Sweet Teen Daughter Spices Up My Sex Life – Part 2

Hi all, this is Jay aged 40+years, height 5.6ft, working in MNC (Software) abroad right now on deputation. I am a big fan of ISS but never thought I get involve into incest until a few years ago. Finally decided to share my experience here with fellow ISS fans.

I and my best friend fucked my teenage daughter, Mangala, aged 19, who is doing her college. We fucked her at various locations, our house, my friend Kishore house, swimming pool, abroad, in the car, outside in open fields, etc.
This is a continuation of the first part.

I landed safely in Europe. I settled down with office and personal stay. I rented a one-bedroom apartment near the office with enough space to bring a family. I was used to having physical romance indirectly with Mangala daily.  I was missing her body, firm breasts touch, her aroma, and all, a lot.

Days until family visa got processed. Days were running very tightly dull. Daily used to have video calls with all family members. Mangala used to talk for a quite a long time but not got a chance to see her panty or breasts. She used to keep walking in the house while talking in a video call.

Finally, the day had come. their travel was booked for the next immediately after the summer vacation started. After waiting for almost an hour at the airport at arrival, my eyes got stuck to an angle towards to arrivals waiting gate. Mangala was in light pink transparent top and blue jeans.

Her long hair left loose with a single clip. Mangala had kept her top front side in-part and could see her belt buckle. She had to put little effort to push luggage trolley, which made her t-shirt sleeves raised a little up. I received my wife and kids, enquired about how the journey was.

We decided to grab some snacks for kids in the airport before taking a taxi. I even had to buy condoms for that night. (To have sex with my wife, we had not done the family planning operation.) My wife told us that she would wait with the luggage in the waiting lounge.

I along with my son and Mangala stepped into REWE shop (supermarket). Within the first 5 minutes, my son got his chocolate. I got that billed so he left to his mom (eating chocolates not allowed in the supermarket). I was left with my princess. I let her go through the shop on her own to get what she likes.

I moved towards the corner where condoms are placed. I was checking condom flavors and price. I had taken one packet into my hands. Mangala came looking for me all of sudden and faced me from the front. I did not know how to react (to hide condom from her eyesight).

She casually placed her palm over my shoulder near the neck. Showing chocolates in another hand to enquire about ingredients, good to buy or not. Her palm touch over my neck was passing shock. I was in a round neck T-shirt. I was going through the ingredients of the chocolates (to avoid beef/pork as those are common in Europe).

I placed my hand which has condoms packet over her waist. So we were in a half-hug position like her right thigh outer edge was near my penis. Her one breast was touching my chest. Other customers who were in the supermarket were glancing us as if we were discussing sex positions.

People can clearly see the condom packet in my hand behind Mangala’s ass. If I had sex before this with Mangala, I would have fucked her there itself. But I had to control the urge. We got chocolates and condoms billed. Then I gave her chocolate, kept condom packet in my jeans pocket.

Mangala had glanced what I bought, was a little shy. Once my wife, son, and Mangala got into taxi back seats, I asked them to tie the belt. (In Europe, seat belts mandatory for all passengers). I helped my wife and son first then came to help Mangala, who sat on the other side.

While pulling the seat below over her shoulder, I purposefully brushed her small breast. Those were firm, I got it confirmed that she was not wearing a bra but only slip inside her top. On the way home, I was continuously looking at Mangala in the mirror.

I was thinking how to suck her breast and fuck my own sexy teen daughter tight pussy. After reaching home, we all had light dinner quickly. I arranged a bed. This was a single room. The bedroom had a double bed. So we decided to sleep – my wife and son on bed, myself with my baby on the floor.

I started keeping bed ready thinking all are tired. Same time my wife went to change from chudidar to saree. My wife knew that I wanted to have sex that night as I was starving for sex for almost 3 months. (Yes, but I was planning to fuck Mangala actually).

It is very difficult to have sex with a sleeping lady when she is wearing chudidar or jeans. Once my wife was out of restroom wearing saree, Mangala went to change her dress. She came back in transparent pink color frock till her knee. She was looking damn sexy exposing her thighs.

I was sure she did not wear anything inside. Meanwhile, I just changed into shorts, wearing nothing on top. I closed windows shutter because there was sunlight even at 9 PM in Europe, in the month of April. Once the bedroom was dark, all the lights were off, my son fell asleep immediately.

My wife was sleeping on the bed towards me. I was on the floor with my daughter Mangala beside me. Mangala was talking continuously about her studies, friends, and all. I was facing the ceiling, Mangala hugged me crossing her legs over my thighs.

I could feel the warmth of her thighs over my thighs. She adjusted her head over my shoulder so I placed my left hand over her back from below her neck. Her breasts were crushing on my chest. Mangala was caressing my bare chest with her hand, moving her thigh over my thighs up and down in a rhythm.

Each of her moves was passing electric shock near my pole but she did not touch my pole till then. Guys, unless we have fucked girl before, can’t proceed without noticing intention. I was not sure if she was ready to have sex with me. One way I want to fuck her. At the same time, I was a little confused about what if she shouts.

