Gorgeous Uma and lusty Kalyani

The train stopped at Sholavandan my mother’s village early in the morning. I was visiting this place almost two decades later to say goodbye to my uncle (mama) before leaving for the gulf. Ambi as he was called was an old resident of the village and he lived in our ancestral house. I hired an auto to the main street predominantly occupied by Brahmins and reached my uncle’s house. It was the biggest one in the street with raised platforms in the front, a huge oak main door led into the inner courtyard and the corridors and the rooms and through the rear door to a large back yard. Two flights of stairs led to the rooms on the upper floors and to the two levels of terrace.There were just four occupants in the house apart from the live in servants. My mama Ambi, his wife Parvati and their two lovely daughters Uma (22) and Kalyani (21); they were born just 15 months apart. Uma had just had a baby and had come for the delivery of her first child and Kalyani was engaged to be married to a cousin from her mother’s side.As I alighted from the auto and entered the front yard through the wicker gate, Kalyani looked up from the Kolam she was drawing and her face lit up in recognition. She darted inside the house calling out to her mother. In a trice the entire family was out at the main entrance and they received me with great warmth.“you recognize Uma and Kalyani?€ asked my mami“ofcourse, I do, how lovely they have grown up to be!€ I exclaimed.“your father is against consanguineous marriages, or else I would have got one of them married to you, Uma would have suited you fine, both of you are so fair and good looking!€ said mama.

While Uma blushed, Kalyani’s face fell. She was the darker of the two but had such fine features that it would take one’s breath away. She was tall, slim at the waist and wide at the hips, dark eyes, a sharp nose and full pouting lips accentuated her facial features. Her breasts were rounded and large. The blouse and the bra she wore were struggling to contain them. She had lovely flat stomach and the shapeliest navel that I had ever seen on a woman. Looking at her gave me an erection. I wondered whether I would be able to kiss her let alone fuck her.Pleasantries over Kalyani showed me to my room on the first floor. There was short flight of stairs up to the first level and another flight of stairs led to the second level terrace. The room opened out to one side of the terrace from where you could look at acres of paddy fields, banana groves and betel leaf groves that Ambi Mama an affluent agriculturist, owned. The others in the family were all sore with mama for taking over the entire ancestral property allegedly using forged documents, so not many in the family were in talking terms with him. He enquired about the well being of all a little ruefully.“when will you be leaving for gulf?€ asked Kalyani as she was leading me upstairs.“next week” I said, eagerly watching the seductive swaying hips, her flat stomach, navel and her breasts through the sides of her saree.I unpacked, stripped off and pulled on my shorts and walked to the open terrace overlooking green fields. I heard a humming sound and turned find Kalyani putting her clothes out to dry. She had come in through the stairway at the back after having a bath and did not notice me on the terrace. Hidden from view I watched her put her clothes out to dry. She had tied her hair in a loose knot and wrapped a towel around it to let it dry, she had an inner skirt that showed wet patches of her juicy ass cheeks, she had covered her top with a towel and when she raised her arms to the clothes’ line I could see hairy underarms and shapely breasts. She was drying her hair when I sneaked up from behind and let out a low whistle. She looked around startled, saw me and quickly made for the stairway. In two rapid strides I was at the head of the stairway. She had no place to go so quickly darted up the stairway leading to the second level terrace. I followed her up there. She was silently staring out of the terrace when I approached her and hugged her From behind. She quickly turned to face me and hugged me. I bent down to kiss her, she eagerly responded and opened her mouth to meet mine and we kissed passionately. I led her to an alcove and seated her there and sat beside her. I kissed her again and gently tugged at the towel covering her breasts; she let me take it off with a slight whine of a protest. She was bare breasted and the juicy well formed breasts and the nipples were so inviting. I was determined to take her before any other guy laid hands on her. I fondled and squeezed her breasts. She let out an ‘aaahhh’. I kissed her a little more deeply and then kissed her neck, her shoulders and her cleavage and sucked on her nipples, moved down to kiss her stomach and navel.€™s rough here!€ she said when I tried to lay her on the floor.do we do it then?€â€œshe brought her finger to her lips and led me toward an old camp cot on the terrace. She pointed to some old sarees that were on the clothesline and gestured to me to bring them over. I obliged. The bed was now ready and she beckoned to me in a sexy manner. I took her in my arms and kissed her all over her body and sucked her juicy breasts. She put her hand inside my shorts and felt my cock, “oh my, how hard it is!€ she exclaimed in a hushed tone.I slipped off my shorts and tugged at the string of her inner skirt. It came off easily and I slid it off her revealing rounded well shaped ass, thighs and hairy pussy. She closed her thighs when I reached for her pussy. With a little coaxing she opened her thighs and I rubbed her pussy; she opened her thighs wider and as I rubbed her pussy dripped wet, she hugged me and rapidly thrust against my palm and fingers. All the while I held tight round her waist and sucked on her breasts. She was breathing heavily and I could feel her having an orgasm. I gently lay her down on her back, pulled her inner skirt all the way down and off her legs, spread her legs, put them over my shoulder, positioned myself between them and in one swift thrust entered her; she squealed and gasped, then pursed her lips tight, there were tears in the corner of her eyes. I thought I hurt her and tried to pull my cock out.“no, No, keep it inside and thrust slowly” she said.

