This is the last part of the series
“Hah! That’s the first I have heard her resist advances from anyone but me.” I said bitterly.
“Your wife resisted their advances for a while, but then was sufficiently aroused to cooperate. What ensued was an orgy in your living room, being directed by Ms. Savitri, in which your wife was ravaged by the men for the whole afternoon. Ms. Savitri also eventually joined in with Mr. Balram, and by the end of the whole incident, there was rapprochement between your wife and Ms. Savitri.” Salma said.
“Any videos or pictures of that?” I asked.
“No.” Salma said flatly and continued, “An understanding was reached between the two ladies, in which they would share Mr. Balram’s company. Subsequently, your wife continued having relations with Mr. Balram and Ms. Savitri, and on other occasions with the other four men that Savitri had brought along.”
“How often?”
“On a daily basis. And that is pretty much all the information we have on the events of the past few weeks.” Salma said.
“Did she continue to sleep with other men in our house after I caught her and Balram together?” I asked.
Salma looked at the file and said,
“Yes, I am afraid so. According to the timeline we have pieced together, she had at least one of them men visit her for sex during the day, right until the day you came to me with this case. And the next day, she left you house and went to Mr. Tariq’s farmhouse.”
“Err…what?” I asked, sitting up straight.
“Yes, about a week back, the day after you gave us the case, early in the morning one of my men had just taken his position outside your house to keep an eye on your wife, when he saw her walk out of the house. She took an auto-rickshaw and he started following her on his scooter. He followed her to a farmhouse on the outskirts of the city. A farmhouse that we later found out belonged to Mr. Tariq. That is where she has been for the last many days.”
I sat there, with my hand on my head. She wanted a break to think, she had said. And she was spending it with her lover…. or her master.
“What has she been doing there?” I asked wearily.
Salma picked up the phone and spoke in it,
“Rosie, did Johnny drop off the DVDs? Okay, bring them in.”
Then she turned to me and said,
“I am not sure exactly what she has been doing there. My man hasn’t written out his report yet. But he has managed to gain access to the farmhouse and taken some pictures and videos with a hidden camera. He burnt them into DVDs and was about to submit them with a written report when we spoke yesterday and you said you didn’t want to know anything. So I told him not to bother.”
That’s when Rosie walked in with 3 DVDs and handed them to Salma.
“Then today when you called, I asked him to drop off these DVDs. They have pictures and clips from the farmhouse, and also the private clips from the time your wife had relations with Mr. Balram and Mr. Mangal. Here, they are yours.” Salma said sliding them towards me. “You can watch them and get an idea what your wife has been up to for the last week. Frankly, I am sick of this whole case.”
Salma closed the file, slid it towards me and got up.
“That is all, Mr. Arun. This file has the whole report in detail. It is yours. And please, don’t bother paying me the rest of the amount.”
“No, no, Ms. Salma” I slurred, getting up, “I insist. You worked hard.”
“No, really, Mr. Arun, it’s okay.” Salma said.
I got up to thank her and leave, but I had trouble standing straight. I had drunk a little too much scotch, I realized. Salma also realized it.
“Mr. Arun, did you come by car?” she asked.
“Yes.” I said, holding the chair for support.
“You are in no position to drive.” Salma said and picked up the phone “Rosie, is Johnny still around? Good, send him over.”
In a few seconds, the door opened, and a young non-descript looking man, whom I presumed to be Johnny, walked in.
“Johnny, this is Mr. Arun. Drive him home, and then come back.” Salma said to him.
“Yes, Madam.” Johnny said.
A few minutes later, I was sitting in the passenger seat of my car, almost ready to pass out, as Johnny drove the car. He drove the car silently for a while, until the fresh air coming in from the window sobered me up a little. I sat up and asked him,
“So you shot the farmhouse videos in these DVDs?”
He nodded.
“How bad are they?” I asked.
He kept quiet.
“Tell me how bad are they?” I asked again.
“Sir…. don’t mind me saying this.” he said politely “but your wife is the most sick depraved woman I have ever seen in my life. If my wife was even 1% as sick as her, I would have divorced her long back.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I am the stupid cuckolded by his disgusting wife.” I said.
He drove in silence for a while more and said,
“I am sorry, Sir.”
“Why are you sorry, man?” I asked. “She is the sick one. I am the cuckold. What’s there for you to be sorry about?”
“Because….. I also fucked her, Sir. At the farmhouse.” he said.
“What?” I asked.
“Please understand, Sir. I didn’t have a choice. It was an invitation only sex-club type thing. I had to gain entry to gather evidence. And once I managed to get an invitation through Salma Madam’s contacts, I…..well…I had to do whatever or…whoever everyone else was doing.” he said apologetically.
“Hmmmm.” I said. “How was she?”
“Excuse me?”
“How was she? My wife? Was she a good fuck? You are the first man I am actually talking to who has fucked my wife. Well, about fucking my wife anyway.”
“Sir….please…..” he said hesitantly.
“Just answer me, dammit!” I yelled.
“She is…well, god has made her just for fucking men, Sir. She is a natural. And very talented. Does things with her mouth and cunt that I never thought possible. And her stamina…… that night I was…. probably the 20th man she was with. And yet, she was as enthusiastically involved as if I were the first.” he said and stopped.
“Well, I am glad you got to taste my wife too. All men who have fucked my wife should form a voting bloc, I tell you. The number must be big enough to turn elections!” I said angrily.
Johnny kept quiet. In a few minutes, we reached my home. Johnny parked the car in the garage and escorted me to the door. He handed me the file and the DVDs and was about to go when I said to him,
“Give me directions to the farmhouse.”
Johnny turned around and said,
“Let it go, Sir. Just forget her. Divorce her.”
“Just give me directions to the farmhouse. Where exactly is it?” I growled.
“Sir, even if you go there. No one will let you in. It has tight security. You need invitation cards to enter.” he said.
“Give me yours.” I said.
“Sir, please, just let it go.” he said.
I caught hold of his collar with both hands, pulled him close to me, and yelled,
“Give me the directions and the card, or I swear I’ll kill you.”
I felt a hard punch land in my stomach and I immediately let go of his collar. He kicked me a few more times in the stomach and I sank to the ground in pain.
“You asshole!” he shouted “How dare you lay a hand on me? I know you are in shock so I won’t do anything more to you, but the last guy that tried to manhandle me now wishes he still had his hands.”
Johnny spat at me, turned around and started walking away. He then turned back and walked towards me. I cowered, thinking he was going to kick me again, but instead he stopped in front of me. He took something out of his pocket and threw it at me.
“Here. This is the invitation card. The address and directions are on the back. I still think you are an idiot to want to go there. But go if you want. It’s your funeral!”
I grabbed the invitation card with both hands and watch him walk out of the gate.
With this I end the series here. To continue I need replies suggestions. Like it hate it email is