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Shaazia slammed the door as she walked out of the house.
“What does he mean by ‘dress modestly’? I’m in a traditional salwar kameez. The only thing that I should do is cover from head to toe. No way.” She thought as she stormed out.
She goes to the parking lot and finds her car has a flat tyre.
“Fuck! What timing!” she thinks before pulling out her phone and booking a cab.
Within a few minutes, she’s on her way to the office.
Shaaz, as she’s called by many, hails from a well-educated, ultra-modern family. She’s an architect and is used to wearing western dresses, smoking and drinking occasionally. After getting married to Aftab, she struggled to adjust. Aftab’s work made her move from Mumbai to Bangalore.
She didn’t want to work post-marriage but had to join this small architecture firm as Aftab lost his job and could not find another one. While they’re financially well off, she started working. She couldn’t bear Aftab being home the whole day – she was missing her personal space.
The other reason for Shaaz to take up a job is Aftab’s family. Aftab comes from a conservative family. Given he no longer works, they would be asked to shift back to Mumbai, and she would have to stay with her in-laws. While she doesn’t have a mother-in-law, her father-in-law lives with Aftab’s elder brother.
Aftab’s younger brother migrated to Canada. The arrangement is that Aftab’s father lives in Mumbai for 8 months and spends 2 months each in Bangalore and Canada. Given that they’re very conservative, Shaaz doesn’t want to shift to Mumbai and live with her in-laws permanently. She’s okay to bear her FIL for 2 months.
Aftab also thinks that women should stay indoors and manage the house. They should be subservient to men and willingly spread their legs whenever the men want. On the same note, for him, sex is all about mounting, pumping and cumming. And yeah, an occasional smooch if he’s aroused a lot.
Given that he doesn’t last long, Shaaz thinks there’s a competition between sex with Aftab and cooking Maggi 2-minute instant noodles. Aftab wins with more than a minute to spare.
Whenever she tried to tell him about foreplay or seeing a doctor to increase his duration, Aftab’s ego played up, and he always went ballistic. She began taking it silently, and now spreading her legs for a minute became a weekly routine for her.
As if that wasn’t enough, her workplace has its own story. The firm’s owner, Vicky, is a 58-year-old guy, 30 years older than her. Though he maintains himself very well and looks like a 40-year-old, he’s a no-nonsense guy. It’s been a little more than 10 months since she joined.
She probably saw him smile 4 or 5 times. He’s very direct and to the point when it comes to communication. Even at this age, he often comes to the office on his imported Ducati bike.
She’s the senior architect. In addition to her, there are 5 junior architects, 3 interns, an admin assistant and a housekeeper in the office. Shaaz is a very pleasant person by nature. She’s very friendly with the rest of the staff. One day, she cracks a joke to which all the staff laugh and they get noticed by Vicky.
He calls Shaaz into his office and gives her an earful. From that day on, she never even dared to smile at work. The staff is in the age group of 23 to 30, and most of them are women. Two common things among all the women in that office are – they are scared of him, yet they all find him very hot.
His 6’1 height, muscular frame, crew cut and trimmed beard, aggressive gait, wheatish complexion, and rugged dressing sense. He has a voice that’s deep and commanding helps him command the kind of respect that he always gets.
These aspects of his personality turn on many women. But his touch-me-not approach keeps them at bay. The entire office knows he is single. No one knows anything more about him.
“Ma’am, we reached,” the driver interrupts her thoughts.
Her office is in a villa owned by Vicky in a premium residential colony. As she enters the office, she greets the other staff members and settles down in her chair. She could see the admin assistant coming out of Vicky’s office. She walks up to Shaaz and tells her, “Morning, Shaaz. Boss wants to meet you.”
Shaaz looks at her, puzzled.
The admin assistant says, “Some client visit in the afternoon, I guess. I heard him talk to someone over the phone about it.”
Shaaz walks in, and Vicky motions her to sit. As she sits, Vicky says, “Shaaz, have you heard of our client Mr. Sehgal?”
Vicky has the habit of personally looking into a handful of clients himself. No one else is allowed to even look at what happens. Those clients pay handsomely and are premium projects. Mr. Sehgal is one of them.
Shaaz says, “Yes sir – if I’m right, you personally look into it. Correct, sir?”
“Yes,” Vicky says, “I’d be traveling for the next couple weeks. Once back, I’d be busy with a few critical things. I need you to take Mr. Sehgal’s account over from me. I’ll explain the project design and the stage at which it is. Today afternoon, we both will go to the site, and I’ll explain the progress.”
