Mary Sunitha was the office mother, but most of us referred to her as “The Bitch”! Older than most of the other female staff by a good fifteen years, she earned her reputation by being a ‘by the book’ employee and we often went out of our way to make her life a bit of a hell. Call it payback if you want, but we had all seen co-workers we considered friends get screwed over because Mary refused to bend a rule or turn a blind eye. The fact that her wardrobe consisted of unflattering business suits of drab and dreary colors, she wore minimal makeup and her bun must’ve been a wig, sure didn’t earn her any points or fans.
The truth was, we all considered her a piece of work and a waste of time, energy and company funds so it was a complete surprise when we saw her reluctantly agree to a club party. We were to celebrate the landing of a lucrative advertising contract that I had landed over some pretty big guns. Oh, me? My name is Rahul Rao, and at only twenty-four, was rapidly rising in the ranks within. Anticipating an evening of fun and frolic, we all showed up at ‘The seven hills’ Friday evening wearing our best to attract attire – that is, all but Mary. She was still in her dull grey suit, with her starched plain white blouse.
The icing on the cake for me was the disapproving looks she gave the other girls from the office that went out of their way to dress for the occasion – or whatever. I made it my mission to make her so uncomfortable that she would want to leave on her own accord and let the rest of us do what we did best – party. “Come on Mary,” I yelled over the din of music and others yelling,”let’s dance.” I laughed at the look of total disdain she cast in my direction. “Oh, Mary you got to loosen up!”
Her look spoke volumes and then she abruptly turned away and took another sip of her orange juice. My little clique was egging me on and I was just drunk enough to follow like a lamb but no matter how much goading I put her through, Mary remained cold and aloof. There seemed to be absolutely nothing I could throw at her to make her lose control. With something unspoken, it was decided to end the festivities early and the staff began to drift off to other clubs or home.
Feeling somewhat light headed, I was determined to not let this be the end of my fun and frolic. It was, after all, only ten o’clock and still lots of time to kill. I pushed my way through the front door, twirling my car keys. “Just what do you think you’re doing Rahul?” I could tell that cold bitch’s voice and this time it was full of contempt, though not that I could blame her. Without my posse, I was feeling somewhat vulnerable and, if the truth be known, a little out of my league. “I’m going to get laid, Mary, you?” I tried to cover my discomfort with bravado but she brushed my question aside.
“Taxi?” There was that mother again and I shook my head. “You’re in no condition to drive, you’re drunk.” In a flash she had reached out and snatched my car keys from my hand.”Give me my keys, Mary.” I snarled. I was not in any mood for games. Mary gave me an icy stare and quickly dropped my keys into her purse. Snapping it shut, she stepped closer and took me roughly by the arm.
“Look, you sniveling piece of work,” she hissed. “You’re not in any shape to drive and I’d be less than human if I let you get behind the wheel of anything.”I began to mumble something of a protest but she cut me off. “Let’s get this clear. I don’t give a damn if you kill yourself, but if you killed someone else I couldn’t live with that guilt.” She tugged me towards the car-park. “You either take a taxi or you can come home with me and I’ll bring you back for your car in the morning.”
I didn’t feel like waiting for a taxi on a Friday night, and Mary did have my keys, so my only option was to go home with her. She led me, in silence, towards her car. Mary’s car was plain like her. A non-descript grey ford with an automatic transmission – reliable, just like Mary. The drive in the cool night air cleared my head and hesitantly I tried to converse with her only to receive terse, one word answers. Finally giving up, I closed my eyes and resigned myself to probably one of the more miserable nights of my life. Somewhere along the way I must’ve drifted off for the next thing I felt was a gentle hand on my shoulder.
“Rahul, we’re home.” I reached for the caring hand gently shaking me and felt it recoil like it had been shocked. Looking out the car window, I saw that we had pulled up in front of a modest, non-descript two-story brick house. I guess it was what I expected. “Nice house.” I muttered, still smarting at the fact that I had been driven here by the office mam. “It’s getting there.” She smiled. “It’s not really what I wanted but you really don’t get a choice when it’s an inheritance.” She sighed and I looked at her questioningly. “I grew up here. When my parents died last year it was passed to me.”
She opened the front door and led me in, ushering me to what I determined was the family room, tastefully done with a mixture of male and female decorating features picked up over time. Yes, reminiscent of a family that had once enjoyed a full life. I noticed too that Mary’s disposition had done a complete three-sixty as I heard her humming from one of the other rooms. Gone was the bitch, revealing someone who actually was human with at least a ‘bit’ of friendliness in her
“I’m just going to change Rahul,” she called as I heard her footfalls on the stairs. “Make yourself comfortable.” I was studying a small carved elephant when I heard Mary coming down the stairs. Setting it gently back in its place, I did a double-take as I turned to catch her coming through the doorway. Gone was the matronly bun and drab business suit. Instead, Mary’s hair had been released from its confines and tumbled past her shoulders. No longer the tight mousy brown, instead it revealed a range of golden-red hi-lights.
