Sexual Adventures Of Akash and Kavya – Part 1

This story is between a divorced woman and an unmarried guy. The place is Ooty. Akash, a 28-year-old guy runs a business. Kavya, a 35-year-old divorced woman is self-employed.

Kavya has Divorced 2 years ago for a personal reason and since then, she has been living alone in her farmhouse. She is slim built, has a dusky skin tone, long curly hair, and has a height of around 5″7. Kavya looks so seductive. Any guy would fall for her looks.

Kavya has a best friend and she invited Kavya for her sister’s marriage. Kavya went to her best friend’s house 5 days before marriage to help her friend with wedding works.

Akash is the friend of the bride and he was invited as well. On the marriage day, Akash saw Kavya and was excited looking at her beauty.

Akash was confident by nature. He went to Kavya and introduced himself to her. Both Kavya and Akash had long conversations about life, dreams, goals, and other stuff. Kavya told Akash that she was divorced. She was so much involved in Akash. Kavya felt excited with each passing minute. Her sex life had been shut down for 2 years and no one could impress her in these 2 years.

They met again on dinner after marriage and found a bench on the lawn for themselves. Kavya was delighted at the confidence of Akash, his eyes locked on Kavya’s eyes and she felt a rush passing through her body. Kavya was wearing a black saree and red half sleeve blouse. There was a small chain on her glowing collarbone.

Akash’s smile was giving goosebumps all over her body and she was begging for his touch. Akash knew Kavya was interested in him but he was being gentle and taking things slowly.

it was around 11 pm but Kavya was still talking to Akash. She was very much connected with him. Akash was sitting next to Kavya and snaked his hand from behind and grabbed her by the waistline of the other side! Kavya felt aroused at his touch. She lost all of her senses as the 2 years of sexual tension have been set off instantly.

Akashi was making sure no one was noticing them. Akash kept pressing the hot divorced woman Kavya’s waistline softly as a wave of euphoria coursing through her body.

Kavya’s nipples stiffened beneath the bra and her pussy inner walls were coated with little juices. Kavya was trapped in a pleasure zone and there was no point of return. Her heart was buzzing with excitement and her brain was swimming in ecstasy.

Akash took his hand off Kavya’s waist and both looked into each other’s eyes, sharing a sign of nervousness. Kavya’s eyes were searching for his lips. She want them to lock her lips but he did not want to hurry up at all.

Akash told Kavya that he will leave and Kavya gave a worried look. Akash had given his number to Kavya if she ever wanted to call him and Kavya was over the moon. Akash left the place and Kavya went to her friend.

Kavya phoned Akash on the next day and asked him if he can meet her in a coffee shop. Akash was delighted and agreed with her.

Both met in a coffee shop and had a long conversation. Both became friends soon and Kavya’s temptation was growing bigger with each passing day. Kavya’s intentions were clear. She wanted to have sex with Akash but she could not express it to him.

The day had come finally. Kavya invited Akash for the dinner at her home. Akash came to Kavya’s house around 7 pm and Kavya welcomed Akash wholeheartedly.

Kavya was wearing a white saree and a black blouse. There were no inners. She gave a welcome juice to Akash and both shared a nervous smile.

Kavya arranged the dinner and both ate slowly for an hour or so. There were heavy winds outside and the windows were clattering heavily. Kavya went to close the windows and Akash could not resist watching Kavya’s sexy back.

He slowly moved towards Kavya and grabbed her by the waist from behind. Kavya shivered at his touch and electrical shocks jolted her body. Kavya held Akash’s hand, tried to take it off her waist but deep inside, she wanted him to make his move.

Akash rested his head on Kavya’s shoulder and grabbed her love handles and pressed them softly. A small moan escaped through her lips and her pussy was tingling with sensations.

Kavya held Akash’s head, combing his hair as the uncontrollable pleasure started coursing through her body. Kavya then turned forward and hugged Akash tightly. Akash pinned Kavya against the wall and looked deep into her eyes.

He held both of her hands in his left hand and placed them way above her head and clutched them firmly against the wall. Kavya’s chest expanded and her waist stretched. The sexual heat enveloped both of them and Kavya’s body was burning with desire.

Akash looked deep into Kavya’s eyes and grabbed her by the waist again. A surge of euphoria hit her violently as her first orgasm was building up slowly. His fingers were making circles all around her navel. Kavya’s hand was battling with his left hand above her head as she felt a group of butterflies swarming her groin area, taking her arousal to the apex.

Kavya’s moans filled the room as his fingers kept playing with her belly. Kavya’s nipples were rock hard beneath the blouse and pussy lips were glistening with the mixture of sweat and sticky fluids.

Akash slipped his hand into the Kavya’s saree and his fingers were inches closer to the divorced beauty’s mushy clit. Akash wanted to tease Kavya by ignoring her clit and make her beg for his touch. Akash leaned on Kavya’s collarbone, sucking on it gently and caressing the skin inch closer to her clit.

Kavya’s brain was hitting with a sweet hammer as warm blood started filling her sensitive clit, lifting her sexual hormones to the top of heaven. Akash trailed his lips all over Kavya’s neck shoulders and earlobes but was not reaching her lips as he wants to savor them later.

Kavya’s orgasm was growing bigger with each passing second as she was slipping into the trance slowly.

Akash decided to release the sexual tension of Kavya. Once again, he leaned on her and poked her clit slightly while sucking on her neck softly. Kavya shook violently as a ripple of orgasmic waves crashed through her body, dipping her brain in a euphoric ocean.

Akash’s fingers caressed her clit up and down and then moving side to side and making circles, setting an electric blaze in her sensitive spots.

A set of echoes marched through her throat as her body was driving to the orgasm destination. Her hands above her head were still imprisoned in his left hand while his right-hand fingers playing with her sticky and juicy clit.

Akash slipped his middle and forefingers into Kavya’s pussy caressing her G-spot while his thumb brushed against her clit.

An uncontrollable ecstasy filled Kavya’s brain, injecting sweetness into her brain cells. Her blood was bathing in pure bliss as a huge orgasmic thunder hit her arousal house shattering her sensitive spots, making them float in a warm fluid.

A surge of relief penetrated through Kavya’s body as the orgasm was subsided and Akash released her hands from his left hand.

Kavya walked slowly into the bedroom and fell on the bed slipped into sleep slowly. Akash slept in the living room and the night ended on a peaceful note.