Saroja’s situation was really remarkable. She pondered the events leading to this day, when she was nursing three cocks at the same time. Nursing is the only word that could adequately describe what she was doing. It had not yet become an outright gang-bang and she couldn’t say if it would become that. Yet, there was one cock in her mouth which she was lovingly kissing and pumping with her mouth, another in her fist which she was rewarding with strokes and a third which she was consoling by caresses with the sole of her foot.
All three cocks were just being petted, caressed and fondled. None was a complete fuck. At least, not yet. Neither of three men was bold enough to react on their own to add to the chemistry. And that is because men don’t open out to each other or in front of other men that easily. Perhaps that is why gang-bangs don’t happen so often or so easily in india. We don’t have football locker rooms where could get comfortable with one another. Or is it because men compete for the attentions of a woman and that doesn’t come easily in our overfull houses and an come to that is actually fear rather than conservatism? Given a chance….
And due to the competitive and starved scenario no man really lets on about his sex life. They like to perpetuate the myth that each is a lothario. And that is why the three young men with saroja did not respond or participate fully in the initial period. They were unsure of each other and because the bullock cart in which they were traveling was shadowy inside in the evening light, they didn’t know that saroja was active with the others too. Now it would have been completely different if it was more than woman. This scenario is, in any case, every man’s ultimate fantasy, so he is likely to lead them on should anything start. Two women loving each other in the presence and in tandem with a man does happen. Two men loving each other with a woman joining in? No, not really.
Women know each other, talk about how their men are with them and talk about their bodies. They change in common rooms, help each other bathing and often discuss problems of the female variety with great confidence in one another. For one woman to see another in any state of undress is no big deal. In fact it happens all the time. And that is why saroja’s situation with her three young relatives was remarkable. She was one woman and there were three of them. Family wedding which saroja was returning from is a typical example of how women talk to each other and are comfortable with each others bodies. Usually, in such events all the women shared the same room, bathing, changing and adorning themselves in the presence of the other women of the marriage party. Men do not get to sleep with their women. All the women cluster in one or more of a set of rooms.
It is a great chance to gossip and catch up with one another. As a herd they find comfort in one another. And usually this ensures they are never late for any of the important functions, because from the bride onwards everyone is getting ready in everyone else’s presence. Saroja had come for this wedding with her husband, his younger brother and two nephews. Younger brother was 27 and the two nephews were 18 and 19. Saroja and her husband ranked as seniors but they were not that much older than the others. Saroja’s husband was 33 and she herself was an alluring 29. Their branch of the family was city-bred and much of the rest of the family came from smaller towns and were not quite the same social class. Relations were excellent but the common ground for fun and games was not the same with the larger group as it was between this closed group of man and wife with brother-in-law and nephews in tow.
And so over days of travel by road and the three days of events the five them stayed closer to one another and the bonding grew. While saroja knew her brother-in-law a bit better, the two nephews were just acquaintances to her. Over these days, the five of them had had a rollicking time together. Their jokes made sense to one another and their tastes were similar too. For instance all of them secretly enjoyed eating chicken and had noticed the “naidu’s military hotel” on the way to the marriage hall. It seemed neat and likeable and like a bunch of adolescent brats, they sneaked out and ordered only the side-dishes. Server was amazed that no rice was eaten as accompaniment!
Saroja was utterly fun-loving. Even as their car journey into the rural hinterland commenced, she was the one who was constantly asking the car to stop to buy groundnuts, bananas, to drink coconut water and eat guavas. Nineteen year old gopi found his aunt completely exciting for the kind of personality he was. Completely uninhibited, she sat next to him in the car letting her thigh rest against his. He journeyed, very conscious of the fullness of the leg against his. And when she fell asleep she let her head rest fully on his shoulder. Soft, warmth of her womanliness was deeply satisfying.
As the car had jostled and she moved with it, her saree pallo slid and gopi allowed his eyes to roam the gently swelling slopes her breasts. From where he was sitting, he was able to look right own the front of the blouse, where the sumptuous mountains of saroja’s fleshy breasts disappeared into a mysterious darkness. Her ‘taali kodi’ snaked over the hills and valleys of her flesh like a gleaming river. Her cleavage could well have been a gorge into which the river disappeared, hidden from the eyes of adventurous explorers. Like gopi….
