Corrupting Mom & Aunt’s Pussy

Ajay’s favourite pastime was looking at his mother, Sakshi’s ass. Sakshi was 44 years old. She worked at the same clinic as her husband, Yash. They lived on the first floor.

As Ajay grew, he developed incestuous feelings towards his mother. Sakshi usually wore sarees and formals at the clinic.  Even after many years of marriage, she still strives to stay in shape.

On the ground floor of the building, Kavita, Ajay’s aunt, lived. Kavita was a widow. She used to live alone there. She was very close to Ajay since his childhood.

As his parents were mostly busy, she took care of him in childhood. She was a bit older than Sakshi. She was chubby, had saggy boobs and ass. She usually wore salwar kameez and saree.

One night, Ajay was going to the kitchen to drink water. He passed by his parent’s room. He heard their moaning voices.

Ajay: Ah, That lucky bastard is going at it again. I want to plough that ass too.

He pushed the door, and the door slightly opened. He saw Sakshi sitting on Yash’s dick with her bra on.

Ajay: Ahh, I want to fuck her so bad. I want to enjoy the show, but it will be bad if I get caught.

Ajay left.

In their bedroom,

Sakshi: Huh? Are you done already?

Yash: Yes, I cum.

Sakshi: But-

Yash was tired, so he quickly went to sleep after that. Sakshi was dissatisfied.

The next day, Ajay was roaming around the building, thinking about last night. His mind was filled with lust. Suddenly, he heard a running water sound near the ground floor. There was a window connected to the bathroom of Kavita’s house. It was at a higher level, the same as the exhaust fan.

Ajay: Maybe Aunty is bathing. (He thought)

Ajay grabbed a stool from the garden and put it below the window. He then stood up on it and peeked at the bathroom. Kavita was naked. She rubbed the soap all over, from her boobs to her thighs.

Ajay: Holy Fuck! What a view! I never thought Aunty would be so sexy looking naked. However, she is chubbier than Mom. Her ass is so big! Her boobs are saggy too. (pauses) I have an idea. Hope it works. (He thought)

After some time, he visited Kavita. She was wearing a blue saree, and her belly could be seen.

Kavita: Oh Ajay. Come inside. I made your favourite sweet, Rasmalai.

Ajay was happy, but his eyes were fixated on her big bosom. As they were going to the kitchen, he started getting clingy to her and put his hands on her waist.

Ajay: I love Rasmalai and also you.

Kavita was a little surprised at first. But she thought he might be just happy to see his favourite sweet.

Kavita: OK, Now go. I will bring you some.

But Ajay didn’t leave and started humping his dick on her ass through her saree.

Kavita: Ajay! What are you doing!?

Ajay: Aunty, I think you didn’t understand. I said I love you and your body.

Kavita: Ajay, please, enough of your jokes. Leave me.

Ajay was a strong fellow, so even with Kavita struggling, he held her firmly. He then rushed his hands towards the Saree’s knot and pulled it out. Kavita’s saree opened and fell on the ground.

Now, she was only in a blouse and petticoat. Due to this, her pallu also fell, and her cleavage could be seen. He then turned her around and looked at her face. He was still holding her waist tightly.

Ajay: If you want me to stop. I will stop now. But I will never come to you again.

Kavita: What!? What are you talking about?

Ajay: As I said, I will never bother you again.

Ajay was looking at her eyes seriously.

Kavita: What has gotten to you?

Kavita lived alone for many years. Only Ajay came to visit her. She didn’t have a good relationship with Sakshi and Yash. The idea of Ajay not visiting her again horrified her. She was in a dilemma.

Kavita: (sighs) OK. I get it. I can’t lose you.

Ajay had a smirk on his face. Without holding back, he grabbed her hair and smashed his lips on her.

Ajay: Hmmm. That’s what I want to taste. (He thought)

Kavita was resisting a little, but she wasn’t stopping him. Ajay forced his tongue inside her mouth. Her mouth tastes like Rasmalai.

