Hi friends…m a ocasionally reader of ISS,ocassional in the sense wenevr i get chance in cyber.Its simply gr8..all share their their fantasies n real encounters..i2 wishd 2tell u guys n gals abt my first encounter.Sorry if u dint liked it…This happened wen i ws studyning in diploma…It ws my xam time..i used 2sit near window of my room to study,ther was a compound wall 10yards away frm wndow.,n ther was 3houses next to the c.wall.Aftr the xam i used to do all my collge wrk sittng near wndw.In one of the house ther was a lady(name no needed)stays wth her husbnd,a kid..smtmes her mom used 2 accompany her.She was nt that gorgeous bt simple wth natural beauty.I used 2 stare her n wen she luks at me i used 2 luk away..same she also used 2 do.Dis hapnd for a llong time,v never talkd 2 eachothr.
One fine day around 2pm i ws sittng near wndw n doing my wrk..saw out she was ther lukng at me n gave a small smile,i2 smiled her back…n she asked me had ur lunch in action(coz of neighbours)i juz nodded my head as yes in reply.till evening she was ther n v juz smile each other..B4 the door used 2b closed all time..n even it was opend i rarely get a chance 2 c her..4rm dat day v used 2 talk like dat..(with action).
Next day evening i went to play n came at around 7pm got fresh n came 2my room,dint switchd on the light n came near window.She was ther sittng in the direction of wndw.It was dark outside n i can c her bt she cant c me (coz of darkness in my room)she was anxious 2 c me…Later i swtched the lights n ws busy wth collge wrk.I knew she was lukng at me,bt acted as too busy..(testng her)Aftr few minutes i heard a clinging sound n i lukd out,to my suprise it was her hittng the spoon to the floor n signalling me..she gave a big smile n askd me whr i went etc etc..Few mins later againg she signalled me in same way n showed me a piece of paper n came near cmpnd wall n threw dat near my wndw.I came out n picked n came insde my room.It was small intro of her ,hubby n kid…I kept silent.again she signalld me for the reply..i replyd same way.this happnd for few days.V came closer thru letters n talkng thru actions…
From casual letters it startd more deep n topic changd to love,romance…She was silent this time n ther was no xchnge of letters..i said sorry for dat.Next day i gotta reply with a bigg 3page letter.I read it n felt sad 4her..It told dat she got married soon n due to job her husbnd used 2 b out more often(transport co.)Wenevr he cme get drunk n ly ove her have sex n sleep off…she dnt know wat romance is n hw it feels..She feels sad wen her frnds talk abt their lovelife n all stuffs…n told dat she feels happy talkng 2me though not frm mouth…n told nt 2b sorry its all my fate…n changd the topic asking me abt myslf..gf’s,romance n frst kiss etc etc..I told it will b u the first female if i kissed.. Readng dat she blushed n bit shy..n put her half tongue out n teased me n ran inside..Later i used to tease her like givng flying kisses etc etc.she used to blush alltime..
One day she wrote me dat she too like to kiss n hug me bt thers no place na…i told her y cant v meet at night near compd wall,with no hesitation she told yes..I was thrilld n waiting for the time.At 12.pm nightv both met..it was dark n silent outside..v talkd standng mear wall between us..I came closer to her 2 kiss her bt she went bit back,dis hapnd twice..wen v abt to depart suddnly she kissd my cheek n ran..hmmm i cudnt sleep dat nyt..
Next day morning she saw me n gave a flying kiss.eveng she told me to cme at night..i refused..she replyd me with action as dont u want to kiss me? I said ok.Again v met at nyt..ahhhhhh she juz had head bath n was smelling gr8….i told her dis..she squeezd my cheeks..v came closer..guys dnt forget the wall betwn us,our cheeks was tchng eachother while talkng.Both were lukng eachothr nw..n i slowly tchd my lips 2 hers..Ohhhhh GODDDD…watta feeling it was..(my first kiss)she pulld my head n kissed me deeply n pushed her tongue insde my mouth n wiggled inside n startd to suck my tongue as if thers no tomorrow..both were getting hot…dnt know hw long v hav been kissing..ws not willing to leave eachothers lips,bt have to leave na..
Next day she told me abt the nyt hw she was feeling….she told dat she was wet n fingered her pussy thinking abt me…i2 replyd hw i felt,n my cock was erectd with precum(inside my shorrts)n i2 mastrbated thinkg of her.Again v met at nyt,n dis time she told me 2 jump the wall,n i did..all of a sudden she holded my face with her palm n kissed me deeper n passionately..n hugged me tytly..My cock was aroused n was knocking her pussy…She hugged me tytly n whispered in my ear dat its gettng hard dear…n brought her hand down n caught hold of it..i felt 1000volts current passing whole my body..kissed me agin n told lets go inside my house..n v went..she didnt leave my cock..n as soon v were inside she huggd n kissed me allover my face..n told me dat she want to c my cock..n without my reply she pulled my shorts down…she knelt down took it with her soft hands n kissed top of my cock…OHH MAN..watta feeling..hmmm she then tchd it with tip of her tongue..n took it insde n startd sucking it…..i cudnt beleive my eyes guys…i was in heaven..she took me bedroom n undressed me..i2 took off her nyty..ohhhh godd i was stunned lukng at her body..she was wearng both black bra n panty..she jumpd on me 2 escape frm my eyes lukng her…n huggd me tytly..then i removed her bra n was lukng those cute nipples n slowly pinched it…she caught my head n guided towards her boobs n told me to suck it.i was sucking it ..n she was moaning in pleasure..hmm ahhhh….yess dnt stoppp plllss hmmmm asking for more n more….slowly she took my hand down n placed over her pussy..hmm that was my first tch of pussy..hmmm it was clean shaven…she guide my finger over it..yesss it was wet..she was squzng my cock harder…then she told me ..dear……i cant control again..come over me..
She brought a condom for the cupboard n put it in my cock n lied on her back n told me 2 come over..she took my cock n guided near her pussy..i felt a shiver insde my stomach..coz this was my first time..she was moving my cock up n down over her pussy..n kept over her lovehole n told me to push slowly inside..she was moaning in pleasure n told to increase the speed..i did…she hugged me tytly n kissed me n told to push deep inside n moce farster..she too was lifting her hips up n up…i was pumping her for 5mins, i knew i was abt 2 cum,she told nt to take out let it b insde condom is ther na..she huggd me tytly more tytly…n gave a big moan..uuuuuhhhhh…she also got cummd..
She was lukng happy..n kissed me deeply n sucked my lips..n thankd me for all the love..Dnt forgetr this all happened with her kid sleeping in next room..then she took off the condom frm my cock n wiped it with her panty..n dressd my shorts n hugged me again n kissed me more deeply..n told u have to go now..then i came to my house n to my room..bt guys didnt slept whole nyt..
Next day she was lukng more happier than ever..she showed me a pillow as me n hugged it tytly n kissed it.she wrote that she had a nice time of her life n wudnt forget till her last breathe…n told nt to mention dis to any friends..n i kept the promise..
So friends this was my first encounter..Hope u liked it..sorry if any spelling mistakes…So gals n aunties if u really liked this n wana like to keep in touch with me..u can write to dis address