At every stop, they rearranged themselves in different seating orders. Soon enough, gopi lost his vantage position. But his younger brother sundar too had the same attraction to the alluring, buxom, playful saroja mami . She had her arm on the backrest of the car when sundar fell asleep and soon his head had leaned into her armpit. He smelt her sweat which seemed aromatic. It disturbed his drowsiness and his senses became aware. As he slumped lower, his face came to rest against the breast itself.
Sundar had savored every moment he pretended to be asleep as his lips lay open against the swelling of her breast. Saliva dampened the breast and saroja did not mind the boy drooling in his sleep. It was something that happens to everyone while asleep. Ravi, the brother-in-law was older than the two youngsters and could not sidle up to be with saroja but he felt the tug too. His sister-in-law was saucy and spontaneous and his brother arvind was serious and introverted. Saroja found a companion in ravi to respond to her jokes and some of her saucier ones were reserved for ravi’s ears. She couldn’t be that risquãƒæ’ã‚â© with those two younger mates. Ravi responded to her in the same spirit.
And then there was the afternoon when the ‘nalang’ ceremony was held. This ceremony is a hangover from olden times when the bride and groom, who traditionally marry o orders from the parents, used to get to know one another through a series of familiarization ‘games’ played in the presence of the entire family of both sides. Songs are an integral part of this ceremony and rendering a film or popular song is normal for someone musically minded , replacing the names of the protagonists with that of the bride and groom.
During this song session, saroja had made bold to break the taboo and sing raunchy film songs. She enhanced the raunchiness with dancing to the numbers, wiggling her hips and thrusting her breasts and jiggling the, as the dancers in the movie were want to do. And in the heat of the moment with a small crowd dancing along, ravi had jumped, thrusting himself back at his ‘manni’ in rhythm also in the fashion of the film heroes. This usually elicited a lot of laughs, including the older ‘mamas’ and ‘mamis’ being indulgent at what on another occasion would invited retribution and recrimination. Ladies laughed, winking at one another and making suggestive remarks to the bride, full of innuendo.
Older men took the opportunity to lech at all the younger women who were bold enough to dance. What particularly added to the flirtatiousness in this case was ravi, gopi and sundar’s readiness to help with singing the lyrics along with saroja. Whenever there came a particularly innuendo-laden stanza, saroja would pretend not to know the words and hum along. Immediately the trio would offer the exact words, making saroja blush initially. Later she laughingly joined them, betraying the act she actually knew the lines herself. Radiant eyes met, hands touched and laughter resonated at a very personal level.
Three young men found that the woman they, which is named “manni” was a sexual bombshell, ticking every minute. (they all named her manni though for gopi and sundar she was mami. This happened because the age difference was not significant.) Now, while all of this raised the temperature, many of us will recognize that this happens in almost all weddings and would happened to most. But what was completely different and unusual in this case was when saroja refused to share the rooms of the women-at-large because it was just too messy and a big jumble of people and things.
She insisted on a separate set of rooms which her husband’s branch of the family would use separately. As it happened, there was only one available room at the chosen hotel which would meet her standard. It was suite and so there was an additional drawing room. Group agreed that this extra space allowed enough space for all to sleep and enough privacy to change. By then the comfort with one another had reached such levels that saroja quite often, did her makeup wearing just her blouse and petticoat. Each man got an eyeful of saroja manni’s ample bosom, her burlesque ass and her luscious lips and profile in various poses. And so it happened over the days that each of her unstated sexual suitors had that extra moment of intimacy.
In gopi’s case it was the moment when she realized her bra was far too dark under the color of her blouse and could be seen separately. She named gopi – and this is where getting ready with other women helped. There was no limit to exposure and the nature of help asked for and rendered, without sex getting in the way. Saroja had noticed subliminal messages from all three and perhaps getting a little bit of harmless sex in was needed. “poor boys!” she sympathized. “does this bra show?” she asked, looking herself front and back in the mirror, her eyes meeting gopi’s in search of a reply. “hmm?” she persisted. Gopi’s throat was dry. He had been secretly glancing at her and now he found himself being asked to specifically look at her. He didn’t know how to acknowledge his awareness of the ‘bra’ as a concept and answer and not lett his manni feel that he had been eyeing her.