I slowed the pace of my thrusts and concentrated on in and out movements near the mouth of her vagina. €˜Aiiiiiiiyyeoo’ she said having another wave of orgasm. This time I thrust my cock inside and buried it deep. She grimaced but the expression turned to pleasure when pain was replaced by pleasure. After a series of rapid thrusts I came inside her. As I was lying exhausted on top of her breathing heavily she asked, “you came inside, you know I could become pregnant!€â€œyou could have stopped me!€ I said “you guys sound so sensible after you have released!€ she said making a face “how many guys have you fucked?€ “eh, you are the first one, didn’t feel my virginity!€ “oh yes, I did!€ “don’t worry da, it is only one day before my period so nothing will happen!€ I liked her confidence. She quickly gathered her inner skirt and towel kissed me with a loud “uummma” and darted downstairs to attend to other chores. I lay there on the camp cot for some more time enjoying the afterglow of the sensational love making session. I never realized that I would end up fucking within 4 hours of my arrival in Sholavandan.Presently I got up and walked down to the first level terrace. I found the older sister Uma putting her clothes out to dry. She too was dressed or should I say undressed in the most provocative manner. Inner skirt with wet patches, hair tied loose in a towel and nothing on top except a wet towel across her shoulders that failed to cover her awesome milk tanks. I watched her for a while and then moved down the stairs. She heard me come down and turned back to see me and frowned. She realized that only a little while ago Kalyani had darted down and now I follow her. She smiled knowingly and gestured at me to stay where I was.

She peered over the stairs and called out, “kalyani take care of the baby for while, won’t you?€â€œokay” called back Kalyani.Uma darted up the flight of stairs towards me came close to me and said, “your body is so well formed, you do yoga?€â€œno, I go to the boating club”“no wonder, you are so well shaped!€ she said and felt my biceps and forearms.“you also look terrific!€ I said looking into her large eyes.Uma was fair, dark curly hair, sharp nose with a black mole on her upper lip, full lips and well formed breasts, ass and waist. She had put on a little weight after the birth of her baby and looked a little plump around the middle and hips. Her breasts were large and full of milk.She blushed and looked away.“if you had married me, I would have taken you away to gulf”“i always wanted but your father was against marriage among blood relatives,” she said ruefully.I put my hands on her shoulder and pulled her gently towards me. She looked up; my lips sought and found hers. In between deep passionate kisses she motioned me up the stairs to the second level terrace and to the same cot that I had used to fuck Kalyani.She looked at the cot and the crumpled clothes and asked me, “you did it to Kalyani?€I nodded.“you know she is engaged to Sundar?€ she said in an accusing tone.“but..” I protested