The business suit had been replaced with black yoga pants that hugged her ass and accentuated her surprisingly shapely legs, but what took my breath away was the subtle hint of a camel toe that hinted at a charming, albeit unused pussy. The loose tee-shirt that covered her upper body did little to hide the fact that she had discarded her bra. With just a hint of silver-dollar sized shadows swaying beneath and firm nipples pressing against the thin material, I saw Mary in a completely different light.
She was quite attractive and had a body that rivaled, if not bettered the younger gals at the office and I was staring with both surprise as well as appreciation. Mary, as expected, took exception. “What are you staring at? I hate my work clothes.” She stated icily. “You have a problem with that?” This bitch certainly could freeze vodka and in my state, regardless of her hospitality, or her hot body, I’d had enough. “Mary what is your problem?” I asked, totally exasperated. “You’re always such a fucking ice princess! What the hell have I ever done to you to deserve your crap?”
She stared at me open mouthed, her anger building and causing her face to turn scarlet until, finally, the dam broke. “You people treat me like garbage. You always have,” she spat. “You’re all so smug and you gossip behind my back and…” She seemed at a loss for words, but only for a moment. “You kiss his ass like he was some sort of god and….” She suddenly stopped, realizing she had stepped over some imaginary boundary and collapsed, sobbing, onto the sofa. Her shoulders rose and fell as she cried. I was completely taken off guard. The ‘ice-woman’ was actually showing some emotion and I was there to witness it all.
The feeling however, that I may have won some points certainly wasn’t present. I stood completely stunned by Mary’s misery. “Just stand there and gloat,” she sobbed. “Take this back to your posse. They’re sure to lap it all up. You can tell them all how you watched the bitch lose control.” I looked around and spying a tissue box, snatched up a few and, after
handing them to her, sat down on the sofa beside her. “We all lose it, Mary.” I said warily. “At some point in time, we all get our fill of the crap and there’s nothing else to do except lose it.”
After a moment, I awkwardly put my arm around her shoulder and drew her closer in an attempt to comfort her. She leaned forward again and I began to rub her back. Her skin was soft and smooth beneath the tee-shirt. For the first time, I noticed the faint scent of her perfume and realized that my senses were beginning to heighten as I felt my cock begin to fight its confines. I had spied a half-full decanter on a side-table when on my tissue quest and used that as my escape from this unexplainable situation.
I poured two glasses of whiskey and took the time to reflect on what she had said. Handing her a glass, I asked the obvious. “What did you mean when you said we all kiss his ass? Who were you talking about?” “Never mind,” she sounded miserable. “Just forget I said it.” She looked up at me and I took a few moments to study her face and realized that she was actually very pretty. Without the bun, her shoulder-length hair framed an unblemished face. Now, without the office tensions and in familiar surroundings, it was soft and radiant. When she turned her soft doe-eyes on me, tear stained as they were, I caught my breath.
“Thanks, I really needed that.” What I had intended to be a ‘there-there’ pat on the head, turned
strangely into a caress as I felt her silky locks slide over my hands and through my fingers. Damn it, there was that feeling in my crotch again. I sat beside her and she turned towards me. We began a tentative conversation which began strained but soon the nervousness was gone and we were laughing and telling bad jokes to each other. I learned a lot about Mary that night and found she was very intelligent, knew a lot of people and, more importantly, why she was such a tight-ass when it came
to company rules.
“It’s simple really,” she started. “Rules are there for a reason and if you bend one for one, they talk and you end up having to bend them for everyone. Then it’s another rule and another until, well, what’s the point?” I had retrieved the decanter and soon I was urging the last few drops from the bottle. I gave her a sorry look and she smiled. I had never seen Mary smile so much as she had tonight and I had to admit I was having a good time in her company. “There’s another bottle in the side-board if you want.” I started towards it. “I think I’ve had enough though.” I returned, snapping the seal and pouring two more glasses.
“May I ask you the ‘never as a lady’ question?” “I’m forty-six.” She seemed nervous about divulging that tid-bit of information. “Had a few boyfriends that never amounted to much and once mom and dad took sick that killed any social life.” She smiled again but this time it was much softer, almost an apology. “Does that cover your ‘never ask a lady’ question?” “It does,” I smiled, “but I’d figure you closer to mid-thirties.” “You’re sweet, rahul.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek. I was surprised when, instead of drawing back, she stayed close and leaned
her forehead against me.
