My Wife – Part 9 (Fucked By Her Lover)

We came back to our room.

“Reddy is finally gone,” I said

“Hmm, he is,” Kavita said and smiled at me.

“Are you going to tell me what happened?” I asked

“No, Arun. This will stay with me. I hope you understand,” Kavita said and walked into the washroom, but she left the door open.

Although I felt dizzy and sleepy, I had the excitement to know what happened between Reddy and my wife tonight. I couldn’t get any sleep until I find that out.

I slowly walked into the washroom and saw my wife standing naked under the shower. She had removed the nighty. My eyes first went to her red ass where Reddy had left his fingerprints.

Kavita looked back at me, standing at the door. She gave me a seductive smile and pulled her hair to the other side of her shoulder. I saw Reddy’s teeth marks on my wife’s naked neck.

“Was it an invitation?” I thought as I quickly removed my pant and t-shirt and stood behind her. “Oh god, how well Reddy has used my wife,” I thought as I looked at the marks closely.

I placed my hand on Kavita’s shoulder and slowly moved them down along her arms. Kavita rested her head back on my chest to relax. “What did he do to you, baby?” I asked her as I gently kissed her neck

“Ahh,” Kavita moaned. “Why do you want to know?” Kavita questioned me

I had no answer to this question.

“Tell me, Arun. Why do you want to know?” Kavita asked again as she turned towards me. I saw nail marks dug deep in her boobs. Her nipple was still pointing out as if she wanted more.

Even seeing the marks all over her body made me hard. “That bastard has used every part of my wife,” I thought. I gently placed my hand on her boobs and felt her hard nipple.

We were both completely wet under the running shower. Kavita felt relaxed as she hugged me and stayed with me. I felt as if she needed that peace after the long and hard fuck with Reddy.

I felt glad that my wife found peace in my arms, but Reddy still satisfied her.

“Arun,” Kavita called my name as we stood under the shower naked, hugging each other.

“Yes, baby,.”

“I will tell you everything, but I will want something in return,” Kavita said.

“What do you want in return?” I quickly asked her

“I will let you know when the time comes,” She said

I held her face and looked deep into her eyes. “Tell me now that what do you want in return,” I asked her.

Kavita moved her hands down and held my semi-erect dick. “Don’t you wanna know how Reddy fucked me tonight, Arun?” She said as she gently squeezed my dick

“Oh…” I moaned and pushed Kavita against the wall. “Yes, I want to know,” I said and tried to kiss her, but she turned away

“You will not touch me until I tell you the complete story,” Kavita said. She walked out of the washroom towards the bedroom. I walked behind her and tried to pull her towards me again.

Kavita nodded in a no and pointed towards a chair in the room. I looked at her, confused. She then pulled my hands and made me sit on the chair. Kavita went to the closet and brought a couple of t-shirts. She then held both my hands together and tied them with the t-shirt to the chair.

“What are you doing?” I asked her and tried to get up, but she pushed me back.

“Shh, honey. It’s my turn to talk now,” Kavita whispered in my ear. She gave a soft kiss on my lips and walked back to the bed. Kavita then went near the bed and started searching for something. I had no idea that what was going on in her head.

Finally, she found a blindfold that was on the floor behind the bed.

“How did this get here?” I asked

Kavita looked at me and smiled. Then she rolled the blindfold around her neck and sat naked on the bed, stretching her legs to give me a view of her recently fucked pussy.

We were both naked in our bedroom. I was tied to the chair while my wife was on the bed, ready to spill the beans.

Kavita’s narration:

Arun suddenly pulled me on top of him and tried to kiss me. But I don’t know why I stopped him and looked behind at Reddy, who was standing right behind us only in his pant. I felt as if I needed his permission to kiss my husband.

“Make him cum… fast,” these were Reddy’s exact words.

The next moment I was on top of my husband, rubbing my crotch against his hard cock. The only thought in my mind right now was to make Arun cum as soon as I can. I moved down and kissed Arun, and he quickly unhooked my bra and threw it away.

I felt Reddy’s hand swiftly brush against my ass. I looked back at him and saw that desire in his eyes, a desire that my husband lacked. Arun’s dick was already very hard. I could’ve taken it in my pussy. But I wanted to save my pussy for my lover.

I then got down from Arun’s hips and sat beside him. Before Arun could react, I held his cock with one hand and massaged his balls with the other. I rubbed my thumb on the tip of his wet cockhead. It oozed precum, and I knew Arun wouldn’t be able to hold any longer.

I moved my hands swiftly and with enough pace. Arun’s hand was on my boob, pressing them hard. I continue the magic of my hand, and within seconds Arun erupted like a volcano.