Ajay: She must have tasted it before me. This tastes extra sweet. I love this flavour. (in his mind)

As they were kissing, Ajay rushed his hand to her petticoat and untied it. She wasn’t wearing any panties. Her filthy unshaven pussy was in front of him. She was trying to cover her pussy by putting her hand.

Kavita: Ajay. Can we please not do it here? It’s embarrassing.

Ajay chuckled and gave a peck on her cheek.

Ajay: OK, you go. I am coming.

In the bedroom, Kavita was sitting on the bed anxiously. She was still having second thoughts about all this. Suddenly, the door opened, and Ajay entered the room naked. His cock was erect. Kavita was a little scared. He pushed her on the bed.

Ajay: Don’t worry. I will make sure you will enjoy the most out of it.

He then knelt and spread her pussy with his fingers. Without wasting any time, he shoved his mouth in her pussy.

Kavita: Ah (She let out a soft moan)

Ajay started licking her pussy like a dog. He played with her clit using his tongue and started thrusting his tongue deeper and deeper into her pussy.
Kavita hadn’t experienced this type of pleasure in a long time. So she cum quickly. As she cum, Ajay sucked out all of her love juices from her pussy.

Kavita: Ah, Stop. (moans)

Ajay then pulled out his mouth. Kavita was panting hard. She saw Ajay holding his dick and trying to place it in front of her pussy.

Ajay: Now time for the main event.

With a strong thrust, Ajay pushed his entire cock inside her pussy.

Ajay: Ah fuck, your insides feel so good, Aunty. It’s sucking my dick deeper and deeper. This is best.

Ajay started pounding her pussy at a high pace. Kavita was releasing many lewd moans. Ajay pulled Kavita up to see her face close. She was making many funny expressions.

Kavita: Ajay, aah.

Ajay: Yeah, moan my name more.

Ajay started fondling her bare boobs and sucked her nipples. Her nipples were already hard. He played with her nipples with his tongue as Kavita was still moaning. He then grabbed her fatty belly firmly and pushed his cock even deeper into her pussy.

As his dick hit her womb, Kavita let out a loud squeal. Ajay filled her pussy with his load.

Kavita: Oh! (pants)

Ajay also started panting. A few moments later,  Ajay lay beside Kavita. She was still panting hard. The semen was leaking from her pussy. Ajay looked at Kavita.

Ajay: From now on, you are just mine, Aunty.

After this incident, Ajay and Kavita started fucking regularly. Kavita was hesitant initially, but soon, she gave in to the pleasure.

Day by Day, Kavita becomes more submissive. She started accepting any request by Ajay. In-house or in Public didn’t matter.

One day, Sakshi was returning from the clinic a little early. She saw a boy and an old lady walking, clinging to each other.

Sakshi: Isn’t that Ajay and Kavita? What are they doing there?

Sakshi noticed Ajay’s hand practically squeezing Kavita’s ass. Kavita was wearing a revealing saree with a backless blouse. The cut in the blouse was so deep that her whole cleavage could be seen. She wore the saree below her belly, making her ass crack visible.

Sakshi: WTF!

They both went to a park, and Sakshi sneakily followed them. Suddenly, they both stopped at the corner of the park, surrounded by bushes and trees. Sakshi hides in one of the bushes to see what they will do. As she glanced at them, she saw Kavita on her knees in front of Ajay.

Ajay: You know what to do, right?

Kavita: Hmm (looks at him and smiles)

Kavita quickly stripped his pants and held his weiner in her hand. His cock was already hard. Kavita’s warm breath fell directly at it as she stared at his cock hungrily. Then she kissed the tip of his cock passionately with her juicy big lips.

The pre cum started flowing from his cock. She showered his cock with her sweet kisses. She kissed every corner of his dick, even his balls, just like a mother who kisses her baby. After the shower of kisses, she paused and gobbled his entire dong in her mouth in the next moments.

Ajay: Ah Yes! (he exclaimed)

In her mouth, she was wrapping his cock with her tongue. Ajay grabbed her hair and started thrusting his cock inside her mouth. It seemed like her mouth was nothing more than a pleasure hole for Ajay.

