Mother looked up from where she sat on the stool before her vanity mirror as I approached from behind. Without my shoes, I walked softly across the hard wood floor like a memory out of my youth. She watched me with her wide green eyes, a smile pleased, but nervous, smile on her full red lips.It had been a delightful evening. Just a mother being spoiled by her loving adult son. We dinned at a fine restaurant that mom would never have been frugal enough to enter if I was not paying – we danced to ancient tunes played by an ageing piano player and his young sexy lounge singer. Mother drank at least six glasses of fine wine – most of the bottle that I had bought. And we ate several courses of exquisitely prepared food.All according to plan.I stopped my approach as soon as I stood behind her, staring back through the mirror at her questioning gaze. I slowly brought my hands up to lay upon her thin white shoulders – the blouse from earlier in our evening already discarded. The elastic straps of her brassiere contrasting with the smooth cool skin that seemed harsh in some way.It was never odd to see mother dressed this way growing up, partially clad in a slip and bra – but there was never any nudity, though I certainly tried. I could feel a certain awareness of her half clad state, even more than usual – with her wearing her black nylons, slip and bra.Slowly bending at the waist I brought my warm moist lips to the nape of her neck, her skin feeling cool. The kiss was done very lightly but I felt her quiver before me. Mother smelt as I have always remembered, the lingering perfume mixed with her expensive organic bath soap.I pressed my cheek gently against her own, my eyes again capturing hers in the mirror.She was looked nervous, uncertain and perhaps a little dizzy with wine.With her watching me, I moved my eyes down, so that the mirror returned the sight of her ‘C’ cup breasts. The black lace bra giving just a hint of the darker shade of her nipples. The flesh pressed together between those two points into a generous pale cleavage that no male could not fail to appreciate.
My hands slid down her smooth thin shoulders almost to her elbows. I felt her shiver again, goose bumps rising upon her flesh, as the hands slowly but purposefully moved in and up. A loud gasp escaped her as I grasped both covered breasts from beneath, squeezing them roughly and possessively until that delicious valley was an obscene canyon.Again I kissed mothers neck, her head turning away to arch it toward me.When I looked up at her face I saw that mother had her eyes tightly closed, her mouth open as her chest rose and fell within my arms. In the palms of my mauling hands I felt the nipples rise, poking me through the thick fabric of her undergarment.The lips were moving but nothing came out for several seconds, and when it did, it was but a whisper, “… Please stop… !”So I did.Mother’s eyes snapped open and her head returned to the upright position, her surprise at my retreat obvious. Was she disappointed as well?My hands trailed slowly southward, across the small soft roll of flesh marked with the lines of childbirth and age. She did not look at me, but at my hands – her nervousness quickly returning.But the hands slide to the sides before reaching her lap, touching her firmly on her upper outer thigh. The black satin slip cool to the touch, the nylon beneath obvious. My fingers began to pull the loose light fabric up those full soft thighs.Mother had looked at me throughout this evening with love and pride. Showing the first real happiness that I have seen in her since I was a middle teenager. She had been touching me constantly – holding my hand walking from the car to the restaurant, my arm about her waist waiting to be seated at our table, sitting with our knees touching at the tiny intimate round table, and on the dance floor both of us using our bodies and hands liberally. Almost as if mother was using me for protection,
Afraid that our fun was only a dream.Don’t mistake me – mother never intended what I was doing to her now – this is all my initiative, taking this to a place that I have fantasized about for many years.As the slip normally hung just beneath her knees, it took a while to bundle it up to her waist – as I purposefully did it ever so slowly. Mother was breathing heavily, her eyes wide and watching her own black nylon covered thighs appear.When the cool black satin was as high as I could make it, as mother still sat frozen, my hands slipped forward and took a handful of soft thigh-flesh.There was no resistance within mother as my large strong hands spread those knees shoulder-width apart. My paws groped the soft nylon covered flesh of her inside thighs. I felt her spread her knees a few centimetres further. Anxious for more of my hands perhaps?I did not disappoint – rapidly I slipped one hand deeper into the valley of her thighs, suddenly cupping the covered flesh of her sex.Mother gasped loudly and then clamped her thighs shut, trapping my one hand against her groin.though what I had just done amazed me – cupping my mother’s sex – there really was nothing to feel. She was obviously wearing a panty beneath the black waist-high nylon, and all I felt was the smooth warm tightness of her undergarments. It was the reality of where that hand was that shocked and thrilled me.Mother’s eyes were again tightly closed, her head threatening to fall back upon her shoulders.I spoke firmly and directly into her ear, ”