Turning my head, I grazed her lips with mine. They were soft and smooth and, tossing caution to the wind, pressed forward and planted my lips on hers. Mary’s response was surprising. Her tongue slipped forward and touched my bottom lip and, parting my lips slightly, I sucked it into my mouth where I caressed it with mine. I felt her hand on the back of my neck, drawing me closer. I could feel her craving and I slid my arms around her reassuringly. We stayed locked like that for what seemed minutes but I know it was only a few moments before she pulled herself away from me.
She looked at me sheepishly. I’m sorry Rahul, I had no right.” Looking at her, I saw there were more tears in her eyes. “How long has it been since you’ve kissed a man, Mary?” She gave a nervous laugh. “Obviously too long, considering I just kissed a boy young enough to be my son.” “But I’m not your son,” I countered. “Besides, it was the best kiss everrrr.” I did my best impression of the young kids today. She laughed, and sniffed, and began to turn away. Placing my hand under her chin, I gently turned her back and leaned in and kissed her again.
This time there was urgency in her reaction, a void that needed to be filled, and I guided her back to a semi-reclining position. I began to caress her body, sliding my hand across her midriff, letting her get used to being touched again. I felt her hand slide over my back and side and took that as a cue. Preparing for a stern rebuff, I slid my hand higher until I came into contact with her breast. A soft mew escaped her and I became bolder. I cradled the soft mound and began to swipe my thumb back and forth across her nipple.
It was pebble hard and the contacts made her jump and emit a louder moan. I hefted her breast,
somewhat amazed at their firmness for her age, and began to squeeze and maul it catching the nipple between my forefinger and my thumb and gently but firmly giving it a squeeze. Mary suddenly turned her head, “Rahul, this isn’t right.” She panted. “I feel like I’m taking advantage of you.” I countered her by taking her hand and placing it along my now hard shaft which had found the path of least resistance and lay along my
“That’s not the reaction of someone being taken advantage of, is it?” I breathed. Damn, I had to have this woman. I pressed my lips against hers again, and again she responded like a woman on fire. I felt her hand slide along my shaft – rubbing it, caressing it. I put my hand beneath her shirt and slid upwards towards her breasts. This time my hand came into contact with a hot mound and I caressed it anew. I kissed along her jaw line and down her neck. I used my hands to pull her tee shirt up and, without really looking, fastened my lips to her nipple and sucked it into my mouth where I did my best to stimulate it with my tongue.
I heard a louder groan escape her throat and felt her hands weave her digits through my hair. “Oh, Rahul it never felt like this before.” She sighed. I abandoned her breast and kissed my way down her stomach. I grasped onto the waist band of her yoga pants and began to tug them down. She raised her ass off the sofa cushion and allowed my actions. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but once I had tossed her pants away, I returned and began to kiss upwards from her knees.
As I gently pried her willing thighs apart I revealed a well-trimmed, closely cropped patch of V-shaped hair pointing the way to her puffy clit. The rest was completely bald and gave me a terrific view of her parted wet pussy lips. I continued my teasing advance, kissing up to her very pussy but not making contact. She was squirming and expelling encouraging sighs and squeals until finally, I pulled her ass closer to me and planted my lips on her pussy. She gave a groan which turned into a yelp as I slid my tongue across her clit. “That feels wonderful,” she groaned. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”
Stopping was the last thing on my mind. I had never been with a woman this responsive before in my life and I wanted to take complete advantage of it. I tugged at her again until Mary was in an almost fully reclined position. Her ass was hanging on the edge of the cushion and, looking up, I saw that she was tugging at her tits and pinching her nipples. I went back to work and this time I wet two of my fingers and slid them into her gash. Her scream almost deafened me had it not been for her thighs clamped tight to the sides of my head.
I turned my fingers so that they were curled upwards and began to finger-fuck her, letting my digits graze across her G-spot and she responded by bucking herself against my face. “I’m not going to last, Rahul.” She was panting hard and her words were interspersed with sighs and groans. “I’m going to cum any second now.” I began to piston my fingers even harder as I sucked earnestly on her clit. She was bouncing like a mad woman and her words came out in
babbles until, finally, she came for me.
My mouth filled with her fluids and as I pulled away slightly, I watched with fascination as her
pussy literally squirted her cum out and all over my face and the front of my shirt. I stood up and saw the look of embarrassment on her face. “I’m so sorry,” she stammered breathlessly, “it always happens like that.” She shifted to try to get up off the sofa but I quickly leaned in and kissed her passionately, breaking only to help her remove her tee shirt. “I’ve only seen that happen on the net and I always wondered if it was possible.”
