The Arrival – Part 1

Hello! My name is Khushi Jha. About myself, I am a freelance developer. I used to work full time before my marriage for a reputed firm in Gurugram. But after my marriage, I decided to stay at home due to health issues. Once I recovered fully, I started freelancing for my knowledge and income.

I then keep getting small projects and it will help me to build my resume for freelancing. I used to solve smaller problems for already finished projects. One day I was contacted by a startup from Boston, US. After several days of discussions and presentations, I got the project.

The amount was pretty good and the deadline for the project was given to me about 2 months. I quickly started work on it. I hired 1 part-time developer for me to get support on it. I had no issue in hiring her because of the good amount I was getting from the project.

However, I finished the project before time and handed it over to the client. After a few days of testing from their side, they paid me 90% of amount as per contract. The rest of the amount was decided to be paid after one month of the live program. Everything was going very smooth.

Then one day before the end of the month, I got a call around 5 in the morning from the client. He sought my help on an issue in the project which they were unable to understand. I showed them that I am working on the issue. But didn’t tell them exactly what it is. I took some time of around 4-5 days and handover them again.

They transferred my remaining amount as soon as it was working online without any faults. I was happy as a good project was added in my portfolio to get a new job easily. Then again the same problem arrived. I resolved again without any amount and after some days it happened again.

This time the owner of the startup called me and asked me if I could come there regarding this issue. Their team was not able to understand this. After a long discussion with my hubby, I agreed I mailed them my requirements and price. I got the tickets and visa after some days and I packed my bags.

The trip was a 5-day trip. I caught my flight to New York and from there, their cab was waiting for me. Once I arrived they took me to Boston and dropped me to my hotel at around 10 AM. It was a pretty decent or I must say an awesome hotel. I took some rest for a few hours and then got ready for work.

I got a call from reception that my cab is waiting for me. I quickly took my laptop and belongings and went to the cab. I dressed in a mini skirt and a deep neck top. My assets are good and most of my body is clearly visible. However, I arrived at a house, it appeared to me that the startup was running from there.

I then entered the office area of the house, which was separated from the house very well via a corridor. There were only 2 or 3 people and a large chamber was dedicated to the owner. The owner was in his mid 50’s and well-groomed and maintained his body. I knocked on the door and was greeted very well by the owner.

We had some refreshments and some chit chat. Then I asked him to start working on the issue. As soon as I got a hands-on, I understand the issue clearly. It appeared to my mind that this was not worth coming to the US. However, I again took some time and behaved like that I am understanding the issue and getting to its depth.

I spent half the day doing this and then the owner took me to lunch. Once we came back I asked him to tell their employees do not use the program until I resolved it fully. He nodded and declared leave for them as they were handicapped without the program.

After a few hours of working, he offered me drinks which I accepted without any doubt. We had some pegs of whiskey and start chatting, I informed him the issue is resolved now and you will not face it again. If you face it, I am still here for the next few days.

Our chatting was going on. We weren’t aware that it’s already night and we both were high on alcohol. He then offered me a ride to the hotel to get refreshed and then we could go for dinner. I then changed to my one-piece mini sexy party gown.

My boobs were half visible as they are 36 in size. The gown was up to my thighs which gave my 36 size ass a perfect look. The gown was hanging on my shoulder with just two tiny slim laces. My back was also clearly visible up to my hips. After half an hour, I went down.

We both left for dinner in a good 5-star hotel. We then had some red wine and some good food and our discussion keep going towards our personal life. He was a divorcee with 4 kids. I didn’t reveal much of the information about my personal life.

Once we finished our dinner, he drove me to the hotel. He asked me if I mind if he comes to my room. As we both were in our zone, I said ok. We went to my room and order some more wine. Time went on and he came closer to me. Our breaths were very close, we both could feel it.

He slowly held me from my hips and planted a small kiss on my red lips. I didn’t oppose him and responded to him well. We keep kissing for a moment, slowly and deeply. His hands started to move from my hips to my back and rest on my bare shoulders. Our tongues started to play slowly with each other.

His hands were sliding my lace of gown down. My hands were on his chest. I started to remove his tie and then opened his two or three shirt buttons. I slid my hands slowly inside his shirt and moving on his bare clean chest. We broke the kiss. He started kissing my neck and shoulder.

My gown was holding just on my biceps and half of my nipples could be seen clearly. I held his shirt and pulled toward me. While he was kissing my neck, we both were moaning softly. My hands kept moving their way inside his shirt. I pulled down his blazer and open all the buttons of his shirt.

We both stood up from the table. He pulled me more towards himself. He made me sit on his lap on the couch of the room. He kept kissing on my neck and now on my cleavage. His one hand started moving on my thighs. He pushed down my gown more.

My boob was in his one hand. He was slowly squeezing it and kissing the other, sucking the nipple and biting it with his lips. I was moaning passionately. My hands rolled around his neck. When he bit my nipples with his teeth, I moaned and my nails pressed against his neck.

