Nephew Losing Virginity To Sexy Widow Aunt – Part 2

Hello everyone, milflover is back with his story of “Nephew losing virginity to sexy widow aunt”.

If you haven’t read the story, please read the first part and then read this. Thank you for the response to the first part. More feedback on my stories would be appreciated. I have replied to one and all.

Every now and then we were having oral sex with each other, but still, there was no sign of penetrative sex.

Things started to get normal with the coronavirus and my family members started going out for their work. Everything was not open yet so my college started with online classes. So I got time to spend with my aunt alone in the house from 9 to 6 each day except on the weekends.

I would help my aunt with household chores, trying to touch her at every possible opportunity. I would take showers with her and blowjob was routine in showers. In return, I also rubbed her clitoris and licked her pussy.

I wanted to lose my virginity but was not getting the opportunity to get laid. It was not possible to have sex with her at home, so I thought of going somewhere out of town.

I wanted to see her in bikinis, so I thought let’s go to Goa. Then I discussed the plan with her.

Me: Darling let’s go for a trip to GOA, everything is opening up slowly now.

Aunt: But still there is a danger of getting infected by the virus.

Me: We are just going to GOA and going to relax at my friend’s resort. We will spend quality time with each other.

Aunt: I know what kind of quality time you want to spend with me. We can spend it here only. Why do you want to spend so much money on me?

Me: You are my darling aunt. You know na I am going to be with you whole my life?

Aunt: Why would you spend your life with an old lady? You should look out for young girls of your age.

Me: Look from my eyes, darling. It’s not just lust for you. I really love you. Just say YES to the trip and then we can go lingerie shopping.

Aunt: Okay, I know you will not agree if I say no, so let’s go for the trip.

Me: Thank you so much, darling aunt.

Then I kissed her lips and we smooched for a good time.

Me: My love, you will have the best experience on this trip which you didn’t have on your honeymoon.

The next day, I booked tickets to Goa and told my parents that Aunt and I were going on Goa’s trip so that she could feel fresh. And now when uncle was no more she could not go alone, so she had asked me to accompany her.

Then I told aunt that: Everyone is okay with us going for our honeymoon.

And she was happy. She knew what was going to happen there for one week and she had her plans which I got to know when we reached Goa. And you would come to know further by reading the story.

Aunt agreed to go lingerie shopping with me. We went to the mall and went to the most popular lingerie brand store. Every man around was staring at the beauty of my sexy aunt.

I was feeling very proud of myself that finally, I was my aunt’s partner. Then I went into the showroom and told the salesgirl to show her some sexy bridal lingerie and bikinis as well. I wanted everyone should be jealous of me seeing her with me at the resort.

The salesgirl was kind enough and showed her some sexiest stuff in their collection. Then my aunt selected a few pieces and I forced her to try them so that I would have sex with her in the trial room.

Then I waited outside for a few minutes and the before I could make a move she came out and showed me how she looked. She was looking stunning in that bikini. I was shocked when she took me inside the trial room. I tried to resist, but I gave in as I also wanted to make out Inside the trial room.

Me: Someone is in the mood today.

Aunt: It was my dream to make out in a trial room and cum on the floor, but your uncle was not that courageous and he didn’t care about my wishes.

Me: No worries, darling. I will do whatever you want me to do. But I will not penetrate you here in a trail room today.

Aunt: It’s okay, we can do it some other time then.

Me: Darling, don’t be sad. We can have oral sex for now and after I fuck you on honeymoon we can try it after that. Your bucket list is my bucket list baby.

Aunt looked happy and started to kiss me. I also started to kiss her. While kissing, I removed the Bra and started playing with her boobs. Then we broke the kiss and I started licking her neck and boobs while she removed my jeans.

My cock was really hard and she removed my underwear and started stroking my cock. Then I stopped her.

Me: Aahh, stop aunt please stop darling. Aahh please, if you don’t stop I will cum Aahh Aahh. I want to make you cum first aaahhh, stop.

Then aunt stopped and slapped me and I slapped her on her big boobs and kept slapping till they became red. I removed her panty and then started liking it.

While licking I kept biting it a bit in between and my aunt’s expressions were to die for. She was moaning very loudly, but because of the music playing, it might have not gone out otherwise someone would have come to stop us.

Aunt: Aahhh Ahh Ohhhh Ooohhhh. Keep doing it, I love you aahhh aahhh, do it faster my boy.

I started to finger her and was stroking her with two fingers. Precum was oozing out of her pussy and the smell of her love hole was intoxicating. I kept on fingering her and licking her.

After a few minutes, she held my head tightly and pushed me inside her legs. Then I made her cum and kept all the cum in my mouth and splashed everything on her face. I was out of my breath.

We kissed each other and then cleaned ourselves and went out. The salesgirl who was showing her the articles was smiling at us.

Salesgirl: Sir, I heard mam moaning. You have really made me horny sir.

Me: Really, were that moans that loud?

Salesgirl: Yes sir! Thank god that there is no male staff in our store otherwise you would have been in trouble.

Me: Thank god! You please pack everything mam has selected.

The salesgirl gave me a discount and I was thankful to her.

Me: Thank you for the discount, but why did you use your staff discount for us?

Salesgirl: Sir you have made me really horny sir. You need to satisfy me as well.

Me: But I am with her at this moment. I am going on a trip with her.

Salesgirl: No worries sir, take my number and contact me after your trip. I will be waiting.

Me: Okay, I will see.

After paying the bill I went to the car parking with my aunt and started the car to go back home.

Aunt: Someone is getting very lucky these days.

Me: It’s nothing like that darling.

Aunt: I heard your conversation with the salesgirl and you should go forward with her. She is young and sexy.

Me: Stop it, baby, you know I love you only and want to fuck you only darling.

Aunt: I am an old widow, but she was young.

Me: Aunt look from my eyes you are the sexiest girl. I will fuck you only.

Aunt was happy with me praising her and started to open my pants. I stopped the car on the side and asked her what happened.

Aunt: You made me cum, but you didn’t cum for me.

Me: I cum for you only baby.

Then aunt started stroking my cock and it became rock hard. I was moaning now.

Me: Come on baby aaahh ohhh your hands are so soft. Keep doing it oohh I love it aahhh.

Then aunt started to blow my cock. It was the best feeling for me. I was in seventh heaven. Her soft lips on my cock and the way she used her tongue were superb. Then aunt gave me a blowjob in such a way that I lasted very long.

After 20 minutes, I was about to cum, and again the monster inside me to control and I started to push my aunt’s mouth. I came in her mouth and she kept my cum in her mouth.

Then she forcefully kissed me and ordered me to swallow my cum. Though it wasn’t the best experience swallowing my cum, her saliva made it better. Then aunt asked-

Aunt: Didn’t you like it, baby?

Me: I loved the way you blew my cock. But the kiss was not good.

Aunt: You see what’s going to happen with you on the trip.

Then we went home and I didn’t take out the lingerie from the car. I took out the lingerie late at night when everyone slept.

After two days we had to take our flight, so I was very excited. I bought lots of condoms and lubricants. Goa trip was going to be the one, where I finally lose my virginity to my sexy aunt who I dreamt of fucking every day.

In the next part, the story will continue in Goa. Stay tuned to read what happened in Goa and did I make out with the salesgirl or not.

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