“ada- sollu pa!” she exclaimed, eyes dancing. “lost your tongue? Look here,” she said, turning her back to him and hands tracing her bra-strap. With her eyes on him in the mirror, she asked, “does this show?” gopi’s eyes were not on the back. They had been on her mounds of flesh straining against the blouse when she was facing him. As she turned away towards the mirror, back to him, his eyes had followed. First the bust-line appeared as she was half turned. And then came the gently heaving mounds of delectable flesh. “look here,” she emphasized the ‘here’, pointing to the bra-strap, “and not here” she continued, her other hand passing over her bosom. She quickly converted the overt sexual reference to an innocent remark with adding, “here, the saree will make sure nothing is seen. It is only at the back.”
“it shows,” croaked gopi, then he weakly added, “the bra shows,” immediately turning deep crimson in embarrassment. Saroja noticed that the boy was self-conscious. Or perhaps very conscious of her sexuality. “ok, wait here. Let me change to something else,” she said turning away from the mirror to the corner, one side was the wall and the other was the door to the bathroom where sundar had gone. She was will reveal something which she didn’t want gopi to see in the mirror. Back to him, she removed her blouse and her bra. Gopi felt a maddening erection as he took in the sight of her bare back, with its glowing skin and vast expanse of flesh to caress. What was more, when she lifted her arms to slip on the blouse. He was rewarded with sight of the sides of her swinging tits. Gopi quickly ran his fist over his hardon confident that she wouldn’t turn around now and got some relief from the ache in his groin.
She now wore a skin colored bra but the yellow of her blouse was very pale and showed the color through. She needed to be sure. But she was also enjoying teasing the boy. She wondered if he had ever seen bare breasts. She turned around and asked him again, moving in front of the mirror to check for herself. This color was obviously wrong and even as she asked gopi for his opinion she shook her head. Not yet moving to the corner, she started unbuttoning the blouse, baring her bra encased tits to the young man. Gopi drank in the sight, following her with his eyes till the last moment when she moved out of the range of the mirror.
Saroja removed blouse same well as bra and once again stood bare back to gopi who was not only fighting the monster in his trousers, but also the monster unleashed in his head. His saroja manni was lusciously appetizing. Now saroja found that the final bra which she wanted to try was not at hand but she had already removed her top. “gopi,” she named then stopped, realizing that she ran the risk of showing him more of her body than even she could accept. She turned her head around to check where he was relative to her while her body was still towards the corner. As she turned, she saw his hand rub the front of his trouser and in that one glance the sexually shrewd saroja saw the tented erection. She had caused a problem. She decided that she would have to handle this business of getting the other bra with a little more discretion.
“gopi,” she said, surprised by how hoarse her own voice had suddenly become, “just find my white color bra in the bag.” she now had her arms across her chest to ensure her breasts were not exposed to him. She found it necessary to twist a bit toward him to see if he was accessing the right part of the correct bag. Gopi was painfully aware that as he turned sideways she could probably see his erection. He hoped not. But he was hoping against hope. Looking instead at where gopi was searching, her eyes were intently on the clearly significant bulge. Gopi picked the bra and waved it at her but the moment he looked there, his eyes were transfixed on the side of her breast which was fully exposed to him. “no,” she shook her head, “it is a front opening one,” she told him and her regret at sharing intimate details of her apparel on a madly aroused teenager was instant.
Gopi tore his eyes away from the beautiful luscious woman. Her shoulders were bare and her back was a smooth expanse of flesh. Her breasts were pendulous and barely concealed by her arms. As she gesticulated, he got a glance at one breast. The teat was brown and like a piece of dried date, seemed so sweetly suckable. She cleared her throat and felt the color rising to the very bosom which she was looking to conceal. It rose to her cheeks and she stood perfectly still, woman and boy acknowledging the sexual moment with a moment’s quiet. Gopi found the bra and handed it to his saroja manni, eyes watching closely for the moment when her breast would be exposed to him. It was exposed as she reached out to take the bra. She didn’t just take it. She took it tenderly. Equally tenderly, slowly, she put the bra on her shoulder and as the cups were brought to cover the tits, she turned to face him. “thank you,” she whispered, giving him a look at the deep valley between the mounds. What had been a dark mystery the other night was now his to feast on.