Spread your knees again mother!”Even as she gasped in response, “No… It would be wrong…”, her knees spread further than they had been seconds before and her torso fell backward into my own, leaning into my chest, her head as if lifeless had fallen to my wide strong shoulder.My second hand had risen, slipped quickly back to the covered breast.Now I properly mauled my own parent – her hips beginning to move, thrusting forward in the stool, into my hand. She was gasping loudly and saying my name as a whimper again and again.Then, as suddenly as I had started, my hand removed itself from between mothers shapely soft legs and back up to her breast. She was getting really worked up and quickly, knees wide and continually humping the air as my hands mauled her chest. My chest, though, gently pressed her back up to a sitting position.Mother had confided in me tonight, after the fourth full glass of expensive wine, telling me that she knew why I just happened to walk in to her bedroom when she was half dressed for all those years between puberty and leaving home. Rather than be disappointed or disgusted, my first guess if I had to make one, she felt rather flattered as my father had stopped touching her before I hit middle school. This information was unexpected, not part of the plan, but had given me a desire to continue with my plans.I did learn that she had assumed I had ‘grown out’ of that obsession years before – she aged noticeably since the divorce, my string of girlfriends, leaving home for college and then work, and simply the lack of trying to see her in various states of undress. She had been red of cheeks when she revealed all this to me across the candle lit small table.Though taken unawares with her admission, I recovered quick enough to tell her that I never ‘grew out’ of my desire for her. That took her by surprise and she downed the last half of her glass of wine without even swallowing. Her whole face was red when she stared at the candle, rather than look at me, and asked me not to tease an old woman.”Look around mother – these people have no idea who we are? They just think I’m a guy with a sexy woman who is going to get lucky tonight!”She squealed in pleased surprise, her bouncing eyes finally catching my own. “Jason!”
That is when the petite giggles began – mother laughing into her hand for the most part – while staring at me through her carefully blackened eye lashes. “Well mom, will I get lucky tonight?” I asked bravely, playfully.She giggled again and leaned in, “You are so naughty today Jason!” But I could see that she was pleased nevertheless.The dances after that conversation were more intimate, our fronts pressed tightly together, my hands roaming from her shoulders to just where her ass began to slope out and downward. Oh, I was the perfect gentleman – but something had changed, perhaps in me and perhaps even within mother.When mother opened her eyes finally, possibly to see why I had let go of her black lace covered breasts, she looked feverish and desperate. She was a woman that needed this – even if the source was from her son… Perhaps it meant more, because it came from her son.My hands reached around and began to fumble with the three clasps holding the black brassiere together. No matter how many times I had done this with prior conquests, I hate the fucking things.Mother, to my great pleasure, did not laugh at my adolescent fumbling, and just stared at me through the mirror, sitting upright, with hands flat upon the top of the table before her.”Do you want me to stop mother?” She did not say a word, and just continued to stare at me with a odd wild look in her blue eyes. My hands gently pressed the unclasped halves apart, moving up to slip the harsh straps from her pale smooth shoulders. Again I pressed her, “Last chance mother – after this, nothing will be the same?”The seconds turned into a full minute as our eyes were locked together – until I was certain of her answer.Mother’s right arm rose quickly and crossed her breasts before the bra fell, holding it strategically in place.
Of my question – nothing.It was at that point she mouthed ‘no’ to me in the mirror, worry now entering into her gaze, her head moving slightly side to side.She was too late – I had come to far to stop now.Stepping back I reached forward and roughly spun mother around by her waist – the stool before her vanity being an old wooden affair with a free-turning seat and no back. It had been my grandmothers, her mothers, and it had away been something special in my moms life.I gripped her knees, which she had again pressed together, and stopped her spinning as soon as my mom was facing me. Her eyes were looking at me with something like guilt mixed with pleading.”How long has it been since you have been with a man mom?”We both knew how long – she had revealed it to me over dessert – five years. She looked embarrassed when she had told me, but I was not sure if it was because of telling her son that she had been sexually active after her divorce or that it had been so long since she had sex. She had asked me about my recent experiences – and starred wide-eyed as I told her about my current girlfriend and how she likes to do it in public places.”Do you always use protection Jason… ?” She had asked, trying to act the parent. I just laughed at her while nodding in agreement but admitted that we often do it in ways that it was not possible to get pregnant.Mom turned away at my malicious question but then immediately turned back with worry upon her brow when I slowly stood up before her.Her eyes watched my hands reach down to my waist, my fingers expertly but slowly unbuckle, unzip and open the flap of my pants. Then I pulled it out – holding my half hard member firmly in my fist.Mother was all eyes, the whites bright in the dim room, as she starred directly at the circumcised head of my cock. Up and down my fist went, expertly stroking it to a fully erect state.As mother and I had drank our after-dinner-coffee’s at the restaurant, I had let my hand casually hold her upper thigh.
