Fun with security’s Nepali wife Laila – Part 1

Laila was our apartment security’s wife who was from Nepal. Even though her husband, the security was not very educated, Laila had completed her BA in English from India. However, because of her village traditions and the friendship between her father and his father, their marriage was fixed long before. Laila respecting her family’s decision married him 2 years ago.

Laila was always keen on reading, so she would always borrow books from me. Even though she never got enough free time to read because of her cooking and cleaning duties at various apartments, she would somehow manage to read them and return them at the promised time. She would always keep a thank you note inside as her husband wasn’t always fond of her talking to me much. She would just give the book with a smile and go.

The security’s Nepali wife was a well-figured lady, extremely fair with gentle eyes and smooth skin. She was enough curvy with decent boobs and thighs. Seeing her always gave me a kick, but I didn’t have any intrusive thoughts as I was just lending a helping hand.

As I switched to a new role in my work, I wasn’t getting enough time to prepare food and do the household chores. So I entrusted the security and his wife to do the cooking and cleaning at a decent extra amount. As the amount was appealing, the security agreed and he accompanied his wife in the cooking as well. He was always suspicious of bachelors in the apartment and being one myself, I was under his radar. But not too much as others since I would be giving him extra money for washing my car and other tips. Apparently, mine was the only bachelor’s apartment that he allowed his wife to enter.

About three months ago, the security left for his hometown for the christening of his brother’s new son. As it was an important ceremony in his family, he couldn’t miss it. He was initially planning to leave with Laila but decided to allow her to stay back as the tickets were too expensive and it would mean the loss of more than half of their family income as both wouldn’t be working for two weeks. He entrusted his cousin to have a look over Laila and the overall apartment. His cousin however would just come over at 7 in the morning, fill up the water tanks and go and not intrude with Laila or any other matters.

This was a breath of fresh air for the security’s wife Laila. As I was granted work from home for about 3 days a week, she would engage in long conversations with me while doing my household chores. She asked me about my personal life, family, education and entire background. She seemed fascinated by the tech and the fast lifestyle that most of us have nowadays.

She said she wished to go to the mall, the pubs, wear trendy clothes, long drives and exotic destinations but life had other plans for her. She wanted to have a boyfriend experience before being married but could never do so because of her early marriage.

I sympathized for her and asked her if she would be free in the afternoon for a visit to the mall. The Nepali lady was shy, but excited and scared initially as she kept thinking anyone would recognize her. As I had a pair of jeans of my ex lying around, I told her to wear that and a shirt of mine along with a cap.

We had lunch and Laila immediately got dressed. I could see the happiness on her face as she couldn’t stop looking at herself in the mirror. She looked damn fine with the loose shirt of mine and the tight jeans which gave her a sexy tomboy look when she wore the hat.

We went to the mall and all eyes were on her. Laila was a bit scared about people recognizing her, but once I clicked a selfie and showed it to her, she was relieved as even she couldn’t recognize her!

We went to a trendy clothing outlet to get some clothes for her. As Laila was unaware of the latest fashion, she seemed puzzled whenever the attendants asked her about her size and the type of pants, waist cut, shoulder cut, etc.

I covered for her and dealt with the attendants and selected whatever seemed fit in my eyes. I waited outside the dressing room to see her come out with each of the dresses she selected and my god, she looked damn fine. Even some of the store boys complimented her.

We took some high heels and some shoes as well and we stopped by a salon. The salon transformed our security’s Nepali wife into a goddess! Those layered cuts and gentle curls along with the facial and a touch of makeup totally transformed her.

She was now confident in her looks as walked along with me with her head held up rather than being shy as before. By then, it was evening and decided to hit the pub. She was more excited than ever!

Laila was initially timid when we entered the pub because of the dark lighting and streaks of LEDs. We settled in and ordered some burgers and pizza along with a pitcher of beer. She had the food and was slowly vibing to the music. Even though she initially rejected the beer, she had it later, more than half of the pitcher.

She was in a great mood and we went to dance. As her moves weren’t great, we mostly stayed by the edge and slowly vibed. She slowly leaned in toward me and held out her hand. I had by now grabbed her by her waist and she was pressing her chest onto me and occasionally resting her head on me. I figured she must’ve been exhausted by then, so we decided to leave back home. She however sprung back once we had some water on the way back.

We entered the garage and as it was late, there wasn’t anyone in the streets or the garage. We took the lift and entered the flat. She was over-ecstatic and thanked me a lot for the wonderful time she had. I asked her if she would be up for a movie on TV to which she agreed.

I took out a couple of beers from the fridge and we started drinking. She slowly leaned in toward me and I too leaned in towards her. I slowly started playing with her hair, asking her about the salon treatment and everything.

I had my hand over her shoulder and she slowly placed hers on my chest. The dress was exposing the security’s wife’s boobs and she pulled it such that more of it became exposed. By then, she was almost lying on my left side on the sofa with her legs up. I had wrapped both my hands around her and she snuggled within me.

The sexy Nepali married woman slowly laid down on my lap and her left hand was over my groin. I was hard by then and she was surely feeling it. I caressed her hands and slowly fondled her breasts while she was pressing hard on my dick. I slowly rubbed her belly and slowly caressed my fingers onto her panties. She shivered a bit when I fell into her panties which was by now a little wet.

Laila was by now pulling down my pants and getting my tool out. As the position was getting quite uncomfortable for me, I got up. She also sat straight on the couch by now with her boobs out and her panties exposed, with one hand playing on them.

I took off my clothes and went down on Laila as she sat on the couch. I lifted her legs and pulled out her panties and dug into her pussy. I licked around her flaps and rolled my tongue and toyed with her clit. She was moaning and wiggling with the sensations she was having. Laila pulled and pushed my hair and head into her as if she wanted me in her. She wasn’t letting me go and there I was all sweaty and steamy under her. Then, with a moan, she squirted and her juices rained down on my face.

The security’s hot wife pulled me up and fiercely kissed me and bit my lips and cheeks. She was getting dominant and pushed me over the couch and made me lie down. She knelt in between my cock with an evil smile while tying her hair. Her pussy was dripping juices onto my belly while her boobs appeared firm and nipples seemed erect along her smooth armpits. There I was feeling aroused like never before, waiting to have an adventure like never before.

Wait for part 2!

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