He then slowly pushed me on the couch and made me lay on it. While he moved down and start kissing my thighs. He slid up my gown and saw my lacy red transparent panty matching with my gown. He smelled it and kissed it deep and slowly removed it with his teeth.

He moved up slowly kissing my thighs and planted a kiss on my vertical lips. I got so horny till that time, I could not control. He opened up my pussy with his fingers and pulled out his tongue and placed it on my pussy. His fingers were massaging my G-spot while his tongue was busy playing with my pussy.

I kept moaning more and passionate. In around 2-3 minutes I held his tight and cummed with a boom. He smiled and keep sucking my pussy. My pussy was oozing the liquid. He pushed his one finger inside it while his tongue was sucking my G-spot. He kept doing it and made me hornier.

He then raised up and kissed me on my lips. We started sucking each other for a while. My hands were wrapped around his neck and I was passionate more than before. While kissing we changed side automatically and now I was on top of him. We broke the kiss after some time.

I slowly started moving down on his chest. I sucked his nipples and tickled them with my nails. I keep kissing it and went downwards. I slowly opened his zip and belt and slid down his pants. I hold his dick in my hand and kissed it. I didn’t know what happened to me. I never ever suck a dick in my life but for him, I did.

I kissed his dick top and rolled my tongue over it when holding it. I put some of my salivae on it and spread it with my fingers. I gave him a good blowjob for 1-2 minutes and moved up again and kissing him. He then held me in his arms and took me to my bed and gently threw me on it.

He grabbed the condom from his wallet. He held my legs and spread them apart and took his cock near my pussy, it was a decent and fat cock. He set his cock over my pussy and gave a hard push. It went all deep inside my pussy in one shot because of the wetness we both had.

kept holding my legs from the toe of my sandals and fucking me in and out. His muscular body was sweating so was mine. We both were looking at each other while he was fucking me. We both could see the horniness and passion in the eyes of each other.

His cock was making a noise of thap thap due to the wetness and liquid oozed by my pussy. He released my legs and came on top of me completely. I held him very tight, wrapped my hands around his back and my legs around his hips. My hands were moving fast on his every push in my pussy.

He was kissing me on my neck and my one hand was pushing his hair and head on it. In between my other hand sometimes got hold of his biceps (which I could now tell is very muscular). He was going deep and very deep in my pussy with slow pushes. I kept pushing him on me.

He then quickly started sucking my lips. I was doing the same as we both knew we were near to cum. He released his load with a big ‘Aaahhhh’. I held his back tight as I was cumming to with him. We both kept kissing for quite some time. Only then he realized that my nails left mark on his back which was burning.

He didn’t leave me and keep kissing my lips while his dick was still hard and inside my pussy. After a few minutes, he sat back just like earlier. This time I spread my legs myself. He pushed me more towards himself holding my legs and started making in and out of his dick.

He massaged my boobs too with his palms while going in my pussy. His dick came out due to extreme wetness caused by the cum in condom. He threw the condom and pulled another one on his dick. He pushed back his cock inside my pussy. This time with more passion.

It looked like he had not slept with anyone for days. Actually, we both looked like we had not slept with anyone for days. He again pulled me towards him. This time holding my hands. My body moved and I held him. Now I was in his lap, his dick was still inside me.

He adjusted himself and kept stroking me from the downside. His cock was sliding slowly and deeply in my pussy hitting me deeper. While our mouths were eating each other passionately. That was a damn horny moment. I moved my hairs another side when he made me jump on his cock.

I started making the rounds on his cock, up and down, right and left. My whole body started moving over his body. His hands were holding me from my back and one of my nipples was under his lips. My moan was making him crazy, I was moaning.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and pushed myself backward. I started slowly jumping on his cock. He felt it amazing and started moving his hands on my naked hard boobs. He pushed his one finger in my mouth and I was sucking it. We both were extremely wet because of our sweat and the liquid we both oozing.

I got a little tired and he understood this. He held me tight again and now he was pushing his dick in and out in my pussy. It was so smooth that it went in and out without any trouble. My ear-ring was jumping due to his every stroke and my boobs were bouncing too.

We both held each other tight as we did not want to stop. But had no strength left. It was getting hotter than ever and we both were getting nearer to cum. The smell of our love juices made us horny and our senses were going out of hand. We were near to cum again.

Our eyes were closed and we both were feeling each other deeply. Suddenly we both hold each other very tight again, His face was pulled tight on my boobs as we both cummed together. And left no strength in us. He laid down and I was still on top, laying on him.

After some time, I moved and lay by his side. We both were now covered in a blanket and my hands and the half body was over him. I slept relaxed and was not aware of the thing that was happening near me. I woke up the next day around 11 in the morning and saw there was no one.

He left a note for me, enjoy the day and call me if you need anything. He put a list also for places to visit and sent a cab and a driver for me. Thanks for reading and apology for the mistakes in writing.

Love Mrinalini Singh, You can write the feedback here or via mail to me.