Indian Bhabhi Models Nude for Horny Photographer

This story is based on Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read in ///″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Savita Bhabhi Episode #141.

Savita was in the back of the restaurant trying to make sure everyone was working hard when her waitress, Deepa, burst in. She came and whispered in Savita’s ear.

Deepa: That customer with the camera is back again, Savita. He’s been asking for you again.

Savita: Tourist?

Deepa: I don’t know…but I have a crush on him.

Savita: He’s certainly not unattractive.

Deepa was getting hot just looking at him.

Deepa: Do you want me to take his table?

Savita: No, he specifically asked for me.

Deepa stared out at the customer. She grazed her nipples with her finger as Savita looked out with her.

Deepa: Damn…I think he has a crush on you.

Savita (unimpressed): You can have whatever tip he leaves. Let me take his order.

Savita took his order and came back to the kitchen. She noticed Deepa was still at the door staring at the customer.

Savita: I’ll go out there and tell him I’m busy, and then you can take over.

Deepa: Really?! Thanks, Savita! I think my cleavage should get his attention.

Deepa opened one button of her uniform, and the outlines of her lacy bra became visible.

Cook: Order up!

Savita walked the order over to him.

Savita: Here’s your order, sir. Deepa will be taking over for me-

Customer (interrupting): -No! I apologise for my outburst. I am Rudra. I am an artist, and photography is my medium. You have been my muse for a while, and I’d love you to model for me.

Savita: What kind of photos?

Rudra: Fine art…some nudes…

Savita: I see…

Rudra: It’s not porn! My work is meant for art galleries.

Savita: I don’t think so.

Rudra: Please! I will obscure your face. I mean no harm!

Savita: I’m really not interested.

Rudra: If you ever change your mind…let me know.

Deepa was waiting for Savita eagerly. Savita told Deepa about Rudra, and she got even more excited.

Deepa: My last boyfriend was a photographer. He took such nice pictures of me.

Deepa showed Savita her phone. She scrolled through an entire gallery of Deepa posed nude in several tasteful yet sultry poses. Savita smiled as she scrolled.

She scrolled and found pics of Deepa sucking his dick and getting fucked like a common slut. The pictures were so lewd. She looked back at Deepa. Deepa snatched the phone out of Savita’s hand and blushed.

Savita: Those were all very nice, Deepa. I like your boyfriend’s work.

Deepa (chuckling): But I think I’m inspired by you, Savita! Why don’t you throw me some poses?

Savita indulged her by posing against the wall. Deepa took some pics. Savita turned sideways and stuck out her curvy ass for more shots. Deepa walked over to show Savita the shots. Savita’s tits pushed into her slightly.

Savita breathed down on Deepa, and the two leaned in to look at each other’s cleavage. Right then, the kitchen called out the next order, and Deepa scurried away to attend to it.

The next day, Rudra was back at the restaurant again. Savita went to his table.

Savita: I’d like to reconsider your offer. I want to model for you. When would we do it?

Rudra: We can do it today afternoon. (hands over the address to Savita)

Two hours later, Savita showed up at the location. The place looked run down and creepy. She walked in and was greeted by Rudra.

Savita: I thought I was in the wrong place.

Rudra: This place is a testament to the struggles of an artist.

Savita: Before we start, I want to establish some rules. No nudity. No touching. And if I feel nervous, then I will leave.

Rudra: I understand and agree to your terms. Here’s my portfolio to reassure you.

Rudra handed her an album filled with gorgeous nudes of hot models. All of them were in artistic poses, and they all had very colorful masks.

Savita: These are impressive! Can I get a mask as well?

Rudra handed over a classic theatre mask, and she put it on. As she got ready to pose, Rudra brought a video camera and placed it on a tripod.

Savita: Why is there a video camera?

Rudra: Very perceptive! I use it to record the movements, so I don’t miss any important ones.

Rudra gave her a chair, and she posed while sitting down. Rudra gave her feedback on how to pose. But each pose was more sexual than the last. He asked her to drop the pallu from her shoulder, and she did it. He got bolder after a few clicks.

Rudra: Can you take off your blouse?

Savita: I figured I might have to…since I have this mask on…ok.

She started posing topless. Rudra clicked a few more pictures and complimented her frame. She leaned back in her chair and thrust her tits out further for Rudra to take his shots.

Rudra: Can we lose the skirt?

Savita: I guess so…I trust you.

Rudra: I’ll turn around for you to undress.

Savita: I guess I should take off my panties too…

Rudra: The masters didn’t sculpt Venus in her panties…so…yes.

