Once you have a conversation going, it’s important to be gentle and supportive but also to let him know how you feel, what you like and what you want from him. Above all, avoid any hint of criticism or anger. Let him know you appreciate his willingness to be open and to meet your sexual needs.
First, remind him that it’s not unhygienic to kiss your cunny: your bush is actually cleaner and more sanitary than his mouth (why else did God invent Listerine?). And reassure him that before you’ll ask him to head south, you’ll make sure you’re really clean down there (please note that some of us men actually prefer that you not be overzealous about scrubbing your cunny, especially if you’ve been horny and wet all day; but that’s another subject).
Second, let him know that (a) if the two of you are going to continue to have sex, then you want oral sex to be a part of it. (b) you’re willing to take it slow and let him get acclimated; and (c) you don’t want to expect to cum every single time he goes down on you, that he has the right to stop if he’d tired and that you don’t want him to carry on heroically to get you to cum when his jaw is falling off.
It’s way better to express your needs and wants directly than to abandon or suppress them or even worse fight him passively aggressively. Once you stated your position, it also helps if you let him know that you’ll be patient and help him get through the awkwardness and that you appreciate his willingness and his commitment to satisfying you. And there are plenty of books and how-to articles (and yes, videos) that you can use to help initiate him into the ancient art of satisfying his woman with his tongue. You could start with some excellent pieces on cunnilingus in this “How To” section. Let him know, that you’re willing to reciprocate (he’ll be on really shaky ground if he likes having you suck his cock but he won’t lick your pussy!).
Finally, you need to talk about is what turns you on sexually. If something has worked and he’s done it right, let him know it—-verbally, non-verbally, anyway at all. Just make it obvious that he’s had an effect. Don’t fake it or exaggerate too much. But do let him know what gets your juices flowing.
(An Aside about Pussy Juice).
Speaking of juices, there’s no way to avoid having him deal with your nectar. To me, my wife’s pussy juice (I suspect that many men feel the same way about their partner’s juice) is the elexir of life, the yummiest, most delicious, most aphrodisical liquid in the universe, BETTER THAN CHOCOLATE (can you imagine???). If your man is not one of that group (and he’d better have a lot else going for him if he isn’t), then you will have to initiate him into one of the principal joys of oral sex.
My experience is that most of you have at least some and maybe a lot of anxiety about how you taste and smell down there. And there are some times when your cunny might not taste or smell great. Start by finding out yourself. That means, to put it bluntly, you need to taste and smell your pussy more than once. If you’re not comfortable doing that, how can you expect your man to be?
Now I can’t speak for every single one of us men, but I think most of us are probably turned off by the smell of urine and execrement and the thought of swishing those in our mouths (not to mention your monthly flow). So try to eliminate those, but—please don’t try to cover up with scented soaps or deodorants. I’m sorry, but even those of us who are not as totally nuts about pussy juice as I am, do not want to be sniffing—or worse, tasting–scented fruit soap or perfume in your nether regions. The idea here is to get your man to want the taste and smell of your cunt, not the latest Proctor and Gamble product.
Once you know that there are obnoxious experiences for him down below, then you need to start stage two of your campaign.
4. The Campaign, Stage Two: Practising Kissing, Licking and Sucking.
OK, enough about talking and testing, let’s get back to sex! The best way to get your man started on the road to great cunnilingus, it to draw the connection in his mind between kissing and oral sex. Now that may be obvious to you, but, trust me, it’s not obvious to a lot of men (I was one of them). A great many women complain that their partners are not into kissing, don’t seem to enjoy it and don’t do it very well. You CAN change that (yes, you can). Start by assessing your own kissing skills: are you completely passive, waiting for the man to plant the lip lock on you? Do you swoop in and peck at your partner with wild abandon? Neither one of those approaches is going to convince your man that kissing is a rewarding part of sex to be enjoyed its own right and not just as a necessary means to get his wiener into your bun.
The first time I understood the mindblowing potential of a kiss was a few years ago after an obligatory lunch at a rooftop hotel dining room with a lady friend whom I had and have absolutely no desire to bed (I’m happily married and I want it to stay that way). She obviously had other ideas. As we took the elevator down to the floor where her room was (no, I didn’t get out), she reached up and gave me the most seductive, the most tender, the most erotic kiss—ever!. Now, I’ve kissed a number of women (the order of magnitude will remain hazy in the interests of preserving my marriage). But that kiss was a revelation. It was an invitation, a . . . . words fail me. Can you kiss like that? If not, start practicing (this is something that you and your women friends can definitely discuss—and maybe even practice). And then take the initiative. Show your man what soft, tender, lengthy kisses can be like. If you blow his mind, you’ll be on your way to having him blow your twat!
Once you have him started understanding and enjoying kissing, then get him into kissing, sucking and licking your tits as an activity that is pleasurable in itself rather than just as a prelude to intercourse (if you don’t like having him play with your tits, then just skip this section). Now I haven’t had hundreds of sex partners, but in my experience, very few women actively encourage their partners to suck and lick their tits, and that’s what you need to do.