Ajay: Ah Yes. Prove me your mouth and body parts are just for me.

Sakshi watched the whole show from the bushes and unconsciously touched herself.

Sakshi: What is happening? This whore has seduced my son. Shit, he is so rough. Ah, I also- No, No, what am I thinking? This is all her fault. That bitch (she thought).

At Ajay’s side, Kavita also started touching herself while sucking Ajay’s cock.

Ajay: Huh, What a slutty bitch. Trying to cum even while sucking a cock. You need to be punished.

Ajay pulled out his cock from her mouth.

Ajay: Now beg for my cock for your smutty pussy.

Kavita got up and stood in front of a tree. She slowly lifted her saree and leaned her bare ass towards Ajay.

Kavita: Please fuck my pussy.

Ajay planted a tight slap on her ass.

Kavita: Ah (moans)

Ajay: That’s my bitch.

He grabbed her ass and rammed his dick inside her pussy.

Kavita: Yes!

Kavita got weak on her legs, so she put her hands on the tree for support and leaned her butt towards Ajay. Ajay grabbed her hair from behind and started ravishing her pussy.

On the other side, Sakshi was turned on. She stripped her pants and started pleasuring herself with one hand. She covered her mouth with another hand so they wouldn’t hear her moaning.

Sakshi: Na- This is crazy. My son fucking a whore in a park, and I am watching it while masturbating. This whole situation is crazy. (in her mind)

Ajay: Take this bitch.

Ajay pulled her hair and poured all of his load inside her pussy. Kavita collapses on the ground while panting hard. While on the other side, Sakshi came and lay on the ground.
Sakshi: Fuck (pants). I have to run now. Otherwise, they will find me.

Sakshi left after a few moments.

At night,

Sakshi: I have to talk to Ajay about this whole thing.

Sakshi went to Ajay’s room. She was wearing a purple sleeveless nighty.

Sakshi: Ajay, I saw you at the park today. What is the meaning of this? Why you and Kavita-

Ajay: The hell. Mom saw us? Fuck! (he thought) Mom, what am I supposed to do? I am an adult. I have urges, and girls of my age don’t interest me.

Sakshi: But this is wrong. You can’t do it with her.

Ajay: So, who am I supposed to do it with? You?

Sakshi: Huh? No, I mean-

Ajay pulled her closer.

Sakshi: Ajay, We can’t. You are my son.

She felt Ajay’s hard cock on her belly.

Ajay: I see. By the way, why are you wearing such a sexy nighty tonight? Isn’t Dad on overtime today?

Sakshi: I-

Ajay came close to her ear and whispered.

Ajay: Just accept you are a slut who got turned on from seeing his son having sex. I bet you were fantasizing about riding my cock the whole day.

Sakshi: N-

Ajay grabbed her butt tightly and kissed her mercilessly without letting her speak. He started sucking her tongue while rubbing his cock on her belly.

Ajay: Mom’s mouth. I wanted to taste it for years. (in his mind)

After a minute, he broke the kiss and lay on the bed naked. His cock was standing straight, throbbing with lust.

Ajay: What are you waiting for?

Sakshi hesitantly lifted her nighty. Her pussy was shaved. She climbed on the bed and squatted above his dick.

Sakshi: I will do it with you, but promise you will never do it with Kavita again.

Ajay: Sure. (smiled)

Sakshi slowly started engulfing his cock in her pussy. But Ajay grabbed her waist and, with a sudden thrust, forced his whole cock into her pussy.

Sakshi: Ahh! (Bites her lip) What the hell? I-I have never experienced anything like this before.

Ajay’s cock was throbbing inside her pussy, directly touching her womb. Sakshi felt so good she could not even think straight while her body, yearning for pleasure, began moving spontaneously. She put her hands on Ajay’s chest to keep her balance and then fastened her pace.

The lewd sound of her pussy getting ravished by his cock filled the room. His cock was reaching her deepest part with each thrust. Sakshi’s mind was going blank, but her pace didn’t get any slower. Her hair was messy, and drool was dripping from her mouth.

