshly in the nearly complete darkness of the flat, and Priya, moaning with renewed fear, bucked against him and heaved, trying to twist out of his grip. Ravi grabbed her hair again, and pressed his other hand over her mouth and nose once more. “Stop it,” he hissed, bending close to her ear. “I don’t want to hurt you badly, but I will, if you give me more trouble.” He twisted his hand in her hair, and Priya’s head jerked around along with it. “If at any time you try to bite me, or hurt me, you’re dead.
Do you understand?” Ravi said nastily. She nodded her head, suffocating behind his rough palm, filled with dread at the horror of her situation, desperate to have some air in her lungs. At that moment she would have agreed to anything he asked.
He moved her around to face him, yanked her head back by her hair, eased his hard and aching cock out of his trousers and rubbed it against her lips. Pre-cum oozed from the tip. Priya gagged and tried to turn her face, but his hand in her hair wouldn’t let her move. He roughly shoved himself into her mouth. Priya gagged again, this time with the force of his action, and her mouth closed involuntarily over him.
“Don’t you dare, bitch.’ he snapped, thinking she was going to bite him, and pushed himself inside her completely till he felt himself bumping against the back of her throat; her face was pressed close against his groin. Priya closed her eyes as if to escape this nightmare, and silent tears fell down her cheeks. She grabbed onto the waistband of his trousers, trying to get her balance, not knowing that she looked like an eager lover, desperate to get more of her man’s cock into her hungry mouth. He held her as she was for a minute; till he felt her struggle and twist in his arms as she tried to come up for air.
Ravi was deliberately being cruel. He wanted to see the fear in her eyes, he wanted her to know he was in control, wanted her to suffer and regret. He wanted to see her suffer because she hadn’t, not once in all these months, responded to him as a woman would to a man, even when he was more than just nice to her, and for all those nights he had jerked himself off to a painful climax, dreaming of her lush lips locked around his hard cock. Damn, but she would pay for all of it now. She would pay for it with fear, and with pain.
Ravi pulled away a little, just enough for her to take a short breath, and then pushed back into her mouth, slowly. The fingers in her hair also loosened. Priya noticed the difference immediately, and her eyes, filling with hope, flicked up to his face. Her mouth became slack around his hardness and she attempted to move her head back. He slapped her hard, again. It was a reminder that he was still the boss. “Don’t even think about it bitch,” he said silkily, “You will suck me, and take me in every way I want you to.” As he crooned the words, he pulled his cock out of her mouth till only the smooth purple tip was held between her lips, and pushed back in till he hit the back of her throat. He did this over and over again, quite enjoying the fear in her eyes, and the silent pleas for mercy, almost as much as he enjoyed the sensation of warmth and wetness, and those soft lips and tongue sliding along his skin.
It felt amazing, and the pleasure spiraled, Ravi didn’t want to hurt her anymore. He wanted her to feel the pleasure too, well, at least as much as it was possible for someone who had no control over the fact that she was being fucked, in whatever way the other person chose to do it. He slid out of her mouth and pushed her forward on her hands and knees. “Please let me go,” she whimpered. “I promise I won’t tell anybody.”
Ignoring her words, he simply reached below and cupped her pussy in a rough searching grip. “God, no” Priya moaned in protest, praying to a god who didn’t seem to hear her anguished plea. She tried to scissor her legs together. He quickly shifted his hands to the back of her thighs, and slowly felt her soft legs over her skirt. There was nothing she could do to save her from his rage. He pushed her skirt up, revealing the plump white flesh of her ass to his greedy eyes. Priya moaned again, and bucked and twisted, trying to escape his touch, not realizing her movements thrust her curves into his hands, and simply inflamed his desire even more. He clamped his hand over her mouth, muffling the pathetic sounds leaking from her throat, and reached between her legs again, this time pushing his fingers into her cunt, through the thin cotton of her panties.
This direct assault drove Priya over the edge, and she struggled wildly to throw off his heavy weight, silent, panting, heaving under him. When she felt his fingers hook over the edge of her panties, she grabbed his hand and pushed it away roughly. His calloused fingers grazed the soft skin of her inner thighs as they slid down. He was hungry, and there was no stopping him. He pulled her panties down with a thrust, and there she was, lying naked in front of him. Priya groaned with frustration, and clawed at the hand over her mouth. God help her, could she not escape this ordeal?
The damp fabric of her panties bunched around her knees, and the sight of her bare skin, the generous curves of her ass, and the scent of her body, an intoxicating mix of sweat, musk and womanly juices, was driving Ravi crazy. He wanted to bite into the succulent flesh, to dig his fingers into her waist as he positioned her just right for him to feed on, and have her babbling his name in feverish ecstasy. He slipped the knife-edge of his hand into the warm cleft between her ass cheeks, and pushed his fingers deep into her pussy. She was dry, and moaned with the pain his invading fingers brought with them. Ravi withdrew his fingers and brought them up to his face. He deeply inhaled the womanly musk of her body; his cock jerked in response and seemed to grow even harder.