I placed my hand over her leg above the knee which was crossing my thighs. Her smooth thighs were soft like there was no bone there. I was pinching her thigh lightly. At the same time hugging her tight with another hand by pulling her chest towards me. Keeping my palm over her back.

I was feeling thirsty, feeling hard to push her pussy over my penis. I was unsure if my wife was sleeping or not. I released my hand from Mangala’s thigh and raised towards the bed where my wife was sleeping. I held my right hand over my wife’s breast and started pressing slowly.

After a few minutes, I removed saree pallu covering my wife’s breast, placed my hand over the blouse and started pressing. My wife was not wearing a bra. I could feel the flesh. Guys, the same time I was enjoying 34D breast (my wife) in one hand and 28B (my daughter) breast over my chest.

After a  few minutes, I tried to unhook my wife’s blouse to free her breast. But I could not do that with a single hand. My wife unhooked herself and covered breast only with saree pallu. I love massaging her breast freed from the blouse. I was getting horny.

So I was sure even Mangala was feeling my dick. At that time, my wife was waiting for Mangala to sleep. Mangala was waiting for my move to drill her cunt. I was badly in the need of either of their holes (even both holes). My concentration got moved towards my wife 34D breasts.

I was playing with her both nipples one after another. My wife nipples got erected of size grapes. Was pressing her both breasts once in a while. I slowly raised my leg, kept my foot over my wife’s thighs. The moment I placed my foot over my wife’s thighs, my wife slowly raised her saree and inner skirt.

So my leg just below my knee got placed over her love hole. My wife closed her inner thighs to feel the warmth of my leg on her juicy pussy. At that moment, my body was being shared between both mother(my wife) and daughter.

I started moving my one leg over my wife pussy. Her inner thighs that made my body to keep moving slightly towards the bed. Mangala took that as an advantage. My daughter made sure that her frock got raised to her waist. She too moved to hug my body towards the bed.

So my left thigh got stuck between Mangala’s inner thighs. We were doing this stimulation of private parts for some 10 minutes. Three of us breathing little faster than usual. I could fee Mangala’s breathing near my neck, which was tempting me to drill her pussy leaving my wife aside.

After some time, my wife held my hand which was playing with her melons. She signaled me to come over to fuck her thinking Mangala had slept. I knew that Mangala was awake. But still, I wanted to let know Mangala that I was fucking her mother. She should feel for my dick in her cunt.

So I freed my hand from my wife, placed over Mangala’s thigh to push her away from my body. I made sure that I touched her thighs very near to her love hole. I could feel the wet spot over my shorts where Mangala’s cunt was placed over my thighs.

I slowly pushed her placing my palm over her breast to free my hand which was stuck under her neck. That was the first time I completed held Mangala’s breast, which was soft. Her small nipples were hard enough to be sucked. I felt like squeezing them. But thought not to do much at the very beginning of seduction.

The room was completely dark. But I could feel that Mangala had opened her eyes and waiting to see me fucking her mother. I too wanted that Mangala should get hornier of seeing me fucking her mother. At that time, Mangala was facing bed where my wife was lying.

I kissed Mangala on her cheeks. (This kind of kissing was always common between us). I stood up from our bed, went on to my wife. I pulled my shorts and underwear, dropped them on the floor near Mangala’s foot. I positioned myself between my wife’s thighs.

Keeping one foot on the bed and another leg on the floor near Mangala thighs. My wife folded her legs as V shape. I fell on her to suck her nipples for a few minutes. While sucking my wife’s nipples, I made sure that my toe touched Mangala’s love hole.

I started sucking my wife nipples and making my toe move up and down to stimulate Mangala’s pussy. After a few minutes, I took out condoms which were placed under the pillow, placed over my penis. I purposefully dropped the condom cover on the floor. (So next day Mangala can see).

I rubbed my dick tip over my wife’s pussy hole, she was too wet. I pushed it inside, my 6-inch dick completely filled my wife’s pussy, I started extending my right leg foot towards Mangala’s inner thigh. To my surprise, Mangala had already made a v-shape giving good access to her small love hole.

I started drilling my wife’s pussy. At the same time was making sure my toe was moving up and down to stimulate Mangala’s pussy. Mangala had a little forest over her pussy. But still, I could touch her pussy crack which was flowing honey over my toe. I could feel that I was fucking both of them at the same.

I was sure Mangala must be watching us even in that darkness opening her eyes. Even Mangala was thinking of pulling me onto her replacing her mother. (She told me this later as she was too horny). After a few strokes into my wife pussy, I fell on my wife to give harder strokes.

My wife started moaning high for each of my strokes, giving reactive strokes by raising her ass. Each of my wife’s reactive strokes was making me raise my toe from Mangala pussy. My stroke into my wife’s pussy was making my toe to contact Mangala pussy.

My wife told me that my penis was too thick that night and she felt a different penis. I was dreaming of Mangala in place of my wife while fucking. That made my penis grew one more cm thick. After 5 minutes of hard strokes to my wife, she crossed her both legs over my waist tightly.