Her body was glistening from the sweat. Ajay was surprised and aroused by seeing his mother in such a lewd state, begging for his cock for her slutty pussy.
Her pussy was twitching like a maniac. She was moaning as loudly as she could with no restraints.

Sakshi: Ah, this is the best.

Ajay: Look how happy this bitch is riding his son’s cock. I bet you would like this one also.

Sakshi loudly squealed as Ajay grabbed her tits and pinched her nipples. He grabbed her nipples tightly and pulled them down as he filled her pussy with his load. Sakshi collapsed.

As much as Ajay wanted to be with her the whole night, it would be dangerous if his dad found out. So he carried Sakshi to her room and dressed her up.

Ajay: Shit Seeing her sleeping so innocently, wants me to screw her again. Don’t worry, tomorrow I will play with you again.

Ajay gave a peck on her cheek and left.

In the morning, Sakshi wasn’t making eye contact with Ajay, as Yash was also present. She was trying not to get into any awkward situations. So, she left for her clinic early.

Ajay: Don’t think you can get away like that, Mom. (he thought)

Ajay also followed her to the clinic. At the clinic, Ajay went to Sakshi’s cabin with a bag on his shoulder.

Sakshi: Why are you here? (she said hesitatingly)

Ajay: Didn’t you say you will help me with my urges?

Sakshi: But not at the clinic!

Ajay: I see. I think I should visit Kavita.

Sakshi: No (she yelled). Fine, just lock the door.

Sakshi was wearing black pants and a white shirt with a coat on. After locking the door, Ajay opened his bag and pulled out a few objects that made Sakshi speechless. He walks towards Sakshi with lubricant and a dildo in his hand.

Sakshi: What! What are you doing with this?!

Ajay: Huh? So you are not interested. I suppose I guess I should have gone to Kavita instead.

Sakshi: I didn’t mean that but-

Ajay: No, but now strip.

Sakshi was hesitant but still stripped her pants. She was wearing black panties inside. The panties were stuck to her ass crack.

Ajay: Mom, you have such a fine ass.

Ajay grabbed her butt and buried his face inside it. He removed her panties and started sniffing and licking her asshole.

Sakshi: Uff Ajay, wait… Ah!

At first, he was licking it, but later, he inserted his tongue inside it. He grabbed her ass cheeks tightly and thrust his tongue inside her asshole. Sakshi got weak on her knees and got on all her four limbs.

Ajay: Don’t worry, Mom. Now, it’s going to be even more exciting.

He opened the lubricant and poured it on his cock and some amount on her asshole.

Sakshi: No, Ajay, it’s going to hurt.

Ajay: Relax, Mom.

Ajay then slowly started inserting his cock in her asshole.

Ajay: Ah, so this is how ass feels. It is different than pussy. It is way tighter. (he thought)

Sakshi lost all her energy in her arms, and her face landed on the floor. The asshole felt so tight that Ajay’s cock could explode. Ajay tightly grabbed her ass cheek and started pounding her ass.

Sakshi: No Wa-  (moans)

Watching her plumpy ass jiggly in front of him, Ajay couldn’t resist and spanked her. Sakshi moaned loudly. Her ass also started grinding toward Ajay as if asking for more.

Ajay: What a nymphomaniac you are.

Ajay started spanking her hard on both her ass cheeks. With each spank, her moans were getting louder.

Ajay: It’s good this room is soundproof, or else everybody will know how much of a whore you are.

Ajay pulled her body up with his cock still inside her asshole.

Ajay: Now, isn’t your pussy feeling lonely?

He grabbed the dildo from the floor and played his pussy with it. His one hand was busy thrusting her pussy with a dildo while the other was busy playing with her tongue. Sakshi was lewdly sucking his fingers.

Ajay pushed the dildo deep inside her pussy and came inside her asshole. The feeling of the asshole. The pussy filled gave her an orgasm so strong that she squirted all over the floor and passed out. Sakshi was lying on the floor with semen dripping from her asshole.

Ajay: Ah, Mom, Now you made a mess.