After some time, I had leaned in and pretended a pout as I whispered, “I wish you had worn stockings and garters for me tonight mother?” Her only response was to turn another shade of red and a small pleased smile that she tried to suppress. Not long afterwards, mother had admitted that I was making her feel ‘sexy’ and that she had forgotten how good it felt.It took little effort on my part to prepare my cock – and let it go seconds after stroking it. It was on the upper end of average and when hard, had a slight upturned bend in it as it stood forty-five degrees from my body.Standing as I was, I could feel mother’s warm breath upon it – as we both froze, partaking the moment.My large strong hand rose and gently lay upon the top of my parent’s carefully prepared head of hair, still perfect after our long evening together. Her shoulder length hair had been teased for at least an hour before our dinner date.Having always been a fastidious person with her appearance, I was surprised that mother did not at least wince as my hand pressed through the hair to grab the back of my parent’s head firmly.Without moving my own body, I pulled that head toward me… Toward my cock. Only then did she resist, trying to slow her descent. Of course, she was unsuccessful – I simply countered her resistance with my strength. Just before mother was in danger of becoming acquainted with the head of my penis, she whimpered, “I can’t Jason… !”But the smooth pink crown of my cock touched the red lipsticked full lips, having reapplied it numerous times through the evening, and pressed smoothly past and into her mouth.
Throughout the evening I had teased mother numerous times about her sexy red lips – finding any excuse to kiss her red lips frequently. At first she enjoyed the game, pouting and kissing me back – laughing at the red marks she left on my own lips. Later in the evening, she had become uncomfortable when my teasing had turned a corner – telling my parent that I knew exactly what her lips were good for, letting our lips linger long past propriety’s sake. Her eyes had checked out my crotch so many times through the evening, there was no mistaking where any of my bawdy comments originated from.Mother’s eyes rose now, trying to see up past my arm, trying to plead with me with her gaze. “Suck me mother!” My hips began to dance – moving back and forth slowly and smoothly. I watched enthralled as my dick moved in and out of my mother’s attractive aged face – her eyes slowly closing and her lips clamping shut so that her mouth could apply suction. My second hand rose and also held the back of her head to steady it, my hips thrusting more aggressively as I fucked my mother’s mouth. Mother was sucking hungrily now, her tongue teasing me on the other side of her lips.”Fuck that feels good!” I gasped uncontrollably.I had a difficult time keeping my own eyes open, but I saw her looking up at me, the pleading gone leaving only pleased amazement. Past her sucking lips, I saw that her arm had dropped from her torso and her full pale bare breasts bounced as I thrust aggressively forward.That was enough to push me over the edge – the sum of our evening, the looks, suggestive touches and even the way she looked at me through the night. She starred at me with wide pleased eyes, as if I could do no wrong.Why else, do you think, I would I have the balls to seduce her tonight!
Even as I felt the tightness build toward the inevitable, I wondered if mother ever had a cock in her mouth before.That thought, the sight of mother’s wide eyes, her sucking lips and the distant glimpse of bare breasts bouncing beneath me was enough to finish me off.The first blast must have bruised my own mother’s tonsils, as my body contorted and jerked so violently. The spasm and jerks afterwards were but a shadow, but the full load of my seed pumped again and again until even I was amazed.Only then did I realize mother was trying to talk with my dick in her mouth, her throat simultaneously swallowing and gagging. My eyes opened to see that my sperm was leaking from both edges of her lips, a few drops falling to that pale tit-flesh below.I gently pulled my slowly diminished penis from my mother’s mouth – she gasping suddenly for breath, trying not to cough as a river of my juice escaped from her still open mouth falling to her breasts and to the hard wood floor between us.My first reaction was to apologize, but I knew the best way to gain mother’s total acceptance was to carry this evening to the summit of incestuous desire.The moment that I allowed mother to regain her composure – I was able to look upon her, the sight more erotic and sexy than I could have ever imagined she would look. There was trails of sperm from her lips down to her bare breasts, her hair was a mess and her cheeks were flushed as I had never seen. Her eyes, though, were wild – and I knew she was excited beyond words. The wine throughout the evening, our intimate time together and now being face fucked, perhaps for the first time ever, and being forced to take my load.