He cum hard on the bed. As soon as he cum, his hands slipped down from my boobs, and he closed his eyes, murmuring something. “Arun? Arun?” I shook him, but there was no response from his side.

I looked at Reddy and shyly looked away as I saw him staring back at my naked body. There was a smirk on his face. I knew he was going to take me now. I wanted him to take me too. The longer Reddy stared at my naked body, the hornier I got.

Finally, he came towards me. I was sitting on the bed while he was standing. I placed both my hands on his muscular hairy chest and slowly moved my fingers down, feeling his rough manly body.

My hand stopped at his pant. I unbuttoned it slowly to take out his unbelievably big cock. But Reddy stopped me midway and pulled something out of his pocket. It was a red blindfold. I looked up at him surprisingly.

Reddy then caught my hair and pulled my head back.

“Aahhh…” I yelled by the touch of his roughness

“I want to hear many more of these,” he said and tied the blindfold around my eyes.

The cloth was very soft and silky, but I couldn’t see anything now. Reddy’s hand slowly moved down from my eyes to my lips. He pressed his thumb against my lower lip, and I sucked it as soon as I got a chance. I rolled my tongue around his thumb, and his fingers brushed against my soft cheeks.

Reddy went further down and grabbed my neck. He pushed me back, and I fell on the bed. I waited for a few seconds for Reddy to come on top of me, but he didn’t. In a few moments, he came and held both my hands and pulled them above my head.

Reddy tied both my hands on the headboard of the bed.

“Ohh fuck,” I whispered as I tried to imagine the sight that Reddy was having.

I was lying naked on the bed except for my thong. I was blindfolded, and my hands were tied above my head. What excited me more was that my dumb husband was sleeping just beside me. He had no idea what was going to happen.

I held my legs together as I tried to imagine Reddy’s next move, and unknowingly I started moving my body slowly. I felt Reddy’s hands on my legs. He held both my ankles and spread my legs apart. The next moment I felt him pushing my legs back on my shoulders.

He then placed both his hands on my waist, and his fingers slowly entered my thong. I voluntarily raised my hips, and Reddy slowly pulled it down along my legs. Reddy again pushed my legs back on my shoulders and started kissing my thighs slowly.

I moaned as I felt his lips on my inner thighs. Slowly his kissing turned into licking. I whimpered on the bed like a fish that has just come out of the water as Reddy licked my inner thighs. He licked the parts very close to my pussy but didn’t touch my pussy.

I was helpless as I tried to move my body. I just wanted to hold his head and ram it on my pussy, but I had no option. Reddy was teasing me as no one has ever teased me before.

All I could do was moan in pleasure and bite my lips. Reddy’s licking turned into biting as I felt his teeth digging on my thighs. He was biting me so hard, but I didn’t want him to stop.

He went on biting me till he felt satisfied, and my body kept trembling. He then stopped and came on top of me. I felt his hard cock against my thighs as he laid his rough body on mine.

“Oh, Reddy. Please open my hands,” I said as I wanted to hold his big hard cock. But Reddy wasn’t in the mood to listen to me. He pressed his cock hard against my pussy and rubbed his muscular body against mine.

I just wanted to hold Reddy, if not his cock. I just wanted to get my hands freed. My hard nipples poked against his hairy chest as Reddy kept thumping his body on mine.

“Reddy….” I moaned again

Reddy now placed his hands above my head and held both my hands in his. He then licked my armpits. I can’t even explain how I felt when his tongue brushed against my armpits.

He kept moving his cock against my pussy as he licked both my armpits. I had already started sweating. “Fuck me, Reddy,” I requested him as I couldn’t control him anymore. But Reddy was in no mood to listen to me.

Next, Reddy again went in between my lips and pushed my legs back up to my shoulders. “Surely he will fuck me now,” I thought. I spread my legs as far as I could.

Reddy rubbed his cock along the lines of my pussy lips. “Fuck me, Reddy, please,” I moaned and realized that my voice had become husky. Reddy pushed his cockhead in.

I moaned in pleasure. My pussy gulped his cockhead in as it was already very wet. But the very next moment, Reddy pulled his cock out. He pulled my pussy lips apart with two fingers and rammed a third finger in. I whimpered as his finger penetrated my wet pussy.

Reddy rolled his finger around in my pussy but pulled it out soon. Again his finger was replaced by his cock. But he wouldn’t push further than his cockhead.

He slowly moved his hips and kept fucking me slowly, only with his cockhead. I felt good to have his big fat bulbous cockhead in me, but I wanted more.