Ajay cleaned the floor and dressed her. A few moments later, Sakshi woke up but was still trembling from the orgasm. Ajay stayed with her for some time and then left in the afternoon.

At night, Ajay was at Kavita’s house. As usual, they both were naked on the sofa. Ajay was lying with his head on Kavita’s lap, sucking her tits while Kavita was stroking his dick.

Suddenly, Sakshi entered the house with a huge thud on the door.

Sakshi: I knew you would be here. (She was furious)

They both got up from the sofa.

Sakshi: Ajay, I thought you promised me.

Ajay: Yeah, Mom, but I was horny, and you were at the clinic. (pause) OK, I understand. Then why don’t we play a game? I will stay with the one who satisfies me the most.

Sakshi: But-

Ajay: Strip, mom.

Sakshi didn’t want to agree, but she wanted Ajay only for herself, so she stripped immediately. Kavita and Sakshi stood before Ajay naked while Ajay sat on the sofa.

Ajay:  Now, how about you give me the pleasure of watching your beautiful asses while twerking.

Sakshi paused for a second, but Kavita instantly turned around and squatted to twerk. It seemed Kavita was well-trained by Ajay. Seeing her, Sakshi also turned around and started shaking her ass.

Kavita’s ass was chubbier than Sakshi. Her meat was jiggling like crazy. Sakshi’s ass was smooth and soft, perfect for getting a dick sandwiched between those ass cheeks.
Ajay: This is perfect. (he thought)

Ajay’s cock was already hard.

Ajay: Now I want to see who services me better with her mouth.

They both stopped twerking and knelt before his cock. Sakshi and Kavita started licking his cock. While Sakshi was fixated licking the tip, Kavita cleaned his balls using her tongue.

Ajay: A double blow job is best. (he thought)

The pre cum started flowing from the tip, and Sakshi started sucking it. In the meantime, Kavita was engulfing his balls in her mouth and teasing them with her tongue.

Ajay: Ahh. If I don’t stop them, I might cum right away. (he thought) OK, That’s enough. Now, let’s move on to the next level.

All of them head towards the bedroom. Ajay lay on the bed.

Ajay: Now let’s three of us enjoy at the same time.

Sakshi squatted above Ajay’s mouth, and Kavita squatted above his cock. Kavita slowly inserted his dick inside her pussy. Ajay grabbed Sakshi’s ass, spread her pussy with his fingers, and started sniffing her pussy.

Sakshi: Ah, Ajay, don’t. I was sweating a lot today.

Ajay: That’s bullshit.  Your pussy is so wet. This is my first time seeing your pussy so close. It is so pretty and yet so lewd.

Ajay started eating Sakshi’s pussy while Kavita ground her hips with Ajay’s cock.

Ajay: Aunty, you should reward Mom for having such a slutty pussy.

Sakshi: Huh?

Kavita looks at Sakshi straight into her eyes and leans toward her. Sakshi was slightly confused. But suddenly, Kavita grabbed her face and pressed her lips against Sakshi’s. Sakshi was surprised. But she didn’t even have a moment to think as Kavita started playing with her tongue.

Sakshi was feeling good from both her upper and lower mouths. While Ajay’s cock was kissing Kavita’s womb inside her pussy. In the next moment, all three of them cum. Kavita’s pussy was filled with semen. Ajay buried his mouth in Sakshi’s pussy and sucked all her love juices.

Sakshi: No, ah.

Sakshi was panting hard. Her mind was going blank. A few moments later, three of them were lying on the bed.

Sakshi: So, did I win?

Ajay looked at her and smiled.

Ajay: Hmm, it is tough. I don’t think I can declare a winner after one day.

Kavita: See, accept Sakshi. You are not good enough.

Sakshi: Wha- bitch? You wait. I will show just how better I am than you.

Kavita: Whatever.

Ajay chuckles.

Ajay: OK, ok. Now, let’s sleep. It’s already late.

And they slept while Sakshi and Kavita clung to Ajay from each side.

I hope you liked the story. Comment down or email me at , your favorite part of the story.