Savita took off her panties and sat on the chair with her legs open. She felt her pulse quicken with each shot Rudra took of her naked body. She posed on the chair in multiple ways.

Rudra took some close-up shots of her nipples and her lips, and each shot made her feel sexier. He laid her down and asked her to spread her cheeks to shoot her asshole, and she loved how lewd the position was.

Rudra: I think these next shots need male energy. (begins taking off his clothes).

Savita: No touching, right?

Rudra: Nothing sexual, of course.

Rudra posed with his naked body along with Savita’s. Each pose touched her body in ways that began turning her on. He grabbed her from behind, and she felt his hard cock against her plump ass.

Rudra reached around, feeling her juicy tits squished against his sturdy arm. He bent her back and posed with his cock grazing her pussy. She gasped as she felt his veins against her moist pussy. He walked back to the camera and looked through the lens as she waited patiently.

Rudra: I don’t think it looks real enough. We’ve hit a wall.

Savita: What do you mean?

Rudra: You’re the ideal woman. What does a woman do? She makes love to the man. It’s obvious.

Savita: You want to make it “real”?

He grabbed her leg and draped her thigh around him as his cock slowly pushed inside her. She gasped as she felt his large cock. He pulled her mask off and let it drop as they embraced in front of the camera.

Her pussy began dripping with lust. She opened her legs wider for the artist to paint her insides with his veiny cock brush. Lewd moans escaped her lips as she looked deep into his eyes.

Rudra: I will not show your face…maybe your lips…sometimes your chin…or an eye. But that’s all.

Savita (whispering): As long as no one recognizes me!

She moaned louder. Rudra put her on her knees, and she spread her ass wider. Rudra grabbed her hair. She bent forward and took his cock all the way in.

Savita: I think I like being your muse…(thrust, thrust, thrust, moan). Oh, Rudra!

She opened her legs and got really into it. Rudra grabbed her hips and thrust heavily into her. She turned around and looked at the artist as they fucked.

Savita: Oh fuck! Get deeper in me, Rudra!

Suddenly she heard Rudra gasp and looked at the door.

Rudra (gasps): Myra! Why are you here?

Myra: I left my backpack, so I came to get it. Who the fuck is this?

Rudra (flustered): Uh…Savita, this is Myra, a student from University-

Myra (interrupting): -I’m his muse.

Savita: You said I was your muse!

Rudra (hesitating): Both of you are my muses! Myra represents the muse of youthful beauty. You represent the ideality of womanhood.

Myra: What about my essence? You said I was special! Did you tell her the same? Let’s find out.

Myra took off her top and knelt between Savita’s legs. She licked Savita’s pussy. Savita gasped in surprise as she felt Myra’s tongue, but she couldn’t stop. She lowered herself to the floor. Savita leaned over and opened her legs wider for Myra.

Rudra brought his cock closer to Savita’s face. She looked up as she opened her mouth and sucked on Rudra’s hard cock.

Savita deep-throated Rudra’s throbbing cock as Myra licked her and fingered herself. Rudra choked Savita with his cock. He pulled out and went around towards Myra. He shoved his cock inside her with force and made her gasp loudly.

Rudra: Don’t stop, girls! This is art!

Savita: (moans) How is this art?

Myra: Don’t question it, Savita (moan). Rudra will have us hanging in an art gallery soon enough (moan)!

Rudra: (thrust) Yes! Absolutely (thrust)!

Savita went around, licked Rudra’s neck, and made out with him, moaning into his mouth as he railed Myra. Rudra laid down, and Savita got on top of him and rode him. Myra lay down, and Savita licked her pussy. Rudra’s cock made slimy noises as it went in and out of Savita’s wet pussy.

She moaned and fell onto Myra’s pussy head first. She buried her tongue deep inside Myra while Myra pushed Savita’s face deeper inside her. Rudra thrust his cock inside Savita’s tight pussy, and she yelped as she struggled to hold her balance. Myra opened her pussy lips and shoved her mouth back inside her.

Savita: Oh fuck! I’m going to cum!

Rudra: Fuck! Me too!

Myra got under Savita and put Rudra’s cock inside her mouth. Savita rubbed her clit and came on Myra’s face. Myra moaned as she let Rudra explode in her dainty, young mouth. Savita bent down and licked Myra’s face with her soft tongue and kissed her. The two women licked Rudra’s cock clean.

To watch and enjoy this sex-packed episode in comics, click here ➡️ ///″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Savita bhabhi Episode 141: The Artist’s Muse.

///″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Savita Bhabhi #141