“Fuck me, Reddy, just fuck me now….” I cried out in frustration

But he knew what he was doing, and he still didn’t listen to me. Instead, he now held both my boobs with his hands and started mauling them hardly. Reddy bent down and took my nipples in his mouth. He sucked one while he pinched the other.

All this while his cockhead was still in my wet pussy. He rolled his tongue around my areola and bit my boobs. I tried my best to take his cock deep in my pussy, but it was all in Reddy’s control now. Just when I felt he wasn’t going to fuck me anytime soon, Reddy rammed his cock deep in my pussy in one go.

“Ahh,” I screamed at the loudest of my voice as he buried his cock deep. Although my pussy was very wet, I still felt his cock tearing my body. I shivered and trembled under him as he started fucking me. His lips moved to my neck from my boobs.

I experienced pain with pleasure. I cannot explain what I felt when he pulled his cock out and rammed in again while biting my neck. Reddy moved his hands up, untied my hands, and pulled me onto his laps with his cock still in my pussy.

I hugged Reddy as hard as I could. I had waited so long to touch him. I was now sitting on his lap and jumping on his cock. I wrapped my hands around his back and pushed my head back, giving him full access to my boobs and neck.

He then carried me into his arms and stood up. He pushed my back against the wall and held me by my ass. I again started jumping on his dick. His dick felt like a hot iron rod in me which went deep in my pussy every time I jumped on it.

He dug his fingers on my ass and spanked me with every stroke. The room was filled with the sound of his cock hitting my pussy. And my hard moans. And his hard spanking on my ass

Reddy then brought his hand up and pulled up my blindfold, and threw it away. I gasped my breath as I saw him drenched in sweat and our sweaty bodies rubbing against each other.

I looked towards the bed and saw my husband Arun snoring like a cow. I then looked in the mirror and saw an image of us him fucking my pussy. It reminded me of ‘The beauty with the beast.’

I looked deep into Reddy’s eyes and felt that fire and lust for me. I held his head and kissed him all over his face and then his lips. God knows for long he had been fucking me while standing, but there was no sign of slowing down.

I moved my arms on his muscular shoulders as he carried me back to bed. Reddy then saw Arun had rolled over in the middle of the bed. Reddy pushed Arun aside, and he rolled to the other side and fell.

Reddy didn’t care if my husband got hurt or not, and frankly speaking, neither did I. Reddy then pushed me on the edge of the bed and again started fucking me. This time with much harder strokes.

He placed both my legs on his shoulders as he fucked me harder. He rubbed my clitoris with his fingers. I had already cum multiple times, but now we both were gearing up for a huge orgasm.

We both were looking at each other. I had grabbed both my boobs and was mauling them with my own hands. The way he rubbed my clitoris and held my legs with his other hand, I knew he was going to cum inside me.

I wasn’t going to stop him. I wanted to feel his hot cum get buried in my pussy. It all happened in slow-motion and in front of my own eyes. He let go of my legs as he came spurting in my pussy.

I tightened the muscles of my pussy around his cock and squeezed all the cum I could. Reddy came and came. I saw his body get stiff and veins pop on his head. Reddy fell on top of me and then rolled over with me in his arms.

I relaxed on his chest as I felt cum dripping out of my pussy. I felt satisfied and happy. I turned over to look at Arun. He was still sleeping. I felt pity for my husband.

As we both caught our breath, Reddy held me and turned me again slowly. I lay on my back, and he slowly pulled out his cock. “Glob,” I looked down as he pulled out his cock and saw cum flowing down my thighs and onto the bed.

I could sense proudness in Reddy’s eyes as he saw me lying naked on the bed with cum dripping down my pussy. He went to the washroom and came back. And that’s when he started to wake up Arun by kicking him.

Back to my narration:

Kavita seductively walked towards me and untied my hands as she finished telling me what had happened. She held my hard cock and said, “Don’t forget that I can ask you for something,” Kavita said and kissed my lips.

I kissed her back, but she pulled away. “I am tired, Arun. Let me sleep now,” Kavita said and squeezed my dick before walking back. I sat still on the chair with my hard cock. I thought about talking to her when she wakes up.

I then wore my clothes and went to the kitchen to drink water. As I was in the kitchen, I heard the sound of the door opening. I saw Suresh coming out of Ayushi’s room and walking steadily to his room.

“What’s going on? First, I saw Ayushi and Suresh coming down from the terrace, and now he was in Ayushi’s room. I couldn’t understand what was happening.

For any suggestions regarding this ///”>, please mail me or text me on hangouts. My ID is /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#e1898e938f98809495898e93d8d8a1868c80888dcf828e8c”>[email protected]. You can even reach me on Instagram hornyauthor_99.