Kala moved in with kumar despite the objections from her husband suraj. You would have read all about the triangular relationship between kala, suraj and his friend kumar in the three episodes of ‘friend to the rescue’.
Suraj pleaded, threatened and tried every trick under the sun to make her change her mind but she was determined and when he realised that if he made any more noise he may completely loos her, he backed off. It was better to save the marriage, for all it’s worth and also have her stay at home at least every other week.
The apartment was a bit small for them to share; she talked to kumar about it and decided that they should look into getting a bigger place, soon
During the week when she was staying with kumar, he still set the rules, especially regarding not wearing any bra or panties. To begin with she didn’t like the idea, but eventually she got used to it. It was hard when she went to work as she had to leave the apartment without wearing any undies but before she started seeing patients, she had to quickly put them on in her clinic. He also insisted on her being scantly dressed while around home and even when they went out. Once she got used to it, she felt quite comfortable with it as it gave her an adventurous feeling.
The first week she spent with him in the apartment was fun. They had sex early in the morning, as son as they come back from work and of course in the night when they went to sleep. Kumar also had a pathological desire for oral sex, not to give but to receive! Just before she left for work, he insists on her going down on him. She will be fully dressed and so will he be. She had to kneel in her work clothes, which was always a sari, which made it even harder, he will be standing in front of her in full suite. She had to undo his trousers and pull his undies with her teeth (that is a ritual he liked) and suck his cock until his came in her mouth. He even insists that she goes to work without rinsing her mouth. At first she thought it was all part of the fun but the novelty was wearing thin soon. She made it a point to leave after him so that she could quickly wash her mouth. He also insisted before she left for work that she had no undies. She had to undo her blouse and also pull her sari up for him to inspect and make sure that she was not disobeying him.
The week afterwards when she went to her home, it was like a break after pouring rain! She did like that period of no sexual activity and she had time to catch up on lots of things like reading and emails etc. The relationship between suraj and her was quite cordial. They did go out for diners and entertained friends at home. Even the conversation with him was more pleasant and she realised there was lots to talk about as they had a weeks news to catch up with. Suraj never asked her any thing about her week with kumar, nor was she going to tell him any thing.
The second week when she went back to be with kumar, he appeared to be grumpy. He complained that he missed her and on the first day which happened to be a monday evening, he had sex with her from the time she arrived nonstop for hours. At first she was also excited about it as she did miss the sex, but after some time she became quite sore and tired. He nipples weer aching because of his persistent sucking. He also appeared to be rougher this time around. His fucking was also was more forceful and her pussy started to get painful. She didn’t want to say any thing to him lest it would upset him.
She hardly had any sleep that night and when she went to work next day even the clinic secretaries noticed that she was tiered. They didn’t know nay thing about what was happening in her life. That evening after dinner they were sitting and watching tv suddenly the door bell rang. They never had any visitors since they moved in there, at least when she was around. Kumar went tot the door to find two of his friends standing there.
“what are you chaps doing here?” He asked partly annoyed with them as he was about to make kala give him a head job.
Peter and suresh were his mates from university and they lived in the same town. Peter was the out going one. “hey you have been bragging about your new girl friend, we thought we will come and check her out.”
Kala heard them from where she was sitting. Before she could go inside they were all in the lounge room. She was quite conscious of what she was wearing, she had a shorts and a loose fitting sleeveless blouse which left nothing to imagination. Her boobs were almost totally visible to any one looking her.
She was embarrassed and mumbled. “i better go and make myself decent”, but before she could make the move, kumar said, “no honey it is okay. They are just friends”
She was furious with kumar; she felt like telling him,’ they may be your friends, but they are total strangers to me’, but she bit her tongue and kept quiet. She was aware of the fact that the two visitors were staring at her body, especially her boobs.
Peter was quite open about it. “wow. She is gorgeous; we thought you were just pulling our legs when you said how pretty she was.” Kala blushed. She was lost for words. Kumar indicated her to sit down on the double seater there were sitting and he sat next to her and the others sat on single sofas opposite to them. Kumar was very happy that his friends approved of her. Coincidentally they were all divorcees and they meet often to talk about the past and the lack of any future for them. The fact that they felt envious of his made him feel good. Kumar grabbed a beer for them all and they sat and talked, he had his arm around her waist while they told funny incidents from their university days. Kala was aware that kumar was trying to show her off. She didn’t mind it as long as he didn’t go overboard. Once in a way he let his hand grab her boob and gave it a gently squeeze. She knew it was for the benefit of his friends and they seem to love the show he was putting on for them.
Kala tried now and then to push his hand away discreetly to find it coming back to where it was. Soon he had his hand on her boob all the time. She let is pass. She didn’t expect the next move he made when he slid his nab under her blouse and took hold of her naked boob. She whispered in his ears, “please stop it kumar” but he ignored her and started to squeeze quite vigorously. It was quite obvious to every one what he was doing under the blouse. Kala was beyond being embarrassed but angry and humiliated.
