Those Were The Best Days Of My Life

I came across ISS a couple of days back. I enjoyed reading some of the stories on this site, those which sound real. Wanting to write my own small well-kept secret, which i treasure it, i found some time today pen this patiently. It bit long, but worth

This happened in 2000 when i was 21 at that time.

About me


I was selected in the on-campus during my final year for a big MNC in Bangalore. After completing my B.E (comp science) from Mangalore University, i spent 2 weeks in Mysore in my parents’ house and then joined the company in Bangalore. It was those initial days, when i started wearing casuals with a hanging badge around my neck (it was kind of showing off saying am a software engineer). Couple of weeks i commuted from Mysore to Bangalore as we had good number of trains, wasn’t sustainable travelling 3+3 hours.

In b/w: i am Kiran, tall 6ft, well built, good looks and had broad chest. A smart looking guy :). I had GF in the college days, but it never went beyond kissing; and the relationship sustained after graduation.

Yo! I use to watch good amount of porn movies. Only few guys had computer at that time in my college and one of them was my room-mate, it was running Pentium 3 (those days that was the highest configuration), we use to collect 2 rupees from each and go to the cd shop (it was called goddess cd), keep one of our college id card as surety and use to get the cd’s. I watched some 50+ and had good knowledge of positions and the act.

To Bangalore


I started looking for P.G and found one in north Bangalore near Malleshwaram – Yeshwantpur. The P.G was run by a Brahmin doctor and had some 20 rooms. It came with a strict clause in the agreement that “no girls are allowed inside the premise”. I loved this place for the number of veggie restaurants there and was very decent with most of the rooms occupied by it professionals.

Yeshwanthpur – Shivajinagar residency road bus commute


My office was on the residency road. There was no direct bus from Yeshwantpur to residency road those days. I had to take this bus-no: 94 to Shivajinagar and then change to another bus to residency road (it was called ‘rose garden’ bus).

I love to commute by bike, but i had sold my Bajaj caliber before leaving Mangalore, as it was in bad condition. Rather than shipping to Mysore/Bangalore, better to sell that off….You know how the college students keep the bikes :)

Bus stop


Every day at the bus stop, there was this female; who i was thinking may be of my age or +2/3 more. I never showed any interest in her for few reasons:

– I noticed the black chain around her neck, thought she is married (not my cup of tea)

– Also she was short 5+ ft and i was 6ft. (watching those college days porn movies, all my fantasies were around tall white girls).

– Always she wore chudidar. I found it boring :)

It wasn’t a busy bus stop at 8:10 and not a starting point as well. There we very few people, just 2 or 3 sometimes 5 at that time.

From Shivajinagar, she also used to change to the same ‘rose garden’ bus which i take to reach office. I use to get down early and she use to continue.

Sari made all the difference


Everything changed one day. I came to the stop and she was wearing this gorgeous orange sari tied hip low with her boobs prominently bubbled out. As well she was wearing high heels. And lipstick…those dark ones which were fashion at that time…. Within minutes, the bus came (hate when it came on time today!) and she boarded from the front door. I couldn’t take my eyes of her, saw her back and she had this deep back blouse.

I couldn’t take my eye off her. Men board the back door as the ‘middle to back seats’ are occupied by men and front ones are for ladies. It was a crowded bus on that day and i pushed myself to the middle of the bus to great close glimpse of her.

There she was my…..Gorgeous lady in sari holding the hand grip; i could see her navel from the side. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, kept on staring her whenever my eyes get sight of her in that crowded bus.

When the final stop came, after getting down off the bus i was searching to get a glimpse of her. I was like a racing horse chasing her. As she walked out of the bus, i can see her back, those round shaped butts. I loved all those curved.

When she boarded the rose garden bus, i just went and sat behind her seat. She had a very soft shining hair. All of a sudden, the not-so-interesting girl looked like an angel to my eyes. My stop came and i just didn’t wanted to get out, wanted to continue until her stop. Had it was not my team meeting i would have…. It was early days of my work and never wanted to miss a meeting, so was forced to get out when my stop came.

Initial moves


All that day, she was all over my brain. I couldn’t work and was thinking of her all day. Now i desperately wanted to talk to her and make her friend. Next day i went to the bus stop, unfortunately i was just on time and bus came, i missed. I desperately waited the next day and planned to start a little early, reached the stop and saw her in the boring chudidar again.

I took some courage and deep breath and walked close to her and gave a smile: hello “do you work near mg road. I see you taking the same bus as me. Then came a lovely smile and she said “i work in mg road”. Then we build the conversation. Started asking her name and she was also way too interested to talk to me. I was feeling good talking to her and this continued every day.

I even asked when you take return bus back in the evening. She takes 6 pm and mine was 5 30 pm from Shivajinagar. So i thought i will delay leaving office and see if can meet her at 6 pm in Shivajinagar. After few misses, i finally met her one day and we both took the bus together, next to each other on the middle seat. It was wonderful feeling sitting next to her and my elbow hand touching her and sometimes her boobs. I didn’t do anything naughty; it was all unintentional. This continued for a while and we were very comfortable talking.

Birthday girl


It was Nov 30th 2000, when i came to the bus stop, she was in the sari again, a blue one this time with flowers. I just went close to her and told you look beautiful and asked what the occasion is? With a big smile – ‘my birthday’. Where is the treat madam? She blushed and said i will meet you at 5 45 in Shivajinagar and i will treat you, but it will be in an okay restaurant. I nodded my head happily wishing her birthday.

In the lunch time, i went to life style (it was recently opened in Bangalore) bought a lovely watch and gift wrapped. I couldn’t resist my thoughts about seeing her again in the sari. I just was staring at my watch all day, when it stuck 5, left office and bought roses bouquet at the cool joint on the way and boarded auto to Shivajinagar.

I was way early and started to wait for her where we usually meet. There she came few minutes late, was little tired, but she was all smiles when she saw me. I was just hiding the bouquet gave her; she was surprised and happy and said it’s lovely.

She holds my hand (first time she intentionally touch me) and closed the road. We went to Darshini hotel there, sat down and had some snacks. I gave her the present. She was super surprised and thanked me. I asked her to go home and open the present. Next day at stops, it was all smiles and she told the watch is superb and i had to tell many lies to husband and mother in law.

I realized. Oh she is married dude. All this time i forgot. I kind of always am thinking why she can’t be my GF.

I asked what her husband does…… he works in garment factory as accountant and she lives with her mother-in-law, husband’s sister and has 6 years son.

She has turned 26 :). My gorgeous name is ‘Soumya’. We use to converse in Kannada. Her Kannada was very good, never though her native language was Marathi until she told. Soumya was from Sholapur, settled in Bangalore after marriage at age of 18.

She was working as typist/ clerk in one of those small firms near Manipal center. Her house was 1-2 kms away from the stop. It was must for her to work to support her family as her husband earnings weren’t just enough to support the family. She never complained about her husband or mother-in-law. We always kept the conversation just limited to us both.

She never mentioned where her house was. She uses to walk 15-20 min to reach the bus stop.

First kiss


Following days, in the bus we started to stand close to each other or sit next to each other whenever possible. She was more comfortable now holding my hand (i was way taller than her, many a times my elbow was touching her boobs). I was like super electrocuted. :) She also started talking if i have GF :).

Once i asked if she is interested to see a movie with me…She could only do it on Saturday evening, she can leave the office at roughly 4 pm. I had the privilege of sat off in it company :).