Sissy Cheerleader James Gives Blowjobs

It was Saturday, and Garima had big plans for the sissy cheerleader, James. She planned an entire day of entertainment for her and her friends. Entertainment often meant that she and her friends would be embarrassing James as much as possible.

James had been publicly embarrassed so often that thousands of people had witnessed it directly. With the website that Garima and Nuzla had built for James, with all of the videos they had uploaded. Millions of people worldwide had seen James being humiliated.

James’ cock-sucking addiction was renowned. Porn stars worldwide utilize his cock-slurping techniques. James holds every world record for sucking cocks and for guzzling cum. He is very well-known for his intense embarrassment.

There is even a slang term for a guy being feminized and cock-fed and embarrassed. It is called ‘Jamesify.’ There is a strong case for James holding the world record for the sorest butt ever. He is spanked so often and bounces on his butt daily.

Garima contacted James and told him to be out in front of his apartment in his cheerleading uniform in 10 minutes. As Garima and Nuzla came pulling up, a cheerleader, James shook his pom-poms. He turned around and pooched his butt out.

Nuzla, for the passenger seat of the car, reached out and flipped his skirt. He was wearing a rainbow-colored silk thong.

“Ooo-la-la!! Somebody is wearing their pride panties!” teased Nuzla.

James scrunched his nose and glared at her as he climbed into the back seat. He sat down and crossed his legs. Garima and Nuzla took James to a local park that was busy with tons of people.

They had James do several public cheers for them. Suddenly, Racine pulled up and indicated that she had brought 30 cream pies. Each girl was able to deliver 10 pies to James’ face and butt.

James sat on the grass, completely coated in whip cream. His mouth hung open in shock and embarrassment. The girls laughed so hard. James began to butt bounce in total mortification. His sweet little butt cheeks splatted up and down in the whipped cream.

Garima, Nuzla, and Racine fell on the ground laughing so hard. James blushed and bounced his butt until his bottom was sore. As the girls composed themselves and got back on their feet, James stopped butt bouncing and just sat in the grass kicking his feet and grunting in a little tantrum.

A large crowd of people surrounded them and were laughing at James. He huffed, pouted, grunted, and blushed. The girls were completely entertained. Nuzla picked up James to his knees. She then made him lay his head on the ground with his butt pooched in the air.

Garima stood behind James and began administering a public spanking using a wooden sorority paddle. As she whacked his ass cheeks, a thunderclap rang out with each firm, authoritative swat. 250 swats later, James’ ass cheeks were glowing bright red. He was whimpering through the whipped cream on his face.

Nuzla came up behind James and made sure his cheerleading skirt was fully flipped up to reveal his entire thong panty and ass cheeks. Nuzla then began to pinch his ass cheeks over and over firmly. James whimpered and rolled his eyes as he blushed.

Garima and Racine also took their turns pinching his ass cheeks. James’ poor butt was so very sore. Garima grasped the sides of James’ rainbow-colored thong panty and pulled, delivering a thong wedgie. They then walked James back to the car.

It was a walk of shame for blushing James. Garima and Nuzla took James back to his place. Upon arrival, they discovered dozens of people outside at his apartment complex.

Garima commanded James, “Bend over and grab your ankles, you sissy slut!”

James complied as Nuzla started spanking his ass with the wooden paddle. Each swat shook James to the core and reminded him that he is a sissy bitch for Garima and Nuzla. The neighbors laughed and clapped as James was given 100 swats in front of them.

Garima and Nuzla then pulled a blushing James inside. Nuzla commanded James to drop hard on his butt and begin to butt bounce for them. James blushed and complied. His mouth hung open in unbelievable shock at how much his butt hurt. Then he began butt bouncing. The girls giggled at him.

“Bounce harder, sissy slut!” giggled Garima.

“Bounce those panties hard, slut!” chuckled Nuzla.

James grunted with his eyes crossed as he bounced on his very sore bottom. His sweet little ass cheeks slapped against the hard floor. Suddenly, the door opened, and in walked 38 Indian men. All of those Indian men began to undress.

One of the guys, Naksh, stepped forward and shoved his huge monster cock all the way to the back of James’ throat. Naksh laced his fingers behind James’ head, and hardcore fucked James’ throat as his eyes watered immensely.

It was a brutal and ferocious tonsil banging. After 20 minutes, Naksh unloaded a dump truck load of cum down James’ throat. As Naksh pulled out, James’ lips peeled off of the cock with a loud POP!

Naksh backed away, but James moved forward on his hands and knees and begged for more of Naksh’s cock. Everyone in the room laughed at that. But James continued to beg for Naksh’s cock in his mouth.

“Please, daddy, please feed me more of your cock!” begged James.

Naksh stepped up and dropped his balls into James’ slutty mouth. James sucked and slurped on his balls so sensually. Naksh instructed him to keep sucking, so James sucked on his balls for about 10 minutes.

Naksh pulled out and ran his balls across James’ face over and over. James maintained eye contact with Naksh. Naksh plopped his cock on James’ forehead and slid it down until his cock popped into James’ mouth.

James sucked and bobbed and moaned as he enjoyed Naksh’s huge cock. After a few minutes, Naksh exploded inside of James’ mouth. He swallowed every drop of cum he gave him and then continued to kiss, lick, and nibble Naksh’s balls and cock.

Garima found it funny that James desired Naksh’s cock so intensely. Garima ordered Naskh to turn around and bent over. Garima then shoved James’ face into his crack and ordered him to tongue his ass. James pushed his tongue into Naksh’s ass.

James pressed his face so tight against his ass as his tongue swirled deep inside of Naksh’s anus. James cleaned his ass so clean. The girls laughed hysterically as James serviced Naksh’s ass so thoroughly and so passionately.

Naksh pushed back a little, and James fell back on his butt with a THUD! James licked his lips and then whimpered, “More please, more of your ass!” Naksh laughed and bent over. James scrambled to his knees to eat his ass.

Nuzla laughed and came behind James and shoved the back of James’ head. So his face was smooshed into Naksh’s ass crack. James’ tongue plunged several inches deep in his anus and slurped and sucked his ass so clean.

James fell back on his butt again with a THUD! He licked his lips and panted to catch his breath. Naksh stepped forward and shoved his hard cock deep into James’ mouth.

Nuzla grabbed two handfuls of James’ hair and helped Naksh fuck James’ face with undisputed power and depth. After 10 minutes of savage face fuckery. James was guzzling cum again.

Then each of the Indian guys in the room took turns throttling James’ tonsils with their big manly cocks. Garima and Nuzla laughed so hard because James was the most cock-fed person in the history of the universe. James saw stars because he was face-fucked so hard.

James sat dumbfounded and humiliated.

“You are an ass-eating sissy boi!” teased Garima.

James smiled slightly and whimpered in helpless humiliation with