“The client and the contractor would be there. I’ll introduce them to you. We’ll leave at 2. We’ll meet at 1 and have our lunch together. I’ll explain the project details while having lunch, and immediately after that, we’ll leave.”
“Sure, sir, I’ll come by 1,” Shaaz said as she got up to leave.
Sharp at 1 PM, Shaaz walks into Vicky’s office. Vicky ordered a pizza for them. Shaaz quickly grasped the critical aspects of the project, and they got up to leave at 2 PM.
As they stepped out of the office, Vicky gave her the site’s address and told her to follow his bike in her car. Shaaz said her car had a flat tyre and she would book a cab.
“If you have no problem, you can come with me on my bike. A cab would take time. From the site, you return to the office in a cab while I’ll go to another site and then return,” Vicky said.
Shaaz followed him, and they went to the site on his bike. Though Vicky was driving the bike carefully, the design of the bike was such that they were very close. She had initially tried to hold the part of the bike behind her.
But as Vicky slowed down near a speed breaker, she had to lean forward to balance. In the process, her chest pressed against his back. It will be a 30-minute ride, and many such instances will occur. She wondered what to do to avoid this.
As if he had read her mind, Vicky said, “Hold my shoulders and sit. That would be more comfortable.” She thought it made sense and put her hands on his shoulders, holding him. What she could definitely not miss were his broad and muscular shoulders. She always admired men with good shoulders.
Oblivious to her thoughts, Vicky explained the route and the landmarks to keep in mind – just so it becomes easy for her when she comes next. He also mentioned to her that it was a holiday for the workers. But the contractor would be at the site, and he’ll introduce her.
It began to rain when they were 500 meters from the site. The site is in an upcoming residential colony. Hence, they didn’t have any place to stop and take shelter. By the time they rushed to the site, parked the bike, got down and ran into the house under construction, they got drenched.
The house is being built on a big plot. From the plan, Shaaz knew it was a G+2 structure. The house is built at 3 feet above the ground level. As of now, the concrete work on the ground floor and first-floor slab are complete. It’s probably 25-30% of the work.
As they rushed in, they realized that they were drenched. Vicky brushed off the water from his head, walked around, and checked the place. Shaaz was busy looking at Vicky. She admired his gym-sculpted body from behind.
Just then, Vicky got a call – the contractor said he couldn’t come due to the heavy rains. He turns around and informs Shaaz about it.
As he tells her about the contractor not coming, he can’t miss something. The rain-drenched Shaaz’s kameez hugged her body. The weather was a bit cold, and he could see goosebumps on her forearms.
One thing that happens to Shaaz is that whenever the weather is cold or she’s aroused, her nipples protrude, and their shape becomes visible. That’s why she usually wears padded bras. For some reason, she was in a normal bra, and they were pretty evident. That didn’t miss Vicky’s sight.
He never saw Shaaz that way, and now she’s like a sex Goddess to him. He was no more seeing her; he was staring, making Shaaz very conscious. She immediately turned her gaze away from him. They both realized what was happening.
He just mumbled, “Sorry,” and then there was an awkward silence between them.
Shaaz broke the silence by saying, “Shall we go up and see?”
“There isn’t anything up. They are just preparing to lay the second-floor slab. But we can go up and see. With this downpour, we can’t leave, and there isn’t anything else we can do,” Vicky responded.
Shaaz began walking to the stairs, and Vicky followed her. As she began climbing the stairs, he couldn’t help but admire her beauty from behind. While her salwar wasn’t tight fitting, it still couldn’t hide the shape of her butt.
“One of the sexiest pieces of art I’ve ever seen,” Vicky thinks.
As she climbs the stairs, the uneven floor and high-heeled footwear twist her ankle. As she’s about to fall, Vicky holds her with both hands on her waist. He simply loves the shape of her waist.
As she recovers, Vicky says, “You should remove your footwear. What you’re wearing doesn’t suit these places.”
She nods and looks around for support. She intends to stand on one foot, lift the other and remove her footwear. She sees Vicky standing one step below her. Placing her hand on his shoulder casually, she removes her footwear.
Vicky is surprised at this. She doesn’t even ask him for his permission. And what surprises him even more, is that he didn’t mind it – on the other hand, he liked it. She holds her footwear in one hand and walks ahead, swaying her hips. Vicky looks at her, mesmerized. He’s smitten by this beauty.
On the other hand, Shaaz is looking ahead and walking. Her female instinct tells her that Vicky is watching her. She loves the attention of a man much older than her. She’s excited and anxious at the same time.
Just then, Vicky’s phone rings. “Oh, is it? Okay. Look at the situation and decide. If you want to, you can leave for the day,” he says and ends the call.