He slapped her ass sharply. “Lift your knees, Priya,” he ordered, “kick those panties off.” Priya didn’t move. “Let me go, please,” she begged. “I won’t say anything to anybody, just let me go.”
Craving for her taste, annoyed at her denial, Ravi slapped her ass again, harder this time, leaving a red print on her soft skin. “Lift your knees now”, he snarled. He yanked on the soft fabric again and Priya fell awkwardly onto her stomach. Her breath was knocked out of her. She rested her forehead on the cool marble floor, panting. The panties slid off in his hands, and he flung them across the room. He slapped her ass once more, and then fascinated by the dark red bloom under her skin, slapped her again, and again as if he possessed her, till the room resounded with the sharp crack of his palm against her flesh, and Priya was crying in earnest, squirming to escape his cruelly hurting hands. Her tears pooled under her cheek. The skin of her ass was fiery red and hot.
Quickly now, impatiently, he got on his knees behind her, and spreading the burning cheeks of her ass apart with the palms of his hands, Ravi bent down and licked her, tongue flattened, with one long bold stroke, all the way from the hood of her clit to the tiny puckered hole of her anus. Priya yelped in surprise at the unexpected speed and force of the contact and jerked away from his invading tongue, but Ravi, drunk on her exquisite flavors, growled with excitement, grabbed on to her hips hard and held her down. She tasted sweet and salty and heavenly to his starved senses. Relentless, over and over he licked, between the swollen lips of her labia and the sweet curves of her ass, long hard strokes at first, pushing his tongue into her cunt, dragging the stem of her clit between his teeth, and then, as she stopped bucking under him and a different kind of tension took over her muscles, with soft exploratory forays, swirling his tongue around her clit, and around the fringes of her pussy, sliding in teasingly, then moving out and on to her brown rosebud, licking, teasing, savoring the divine mixture of musky scents and tastes, drawing moans of pleasure and protest from the woman under him. Priya still tried to twist away, but now Ravi was sure the protest was a mere token, simply her way of trying to hold on to shreds of her dignity; her moans were not those of pure distress.
His breath was hot on her flesh, and confusion roiled inside of Priya. Pain pulsed through her scalp, the inside of her mouth and through her lower limbs. This man, no, this monster, was using her in shameful ways, it was horribly humiliating and degrading, and yet, yet his tongue set fire to her nerves and set off sparks of pleasure deep inside of her. Priya felt herself burning with shame at the wanton sounds that were wrenched out of her throat, and in an attempt to redeem some sense of control, reached back with one free hand and weakly tried to push against her attacker.
He rose up behind her, and grabbed her hair in his fist again, arching her head back, cutting off her resistance. He placed the head of his throbbing cock against her pussy and slowly pushed himself into her warmth. She was tight, but he smiled when he found that he slid in without too much difficulty; Priya, whether she was being taken against her will or not, was wet. Shafts of pleasure shot through Ravi as he felt her muscles squeeze against him, and he shoved himself hard into her till his balls slapped against her ass. His head fell forward helplessly and he moaned at the unbearable sensations that raced along the nerves in his groin in a rapidly spreading fire.
He bent over so that he was almost lying on Priya’s back, and roughly pushed her shirt over her back and sides to bunch up under her arms. Reaching under her, he dragged the delicate lace cups of her bra down over her breasts. The rough fabric scraped over her flesh, catching on her erect nipples before peeling off to expose her fullness to the warm sticky night air.
The feel of her heavy curves in his palms seemed to drive him wild, and he savagely mauled her breasts, squeezing them, pinching her nipples and rolling them between his fingers, hard at times, with barely there touches at others, till Priya couldn’t stand the fiery sensation anymore and cried out, frantic little cries; she tried to twist away from his torturous fingers. Ravi wouldn’t let her go. He pinched her nipples again, alternating between one breast and the other, planting kisses down her spine, ignoring her squirming movements under him, and reveling in the involuntary spasms of her cunt around his hardness, still buried deep inside her flesh.
Releasing her hair, he reached under her with his other hand and gently rubbed the soft skin of her stomach.
He smiled at her groan and nipped sharply at the skin on the back of her neck; the wildcat was slowly but surely melting. His fingers drifted lower and buried themselves in the tight curls framing her slick wet cunt lips. He found her clit and rubbed the hard little stem in gentle rhythmic circles, sometimes just touching that tight nerve-filled bud, sometimes cupping her whole pussy in his hand till soon, even though she still struggled weakly, her moans became steady, guttural little sounds of pleasure, and he was rewarded with the feel of her sticky juices dripping down his fingers.