And if you factor in that I was her son and not some stranger… That had to be an added level of kink if she was anything like me in what stoked my fires.My whole sexual life had lead up to this moment. And to think, minutes before I would have walked away from this – if she had but spoken up against where our evening was heading.I helped mother to her unsteady feet, her eyes enquiring silently. One of her arms rushed to cover her bare chest, but I ignored it. Her eyes looked embarrassed, but interested. She never resisted or stopped me as my hands slipped down to slip my thumbs into the waist band of her loose black satin slip. She stepped out of the garment when I pressed it to her feet.Squatting before her, I ran my hands freely up and down mother’s shapely legs while her eyes watched me silently. My hand eventually reached up and pressed into the covered mound of her sex and I saw mother’s thighs tremble wildly for a second as her torso lowered into my palm.Even through two layers I could feel the heat within – heard her moans of pleasure at my brief touch.I rushed to do with the nylons what I had done with the slip – but it took more effort, more patience, but it was well worth it. I sensed in mother, the same desire to be rid of the constricting garment as anxiously as I.She needed this – that much was obvious even through my dinner seduction. Mother needed to feel like a woman – to be loved, desired.My hands easily guided her backward to the edge of her bed, pushing her into a seated position. Those big eyes looked up at me so innocently, so willingly and so full of trust. With a firm shove, mother fell back into the bed upon her shoulders, her hands dropping the hold of her chest in response so as to stop her fall. Those large mounds bounced on her bosom as she landed.Then mother whimpered, already forgetting her bare chest even though she had to look past her hard wrinkled nipples to watch her son, as I pressed her knees back and spread wide.The first kiss caused her to jerk and gasp – her eyes clamping shut and a pleased smile spreading on her lips. My tongue slipped into that hot wet pink flesh
And tasted the forbidden nectar. It was so sweet and satisfying that I dare say I never tasted anything so delightful in my life.Throughout our evening, mother and I had flirted shamelessly. Our eyes caressing what our hands would not, our words suggestive and playful. I had wondered what had gotten into her, thanking my luck regardless. It was fun and I had not considered that I could take this further until much later in the evening – when she stopped flirting but almost acted like she needed my attention. I had never seen anyone act like that before and it surprised me that I was seeing it within my own mother.Soon my hands were not needed to hold her in this spread position, as I could feel that there was no denying me now. Mother needed this as I too did. Her hips began to press upward into my tongue and lips, her hands curling in my hair to pull me into sex. She giggled when my hardened tongue slipped lower and teased her hard anal asterisk – groaning with loss when I retreat.I teased and sucked in those excited blood-filled full cunt lips. My tongue fucked into the hole I came out of so long ago. My teeth, tongue and lips patiently tormenting her clitoris – always withdrawing as the heights of her passion echoed from the walls of her room.Mother was making mewing noises, as if in pain, as her body was covered in a cloak of sweat as she humped into my face. Decorum and decency was forgotten – as was the laws of man and the morals of a middle-aged mother. Sounds were coming from her lips – begging me, pleading with me, but no words.Never before had I felt such a rush of power, such an immense joy in the giving of pleasure. She was completely at my whim – anything I wanted I could take. To show myself just how true this was,
I slipped my index finger between the sweaty cheeks of her ass – pressing upward into her very tight anal ring. Her gasps only got louder even as she tried to press her sexy mature ass down to drill my digit further into her own body.Only after I could see the tears rolling down the sides of her face, over her sweaty heaving tits, did I know that the time was right. I drove that neglected clitoris wild with my mouth, as my finger fucked her ass, and did nothing less than mother screamed in response. It sounded as she she were being tortured and was in pain – but for the wide smile, the way she shoved her hips up, her hands clawing at my hair to pull me down, her soft sweaty inner thighs clamping unconsciously against my ears.I felt her body jerk as if she were a man, muscles throughout her body tensing and clenching wildly. Mother orgasm as if she invented the act and it felt divine to be the one to be able to give that delight to my parent.Then it was over and her body seemed to melt in upon itself, her legs falling back to the bed and even her anal passage suddenly relaxing enough I was sure I could have pressed three fingers into her if I wished.Reluctantly I removed my face from that delightful place – knowing without a doubt that I could do this as often as I wished. No woman that enjoyed such pleasure could deny the man that gave it to her. Not even if that man was her son!How long had I eaten my own mother? Five minutes, fifty – I could not say for certain. Only now, though, did I realize that my jaw was sore, the back of my tongue ached – but it was worth it, and had not been long enough no matter what the clocked said.Starring brazenly now, I looked at her flowered open pink sex, while still tasting it upon my lips. She looked asleep, content.I rose and lowered myself upon her, feeling her hot wet skin against my own.My mother opened her eyes slowly, as if exhausted. Perhaps she was? The smile returned and her eyes glinted with the fires of love.Oh yes, this was not the only time for us!