Shaaz turns around and looks at Vicky. “From our office. The staff wants to leave early, so they’re not caught in the rain. I told them to leave if they want to,” Vicky says.
Shaaz nods and continues to walk on around. Vicky says, “I think we should also leave, but the only thing is that it’s still raining.” Shaaz responds, “I have no problem. I anyways have to cross our office to go home. Would you please drop me back at our office? I’ll take a cab from there.”
Vicky says yes and begins to walk towards the stairs while Shaaz follows him. As they approach the stairs, Shaaz grabs his hand by wrapping her arm around his elbow. With this, his arm is now closer to her chest. Vicky is shocked, and he turns his head to look at her.
Shaaz says “Just so I don’t slip again,” and smiles. He could feel his elbow brushing her right breast as they got down. He likes the sensation and tries hard not to move his hand.
As they approach the ground floor, he feels sad that the stairs have ended, fearing that Shaaz may stop holding his arm. True to his fears, Shaaz lets go of his hand.
The rain is drizzling now, and they both mount the bike. However, Vicky observed one change – while coming, Shaaz was holding his shoulders while on the bike. But now, her arms were on his thighs and to sit like that. She has to lean onto Vicky’s back which she was doing fully.
The drizzle hitting Vicky while his bike is speeding away makes his body cold, while Shaaz’s hug from behind gives him warmth. It’s a contrast; for Vicky, it’s like a dream.
Simply unbelievable!
What’s unfortunate is that they had to reach the office eventually. Vicky parks the bike, and they get down. Vicky looks at Shaaz. They both are a bit embarrassed by the turn of events and don’t know what to say.
Vicky breaks the silence and says “bye,” to which Shaaz says, “I’ll fresh up and then book my cab.” They both walk into the office completely drenched and don’t have clothes to change into.
Vicky’s office has a separate washroom that he uses alone. There are two washrooms outside for staff and visitors. Shaaz walks into the lady’s washroom while Vicky enters his office.
Vicky is in his office and pretending to look into his laptop and work. But his mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of Shaaz and her behavior. He is utterly confused about how to read her acts. The more he thought, the harder it got for him mentally and physically. Just then, he gets a call.
At the same time, Shaaz was in the washroom thinking about the last few hours. She was surprised with herself – how gutsy she was in the way she took the lead. She found it strange that she never harbored such feelings for Vicky. But she’s unable to figure out how she got drawn into him.
She wondered if Vicky would now take the lead or, if he didn’t, should she. Should she stop him or go the whole distance if he takes the lead? Should she be doing it at all? Is she right in her thoughts? And so many more.
With all these thoughts, she comes out of the washroom and walks into Vicky’s room to say bye to him. She knocks on his door and walks in without waiting for his response. For some reason, in her mind, all the earlier barriers they had between them were broken.
“Make it fast, see you,” says Vicky, ends his call and looks up to see Shaaz walking in. She walks straight to his table, places a hand on the table, says, “I’m leaving,” and turns around to leave.
He gets up from his chair and holds her hand. Shaaz is shocked at this. Her heartbeat increases. She turns around, and for the first time, their eyes meet. As they look into each other’s eyes for a couple of seconds, Vicky tightens his grip on her arm and pulls her towards him.
In a jiffy, she lands in his arms, and they both hold each other tightly. Vicky has his hands wrapped around her waist while Shaaz puts her hands around his neck. Their wet clothes and contrasting warm bodies give them a unique feeling.
Vicky slowly moves his left hand up her spine to her neck and gets it under her hair. Holds her hair and gently pulls her head back. They again look into each other’s eyes. Shaaz closes her eyes, raises her toes and gently opens her lips as if she’s inviting Vicky to take them.
Vicky doesn’t let go of this invite. He bends down and grabs her lips. First, a peck. Then he grabs her lower lip between his lips and begins to suck it. In no time, their tongues are deeply intertwined. They’re passionately kissing each other.
Shaaz could feel that she was completely melting in Vicky’s arms. She has surrendered herself to him. She’s okay with whatsoever he would do to her. In fact, she wants him to do whatsoever he wants.
As they continue to kiss, his hand slips from her waist and lands on her shapely butt. She has one of the sexiest butts – not too big, small, and firm. He grabs a cheek of the butt, squeezes it hard and pulls her closer to him. Her boobs go further into his chest, and her hands around his neck further tighten.
After what seems like an eternity, they barely separate. Vicky holds the edges of her top, and she lifts her hands to help him remove it. He throws away the top on a chair nearby. In no time, her bra joins the top of the chair.