She put up her hand and said, “as a penalty do it me now!€ she said with a naughty grin. €œthis is the finest penalty ever imposed” I said and hugged her. She took the towel off her breasts and I was awestruck at the amazing size of her breasts. She pulled me closer and thrust her breast into my mouth and said, “now, like a good boy, suck me!€She made me suck alternatively at her breasts till they ran dry and moaned with pleasure when I was sucking them. €œthe child has to make do with powdered milk, now that the older one has sucked my dry” she said playfully pinched my cheeks. I pulled her close and kissed her and undid her skirt revealing shapely thighs, buxom asses and hairy pussy. She held my cock and said “seems Kalyani has sucked you dry, it will take some time to get it up!€ She made me lie on my back, bent over me and took my cock in her mouth and sucked expertly. €œyou suck your husband’s cock?€™ I asked “aiyeeo, that fellow cannot do at all, in the darkness he quickly pumps up and down, puts some juice into me and snores away.” “i am here for one more day, come to me tonight, I will make you happy” I said. €œthat will be second round, do something now!€ she commanded. €œyou like me licking pussy?€™ I asked “never had it before” she said I lay her on her back, bent her legs and spread them apart; leaned forward and nuzzled her pussy. Regular oil-baths, use of incense and turmeric had given her body an exotic odor. I inhaled deeply and thrust my tongue into her pussy and moved it in and out and licked the sensitive areas in the mouth of her vagina. Before long she grabbed me by hair and thrust rapidly into my face. My face was smeared with her juices and she groaned with pleasure. I wiped my mouth and face on her skirt; my cock had also got up to full glory by then thanks to her ministrations with her mouth and hand. I spread her legs again and thrust into her. She had had a baby so it was easy, she closed her thighs a little saying, “you won’t have much feeling otherwise, normal delivery know!€ I thrust into her rapidly and vigorously and each time the thrust was harder bring out a “ouch, aiii, ammmaaa” out of her. Finally, I also came gushing inside her. Spent I lay on top of her breathing heavily. €œi have to go now; mom will be wondering what was I doing in the terrace for so long!€ “tell her you were chatting with me!€ “oh, she is very shrewd, she knows I have the hots for you and would put 2 + 2 together!€

Within a space of two hours I had screwed two lovely women. Kalyani offered to escort me to the temple; the normally chatty Kalyani was quiet and serious. €œare you worried about what would happen?€ I asked “no, why?€ “you are so quiet, I thought you are worried” “mmm I feel jealous, I know you also did it to Uma!€â€œwell, she gathered that I did it to you and compelled to me do it to her also” “annhh, I know, I know, you wanted to do it to her also, so when you got a chance gladly fucked her” “you always liked Uma more know?€ “since you mentioned it, I always found it difficult making a choice, you are both so beautiful and sexy that I would have love to have both of you as my wives!€ I said mischievously. €œlike the God there!€ she said digging into my ribs with her elbows and pointed to Lord Muruga with Valli and Devayani. €œindeed, Uma is the fair and gorgeous Devayani and you are the dark and earthy Valli, both having their own kind of sex appeal” She laughed uncontrollably and said, “i will come to you this night again” “what about the people at home?€â€œoh, the servants sleep in the outhouse, appa on the outside platform, mom in her bedroom, it will be easy to smuggle into your room, and I will ask Uma to keep watch just in case!€â€œwhat will Uma say?€â€œoh, we share secrets you know, she told me long back that she had the hots for you and she also told me about her flopped sex life”“but then, knowing she has the hots..” my voice trailed off.“the only thing is you will have to fuck both of us before you leave for gulf!€â€œno man has so much energy”“look! Do it to me at 11 and to Uma at about 4, she will also suck your cock well and get it up”

