Hello all,
All the people who write in this site say their story is real. I just want to write this as a work of fiction.
This was probably 4 yrs. before in Bangalore. I had completed my bachelors and had joined a mnc.
I had to complete my certifications and my manager had given me a deadline to complete my certifications within 2 months. I started studying for my certifications.
I do everything madly as i am a passionate individual. I kept on studying from 9 to 2 a.m. night. We normally need to book the exam slot at least a day early in order to take the exam. I planned to complete the preparation by Wednesday revise on Thursday and decided to write on Friday. I was planning to book the slot on Thursday. I get mad if things don’t go as i plan. I normally keep buffer time so that in case if i miss any schedule i can compensate for it.
But when i plan i make sure to complete prior to schedule. Here also similar thing happened. I completed on Monday revised on Tuesday and Wednesday i wanted to write the exam. I tried calling few centers but none had a schedule. The exam slot normally s 90 minutes but can be completed by 30 min or even early if we prepare well as nothing to be written. Everything is objective type questions. I can say this as i had written 3 papers already n this was my 4th. I called one center and the guy told the lady who’s responsible to give slots s away. It was around 9 i had called. He asked me to call after an hour. I called again she wasn’t available. I was asked to call again after 12. Wen i called at 12 they said lunch time. I called at 2 finally was able to reach her. She said slots aren’t available. I asked what all slots were available. She said one person was writing. Once he completes 2 more people had booked.
One’s from 2.30 to 4 and another from 4.30 to 6. She would leave after 6. I told her she had 30 min free slot in between. She said you can’t finish within 30 min and it would cause trouble to others as well as her. I said you grant me 30 min schedule n i will complete by then. I told this s my 4th paper a pretty easy one n 30 min should be fine. She was hesitant as she would get delayed to go home. I said i guarantee you i will complete in 30 min. She said think again as you may lose money if you fail. I said not to think about it as it wouldn’t happen. She said pls be on time and stand by your words for which i gladly accepted. I reached the venue a little early only. She came by and she asked for my mandatory docs. I had photo copied as i knew the procedure. She downloaded the question paper. I was confident and calm as i had prepared well n was sure of getting through quiet easily within 30 min. After downloading she said good luck n left saying don try to copy as exam was getting monitored. I was already aware of it. I said thanks to her n started with exam. Everything was known n i completed the test within app 30 min compiled n saw the result also n it was passed. Normally if you are writing first exam all these would be done by examiner. As i knew i complete all formalities. Raised my hand n she came anticipating i encountered some problem. I told it’s complete. She said she would compile. I said it is all done and i passed as well, she was somewhat baffled as i had done her work as well. She fed the paper to printer took the copy of result sheet n saw that i had cleared. She was surprised. She handed the sheet to me. I thanked her. I told her thanks for the 30 min schedule. She was happy as i stood by my words.
I told her again for next paper i need to fight with your staff for schedule or what n she said not required if i contacted a day b4 for schedule. I said what if i want 30 min schedule. She said i can get in touch with her directly. I thought she would give her cell but she gave a direct land line num. I didn’t mind at all. I walked away without thanking her properly as i was happy bout clearing my exam n not bothered much about her.
After 15 days i called her direct number n asked for her. It didn’t reach her. I again had to make 3 4 calls to reach her. I asked the schedule on same day for which she denied. I asked for a 30 min schedule for which she refused saying it was not possible. Again i had to remind about the previous instance n later she remembered n accepted.
This time i reached venue on time as usual she was a little calmer than last time. I could notice that. I completed the exam. While coming i thanked her again for schedule. I was much relieved as i had only one last paper to be written.
I told again if i had to reach her it was painful as she was tough to be reached. She said the epoxy was under maintenance n hence she couldn’t give her direct number. I asked can i get ur cell no for which she was surprised. I said i only need the time slot for exam n apart from tat i wouldn’t trouble her. She was reluctant but somehow being uncomfortable also gave her number.
