Lustful Family And Friends – Part 10

Hi ISS readers, thanks for providing your valuable feedback at . Many of you are requesting me to post frequently. I am trying, and this time there will be posts more frequently. I hope you enjoy the story.

Day 11

I wake up late in the morning. The first thing I wanted to see was what’s on Dwayne’s hard drive. The drive doesn’t appear to be encrypted. I find many documents related to school and private matters. For an extorter, he absolutely sucks at security.

I’m glad his mom doesn’t know how bad he is with computers. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have bought that shit story about him being accepted at a technical university. But where does he hide his porn? If he keeps it on an external drive, we’re fucked.

Bingo! I bet he doesn’t need ‘creamed_teenage_twats-14-cd01.mkv’ for a school project. Let’s work through this mountain of smut.

Dwayne’s tastes seem to range from teenage-looking girls to big-breasted elder women. A good deal is a commercially produced porn with a few amateur scenes intermixed.

A folder is named ‘special.’ I’ve either found what I’m looking for, or it’s that video of two women consuming something from a cup. ‘Coffeeshop Girl’ That must be it. Let’s see what my slutty sister has been up to.

Hey Bella. There she is, taking selfies in her bra and panty. These are rather innocent. She removed her bra but covered her tits with her hand. That’s my girl! Get it done, Bella. Pictures are getting hotter.

In this pic, she is completely naked and sitting on her legs, with her hands placed on her clit. That’s hot, no matter who you are. She has inserted her middle finger with her legs spread wide.

There’s more of my sweet Bella! A video! Wow! She is masturbating her pussy with a shiny black dildo in the video. Our Bella is into toys, interesting. I think I’m going to confront her with this newfound knowledge. It’s going in. Sweet! That was some show, dear little sister.

Let’s copy that footage of Bella for safekeeping. You never know when this will come in handy. I make a copy of the contents of the ‘Coffeeshop Girl’ folder.

I’m surprised that Bella would send out pictures and videos like that. I’m glad that Dwayne doesn’t have his grubby paws on it anymore. I still need to punish that dirtbag.

I will talk to Bella about this later. But first, let’s confront Liza about Brody. Liza is home. Now is as good a time as any to expose the misadventures of her boyfriend. I walk towards Liza’s bedroom. This is going to be tough. I haven’t got a clue how she will react. Well. Here goes. I knock on Liza’s door.

Liza: Enter. Good morning, sleepyhead!

Me: Yeah, I guess I overslept. Listen. Liza, I…

Liza: You’re looking gloomy all of a sudden.

Me: It’s just. I have some news that might upset you.

Liza: Are you alright? There’s nothing wrong with your health, is there?

Dear Liza, always thinking of others first.

Me: I’m fine, don’t worry. It’s something else.

Liza: You’re making me very nervous, Aafi.

Me: Sorry. You know I’ve been working at the supermarket where Brody also works.

Liza: U-huh.

Me: Well, I’ve learned some things during my work there – rather disturbing things. During my first day, I saw him attempting to grope the female cashier.

Liza: Did… did you really see that?

Me: I’m afraid I did. The cashier, Riley, said it wasn’t the first time.

Liza: I’m sure it’s a misunderstanding.

Damnit. Quit with the excuses already.

Me: Maybe. But a while later, I saw him enter his office with a woman.

Fuck. She’s going to cry, and I haven’t told her all of it.

Me: I really hate to say this, but Brody is cheating on you.

Liza: W-w-what proof do you have?

I showed her the footage of Brody. She was quite devasted and was shocked to see him getting fucked by a dildo. Liza being the naive and innocent girl, still thinks it might be her fault.

Liza: I don’t know.


Liza: It’s a bit too much for me to process right now. I think I need to be alone. I’ll talk to you later, okay?

Me: Of course, dear Liza.

A distressed Liza leaves the room. I went to the kitchen to drink some water. Mom saw me while I was going back to my room. She’s sitting on the couch in the living room.

Mom: Hey, Aafi.

Me: Hi, Mom.

This could become very awkward after that hot session at Discreet. Rather glad she isn’t going to whip me during this conversation. But I do wonder what she would say if she realized I was the one who was forced to kiss her feet and breasts. And that she took hold of my erection.

Mom: I heard you got a job at a supermarket. I thought you were living off your dad’s inheritance?

The truth is a bit too baroque, I think.

Me: Yes, I am. But I just thought it would keep me occupied. It really didn’t, so I quit after a few days.

Mom: At least you tried.