Leaving one of the cups of the bra precariously hanging on to the massive breast it was tasked to hold, she put a hand on his shoulder. There was a fractional moment of indecision as the hand lingered. Was it meant to pull or push away? Saroja turned him away with a finality and in a parting gift the bra cup slipped off its precarious perch giving one final look at the wrinkled, long, brown, oh-so-suckable teat. Any thing that happened by such accidents left no feeling of guilt on saroja. She turned back towards the corner which was her sanctuary from the extreamness of hormones and allowed the bra to fall open as she got her blouse on. Gopi turned his back on her dutifully and obedient as ever and mumbled, “let me go help ravi mama”. . He closed the door behind him.
As her arms were up slipping into her blouse, her breasts swung, heavy and suddenly seemingly full from the close encounter with her elder nephew. Bathroom door opened and fresh-faced sundar found himself staring at swinging mammaries of his aunt. Nipples had started to grow taut under a delayed reaction to the events that had just passed. Sundar gasped as he saw her lovely breasts in their full splendor. Ever since he had slept against them in the car h8e had wondered how they might look and how they might feel without the obstructive fabric in between.
Now here were the magnificent peaks he wanted to conquer! He was out of breath and as he sucked in air, his towel came undone and the 18 found himself nude in front of saroja manni. As if in sync, his cock rose to salute the sight presented to it and saroja found herself staring: it was a long cock of average thickness. She was caught so unawares that her own hands didn’t respond quickly enough to cover her own breasts. “shut the door,” she whispered, her voice sounding seductive at a bad time for an aunt. Sundar had been about to bend and pick up his towel but he instead responded to his manni’s order and moved for the door. Unable to take the embarrassment of his now complete erection she bent to pick up the towel. Her eyes were on the long cock as if she was keeping her eye on it to avoid a collision with her face. Her face and lips were perilously close to it.
Sundar jumped and ducked reflexively in defense of his cock. Saroja couldn’t help chuckling. As the door shut, they found themselves in the bathroom; saroja had stepped on the inside of the door which was meant to shut their view of each other. Door to the room outside was still just shut not locked. She draped the towel around his waist, her tongue saucily in one cheek as she smiled at sundar’s awkwardness. “enna? Idu daney?” she asked. Her hands reached for his and lifted them to hold up her breasts, like fruit being assessed at a merchant’s. Bringing her face near his, she breathed on him while a hand crept up and bolted the door. The unbolted room door was risky enough. She couldn’t have anyone walking into the bathroom and finding her half clothed with a half clothed teenaged nephew.
Sundar froze with his hands on those breasts. He couldn’t feel them much as he had dreamed of doing just that and more. “go on. Feel them and be done. I know you wanted to ever since that day in the car,” she said softly. He could not have known that she equally craved a man’s touch, now that she had been on display for a while and had seen her effect on the boys. She looked down and saw the tented towel and then it parted and out nosed the cock. Instinctively, her hand reached down and took him in her soft fist. She slid her hand under the towel and her other hand rested his head to her bosom. “inda,” she murmured. Sundar let the weight of his head rest on the soft pillows of her breasts as he succumbed to his own dream of lust. His arms went around and he caressed her bare back with one hand while the other felt and weighed and savored the volume of her breast.
She weighed his cock and slid her hand on it, facilitated by the slick mess which seemed to coated his head in an instant. As he kissed the slopes and nuzzled her with inexperienced extream hands, she masturbated him expertly. He slobbered and felt her, unable to effectively convey any sensations to the woman. She fucked him with her hands sending him into rapturous shivers from the very first slippery thrust. More she drove him crazy, the more incoherent and meaningless his moves on her became. As he jerked to an expectedly quick cumming, he bit on her breasts. “dey! Hush!” she calmed him. Those bite marks were high on the slopes and would show up!