After a weeks’ time i called for the last exam slot. Of course she had forgotten me. I reminded her bout 30 min n she remembered. She only said 6 to 6 30 for which i accepted. I was sure of completing my exam n this time i was very relaxed. I decided to take a chocolate as gratitude for her. Went on time and completed exam.
Finally she was aware i would clear. She came n said cleared right at 6.30 for which i nodded. She smiled n gave my report card. I took n gave the chocolate. She was hesitant to take n i said take it as a token of gratitude as you gave the time slots wen i wanted, she took it. Since it was the last exam i decided to chat to her for 10 15 min.
Actual story starts here. I asked her since how long she was working here n she said 4 yrs. We started with pure professional talk n i got to know she was looking for a job n she asked me if i could help her. I said i don lie will forward your profile to my ferns n let’s see if someone can help but don’t have any hopes on me for which she accepted. We spoke casually for 10 min n later she said she had to leave as her daughter would be alone at home. For which i said u have a daughter u don look like tat i said for which she replied i know most of my ferns say so. I thanked her again n left n she left as well.
After couple of days i got her profile n i forwarded to my friends. I never tried contacting her. I went on holiday for a week. Came back started with work as usual,
In 2 days’ time i was coming back in that area after meeting one of my friends n remembered her n gave a call, we enquired how we were n she said u remember me after so long is it. I said sorry n asked can we meet, as it was around 6.30 time usual time when she logs out.
She was somewhat hesitant n i said if u not interested i don mind n will go home. There was a pause for few sec n she agreed n said i need to wait for 10 min as she had to logout. I waited n she came. I was still on bike. She was a bit uncomfortable which i noticed n said don worry i won’t invite you to sit on my bike. She said thanks n i parked my bike. She said she would take a bus and the bus station was around a kilometer. I said maybe we can walk for which she agreed. We started walking. It was a casual talk n while talking i reiterated that she doesn’t look like she had a daughter of 7 yrs. She thanked again n i asked where does she stay n she said an area name in center of city of Bangalore. I asked who all stayed with her n she said her mom daughter n herself. By now we had reached the bus station. I asked what her husband does 4 which I didn’t get any reply rather an angry look. Meanwhile a bus came n she said my bus and got into it. I felt i made her angry. I came back to my bike went home. Didn’t text her as i was sure i was the reason for her anger.
Waited for the next day n sent a sorry text message for which i didn’t get any reply. I tried calling her couple of times n again no reply. I sent a strong apology the next day to her email. I got a reply saying its fine n not to worry.
I waited till Friday n sent a text mess asking if we could meet for which i got a reply again you want me to get angry. I said no n kept quiet. I sent a message Saturday evening can we catch up i guarantee you that you won’t get angry. She said she would check and let me know. I said ok. After 30 min i got a text saying yes we can but have to be back home by 8. Same place 6:30 was decided. I reached there n was waiting for her. She came out wearing a sari n i won’t say she looked out of world or princess. She had dressed well.
Sitting on my bike i started speaking casually. After 10 min or so i offered her dinner for which she refused straight away. I felt bad but talks continued. Later she asked me what i had for lunch for which i said nothing as i had couple of urgent meetings n hence had to skip. She started shouting saying work will always be there but i didn’t have to skip my lunch. She told we’ll go somewhere to eat. I was still not sure whether she wanted to go. She sat on my bike one sided n said move now b4 somebody sees her. We went to a nice restaurant. Since last time i made her upset, i kept simple. She was speaking n i just listened. She realized it n asked how come i wasn’t speaking anything 4 which i replied i might ask something silly n she might get upset. She said her mood was off that day n later she revealed that she had a love marriage n it didn’t go well n she was a devotee since 3 yrs. Since i didn’t want her to become more upset i didn’t enquire much n i diverted her attn. towards movies n things as usual. After our dinner i asked where I can drop her. If she wanted i could drop her home as well for which she said she’ll get a bus n asked me to drop her to bus stop. I dropped her n i could feel she was happy with my company. Her bus came n she left.