Let’s ask her about that counselor of Rachel’s, Mrs. Steel. Maybe Mom knows something interesting.

Me: We met someone from Rachel’s school at the clothing store. Rachel wasn’t too happy about it.

Mom: Not that Steel-woman, was it?!

Me: Yeah, the school counselor.

Mom: When Rachel’s grades took a dip last year, she met with her a couple of times. Instead of helping her, she was playing the psychiatrist. Her friends were no good, she wasn’t dressing like a proper young lady, her mother wasn’t home enough.

If Mrs. Steel knew about Mom’s occupation, she’d have a heart attack.

Mom: I had a meeting with her as well, where she pushed for all kinds of professional help. Like Rachel was traumatized or depressed. Does she seem traumatized or depressed to you?

Me: No, not at all. Never met a more carefree person in my life.

She’s waking up naked next to me regularly and we have enjoyed so many style=”color: #3366ff;” href=””>days of nakedness. We’re developing feelings for each other, but that’s something else entirely.

Mom: Exactly. I told Steel that as well. And she backed down, at least for the remainder of the school year. But still, terrible counselor, terrible woman.

Me: Didn’t like her as well.

I went to check on Rachel. When I enter her bedroom, she runs towards me and kisses me on the lips.

Rachel: Missed you! Are we going to do something fun today?

Me: I bought you that beautiful bikini, so I thought we could take a swim today.

Rachel: Yay! That’s a great idea. Come get me when you’re ready, and we’ll head out.

After I packed a bag and went to Rachel’s room, we left for the swimming pool.

Rachel: It’s so quiet here! That’s a good thing!

I like the way she’s thinking right now.

Rachel: Did you bring the sun lotion?

Me: Of course I did.

Rachel: Great. I’ll lie down on one of those chairs while you get the bottle.

Me: Your wish is my command.

She lay on her stomach. Let’s start with those beautiful shoulders.

Rachel: Hee hee! That’s cold, Aafi. Mmmm. You’re good at massages too.

To be honest, I did have some practice with her older sister Bella. Shouldn’t forget her beautiful butt.

Rachel: You’re very thorough, aren’t you, Aafi? Not that I’m complaining.

Her cheeks are so firm!

Me: Could you please turn around?

Rachel: Of course!

Me: Could you remove your top? That way, I can spread the lotion all over your body.

Rachel: Sure! It’s completely deserted here anyway.

There they are! Her breasts are slippery beneath my hands, and her puffy nipples are even softer because of the lotion.

Rachel: That was nice! Now it’s your turn.

Yes, please!

Rachel: I’ll be as thorough as you were.

I lie down, and Rachel starts applying lotion. She has such soft hands.

Rachel: Turn around, please!

Rachel quickly spreads lotion on your chest then starts to massage my thighs. This is heaven, but I’m getting an erection again.

Rachel: I didn’t know you were so aroused by suncream?

Me: You’re a tease, Rachel!

Rachel: All done! I’m going in!

With a small scream, Rachel dives into the water.

Rachel: Come in, Aafi, it’s lovely in here!

Me: You don’t have to tell me twice!

I dive in the cool water. When I come up, Rachel splashes me with water.

Rachel: Nice, isn’t it?

Me: It sure is.

After we two floats around in the sun for a while. Rachel suddenly gets a naughty look in her eyes and dives underwater. Before I can see where she swims, my sister emerges behind me and climbs on my back.

Rachel: Heehee! You’re my noble stallion.

Rachel’s breasts push against the back of my neck. She applies pressure with her thighs.

Me: Should I whinny like a horse too?

Rachel: I thought you’d do anything for me!

I suddenly let myself fall forward, causing Rachel to fall with you.

Rachel: Hahahaha! This was such a great idea. Did you know they have a hot tub here too?

Me: No, I didn’t.

Rachel: Let’s get more comfortable there.

Me: Sounds good!

Rachel climbs out of the pool and walks to the area where the hot tub is supposed to be. Let’s follow her. The hot tub area is covered by a wooden fence. Rachel suddenly stops and turns around towards me in shock.

Rachel: Stop!

Me: Why are you whispering all of a sudden?

Rachel: There are people behind there.

Me: So?

Rachel: They’re naked! I think they’re going to ‘do it. Here, have a peek.

My sister positions herself just behind the fence, allowing me to peek. The couple was completely naked.

Me: You’re right. And they’re totally oblivious. I think she’s giving him a handjob.

Rachel: Let me see! She’s jerking him off?