Tentative, as I watched from above her, mother stretched out her lower face and slipped out her tongue to lick at my dripping chin. It was a very erotic moment.Perhaps recognizing my pleasure in her act, mother began to aggressively lick her own juices from my lips, chin and cheeks. Only after several minutes of this, and the moisture on my face replaced by my parent’s saliva, I could not help but ask playfully, “Do you like the taste of pussy mom?” I dreaded the question as soon as I asked – it sounding juvenile to my ears.Thankfully, “I… Don’t know honey.” She shrugged beneath me and looked sheepish and suddenly a little shy. Did she think I was ready to introduce another woman into our newly found bed? I think not!It gave me the strength to follow up, “But you like the taste of yourself don’t you mother?”A playful smile spread upon her wet red lips, as she revealed, “I do… Yes honey.” Her cheeks were red as if embarrassed. This was the woman that I had dined with most of the evening – playful, suggestive and a touch naughty.”Good!” I pressed my rock hard cock against the very hot wet cunt beneath me.That caused a surprised gasp to escape from my parent and her eyes were very wide as she whispered, “Your hard again!” That look caused me to feel like a god and there was nothing I could not do with her that moment. Hell, there was nothing I would do for her that that moment!Mother was pressing her hips gently up and down in time to the rhythmic thrusts of my cock – sliding my member along the wet groove of her sex.”Tell me Jason… Tell me what you want me to do?”I could have took her out into the middle of the street, beneath a light, and fucked her brains out and she would enjoy it. I was more than certain.Mother was breathing heavily again, sharp gasps as the head of my cock shoved against her sensitive clitoris. Her hands rose and stroked my face, our eyes locked. She was mine and we both knew it.With a note of pleading, “Tell mommy how to please you honey?”My own breathing was labor as well, not having noticed until I revealed, ”
I want you on your knees mom.”She nodded in anxious agreement, and quickly rolled onto her stomach even as I rose from her sweaty body. Mother bent her knees beneath and pressed her ass up as her shoulders and one side of her face lay upon the bed. I stood behind stroking myself – enjoying the new view and savoring this moment that I can honestly say, was the sexual height of my life.With her bare feet and the thrust of her ass hanging over the bed, I easily stepped up behind her and aimed myself with a malicious pleasure.This was it, this was the final act that would bind our sin together. Everything up to this moment could be discounted as simply bad judgement – but what I was about to willingly and anxiously do was nothing less than a one way path.Having felt my hesitation and perhaps considering the same thoughts that coursed through my own head – mother seemed to know immediately what she wanted, as she reached around her body with both her hands and pulled the cheeks of her ass apart. “Fuck mommy honey!”She was but mine for the asking!My cock slipped easily into that sloppy hot wet hole as mother and I grasped and then groaned in unison. I saw it as if in slow motion, my familiar organ disappearing into the fleshy folds of my parent.Mothers hands slipped from her own ass and clawed at her duvet cover, her eyes clenched just as tightly. My hands went to my parents soft round hips and grasped roughly. This was what I had envisioned from the start of my sexual ..Awareness, this moment – being inside her. Yet nothing could prepare me for the incredible feeling, the smell, the sounds of this reality.My hips began to aggressively thrust back and forth – our sweaty bodies smacking loudly and
Lewdly against the other. Her sex immediately began to make sloppy sexy loud sounds that would have been comical at any other moment – but for us, now, it was perfect – a symphony to our drama.Mom shoved her hips back to meet my own, incomprehensible words coming from her mouth as she grunted with each thrust.I wanted to fuck her so she would not be able to sit for a week without recalling where the dull pain had came from. I wanted it to be the fuck of her life.Remembering her earlier reaction, my thumb slipped into the sweaty valley of her ass and pressed, teased, that slippery pink anus.The hot skin of mother’s ass was slick with sweat and I worried that the fingers that dug into her flesh would leave bruises. Yet, she did not seem to care – in fact, all she seemed conscious of was our combined aggressive fucking.Again and again our bodies slapped together, her sex echoing bawdy throughout the room. She was gasping, whimpering and grunting like an animal.I loved it!This was better than any of my fantasies – either adolescent or into adulthood. Nothing could compare to this moment.My body was quivering from exertion, the sweat dripping off my brow – I was exhausted and exhilarated as mother looked to my eyes.It was evident, even in my cloudy conscious state, that mother was again approaching her orgasm. The signs from her earlier climax was there – the way she whipped her head back and forth, the spittle shooting out without realizing it, the way the muscles of her buttocks and thighs danced almost hypnotically as well as the more guttural sounds that escaped her lips.My thumb had worked its way up mother’s sweaty relaxed rectum to the second knuckle without my realizing it – except I could feel my own cock moving within her between the thin membrane within her body..It was a champion-level fuck, one for the record books. Mother was squealing, cheering me on toward the finish and it was a toss-up who would get there first. I wanted it to be her!I felt it began to draw to its inevitable conclusion and gritted my jaw as my own guttural groan escaped my lips.