I kissed her again and breaking apart, I gathered some of her juices off my face with my fingers and slid them into her mouth. “You taste amazing.” I panted. “And when you cum like that, fuck Mary, it’s a real turn-on for me.” “That’s another reason why I don’t date anymore.” Her hands were busy at my belt and zipper as I worked on removing my shirt. “The last few boyfriends thought it was really gross.” Tossing my shirt and stepping so Mary could get my slacks off she looked up at me just as her tiny hand encircled my hard shaft.
“Still think I’m an ice princess?” Her coyness wasn’t lost on me and her hand sliding up and down my shaft felt absolutely amazing. In response, I grasped the back of her head and drew her closer. Knowing what I wanted, Mary willingly opened her mouth and let my shaft slide over her lips. Now, it was my turn to gasp as Mary’s talented mouth and tongue began to work on me. Lower and lower she worked herself, controlling her breathing and relaxing her throat muscles until I felt her nose bump up against my pubic bone. Backing off, Mary looked up and, with eye contact made, began her descent again taking all nine inches of my very hard cock.
She stopped half-way up and waited, tugging on my ass. Taking the cue, I grasped her head and began to, tentatively at first, fuck her mouth. The only sounds to be heard were her gurgling coos and my grunts and encouragement. “Oh Mary,” I gasped, “Where did you learn to suck cock like that?” I grunted as she squeezed my nut sack gently but firmly. “I could do this forever.” She released my nuts and began to drag her fingernails up the insides of my thighs. I wanted to cum so badly and I wanted to cum in her mouth, to watch her swallow my load.
When I knew I wouldn’t last another second, almost cruelly, I held her head in place and bellowed like a bull as the first jet of cum shot from the head of my cock. Not missing a beat and as if she knew what I wanted, Mary allowed her head to be held and took my entire load into her mouth and began to swallow it all. The room began to spin with the intensity of my orgasm and I feared, if I didn’t sit down I would surely fall. Disengaging myself from her mouth, I plunked myself on the sofa beside her. I was breathing hard and trying to regain my composure.
I looked over in time to see Mary scoop some cum from around her lips and lick it off her fingers. “So, am I still the ice princess, Rahul?” There was that coyness in her voice again. I reached over and began to maul her tit again and watched her close her eyes with the pleasure. “No ice princess I’ve ever met could suck me off like that.” I leered. I let my hand trail down to between her legs and began to play with her pussy again. “But there’s only one way to tell if you’re really not an ice princess.”
“Oh? And just how is that?” She played along. She gasped as I pushed my two fingers into her pussy. “It’s all in the fucking.” It was a hoarse whisper, my arousal taking over yet again. “You do want to fuck, don’t you?” Mary abruptly stood up and turned to me. Her face showed unbridled excitement as she held out her hand. “Come with me and I’ll show you.” With all the kissing, fondling and fingering we did, it took us longer to climb the stairs and reach her bedroom. I was standing behind her, my arms around her kneading her tits and pulling on her nipples as my hard cock was nestled between her ass cheeks.
“I think you may be a little surprised with what lays beyond this door, Rahul.” Her aroused huskiness caused my cock to twitch and she wiggled her ass in response. “Only if it’s another guy already in your bed.” I replied and leaned down to nuzzle her neck. I heard the door latch give and open and looked up as she turned on the light. Never in a million years would I have ever suspected what I was witnessing in the subdued lighting. She had a big four-poster bed that was adorned with a variety of pillows. Opposite that, hanging on her wall was a large flat-screen TV.
Below that a series of shelves with a laptop, DVD player and stereo on the top and a wide array of dildos, vibrators, oils and other toys within arm’s reach. There was a wing-backed chair off to the side, facing the TV and her closet on the other side with a dresser between the bed and the far wall. She led me inside and I was beside myself with anticipation as I picked up and inspected some of her more realistic toys. She stood silently beside me as I explored her shelves. I picked up a vibrator, turned it on and felt the tremors move through my hand.
Looking at her mischievously I reached over and ran the tip over her pussy lips and rested it on her clit. Mary drew a sharp intake of breath and closed her eyes, sighing as she exhaled. Feeling somewhat devilish, I maneuvered Mary onto her bed and had her lie back. I began to work on her pussy with the vibrator, bringing her to the edge but never letting her slip over to cum. The fluids were running from her cunt in copious amounts and soon her duvet was soaked.
Watching her writhe and moan and beg for release caused my cock to
swell even bigger than I had known.
“Oh Mary,” I teased, “do you need to cum again?” “Yesss, fuck yes.” She panted. “How badly do you want to cum?” I asked, abruptly stopping and slipping off the bed. “Ungh! Don’t leave me.” There was panic in her voice now. “I need to cum, Rahul. I need to cum now!” I selected several apt sized dildos and scurried back up onto the bed. I switched the vibrator back on and pressed it firmly against her clit. She emitted a low guttural moan and pulled harder at her tits, twisting and stretching the nipples until they looked sore and bruised.