The naked girl grabs the penis of her lover and starts to move her hand up and down. All the while, she maintains eye contact. I see her lips move, probably whispering dirty talk to her squirming partner. I’m spying on two stark-naked people with my sister. This is so hot.

Me: Yup.

Rachel: Can you tell? Is she good at it?

Me: He seems to be enjoying it.

The girl suddenly grabs the boy’s balls in her hand.

Me: Oh, she’s good. Look at how she’s stimulating his balls.

Rachel: He’s moaning quite a lot.

Me: He won’t last long.

Rachel: Shit, I want to see all of it, but they’re bound to see us.

She’s right, but I’d really like to stay and watch. Rachel and I went back to the pool area.

Rachel: That was hot, don’t you think?

Me: I wish we could have hidden better. She had some great handjob skills.

Rachel: It did look like he had a good time. It’s getting late. We should be getting home.

Me: Did you enjoy our trip?

Rachel: It was tons of fun! And inspirational.

Is she referring to what we witnessed earlier? Tonight could be very interesting.

After arriving home, I take a quick shower. When I come back to my room to relax, there’s a knock on my door. It was Liza.

Me: Come in.

Liza: So I’ve been thinking.

This can go either way.

Liza: And the more I think about the whole situation, the angrier I get. I’ve shed a lot of tears over Brody, and all the while, he’s…

‘Fucking’ is the word you’re looking for.

Liza: …doing things with that girl.

‘Doing things’ also works, as definitions go.

Liza: We vowed to make our wedding night something special. And then he goes behind my back and cheats on me!

I think Liza is really angry, in her own sweet way.

Liza: All the times he called me names, forbidding me to go out with friends. I’m sick of it! So I’m going to tell him I’m finished. I’m done with him.

Praise Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!

Me: Are you sure?

Liza: I haven’t been more sure of anything in all my life. I’m going to that supermarket and tell him it’s over. But I’m a little bit scared. Would you accompany me, perhaps?

Me: Of course!

I want to see the look on his face when she tells him. Together with Liza, we travel to my old workplace. I introduced Riley to my sister Liza. She went to the office and confronted Brody.

Brody being an asshole, started abusing Liza and told her it’s her fault. I couldn’t take it and asked him to stop. Brody was really angry at me. He tried to punch me, but I manage to avoid it, but his fist still graced my chin.

I counter his punch by thrusting my fist upwards and connect heavily with his chin. Brody’s eyes roll upwards, and he falters.

Me: That was a very stupid move.

Liza: Stop it at once!

Brody lunges again and tries to hit me but misses. Instead, Liza slaps him hard across his face.

Liza: STOP IT, I SAID! Come Aafi, we’re leaving. I think Brody got the message.

Brody: No! No! Please, Liza. Let me make it up to you! I know I fucked up. I can do better. Please!

Liza walks out of the supermarket, head held high. Riley stares at us both, the corners of her mouth twitching in a small smile.

Riley: Call me tonight, please!

After I close the door, I still hear Brody wailing inside the supermarket. Good riddance. We walk back to my room silently. Liza gave me a sweet kiss on my lips and thanked me before leaving my room.

I almost forgot that I was supposed to take Bella out today. I texted her the location of our meeting earlier. So she should be already there, waiting for me. After a short walk, I arrive at the bar Bella has chosen to meet me. She’s waiting for me with an angry look.

Bella: What now?

Me: We’re going to have a fun evening, just some drinks and a nice chat.

Bella: I’d rather be at home.

Me: Don’t be like that. There’s one thing I’d like for you to think about. For the past few days, I’ve been showing you how to have a good time. At times you weren’t really into it, but I’ve seen you enjoy yourself.

Bella: That was… It wasn’t.

Me: You orgasmed yesterday, and you even begged me not to stop. So during our evening together you’re going to think of a way to make me have a good time.

Bella: You want me to what? Here?!

Me: A clever girl like you can figure something out. Now, let’s order something. I figure you as someone who loves cocktails.

Bella: I don’t care.

I order a margarita for Bella and a beer for myself. Bella quickly finishes her drink, obviously nervous, and I order another one.

Bella: You’re trying to get me drunk, aren’t you?

Me: Just a little. To loosen your tongue. So are you finally going to explain why you acted like a total bitch the first few days?

Bella: I thought you were an asshole. And look what you turned out to be.

Me: Come now, this is going to be a long evening otherwise.

Bella: All right. Fine.

Bella: The first night, you scared the hell out of me. At first, I thought Dad had come home. Instead, it was you. Dad just left us all those years ago, and then he died. We weren’t even allowed at the funeral. And there you were in the kitchen, the spitting image of him.