Shaaz is now standing topless in front of her manager, with whom she kept a distance until a few hours back. Vicky could not believe a woman could be so beautiful. Fair skin with no blemishes. Firm boobs were nice and round, areola that light brown, pointed nipples.
A waist that resembled an hourglass and a deep naval. The flab on her body is perfectly placed. Vicky is mesmerized by this beauty. Shazz could see him staring at her and blushed.
As if he remembers something, he begins to walk away from her. She’s perplexed and a bit irritated. He walks over to his table, removes his laptop and places it on his chair. He then goes on to clear the table and puts the stuff away.
Shaaz smiles and feels shy at the same time as she understands what Vicky is up to. Vicky walks back to her, holds her hand and guides her to the table.
As they reach the table, Shaaz stops and removes the rest of the garments before climbing onto the table. Vicky is both surprised and pleased to see her completely willing. The table is old-styled wooden with soft leather fixed in the center.
As she lies down on the table, her back feels cold. Half her head is outside one side of the table, and the other ends near her butt. She bends her legs and keeps her feet on the table edges to make them comfortable.
Shaaz was so busy adjusting to the table that she forgot that Vicky was observing her with admiration and a smile.
She suddenly looks at him and asks, “What?”
“You look so sexy,” says Vicky.
She blushes and invites him with her open arms. Without further delay, Vicky walks over and bends down to devour her lips. As he suckles her lips, he places one hand over her head, and the other begins traveling all over her body.
The tip of his fingers runs over her body ever so gently. They slide from her neck to her collar bone then to her chest area, before gently climbing over her mounds. “She’s got big assets,” he thinks as his fingers run over her boobs, sizing them up.
As they settle over her areola encircling it, “So sexy,” he says. “Ummm” is all Shaaz could say. She’s totally under Vicky’s control.
A complete surrender.
Her body has goosebumps. She’s never felt this way before. All her previous lovers have been very rough in handling her. She never knew that her body loved a gentle treatment so much. Her boobs have always been her weak spot – her point of no return.
His fingers travel further and reach her pussy. As he rubs the middle finger over her pussy, she finds that her pussy is leaking – it’s dripping wet. He uses his index finger to find her clit and gently caresses it. As he rubs her clit gently, he bends down to run his tongue over her nipple.
As such, Shaaz cums pretty quickly, and on top of it, Vicky is teasing her nipple while playing with her clit. Double whammy! Her body starts to tremble, and her pussy muscles begin tightening. She could sense an orgasm hitting her.
“Yeah, babe. Don’t stop. I’m cumming,” Shaaz screams uncontrollably.
Just then, Vicky stops what he’s doing. Shaaz looks at Vicky and says, “Why?”
“Will you follow my instructions?” Vicky asks.
“All yours, babe. You can do whatever you’d like to do with me,” Shaaz continues. “Now, please continue what you were doing. Don’t tease me like this.”
“Promise me, whatever happens now, you won’t stop,” Vicky insists.
“Yes, babe. I’m all yours. I beg you now. Please continue. I want to cum,” Shaaz says.
Vicky bends down to kiss her while he uses his left hand to play with her nipple, and his right hand returns to her clit.
“This is even better,” Shaaz thinks.
As the orgasm begins to mount, she suddenly feels a pair of hands grab her inner thighs, gently separate them and she can feel something thick penetrate her pussy, ever so gently. She loves the feeling but, at the same time, is surprised.
Her mind says that she should object, but her body defies her. The pleasure that she’s getting is unimaginable. She’s never felt like this. Deep and wet kisses, a pair of fingers encircling her nipple. A finger is playing with her clit by drawing circles around it.
At times pressing it, this ‘thick something’ penetrated her and moved in and out in a rhythmic motion. Her body stiffens and trembles vigorously. Her pussy muscles tighten. She needs to hold onto something to ensure she doesn’t fly off. Her right-hand grabs one side of the table, and her left hand the other side.
She doesn’t want this to stop. She wants this moment to continue forever. She feels that the pleasure waves running all over her body are so powerful that she may not survive them.
In no time, an earth-shattering orgasm hits her. As she cums, she uses her left hand to push Vicky’s face away from her face. She needs her mouth to help her draw more oxygen. What she was getting through her nose was insufficient.
As she manages to gather her breath, she looks up to see who Vicky’s partner in crime is. As she looks up, she finds a gray-haired, smart-looking man in his 60s who is still busy fucking her. As her body is getting ready for another orgasm, she looks at Vicky.
Understanding her puzzled look, Vicky says, “Shaaz, meet Mr. Sehgal. You’ll be helping him build his house.”