I took one of the cock sized dildos and wet it with her pussy juice. I placed it close to her opening. “So, you want to cum again, Mary?” I slid the dildo along the length of her pussy, pressing it just enough that she could feel it. “Please Rahul, don’t tease Mmeeeeeeee.” She howled as I shoved the dildo hard into her sopping hole and began to fuck her as hard as I dared. She wailed and bucked like a soul possessed as I maintained a constant assault on her.
Her pussy was so soaked that sopping wet slaps could be heard above her din, somewhat reminding me of a wet squishy towel of sorts. Mary spread her legs wider and rolled onto her side, holding her calf out of the way so I had ample room to pummel her. Seizing the smaller dildo, I pressed it against her ass and began to slowly work it into her. The pressure against her back door brought forth even more guttural wants.
“Oh yes Raaaaaaahuuuuuuulllllll,” she hissed. “Do my ass, fuck it hard!” This really surprised me, that this apparent frigid bitch was actually a very sexual being craving for contact and had been for years. Now, I wanted to be with her – in her – more than I wanted to be with anyone else. I pulled the dildos from her and rolled her onto her back. Taking my position between her legs, I rubbed my cock head all over her pussy. “I’m going to fuck you now Mary.” I was almost frantic with the need to be inside her. “I’m going to shove my cock into your pussy.” I sank my shaft into the hottest, tightest pussy I had ever experienced.
Surprising after pounding at her with the dildo, I had expected her to be somewhat looser. Mary’s arms went around me, her nails raked my back as my ass rose and fell, my cock stimulating this wonderful woman beneath me. I drew Mary’s legs up over my shoulders and pounded her pussy as hard as I could and she responded with moans and groans and begging me to never stop. I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer and prayed that she wouldn’t either. I felt my nuts tighten and my cock swelled and with a final thrust, I shot stream after stream of hot cum into her battered pussy.
My cum, splattering against the walls must’ve been her final trigger for she gave a shriek and began to douse my cock, balls and inner thighs with pussy juice as she came once more. Her final squirt came as I was pushing back into her and it sprayed upwards against our torsos, leaving our stomachs shimmering with her wetness. When I looked down, she had turned her head away from me, so I kissed her cheek and her neck, pecking at it until she accepted my request and turned her head for a proper kiss.
“You,” I offered tenderly, “are a fantasy come true.” Mary smiled up at me. “So are you, Rahul Rao.” I believe I saw tears in her eyes but it could’ve been just the light the second or two before she reached over and turned it out. I felt her pulling the duvet over us and promptly fell asleep contented with my cock still buried inside her. The sun still hadn’t risen when I woke to a most amazing feeling. Looking down, I saw Mary’s head bobbing up and down as she gave me an
incredible blowjob.
I was unsure of how long she had been going at me, but I did know that I was very close to coming. I reached down and stroked her hair. “That feels wonderful, baby.” I spoke dreamily. Mary cooed her reply and released my cock. “I’m glad you’re awake.” She whispered. She threw her leg over me to straddle me and slowly lowered herself onto my shaft, emitting a hiss like a steam kettle as she impaled herself on me. “I’ve always wanted to do this.” She spoke softly as she began to grind herself against me. “I’ve always wanted to fuck a man like this…in the dark…while he slept…but I like…that you’re awake…Oh, your cock feel delicious.”
It was tantalizing the way she spoke while riding me. I loved the fact that the feeling of her sliding down my cock took her breath away, or at least caused her to pause between sentences. Now, as she leaned down to kiss me and I felt her tongue searching my mouth, it struck me that all this woman needed was a man’s touch. I let her do all the work as I lied there, kissing her and occasionally reaching up to feel her tits or tweak her nipples. I could see in the pre-dawn dimness she had her hand between her legs frantically rubbing her clit until, at last, she came and immediately after, I shot my load deep inside her.
Without pulling off of me, she again grabbed the edge of the duvet and pulled it over us and placing her head on my shoulder, drifted off to sleep. When I finally did wake up, the sun was streaming through her window and the air had the aroma of bacon and eggs. I made my way downstairs and found Mary in the kitchen cooking up a storm. She was dressed in terry robe and barely looked at me. Odd, I thought, because I was standing in her kitchen stark naked.
“I washed your shirt rahul.” Mary seemed awfully stuffy compared to the way she was last night. “It’s hanging in the hallway, along with the rest of your clothes.” I sidled up behind her and as I was about to slide my arms around her, she stared at me coldly and spun away. “Have I done something to offend you?” I was totally puzzled by her behavior. Mar stopped what she was doing and turned to look at me with an icy stare.