Peter and suresh became aware that there was a situation arising between the two and felt bad about being there. Kumar was quite drunk by then and was in a funny mood. What he said next took every one by surprise.
“why don’t you show your boobs to them honey; let them see how beautiful they are?” Kala had enough of it. She tried to stand up and leave the room but couldn’t as kumar tightly held on to her arm restraining her from getting up. He mumbled to her with anger,” if you move now, you may as well as get out of this place right now” kala was caught between her dignity on one hand and trying to displease him on the other. She thought for a minute. What the heck, it is only human flesh. You see hundreds of women showing them off in the screen and on the internet. She sat down with a sigh. Kumar remarked, “that is my girl.”
The other two men wished they didn’t come and caused this entire ruffle. Kala thought if she was a going to do it she may as well as get sloshed and have a numb brain. “get me a drink of baileys” she demanded from kumar. He has never seen her drinking much in the past but he promptly fetched her a glass and the bottle. She poured a liberal serving and gulped it. It hit her head straight away and she was quite inebriated in no time.
“here we go’ she said and pulled her blouse up and slipped through her head and threw it at the men. Bother of them went for it but peter beat suresh to it. He caught it and smelt it. “mmm smells nice” he remarked. They all giggled. He continued, “does it mean i get to see it first?”
“no way; it is a public viewing. All see at the same time” she got up and paraded in front of them, walking around the room like a model on the cat walk. Both the men laughed and whistled as she went and stood in front of them jiggling her boobs and then holding with both hands pushing the melons up and squeezing them. Peter jumped from his seat.
“i would give any amount of money to lay my hands on those beautiful melons” he remarked. He was almost salivating.
“let me see at them close quarters.” He stood close to her looking at her beautiful boobs. His nose was almost touching them. Kala would have never dreamt that she would be doing some thing like this in her life. But the alcohol, as well as trying to pay back kumar for having pushed her into the situation made her being a dare devil. It was kumar’s turn to get uncomfortable. He has pushed her too far, he realised.
“that is enough fellas. The show is over,” he got up and went towards where they were standing. Suresh was also on his feet now.
“be a sport man; we are just warming up” peter said defiantly; he was quite smashed having consumed few bottles of beer in the short time they were there. Kumar looked to suresh for support. He was equally drunk and was keen to see how far the show would go. No one has touched her but kumar knew that not too far off.
He put his arms around kala. “honey that is enough. Cover your self now” he was almost pleading.
Peter was not going to give in that easily. “hey man, you owe me one. Remember the week end we had at the resort?”
‘oh shit. Not that week end’ kumar didn’t want to even think about the week end. That was low bringing it up now. It was blatant blackmail.
Yes it was a weekend not easily forgotten. The three of them were young then and all were newly married. They went away with their wives on this trip. Stayed in a resort and had a wonderful time. They were staying in a condo where each couple had their own rooms. He still remembered; it was the saturday night, after dinner they hired an x rated video to watch. Kumar’s wife mala had a splitting migraine headache and she has gone to bed. The other two couples were cuddled up while watching the movie, but kumar was by himself. It was a bit embarrassing for him watching a movie like that with them. Soon as they got excited by what they saw, the couples started to hug and kiss and even fondle each other.
Kumar has to pretend that every thing was normal. Soon suresh and june decided to go to their bed room to continue their own action! Peter and louise were into heavy petting. Peter had louise’s blouse open and was fondling her boobs. They didn’t care that kumar was there. He was getting excited more by what they were doing rather than what was going on the screen.
Peter suggested to louise that they should go to the bed room and continue what they were doing and let kumar watch it is peace. Louise turned around and asked kumar whether he wants to joint them in bed. Both peter and kumar were shocked. Kumar noticed that peter was not annoyed at all by the request but more surprised, as he asked louise, “are you sure honey?” She replied ‘”of course, we can’t leave poor kumar by himself; mala is not well and i am sure he is all worked up like us watching the movie.’
To kumar’s surprise, peter said, “that is fine by me”
Kumar stuttered more with shock and embarrassment rather than any thing else, “it is okay folks. I am really fine” even though he said that his heart was racing with the excitement at the offer, hoping that they don’t take his refusal as the end of it.
Peter came to the rescue. “i think he will be shy if i am around, why don’t you two go by yourself to bed. But don’t take long, i don’t know how long i could wait” he teased.
It was all like a dream. Louise dragged him by hand into their bed room. Peter teasingly wished them,” have a nice time” kumar was very coy about the whole thing, but once they got into the room, all the shyness was gone. They both ripped each others clothes and jumped into the bed. It was a very passionate and torrential love making. They kissed, licked, sucked and fucked as if the world was going to end soon. Louise was a very passionate lover unlike mala and it was one of best fucks he ever had. It was all over within 15 minutes and he quickly went to his room leaving peter to take over where he left.
No one talked about it next day or ever again; they behaved as if nothing ever happened. And now, peter has to bring it up. Suresh didn’t know what it was all about. So was kala. They both looked at kumar’s face for an answer.
Kumar was in a real dilemma. Was peter serious in expecting him to reciprocate?