Sundar shuddered helplessly, his eyes closed and his face crushed against her breasts. Her hands flooded over with gobs of cum as the young man had his first release in the arms of a woman. It wasn’t a fuck. But it counted as exponential progress for a guy who hadn’t held hands with a girl in his lifetime. “manni, manni, manni,” he sobbed in gratitude, with loud gasps interspersed. As the tremors quietened, saroja wiped her messed up fingers on the towel. She herself was a bit breathless with desire and was surprised at what she had just done. Young man was taken care of. But her own arousal which had caused her to be reckless in pleasuring him was unabated. It was with difficulty that she had managed to remember where they were and the chance that someone would soon come knocking. She also had equal difficulty in settling for his pleasure, than taking her own as well with fucking him. He was a sweet young man but fucking him was no joke.
Flirting was something which came to her naturally. Being sexy was something she just liked being and not mean to cross limits. But somehow, the growing familiarity of the last few days, the heady atmosphere, the closely packed togetherness and some blend of lust and sympathy when she came face to face with sundar had caused her to cross those very limits. To most of those in that very hotel and the marriage hall nearby, a handjob was same sacrilegious as a fuck. Holding him close she whispered into his ear, “don’t come out right after me. In fact, kuli . Dirty boy! And take your time, get dressed. I am sure someone is already in the room outside.” tousling his hair with affection, saroja stepped out of the bathroom with her blouse and bra still hanging open.
And as she shut the door and looked up, there was ravi, agape. “i am sorry, i should knocked,” he stammered. His reaction was no different from that of the other two. Ravi was unmarried but he was not expected to have the same extream hormones of the nephews. However, saroja’s beauty and the sexy meter of her breasts was universal in its appeal, it seemed. Saroja rapidly put the hooks of her blouse together to quickly cover herself. The bra within was not hooked — it would have too long and she could not afford to let ravi have such a good look at her tits. Rapid succession of events was making her increasingly vulnerable and she needed to get a grip of herself. This was more so with ravi who was her husband’s brother. Nephews could be expected to keep quiet as they were beneficiaries of her sexual largesse. Ravi was a different matter and may exposed her to her husband as a libertine.
She quickly tried to put a casual spin on it with changing the subject. To keep the change in topic somewhat natural, she quickly thought up of something playful. Leaning close to ravi, saroja said, “hey, ravi! We should danced these steps to that ‘nattukattai’ song,” and with that she leaned towards him, wiggling her shoulders. It had making her bosom jiggle effect. Ravi responded on cue, which was a relief to saroja, but only for a moment. As she leaned over him, he responded with the corresponding motion of his shoulders. And then as she leaned back, he leaned over her, in a samba-like dance. And then it was her turn to lean forward. As she did so and he leaned backwards, she loomed over him, his face at her bosom level.
And the blouse hooks, which had only been tentatively secured by saroja in her hurry to cover herself, snapped open. Out fell the treasured breasts which every youth in her circle had lusted for in the last half hour. They tumbled out right over his face and by reflex ravi’s hands shot up to grab them. Instantly ravi realized that she was not about to fall and nor were her globes will splash down on him. He held her nice, full tits in hands same well as softly rotated them. She held his arms, feeling his biceps through his shirt, her nostrils flared with excitement and the bubbling cauldron of passion overflowing. She leaned forward and kissed the top of his head. It brought those aching teats within reach of his lips and he caused her to shudder as his mouth closed in on one.
“ravi!” gasped saroja, hands caressing the back of his head ever more lovingly. “saro” mumbled ravi, loath to letting the tit-feast slip from his devouring lips. In caught her off guard to hear him call her “saro’ which was an endearment only a person who had intimate relations would use. “nyyaam. Sollu ,” she responded, seething with desire for him. While sundar’s inexperienced groping had caused no particular pleasure, ravi’s lips were playing magic with her pleasure zones. “hmmm?” asked ravi. “ennatha solla ” he asked between mouthfuls of flesh and teats. He put his hands behind her slipping under her blouse, caressing the back gently. Hands roamed her body and torso as lips sucked greedily on the date-shaped teats. Saroja clung to him as a tidal wave of pleasure rocked her body and she clung on for dear life.
Unknown to herself, her legs had parted and like a sluttish whore she had opened herself to being pleasured anywhere ravi cared to touch. Ravi’s hand found her gently fluttering stomach to be searing hot and when the other hand slid under her petticoat to claim her pussy, it was found equally sizzling. “manni,” gasped the equally aroused ravi as his fingers probed the broad pubic zone. Coarse hair of a woman who shaves periodically, the slippery outer lips and the lush wet forest into which to plunge all welcomed his probing fingers.