“Last night, Rahul,” she was staring right through me. “It never happened, alright? So, you can go back to your posse and give them all the sordid details and I’ll simply deny it ever happened.” “Do you really think that’s what I’m going to do?” I was dumbfounded. “Really?” She gave me a confused look – the chink in her armor. “Last night was amazing.” I started. I heard her snort derisively. “Are you telling me that you didn’t have a good time? Even before anything happened, are you telling me that the jokes and the conversation and the fun we had wasn’t, well, fun? Because it sure was to me.” I took a few steps closer to her.
“Mary, you showed me a side of you last night that makes me feel totally ashamed about the way I’ve treated you in the past.” I took a few more steps until I was close enough to touch her and I reached out and stroked her cheek. “You’re amazing,” I felt her head tilt towards my hand and I cupped behind her head and drew her to me. “And an amazing lover.” Her blush was endearing and I kissed her lips lightly. “But I’m old enough to be your mother.” Her eyes were pleading me not to break her heart, even if she didn’t realize it, I certainly did. “You must think I’m a desperate old fool.”
“No, not at all – and you’re not my mother, are you?” I let my hand trace down her neck and lower still, pulling her robe apart as I went, until her breasts were revealed to my hungry gaze. “My mother would never allow me to play with her tits in the kitchen.” I began to gently caress her mounds. “Nor would I ever want my mother to stroke my cock.” I took her hand and brought it to my rigid member and closed my eyes as she began to stroke its length. I undid the belt of her robe and pushed it apart, revealing her nakedness.
Mary allowed herself to be pushed back against the table until she felt herself slowly falling backwards. I slid my hand up along her inner thigh until I came into contact with her pussy, not surprised in the slightest that it was already sopping wet. I slid two digits into her molten center. “I never wanted to finger my mother’s pussy like this, Mary.” The strain was audible in my voice. I pressed my thumb against her clit and began to swipe across it. Mary responded by grabbing my wrist and began humping her pussy against my hand. I slid my fingers from her pussy and used their wetness to coat the head of my cock and took a step closer.
“And my mother would never let me fuck her on the kitchen table.” I stabbed my cock into Mary’s wet pussy and watched as she writhed in pleasure as I pumped until I was buried to the hilt. I reached up and let her suck the remnants of her arousal off my digits. Once they were cleaned I began to paw at her tits, pinching and twisting her nipples. “I love fucking you Mary. You’re a wonderful lover.” I grunted. “And no one needs to know, but frankly, I don’t care if they do.” “Oh Rahul just fuck me.” She groaned. “Fill my cunt with your cock.”
I slammed into her and she squealed. “Ohhhhhhhhh gaaaaaaaaawwdddd” she wailed. “Your cock feels so wonderful.” She drew me down to her for the most soulful kiss I had ever received in my life. She suddenly stiffened and came again, groaning against my lips and arching her back as she splashed me again with her juices. This sent me over the edge and I soon filled her snatch with my cum. As we slowly recuperated, I pulled over a chair and flopped into it.
Mary smiled and sat in my lap facing me, her legs straddling mine. It wasn’t long before my offerings began to ooze out of her still gaping hole. Reaching down, I began to smear the sticky fluid over her pussy causing Mary to purr like a kitten. She leaned down and kissed me hard. “If I act like a bitch to you on Monday, come over here after work and set me straight, alright?” “That’s a deal,” I smiled. “I was thinking I might hang around today, if you’d let me. I’m sure you have some chores that need doing – and besides,” I drew her down for another kiss, “I don’t want to leave.”
Mary buried her face in my neck. “I don’t want you to leave either.” We ate a reheated breakfast and Mary led me back upstairs where we showered. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other but we managed to stave off our actual coupling on the pretense that there were things that needed doing. Mary nimbly spun away from me and turned off the water. My cock was fully erect and was in need of some serious attention. I watched her ass as she bent down to pick up a towel off the floor and pounced.
I stabbed my cock between her legs and rubbed it along her pussy lips. Mary never moved and let an allowing moan escape her throat. “I just can’t get enough of fucking you.” I panted. “You’re incredible.” I heard Mary chuckle. “I’m glad because I can’t get enough of you fucking me.” She cooed. Loosing myself in the moment, I took the plunge as I prodded her pussy with my cock. “You have to show me what you do with all those toys.” I panted. It was more difficult than I imagined NOT slipping my cock into her wet pussy.
Mary laughed and began to pick herself up but tried to keep my cock trapped between her thighs. She pressed her ass against me and I reached around to fondle and tweak her tits. “It’s Saturday,” I pinched her nipples hard and heard her squeal. “We can work tomorrow.” Mary, having had enough, grabbing my hand, pulled me towards the bedroom. Pushing me into the chair, she selected a DVD and slid it into the player.