How is kala going to take it? He looked at her. She was too drunk to care too hoots.
“just the boobs?” He asked peter hopefully.
“yes of course nothing more for sure” peter assured him.
“make sure the bastards don’t get out of hand honey. I am sorry for having put you in this predicament” he was apologetic and kissed her on her cheeks and left the room. He couldn’t bear to see what they were going to do.
As soon as he left the room, kala decided to take charge of the situation; even though she was drunk she still had her wits about and wanted to keep it under control. She was getting excited that she was going to further extend her extra marital dalliance.
“let us make ourselves comfortable at least” she led them to the sofa and sat in the middle and made them sit on either side. Peter was itching to put her hands on her boobs, but was not game enough until she gave him permission.
“okay these are the rules, each one stick to your own side. No rough play and when i say stop that is it. Okay?” Both of them nodded their head.
“go for it boys” she was enjoying the control she was having on them. Peter was the first to start, even though he was eager he was still very gentle. He took hold of the boob on his side and started to gently squeeze it. Suresh followed suite. It was quite a strange and exhilarating experience for two men to be fondling her at the same time! They were quirt different in their ways and the feel was also different. Peter had large hands and he was quite haste with the speed of squeezing, where as suresh’s hands were delicate and he was doing it at a slower speed. Both were nice. Kala was getting excited and started to feel wet underneath. She didn’t have any undies and soon the juices were going to soak through the thin cotton material of her shorts. They ate going to know it too. Shit.
Peter was talking to suresh. “i don’t think we could both suck at the same time as we will be head butting each other. Do you want to go first or me?” Kala never thought that it will go to the stage of them sucking her boobs. She could tell them no if she wanted to. She was half a mind to call it quits but her hormones were driving her crazy trying to find out what it was to be sucked by some one other than her husband and recently kumar. What the heck, she has come all this way; it was only just one more step. She kept quiet.
Suresh said he will go first and he bent down and kissed her boobs gently. He gradually moved his lips all over the surface of it avoiding the nipple at first and working his way to the centre. He kissed the nipple for a minute or two before he took it in his mouth, he was looking into her eyes all the time and she did the same. She could sense a smile in his eyes and she smiled back and held his head against her boob as he started to suck on the nipple. It was a beautiful felling, again quite different from how she has felt in the past.
Peter was getting impatient. “hurry up suresh; let me have a go” suresh reluctantly withdrew his mouth from the nipple he was sucking. Peter didn’t wait till his head was out of the way before he planted his mouth on the nipple hew has been playing with. He was quite rough and kala was about to tell him in so many words to take it easy, but she decided to let it pass. Suresh was gently running his hands over the boob he has been sucking once in a way stopping to gently feel the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. It felt really good and she told him that she loved what eh was doing.
Kissing was not on the deal; but she was tempted to kiss suresh, even though she didn’t want peter to expect the same treatment. She tried to hide peter’s line of vision with her hands as if she was holding his head while she turned her head towards suresh and gently kissed his lips. She whispered to him not to say any thing or do anything to bring it to the notice of peter. He was gentle and she let his tongue into her mouth and cherished the feel and taste of it for a minute or so before withdrawing it. She gave him a quick kiss on his cheeks. She was really getting tiered of it and her nipples were also getting a bit sore specially on the side peter has been sucking for quite some time.
“sorry peter, i am getting a bit sore, please stop it.” He took another minute or so before he stopped and she has to virtually gently pull his mouth off her nipple.
“hey i was just getting warmed up to it” he said.
“i think you guys better get going. By the way, did some one mention about paying money?” She asked partly in jest.
Peter hesitated for a minute. Suresh joined in. “you did say that you would pay any thing for getting to touch her boobs” he had no way of going back on it. He pulled his wallet out and peeled off a hundred dollar note and tried to slip it under her shorts. Kala stooped before his hands went any further. “thank you i will take it now” and shoved it under the cushion of the sofa.
As if it was pre planned kmart just walked in then.
“they are just leaving honey” she said and she got up from the seat. Both the men got up and thanked kumar and kala for their ‘hospitality’ and left.
Kumar looked at kala inquiringly. “are you okay honey?” He asked; he was really concerned about her. She was not going to let him know that she really enjoyed the experience but pretended that she was not happy at all with the whole affair and before he could say any thing, she barged into the bed room and closed the door loudly. She did manage to fish out the dollar note she hid in the seat with out kumar noticing it.
Kumar was hoping to have sex with her; but realised that he would be hard pressed even get a good night kiss from her that night.
She was thinking while she was lying down. The experience she had that evening has opened up some new potentials. New men and also means of earning some money without much effort. One hundred dollars for a half an hour job? That was easy money. When she works in her clinic, she has to work for almost 2 to 3 hours to earn that much money as take home pay. Further more, she has to put up with whinging patients and howling kids!
First, she has to cut off the relationship with kumar. It was not as thrilling as it was in the start. And the way he treated her tonight was disgusting and she had enough of it. Severing the link was not going to be easy, but she would do it carefully. She went to sleep with lots of plans and exciting prospects for the future.