My cock felt as if it had ballooned to twice its width as I tried to will it to wait for just seconds more before exploding. It was not to be and I gasped as my cock began to shoot deep within my mother’s body.Mother gasped and then squealed as her own body twitched and thrashed beneath my own. In some obscene dance we orgasm together and nothing could have been more perfect.Again and again my cock shot out its seed into the depths of my willing parent – again and again mother squealed with pleasure and jerked beneath me in response. It was almost as if she were enduring electrical shocks transfer from my cock to her cunt – reacting to each of my ejaculations.Then, all too soon, it was over and I was standing swaying dangerously on my feet behind the raised sexy ass – feeling my cock slowly shrink within that hot wet sheath, my thumb still submerged into the tighter more mysterious hole above.Reluctantly I withdrew from my parent and stumbled the single step to fall back onto the bed next to my kneeling mother. Her face slowly turned toward me, looking half crazed with messed up makeup, hair mated and plastered to her glistening pale skin. Her eyes, though, held a weary fire – love and lust intertwined.Mother slowly dropped down upon her hip, facing me, her gaze softening even as one hand reached out to touch my sweaty hairy chest. Her small fingers finding and fondling my nipples alternately.I could not find any words – my mouth was dry, my tongue weary. It was not every day that a guy gets to enjoy his most secret of fantasies and discovers that it rivals anything he had imagined!Our eyes must do our communicating for us I thought. But mother whispered harshly nevertheless, “That was the best… In my whole life Jason.”My lips wearily spread into a pleased smile as a response.She
Swallowed thickly while her leg slipped over my own, locking us together in an intimate cuddle. I could feel the hot scratchy wet place between her legs against my hip. “I will wear stockings for you… Next time… If you want me too Jason?”Her face was easily readable – her eyes showing her desire for this after dinner seduction to never end, to touch this magic again. She also looked nervous to ask the question of her son, perhaps a little humiliated to have to ask. I was half her age after all, and the desire for me seemed to radiate as a light source from her body.With effort I nodded negatively and saw the desired fear-filled reaction rise up within my mother. What was she thinking, that I could deny her now that I had tasted the forbidden fruit? Foolish woman My tongue was sore and my lips and mouth dry, but I gasped out, “Not possible mom.” My hand reached out to grasp that large heavy sweaty breast. “I don’t think the lingerie stores open before tomorrow morning.” Her eyes reacted before the rest of her face, but her reaction was anticipated. “I hoped you would wake me tomorrow with a blowjob… Then we can see what else we can do… Her practically glowed with pleasure, her eyes even tearing up. The hand upon my chest boldly slipped down to my tired shrunken cock and grasped it possessively. “Oh Jason… That sounds delightful!” Then a playful glint came into her eye that I recognized from my childhood – but this was no child’s game. “I think mommy should clean you up before you fall asleep.” Mother used to give me baths back when I was a toddler – yet, I doubt she was feeling so innocent as she was back then.With that statement mom slowly slipped down until her mouth began to lick our combined juices from my cock and balls. Mother made mewing satisfied noises and there was little doubt within me that she was enjoying the taste.I slipped into bliss-filled unconsciousness even while my mother held my soft, newly cleaned, cock in her mouth – laying perpendicular to the length of the bed.