Around 10 i got a text thanking me after long time she enjoyed outside food. Just food i asked n she replied your company as well. We started exchanging texts often but nothing much. I was busy with work whole week and Friday i asked if she was free n she said she was busy. I asked weekend plan n she said Sunday she was busy. I asked about Saturday she said till 3 she was busy. I asked can we go somewhere n she replied as usual she had to be back by 7. That was a big time, 4 hrs. Since we have 4 hours, can we opt 4 a movie. Silence follows. I said dinner should also be fine. She said movie s fine but on a condition n i was thinking what i could be. She said she didn’t want to go far as she would get late n not near as she was afraid of somebody seeing us. I said i will check n call back. I found a theatre in opp. direction not too far but movie was a flop. I gave an option of this else we had to go far. She said any movie is fine. I said i will pick her up n she said pls don come near off n she will only come. I said ok. I was waiting n clock turned 4.30 she had just started that time from off. She reached by 5. We went in theatre. Very few people here n there n most were a couple. No seat no’s were there we could sit anywhere. While going, she caught hold of my hand as it was dark. We went n sat in the middle seats only. She was wearing a black sari. We spoke a little. While speaking it so happened i touched her hands. She didn’t object. After 5 min or so again i touched this time intentional. Again no obj. everything i mean each moment was slow as i was hesitant. After 15 min or slow i pressed her hand n she looked at me kept silent. By now i was sure she wouldn’t scold me at least. With that thought slowly i went near her cheeks like whispering n said she looked hot in the dress, she smiled, no words, again i went near her cheeks n slowly patted a kiss on her cheeks, no ob. again. I got a green signal n courage. I put my hand around her she noticed it kept quiet. I slowly touched her boobs first time she pulled away. I didn’t want to force. I again tried after few min she again pulled away but not wit same intensity as b4. I gathered strength as i was shivering n touched them she tried pulling away but i had held her hard. She tried resisting n i pressed them. She couldn’t escape. She again tried to move away n i pumped her left boob with my left hand. Then again i pumped n hardly any rejection. I was aware she won’t resist me n slowly i started pressing the left one. Each time i pressed it hard a small moan very feeble ahhh came out. After few min she slowly started moving away indicating her right one needed attn. As she went far i slowly removed my hand from behind n put it above right boob. B4 i did anything interval came ;(
I was watery so went loo so does she while coming back had samosa n she said can we sit in corner seats, i said nobody saw us but she still insisted n we sat in corner seats.
Lights off both in mood i slowly started pressing left boobs n i inserted my hand in her bra started fondling it, when i touched the tit she use to shiver. When she wanted to get the right boob massaged she uses to go away. I read the situation n i put my right hand in her bra of her right boob n my left hand on her left boob. With this slowly started French kissing her, our tongues started exploring each other’s mouth n i found by the flavor that she was using a tooth paste called Cibaca. 😉 this went on for 15 min or so n slowly i slid my hand to her naval n pussy region n she pulled my hand n said if the sari goes bad it would be embarrassing for her in public n she also can’t go home n it was rightly so. So, kissing n foundling went on. I kissed her ear lobes sucked her tongue, bit over her neck but couldn’t kiss her boobs as she was wearing a little tight blouse. The movie came to an end and so did we. I dropped her to bus station as usual.
After going home i got a text saying after a long time she enjoyed n felt well. Our talks continued over phone n text messages.
We had become so close that we started meeting again n again but always at movie halls only.
One day i said i wanted more n she also said she wanted to go out somewhere but time wasn’t permitting. We couldn’t meet in her home or in mine. Later how we found the place where we went s a small story which i will tell you later some time if i get good reply for this. Let me tell u it was not that dramatic as i have read on this site. It was much simple.
I haven’t mentioned our names as i don want to i haven mentioned her figure.