“ah! Enna da? ” asked saroja not really expecting a reply. She humped his hand with her hips and the broad pleasure of his fist was quickly replaced by a focused spearing of her cunt with fingers which caused her to scream with release. Ravi found her clit with an experienced which belied his marital status. “surely he is getting it somewhere,” thought saroja irrelevantly. “you are sexy and gorgeous!” he exclaimed, continuing to caress and squeeze his objects of desire. “ahan! Ai…yo! Dei! Vidu da! ” she begged, pulling him closer, mashing her breasts into his face as he finger fucked her, striking and stroking her clit each time.
Anyone entering would have found saroja hunched over her brother-in-law, her legs spread at a whorishly wide angle and his hands disappeared into the folds of her petticoat. Exact penetration of his fingers was covered by the cloth, but the thrusting by of them same well as the resulting convulsions were explicit and left nothing to anyone’s lurid imagination. She wanted more and lifted her leg and placed it on the bed, creating a yawning gap between her legs. “tei! ” she ordered, setting a furious pace. But she barely lasted as cum seemed to course through her effortlessly. Her fingers clutched his hair and dug into his scalp. He sat back on the bed, thrusting, sucking and swallowing as waves swept her body.
Saroja’s sexual release was complete, except for the now throbbing ache for a cock in her cunt. As she was contemplating this, she heard the shower in the bath stop and knew sundar would emerge to the room very soon. She wanted to push him away but his treatment of her breasts was amazing! Way he chewed and pulled on the teats, the way he massaged the mass of her flesh, the way he sucked in more than he could contain in his mouth…. Pleasure streams were endless. And she had done nothing for him. Her hands wandered to his crotch and she laid her palm along, feeling her way around alien territory. She soon felt his scrotum and the trunk of his cock — oh, my god!- it was thick! Were they really brothers? She quickly traced the outline with two fingertips eager to find the full contour and size him up. She found the head, slung a bit to the left and two fingers rotated on it, creating a frisson of pleasure.
She would loved to fuck him then and there and do full justice to his endowments. But that would be unthinkable. Her husband’s brother? She was his ‘manni’, for heaven’s sake! She was glad that there was no time. Nothing else would have successfully stopped her from breaching the barrier and fucking her husband’s brother. Her eyes were closed, face radiant. She shuddered at the thought of what she was missing and what was never to be. With one last wistful grind at the cock she pulled back. As ravi’s hand left its lair, they both looked at his fingers. They were smeared with her juices. Ravi brought it close to his eyes. For inspection? To smell? To taste? He was fascinated and wanted to do lots with it and lot more with this wonderful woman. But the sounds from the bathroom indicated sundar was about to emerge.
Ravi smeared the mess on the sheets at the base of the bed, nearly under the mattress, a spot which he thought would go unnoticed. She quickly stuffed her swollen aching breasts into its confines and put the clasp on her bra. As she hooked up her blouse, this time carefully, the door opened and out emerged a rather dazed looking sundar. Saroja kept her eyes down. In one short spell of 40-odd minutes she had gone from everyone’s fun-loving manni to the seductress-at-hand. Having got a release at ravi’s hand, she, at this moment wanted to revert to being a sweet innocent manni. Avoiding everyone, she moved to a different corner with her things and concentrated on getting ready.
And yet, here she was, a day later, in a bullock cart, like a whorish slut seeking and working on their three cocks. This time, simultaneously. And she was hoping, rather foolishly, that in the dull evening light, within the darkness and shadows inside the cart, the three would not see or notice what was happening to the others. Once again, the juxtaposition of the four of them in a situation where saroja lost control of herself happened by chance. She had thought that she put behind her attraction to these young men when the next 24 hours passed without incident. She was a little more circumspect after her close encounters with each of them and this was noticed by her husband.
“what happened? Why are you that quiet?” had asked kumar more than once of his wife. She didn’t say much, telling him that this was now the serious part of the function and that was the only reason. Each of the three others thought it was the effect of what had transpired between him and saroja. Only saroja knew that she had some dalliance with each of them separately in one extream burst. Her mind now drifted to the next set of events that unleashed the full tempo of her bottled up lust.