Hello, I happened to be on a trip to Brazil, when after my meetings, I went back to the hotel and took a nap. After an hour or so I was fresh and charged up, I decided to go for a massage. I looked at the online sites and fixed up a house call to my room, by the way I had chosen a transsexual for my massage.
After an hour, Maria knocked on my door; I opened it and led her inside. Maria was around my height, with dark jet black hair, chocolate color skin, Though her breasts were not huge they were well propositioned to her body. I offered her a drink but she declined. I usually have the dim light on in the evenings to relax myself. She commented how lovely and romantic the ambiance was, of the room. We chatted, we became more relaxed and then she laid her hand on my thigh, offered to begin the massage asked me to get undressed and just wrap a towel, after doing that, I led her to my bed, and I lay me down my back. Just when I wanted to ask her whether I needed to keep my towel on, she took off my towel. I was buck naked in front of her. I felt very excited inside. My heart was pounding with excitement only a shemale could provide.
She started by rubbing my shoulders. I wondered how she could have such soft hands. Not only they were soft, but they were magical too, soon as her hands moved down to my chest, my nipples were hardened and my breath was getting heavier, blood was rushing faster to my 6.5” dick. I started to get aroused and became hard immediately and rapidly, Maria must have noticed it because I could sense her breath was getting heavier too.
She brushed her fingers against my nipples and it was heavenly, as she worked her way down to my abdomen, I looked deep into her eyes, gently. She got my message, she then took my dick in hands, gently stroking and rubbing it, it was heavenly, and I began groaning. I sat up, holding her face and started to kiss her passionately. She kissed back with the same passion, but stopped it to continue the massage, She started off with the side of my head and then slowly down my stiff neck and shoulders. I had to admit that she was very gentle and good at massaging me. She then moved her gentle hands down my back, she massaged my lower back and it was heavenly. All of a sudden, she stopped there and wrapped her arms around my waist. I could feel her breasts against my back. There were so soft and I feel like I had an electric shock. The feeling was so intense and exciting. She moved her hands to feel my chest muscles and gently squeezing them.
She was obviously very experienced with men. She took it slowly to explore and tease my body to build up the excitement. I closed my eyes to enjoy that moment because my brain wasn’t functioning at all. What I know was my body was in full capacity to her touches. She moved to the front and enjoyed my torso greedily. I could sense that she was very aroused. I kissed her gently and held her in my arms. She greedily caressed my back passionately. I undressed her t-shirt, exposing her soft little breasts. They were not very big, but just nice. She had the most amazing nipples I have ever seen. I held them gently in my hands and kissed them madly, so madly that she moaned and groaned like an animal. I sucked on her nipples greedily and twirled my wet tongue around them. It was driving her crazy. I could sense from the way she moved her body rhythmically against my hard cock that was filled with pre-cum. I couldn’t help kissing them, sucking them and running my wet tongue in circles around her hardened nipples. She moaned and groaned, I continued to undress her until she was totally naked like me. She had a tiny cock.
I rubbed my body against her, as I was kissing her, pressing my chest against her breasts. The friction between our bodies brought me to new heights of excitement. I had been with women before but nothing felt quite like this. She then slowly moved her mouth down to give me a blowjob that every man would die for. She mouth was absolutely magical. I managed to stop her before I exploded in her mouth. I told her I would like to fuck her and she nodded. She told me she was willing to do it with me even without a condom. Without giving me time to think it over, she lay on the bed, led my throbbing cock all the way to the gate of heaven.
That was my very first anal sex, without a condom, with a Shemale. Her hole was soft and tight (much better than a vagina). She seemed to know how to control her inner muscles very well as I trusted into her body. She held me very close to reach her deeper, at the same time, I could feel my balls slapping against her ass as I fucked her rhythmically. I was grabbing her breasts like a madman and kissing her nipples madly. The way she groaned and moaned loudly and I knew she was enjoying it too which made me fuck her even faster and deeper and deeper, after a few minutes, I shot a big load in her. It was so enjoyable that I waited until my cock was soft then only I pulled my cock out of her.
After I regained my breath, I noticed that her small dick was very erect from the pounding I gave her, I asked if I could help her relive her, Though I would not suck or get fucked, She said she understood and gave me some lube to put on my palm, lying next to her, I began to stroke her small dick and at the same time was sucking her hard nipples and squeezing her breast, with my other hand soon her breath became faster and I could feel the tension building in her balls, as I Sucked her nipple creating a vacuum, she let out a moan and Thick spurts of cum came out of her dick falling on my hand and her belly.
She gave me a passionate thank you kiss and led me to the bathroom for a shower. As we began soaping each other my dick became hard, Maria smiled and knelt down and gave me a heavenly blowjob again. We then got dressed, I offered her a drink and she accepted it, we chatted for some time and then she left.
Feedback and comments on , any, gays, and CD’s bottoms in Chennai, interested in getting fucked or suck me, can email along with some details and pics.