She doesn’t seem to mean that in a bad way. Bella was always daddy’s little girl, but I didn’t know it went that deep.

Me: So you were pretty shaken up by his death?

Bella: Yes, asshole. Can’t you tell?

Me: Jesus. I knew you guys were close before we left, but time tends to heal wounds, you know.

Bella: It does. Liza wasn’t too affected by the whole situation. Rachel was too young to remember much of him. But when he had some free time, we always went out and did so much fun stuff together.

Me: That doesn’t sound like the dad I knew. He wasn’t around much, especially when we moved away. I was mostly alone with his girlfriends. And they were many.

Bella: What makes you think I want to hear about his girlfriends?

Me: Just an observation.

Bella: So yeah, your coming was quite a shock for me. I didn’t want it in the first place, and it turned out to be as I feared. You’re a bad influence.

Is it me, or have those last words lost some of their conviction?

Me: We’ll see about that, dear sister.

Bella loosens up after a few drinks, and we talk about the past. My sister even laughs a few times at my jokes. After some more drinks, we both begin to slur a bit. Bella has been drinking margaritas all evening, so she’s just a little further gone than me.

Me: There’s something I’ve wanted to do all evening.

Bella: Get up and leave?

Me: No, please come closer.

Reluctantly Bella inches closer. I pull her towards me and give her a kiss on the mouth. My sister clearly doesn’t know what to do but doesn’t back off. I open my mouth and caress her lips with my tongue.

Bella: Mmmm.

She seems completely absorbed. When I pull back, Bella is clearly shocked. Probably as much by the kiss as by her accepting it. I would have loved to taste her tongue. But I should count my blessings. She might have just slapped me in the face.

As the evening progresses, it’s getting harder to invent small talk. Damn, is she going to defy my wishes? So far, there has been no initiative from her regarding the request I made during the beginning of the evening of finding a way to make me have a good time.

Bella: It’s getting late.

Me: So it is.

Bella: I’d like to leave. But before we go, I’m going to use the bathroom. I suggest you follow me after a short while if you’re serious about that ‘good time’ you’ve demanded from me.

Yes! She didn’t forget. My sister stands up and leaves for the restroom. After a minute or two, I follow her. Wonder what’s she’s up to. I am in the washroom area.

Bella: Aafi?

Me: Yes?

Bella is in one of the stalls and opens the door slightly.

Bella: Quick, in here.

I went inside the stall.

Bella: Unzip your pants.

I really, really like where this is going.

Me: You really picked a romantic spot.

Bella: I can’t believe I’m doing this.

Me: I’m enjoying myself so far, so you’ve got nothing to worry about on that front.

Bella: Clearly not what I’m getting at.

When I lower my pants, Bella is clearly shocked at the bulge in my underwear.

Bella: Jesus, you’re hard already?

Me: Nearly.

Bella: I’ll do the rest myself.

My sister teasingly runs her hands along the sides of my hips. She grabs hold of my underpants and slowly pulls them down, revealing my erect penis. Do I detect a glimmer of appreciation in her eyes? And now for the big question: will she use her hands or her mouth?

Bella takes my erect member into her hand, almost as if weighing it. Her fingers close over my shaft, and she starts making small motions with her hand. God yes! I don’t even have to encourage her to do her best. What a good little slut she is.

Me: That’s my girl. You’re a good little slut, Bella.

She suddenly stops jerking my cock. Fuck! Did I go too far? To my surprise, my sister removes her jacket and top, revealing her big breasts.

Bella: Could you please cum on my chest and not on my face. Please?

She grabs hold of my penis again and starts massaging my balls with her other hand, sending me nearly over the edge.

Me: I… I’ll think about it. Keep going.

Bella: You like that, don’t you?

Me: Y-yes!

She enjoys being in control for once, it seems. God, she’s good. Bella applies more pressure and starts to jerk me harder. I’m almost there. As my sister hears my ragged breathing, she seems to know I’m close to it.

She keeps jerking my dick while maintaining eye contact. A look of anticipation masks her face, but a glint of hunger is visible in her stare. I couldn’t last any longer.

Me: Aaaaaaaah!

A massive load of cum shoots from my throbbing penis and covers my sister’s beautiful chest by surprise.

Bella: Was that satisfactory?

Me: Very. You really know how to give me a good time.

I leave the restroom while Bella cleans herself up. Then we both walk home, an uneasy silence between the two of us.

Let me stop here.