Taking my penis deep inside her womb where Mangala was formed. This made the connection between my toe and Mangala’s pussy to get a break. I had to drag my leg onto the bed. I crushed my wife’s breast under my chest keeping my penis deep in her juicy hole.

Her legs were crossing my waist. She also hugged me tight placing her hands over my back. I was sure Mangala must be cursing her own mother for taking me away from her. But, this gave me room to extend my right hand towards Mangala. In the darkness, at last, I could touch her breast over frock.

Seems like Mangala was waiting for my touch. Cursing her mother because she grabbed me totally away from her. While fucking my wife, I could not dare to press Mangala’s firm breasts. What if Mangala also starts moaning? After keeping my palm over Mangala breast for a few minutes, I moved my fingers over her lips.

I could feel Mangala’s lips were as wet as my wife’s pussy lips. I was damn sure Mangala must have been biting her lips and rolling her tongue on her lips to control moaning. After 5 minutes, I released my sperm and laid on my wife for some time.

When I moved my fingers over Mangala’s lips, I could feel her breathing space was getting reduced. I got up from my wife when my penis was weak. I removed condom onto a kitchen tissue and dropped that under the bed. I pulled over my short without undie. Then I fell beside Mangala.

I hugged Mangala face to face and slept as such feeling Mangala’s breast on my chest. Next day, Saturday around 11 AM, I was talking to my wife sitting in a 2 seater leather sofa in the hall. My son was playing with his toys. I called Mangala who was in the bedroom.

Me: Hey Mangala, come here. Wanted to talk to you.
My sexy daughter came walking in the same frock which she was wearing the previous night. I could see marks near her pussy area due to previous night wetness of her pussy.

Mangala: Yes Daddy, tell me.

She asked me standing in front of me. She was looking at the penis area whereas I was looking at her triangle area.
Me: Get ready, we will go out and get some vegetables/snacks. Mom is unwell so she wanted to take rest after lunch.

Mangala: Ok Daddy, will put on jeans and come.
Me: Why to wear jeans now? You can come out in this frock right, it looks very nice.

She was shy and also got confused at the same time. She looked at her mother for a few seconds and spoke to me, keeping her foot over my knee. Her frock got raised till her upper thighs.

Mangala: Daddy, see my legs. (pointing area above her ankle and below the knee). I have hair here, it does not look good coming like this outside.

I was observing her legs, she had hair not too black in color. Was thinking, how thick her forest was near the pussy area? How long she had hair near her pond? Since I did not reply, Mangala shook my shoulder and asked me again.

Me: Then why don’t you remove this hair? Wearing frock in Europe is very common, so if you are not shy about wearing outside, better go for it.
Mangala: I do not know how to remove, Daddy. Mummy also does not know.

My wife looked at me. She asked me why I can’t do something if I know how to remove. My wife does not know how to remove private hair. I felt happy, told both that I will do it. Mangala happily went into the bedroom to change dress, I too went to change dress.

I took my son and daughter outside to get stuff from shops. We walked to the tram station and got into tram after few minutes. Being Saturday seems there were local football matches. The tram was running overcrowded. Due to much crowd, my son stood near the trolley area in the tram.

I and my daughter stood face to face. The crowd was crushing us, due to that Mangala’s full body was pressing against me. I could see her boobs coming out of her top due to pressure over my chest. I placed my palm over her waist for grip whilst she placed her hands over my shoulder.

Finally, we got down the tram and walking into the shop (DM – this shop has a good collection of cosmetics, beauty products). Then we bought some veg from REWE. I bought wax, shaving kit and some lotions from DM. By the time we came back, my wife had prepared lunch.

We all had lunch. I told my wife and Mangala that I can wax Mangala but asked my wife to make sure my son does not enter bedroom(In Europe, we do not have the facility to lock bedroom door). Luck on my side, by 2.30 PM after lunch, my son slept in the hall on the sofa.

So did my wife. I knew once my wife sleeps, she would only wake-up after 2 to 3 hours. Forgot to mention, the moment we came back from the shop, Mangala changed from jeans to the frock. Once my son had slept, I moved into the bedroom from the hall.

My princess was lying on the bed, reading a book. I closed windows shutter and the door completely. Room was filled with enough light. I wrapped my lungi and removed my pant, then removed my undie. I was topless completely. While I was changing, my princess was looking at me as if she was expecting me to fuck her.

She laid facing top, folding one leg, which made her frock move till her waist. We both smiled at each other but did not talk. I asked her to get up from the bed so I could spread a plastic sheet so no hair can fall on the bedsheet. Once I arranged the bed, Mangala took out the waxing and shaving kits.

When I looked at Mangala from the back, she was bending to pick items. Her frock was raised till upper thighs. I got rock hard, feeling to enter her in that doggy position. I slowly walked towards her. By the time I was near her ass, she stood up and turned towards me.

This made her breast brush over my chest, held her waist and made her walk till bed. Pushed her on to bed keeping both of my hands just above her breast. To be continued. Comments/feedback to .