Sholavandan goes to sleep pretty early, not many houses in the street had TV and those who had switched it off, middle class mentality, saving on electricity. Ambi Iyer retired to his cot on the outer raised platform, he loved natural breeze, and Paravti mami retired to her room on the ground floor. I later gathered that mama and mami had stopped sleeping together for more than 10 years now. This was after mami caught mama with the maid. Mami didn’t raise a stink; she quietly dismissed the maid and banished mama to the outside platform while remaining married for the public view, no wonder Uma called her mother shrewd.There was a gentle knock on the door and as I looked up I saw the silhouette of Kalyani in the darkness. She came in quickly and noiselessly, she had taken of her silver anklets and walked on her tiptoes. I was in my pajamas and even in the darkness the bulge was discernible. She came into my arms and we hugged and kissed very passionately. The intensity of her passion took my breath away. I was only hoping that her fiancã© would keep her satisfied otherwise it was going to be difficult to restrain this lusty woman. She pulled at the strings of my pajama and removed them; she took my cock in her hand and moved the foreskin forward and backward pushing me to heights of ecstasy. I tugged at her saree and it came off in a trice, she had worn only a half-saree so removing was ridiculously easy. I undid her blouse buttons and with each pop of the button her breasts sprung out seeking freedom. She did not wear a bra, I slid her blouse off her shoulders and had her naked till waist. I looked hungrily at her.“what are you looking at, never seen breasts before?€â€œnot such juicy ones” I said took a nipple in the mouth and squeezed her other breast.“ahh, slowly” she said, “are you kneading dough or something?€I squeezed a little more softly and this time she moaned in pleasure.I tugged at her skirt string rolled it down to her ankles and took it off. There she was in total nude except for the gold chain, the bangles, a nose stud and ear rings. I lay her down on the bed and moved on top, spread her legs apart and gently rubbed her hairy pussy. It was dripping wet already and my rubbing made it wetter and she started moaning in pleasure. I Kissed her from forehead downwards concentrating on all her erotic zones, lingering over her breasts, navel and as I approached her vagina she stopped me, “chee, don’t put your mouth there!€We stiffened when we heard a knock on the door. My cock rapidly shrunk in size, Kalyani said “sshh” and moved to a darker side of the room with her clothes in hand, she could leave through the door to the terrace in an emergency. We were relieved to see Uma standing at the doorway with her babe in her arms.“what the hell are YOU, doing here?€ hissed Kalyani, “your turn is later!€â€œi was feeling lonely down there; moreover I wanted to see you both do!€Kalyani was pensive; presently she dropped her clothes on the floor and came back to bed. She motioned to Uma to a sit at the foot of the bed. Uma laid the child in a comfortable couch, supported him with cushions and patted him to sleep and took a position from where she could watch us do.I stared open mouthed at the sisters. Uma was sitting a little too close for comfort. Kalyani came to me and took my cock in her hand and said, “see how small it has become, I’ll get it up for you” and started moving the foreskin back and forth. She pushed me down gently on the bed, lay on top of me and kissed me while working with her hands on my cock. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the sensations. She kissed me deeply and passionately and hugged with both her hands and tried to get me to enter her by pelvic thrusts alone. She licked my earlobes, bit my chin and worked with her tongue on my nipples and I was reaching heights of ecstasy and my cock was growing large. I opened my eyes with a start as I felt another hand on my cock gently moving the foreskin back and forth and trying to put into Kalyani’s pussy. Both the sisters laughed softly at the startled look at my face. Uma brought her finger to her lips indicating that I shouldn’t be making much noise and before long brought her mouth down on mine and thrust her tongue deep into my mouth smothering me with her kiss. I reached out to her also and realized that she had already taken off her clothes. The sisters were now sleeping on either of my sides; Uma to my right and Kalyani to my left. I put my arms around them and pulled them close to me. They put their faces on my chest and while one played with my balls the other held my cock and moved the foreskin back and forth. They were kissing each other in the mouth passionately.

Uma now moved to the centre and pulled me and Kalyani on her sides. She kissed each of us in the mouth passionately and at one point all three of us were kissing each other passionately in one go; lips and mouth sucking and tongues darting in and out. Uma moved our heads down to her breasts and Kalyani and I sucked on each of her awesome milk tanks, we quickly changed breasts to suck from the breast that the other was sucking on. The warm, sweet secretion that oozed into the mouth was delicious. The sisters now laid me down and came on top of me and thrust their breasts alternatively into my mouth. It was now Uma’s turn to go down and she took my cock in her mouth and sucked till the sensation built up. €œdon’t come now!€ she commanded and held the tip of cock till the sensation died down. She now mounted me and inserted my cock into her and rode for quite a while, stopping once in a while to squeeze the tip of my cock to see that I didn’t come. While Uma was riding me Kalyani smothered me with kisses and thrust her breast into my mouth. Uma was finger fucking Kalyani.They quickly changed positions. This time Kalyani got on top and tried inserting my cock into her; she had some difficulty as she had done in the morning only for the first time and the pussy was a little tight. Uma fingered Kalyani’s pussy till it became wet; she rubbed the juice on her hand to my penis and guided my cock into Kalyani’s pussy.

Kalyani squealed in delight and rode cock slowly first and vigorously as she got used to my thrusts from below. Uma reached for my cock at intervals and squeezed the tip to ensure that I didn’t come quickly.I was pretty exhausted by now; making love to two lusty women had taken its toll. I hadn’t bargain for fucking them together.“lick my pussy” whispered Uma to me and sat astride my face and pushed her pussy into my face. The musty smell of the pussy with that of incense and turmeric was exotic. I pushed my tongue into her pussy and she manoeuvered herself well to ensure that she was licked good and proper. All the while Kalyani was riding cock like there was no tomorrow.The sensation in the cock had reached the limit and I came gushing and sprayed all inside Kalyani; she was moaning with pleasure. Uma had also by this time worked up an orgasm and my mouth and face were smeared with her juices. All three of us were totally exhausted.Kalyani cleaned up Uma’s juices from my face by licking them clean and Uma went down on me and sucked and cleaned my cock of my come and also Kalyani’s juices.After exchanging a few kisses with me, the sisters left quietly.I had had a great fucking session and slipped into dreamless slumber.raipur girls/aunty contact me my orkut id my yahoo id mos0411 24×7 online in yahoo and gtalk