Finally, unable to stand the stimulus of her pulsing cunt, he let go of her breasts and withdrew his fingers from her dripping pussy. Quickly he wiped his sticky fingers on her ass, grabbed her by her hips again, and pulling himself almost completely out of her wet hole, rammed into her forcefully with one long hard stroke. Priya shrieked both in surprise and pain. He pushed her knees forward, totally opening her up to him, and fucked her with long, sure, relentless strokes. Priya braced herself against the wall with her outstretched hands, fingers scrabbling against the smooth plaster. The man wasn’t small, and he was hurting her with his hard thrusts, but he didn’t seem to care; he was in his own pleasure filled subspace.
Priya felt his sweat-slick body slide against her skin, heard the hard and frantic slapping of his thighs against the globes of her ass. She slipped forward on the smooth floor with the force of his movements, and then his hands wrapped around her waist to pull her back onto his hips. He held her there for a minute, began to move her back and forth on his rod, panting with excitement at the delicious tightness of her cunt, at the obscenely stimulating sight of her pussy gripping his cock as he slid its wetness in and out of her repeatedly. Her muscles squeezed him in protest at the rough treatment, and she felt him spasm in the response above her. She squeezed again, realization dawning on her that she had a way of driving him so crazy with an unbearable sensation that he just had to shoot his load inside of her. She arched her back and thrust her ass into his groin, actively fucking him back, gripping and squeezing his cock.
Ravi groaned as her muscles milked his hardness. A slow hot orgasm started its upward journey in his loins. His ass and thighs tightened with the tension of holding it back, in vain. He felt it rush up in a flood of liquid fire and thrust himself as deep into her as he could possibly go, balls pressed up against her pussy. Ravi froze in the intense moment of his pleasure. A strangled, animal-like groan tore from his throat as he threw his head back, trapped in excruciating pleasure that had him on the verge of breaking up into a million pieces. Just before he exploded, he wrenched himself out of her, and spilled his hot seed all over her back and ass. He fisted his sticky, throbbing cock and jerked forward again and again, uncontrollably, spurting the last of his cum over the quivering woman beneath him.
He stayed as he was, for a few moments, on his knees, shuddering, supporting himself with a hand on Priya’s back, drawing in deep breaths. The red-hot passion faded from his weak limbs, leaving him bathed in a warm feeling of being well fucked. Finally, unable to remain upright anymore, he slipped onto the floor, on his side, taking Priya with him. He held her close, in silence, arms wrapped loosely around her. Their heavy panting breath was the only sound splitting the darkness of the apartment.
Priya lay in his arms, ashamed and humiliated at Ravi’s actions and the feebleness of her own struggles. Her clothes and hair were a mess. Her skirt was bunched up around her waist and her breasts spilled out of their lace covering, into his cupped hands. Her back and ass glistened with strings of milky white semen. Her body ached, and her lips, nipples and cunt were all raw and swollen. Priya couldn’t control the sobs that swelled from deep within her chest, and she cried as if her heart would break. After many long minutes, Ravi rose to his feet shakily and zipped up his trousers. He looked down at Priya, curled into a tight ball, crying, and felt a twinge of pity for her. He wasn’t about to show it, however. “Stop that noise Priya,” he said sharply. “You know you enjoyed it.”
She cried harder at his words and said something he didn’t quite catch. He crouched beside her, and smoothed her hair away from her face. Priya jerked away from his touch as if burned. “You bastard,” she whimpered, between sobs, her brave words a sharp contrast to her defeated posture. “I’ll have you killed for this.”
Ravi sighed, suddenly tired, and wanting to go home and scrub himself clean. “What will you say, my dear,” he asked, “and to whom? You came into this apartment of your own free will, knowing it was dark and that there was no power. You even asked the manager to buzz me in when I arrived. Yours is a second-floor apartment, and even with the windows and doors open, nobody heard you scream. I have left no marks on your skin, and you haven’t left any on mine. Where are the signs of struggle or violence? What will you say, Priya Ma’am?” There was no response to his questions, and he expected none.
Leaving her as she lay, Ravi walked away to the bathroom. He came back a few minutes later with a small towel, held Priya down so that she couldn’t push him off, and wiped the cum away from the heated skin of her back. “I’ve laid out a towel and soap for you,” he whispered, almost gently. Pushing her onto her back, he moved his hands down to her unresisting thighs, spread them apart, and wiped her juices from between her legs and thighs. “There’s no power, so the water is cold. Take a shower and go home Priya,” he continued. There was a long pause; he remained crouched besides her looking at her. Ravi sighed again heavily, threw the soiled towel down and stood up. He thrust his fingers through his hair in a rapid, savage gesture. This was no time for feelings of guilt or regret; what was done, was done.
“I hear you snobby high society women fantasize about being taken by force by us working class men,” he sneered, the uncaring facade back in place. “I’m sure you are no different from the rest of them. Think of this evening as your fantasies come true.”
With those cruel words, he turned, and let himself out, leaving Priya alone in the dark, curled up on the floor of her beautiful flat, sobbing her heart out.
Outside, lights glowed softly in the garden, water rushed through stepped fountains in soothing murmurs, and children, carefree, shrieked and laughed as they splashed in the pool.
Talk to me at