“I’ve never performed before.” She said huskily. I knew that the thought of masturbating in front of me was carrying her to another level of arousal. She nervously selected a couple of items off the shelf and took her place on the bed. Reaching for the remote, she turned on the TV and the DVD. And I sat back to watch. I watched as she stared at the screen and began to caress herself -pulling on her nipples and scraping her fingernails up the insides of her thighs. She made a few nervous, giggly comments but when I didn’t engage, returned to concentrating on her self-enjoyment.
With my back to the TV, I couldn’t see what was going on but Mary had her eyes glued to it – her face flushed – her breathing increasing. She pinched her nipples so hard that I was sure it was painful, then she pulled them towards the ceiling before letting them drop and jiggle back into place. I watched when, after the third time, she slid one hand lower, skirting her groin and began to drag her fingernails up and down the inside of her thighs, spreading them as wide as she could, affording me a fantastic view of her mound. ‘
Mary dropped her other hand and, using two fingers, spread her lips wide so her clit was exposed. She brought her other hand in and began to slide her fingers lightly over it causing her to suck her breath. She let her fingers trail down, following the sides of her open pussy until she got to her asshole, scraped across it with her fingernails and returned, only to do it all over again. Each time she swiped over her clit, she let out a soft sigh and her eyes flickered briefly but always to open to stare at the TV screen.
I could easily see her juices seeping out of her and they were causing the duvet to show a dark spot where it was getting moist. It was almost impossible to keep my hand off my cock, and I shifted in the chair. Finally, after what seemed an eternity to my poor aching cock, Mary slid her fingers directly over her clit and sunk her second digit into her slick cunt with a low groan, making sure I had the perfect view of it disappearing. When it reappeared, it glistened with her wetness. She plunged it in again her breath coming like a hiss through her teeth.
“Oh fuck that feels so good.” She sighed. Her other hand searched beside her for a moment and then she brought up a flesh colored dildo. It was as like a real cock as any I had ever seen with the exception of a long handle protruding from the bottom. Mary took it and rubbed the head along her slit, ooohing and ahing as she pressed harder and harder against herself. She finally looked me straight in the eyes.
“Oh, baby I wish this was you!” She moaned as she shoved the length of latex into her aching pussy. She pulled it out till only the head remained inside her and slammed it back in, eyes clenched shut as another guttural moan escaped her throat. She pulled it out a second and a third time and on the forth, extracted it completely and brought it to her mouth where she licked her juices from its length, her tongue slithering all over it like a stubby pink snake.
She placed the dildo back at the entrance of her pussy except this time she kept her eyes open and looked right at me as she pushed the fake cock into her, hissing as it disappeared. “Am I surprising you, rahul?” Her breathing was ragged. “That the ice queen actually loves fucking herself?” She gasped as she hit a hotspot in her pussy. “It’s actually quite fulfilling and it’s amazing what you can learn from these DVD’s.”
From under her pillow she pulled out a jar and opened it. Dipping her fingers into its contents, she rolled onto her side and, spreading her legs, began sliding her fingers up and down the crack of her ass spreading the mixture. “I’ve learned a lot of things about myself,” She gasped as she pressed her finger into her ass as her other hand still worked the dildo in and out of her pussy. “Fuck that’s good!” she panted. I loved what I was seeing and I grasped my cock firmly and began to stroke its length as I watched the office bitch show this hidden side of her.
She extracted her finger from her ass and again reached under her pillow producing the smaller, thinner dildo with a stop guard mid-way down its length. She dipped the tip in the jar of lubricant and placed it against her asshole and began to work it into herself. “Oh, fuck,” she whined. “I love having my ass filled.” She was curling herself into a ball so she could get a handle on both impaling devices and began to alternate sliding them in and out of her pussy and ass. Mary’s groaning was filling the room and my cock was definitely in high gear.
“Do you think I’m odd because I want to fill my ass, Rahul?” She panted between squeals of delight. “Do you know how much I want a real live cock in my ass?” “No, but I’m going to find out.” I growled as I stood up and approached the bed. Climbing up I dipped my finger tentatively into the jar and sniffed to make sure I wasn’t putting anything weird on me and, once satisfied, took enough and slathered it on my cock. I reached for her hands and pulled both dildos out of her. I shuffled closer and pressed the head of my cock against her asshole.
“Today you get your wish.” I panted as I pushed my cock against her asshole. I had no idea what to expect having never engaged in this act before, but I had always been mildly curious after watching porn videos and seeing it in magazines. I felt the sphincter give way to the pressure applied and once my cock head slipped in, felt it snap tight around my shaft. Oh fuck it was tight. Mary was howling about how wonderful it felt – how hot my cock felt inside her, and I thought that her ass was very hot to me. I pressed steadily, feeling the tight friction on my shaft until I was bottomed out. Mary was yelling into her pillow.
