With Sunitha Chandrasekar – Part II

I was stunned and speechless. It took a while to recover my wits. “You mean you never had an orgasm before?” I asked, incredulous. SC shook her head in the negative. It took a while for this to sink in. Then, slowly I felt a surge of pride. By taking her against her expressed wish, I had opened up a treasure trove of intense pleasure for her.

“Yes my darling SC, that was an orgasm. And I had one too, one of the best ever.” I told her truthfully. “We are going to have many more, trust me. You are my woman from now on. I am going to take my pleasure with you whenever I want, whichever way I want, OK?” I asked. She shook her head affirmatively, but I wasn’t satisfied. So I asked her to repeat what I had said.

“I am your woman from now on…” She said.

“And…” I prompted.

“You can have me whenever you want.” She said after a pause.

“You can do whatever you please with me.” She said after a little further prompting.

“I will never hurt you. I will teach you how to pleasure a man and how to be pleasured. I will give you pleasure that you never had before, more than you can ever imagine.” I promised her.

“I will be a good student.” She promised back.

It was late in the noon by then. Her hubby worked in the second shift and would already be on the way to his factory to work. She had a full time maid looking after her kids. So she was in no hurry to return home. I had to catch a flight next morning; I was going on a business tour and wasn’t scheduled to return home for another 5 days. So, we had several more hours at our disposal.

“Let me look at my prize properly.” I said, lovingly removing the remnants of her clothing. She had by now lost some of her shyness. She helped me in taking off her ornaments, including her mangalsutra and the bangles she wore, leaving just her nose stud on. She was now completely naked, just as I was. I went to the bathroom and fetched a napkin soaked in hot water.

I spread her thighs apart and wiped her pussy clean, then bent and planted a quick kiss on it. She was a bit surprised and responded with a giggle. Then I sat on the edge of the bed, spread my thighs and beckoned to her with the napkin. She got up and knelt between my knees and gently wiped my cock and balls clean, handling them gingerly and a bit awkwardly, while my hands played with her loosened hair.

Obviously, she was not used to handling a penis. So, she took her time, trying her hand at tickling and caressing my cock and testicles, eyes widening in wonder as it started getting bigger and harder. I taught her how to pull back the foreskin without hurting me and then she gently wiped clean the exposed red cock head. By this time my cock had become almost fully erect.

“Go ahead, smell it!” I told her. She brought her nose close and sniffed my cock head tentatively. Apparently, she liked the smell. She rested the tip of her nose on the cock head and took a deep breath. Her nose felt cold, as did the air flowing over my cock. At my further prompting, she planted small kisses and then gave a couple of licks on my cock head.

“I’ll teach you how to be a good little cocksucker.” I promised her. “But first, let me look at you properly.” I said.

I laid her on her back on the bed, her head resting on a pillow. I lay on my side, close to her, my raised head propped up on my left hand and my leg thrown across her open thighs. My right hand wandered slowly all over her and my eyes possessively registered every small detail of her naked body. She was plump and her skin was soft, silken smooth and warm. There were stretch marks on her abdomen – the result of two pregnancies. The stretch marks did not detract from her sexiness one bit. If anything, they made her look even more desirable.

As I have described earlier, her breasts were a bit small but firm, pear shaped and very pretty. She had heavy hips and fleshy thighs, much like those goddesses’ statues one sees in Hindu temples. However, under the layer of subcutaneous fat, I could feel rippling muscles. Obviously, she was physically fit and active. She later told me that she used to be into sports and actively participated in athletics in her school days.

She looked on with wanton, half closed eyes as I explored her body, resting her hands above her head, leaving her armpits exposed. As I peered closely, I noticed fine, sparse down growing all over her torso. The hairs were so fine and transparent that they were visible only if I looked closely. The hairs thickened a bit and became clearly visible as they ran down in a line from her belly button and merged into the thick, soft, black thatch of her pubic hair. The overall visual impact was that of an extremely sexy, mature, earthy and unaffected woman in the prime of her youth.

My hand traced the line of hair down her soft belly and eventually found its way between her legs. A shiver passed through her body as my finger slowly explored her slit. I could see her nipples hardening and felt the heat and moisture of her pussy. I pushed her thighs apart the better to access her pussy.

My middle finger gained entry into her vagina after pushing apart her labia. Her breathing became irregular and her eyes filmed over as I started slowly finger fucking her. Slippery fluid dribbled out and wetted my hand. Although her pussy fitted snugly around my middle finger, I wanted to see how much it could stretch. So, I tried and succeeded in putting my forefinger as well as ring finger inside her pussy.

Sucking and slurping sounds emanated as three of my fingers fucked her pussy. She was sweating and moaning aloud by now, thrashing her head from side to side. While continuing to move my fingers in her pussy, my thumb moved up her slit until I could feel her hard, engorged clitoris. Then I simultaneously started to rub her clit with a circular motion of my thumb.

Almost immediately, she hit a powerful orgasm. There was a sharp intake of breath and a low, groaning “Aaahhh…” as she exhaled in ecstasy, slowly coming down from her high. She snuggled up against me and drifted off to sleep as I put my arms around her. After maybe 20 minutes, she woke up with a start.

“Oh my God!” She exclaimed, “I’ve got to go. My kids must be waiting for me.” She then struggled to her feet, only to sit down again. Our bouts of intense lovemaking had made her legs weak. After summoning up her strength after a while, she got up, washed her face, tidied up her hair and dressed, still a bit wobbly on her feet. I kept her torn panties with me, a memento of our glorious coupling.

Just as she was ready to leave, it suddenly occurred to me that I had not used a condom while fucking her. I was in a panic.

“SC, are you protected? I mean… about pregnancy…” I asked, trailing off sheepishly, hoping that she was not like my wife, who left the entire responsibility of birth control to me.

“Of course not!” She replied, and my heart sank. “You think I came prepared for this?” She shot back.

“No, no… that’s not what I meant.” I stammered. But SC appeared unconcerned.

“Well, what has happened has happened. Now it is in God’s hands. If I become pregnant, I will bear your son.” She said. She seemed to be absolutely sure that it would be a son and not a daughter. She then walked out, nose in the air.

I was on tenterhooks, waiting for her call, wondering what I would do if she in fact became pregnant and decided to bear my child. But God was kind to me. About a fortnight later, SC rang me up long distance on my direct line while I was having lunch in my office one day. She started chattering cheerfully about everything except what I was waiting for.

“Any news?” I cut her off with a brusque question.

“About what?” She responded, feigning ignorance.

“You know very well what I am talking about.” I replied, getting impatient. She finally took pity on me.

“My you-know-what started yesterday night.” She whispered.

“Are you absolutely sure?” I asked.

“Of course I am sure, silly. I have been having them for 20 years. Are you happy now?” She giggled. Waves of relief washed over me.

“Oh, thank God for that!” I exclaimed. “Now listen, please go on the pill immediately. I don’t want any complications in future.” I told her. There was silence at the other end. “Hello… are you still there?” I asked.”Yes” She said.Well?” – I” Well what?” – SC”You know what.” – I”Mmmm… I’ll think about it.” – SC”Don’t think. Act.” I said and hung up….To be Continued..mail your response to