“Am I hurting you?” I was hoping I wasn’t and Mary confirmed. “No,” she groaned. “You feel great. Now fuck me Rahul. Fuck my ass.” I began slow strokes and found Mary pushing her ass back against me moaning as she did. “Harder,” she panted breathlessly. “Fuck me harder baby.” I couldn’t believe how tight and hot it was as I continued to spear into her and knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. My breathing was ragged and I wanted to tell her something tender, but nothing came to mind.
“It’s so tight.” I managed. “Fuck Mary, I’m going to cum.” At this, Mary jammed a hand between her legs and started to play viciously with her clit. “Oh yessssssssssssss, cum in me.” She panted. “I want to feel your cum in my ass.” I leaned forward and grabbed her hanging tits, pawing and mangling them in my hands as I pounded into her ass even harder. I felt my cock swell and my nuts tightened, tell-tale signs that I was about to explode and as the first pulse signaled the end, I gasped and held her still as my cock began to shoot its load into her virgin ass.
“I feel it!” She wailed. “I feel your cum splashing inside meeeeeeeeeeee.” She froze as her orgasm swept her away and she buried her face in the pillows to yell and scream as wave after wave washed over her and out of her. We collapsed together on the bed, my cock popped out of her ass with a wet plop sound. As she rolled onto her side, my cum started oozing out of her. She was panting. “That felt absolutely wonderful.” She grinned. “It’s one thing to see it in a movie and to slide a toy into my ass, but it’s a lot better with the real thing.”
“I think you’re right.” I concurred. “It was a first for me as well.” I leaned down to kiss her. “Thank you.” “Trust me Rahul,” Mary smiled. “The pleasure was all mine – er – well, mostly all mine.” The rest of the day was spent lazing around and making love. Mary could be such a warm hearted woman and her sense of humor was off the wall, much like my own. I found in her a maturity that had been lacking in the younger women I had dated. We drove back to the restaurant to get my car and Mary was rather subdued when she dropped me off.
“So, are you going to come over tomorrow like you promised?” Her smile was forced, but it was there. “What time?” I felt like a kid waiting for a date with the prom queen. “Nine-ish?” Was her soft reply. “I’ll be there.” I smiled and waved as she drove away. I checked my watch and it was barely six in the evening. Mary’s face showed total surprise when, a scant two hours later, she opened her door to me. She was standing in a robe, her hair up and a pair of slippers. I gave her my best ‘aw shucks’ look and smiled as I handed her a bouquet of flowers.
“I couldn’t wait.” I smiled. Mary, seeing the flowers, beamed. “Do you know how long it’s been since someone bought me flowers?” She held them to her nose and inhaled their fragrance. “I was wondering if you’d like to go have a drink somewhere.” I really didn’t care about the drink, but something inside of me desperately wanted to be near this woman again tonight. Mary was taken totally off guard.
“I thought you were back for – ummmm – something else.” She seemed somewhat flustered. “Are you sure you want to be seen out with your mother?” She laughed as she realized what she was wearing. I stepped in closer and wrapped her in my arms, kissing her deeply. “Are we going through the ‘mother’ thing again?” I laughed. “And with the door open?” I let my hand caress her ass as she stepped aside to let me in. “Can you give me a few minutes to change?” She seemed to be as excites as I was and she headed off up the stairs.
I stayed the rest of the weekend. We did the chores that needed to get done and then some and it was a special feeling to make love early, Monday morning before heading off to work. I did, however, convince her to wear a nice outfit rather than the plain-jane outfits we were used to seeing her in, which caused quite a bit of talk in the coffee room. What caused even more talk was when she came in and spied me with the ‘posse’. The sadness in her eyes at seeing me joking with my co-workers, I can only imagine what she thought and I knew I had to set everything straight.
“Excuse me, Mary,” I called. “Could you come over here for a moment, please?” I saw her bristle as she stiffly walked over to me as I stood up. “Yes Rahul, what do you need?” She was back to the ice queen again and I looked at her searchingly trying to see what was in her heart. Failing to do so, I decided to play my cards and I leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. “Have a wonderful day.”
I smiled. “And pick a nice place for dinner tonight, Ok?” The look on her face was priceless. It was as if, finally, she had an ally and her smile was radiant. I kissed her again. “No more, Mary.” I whispered. “You’re with me now and I’ve got your back.” I didn’t hear what the ‘posse’ was saying to me as Mary walked out of the coffee room with a lighter load. I was too busy staring at her amazing ass.