Some right swipes are magical

After , she left for her hometown in a week as the WFH was declared to be indefinite for the time being. This started the dry phase in my life when I installed Tinder and used Omegle extensively.

This part of the series is my encounter with Kyra on Tinder, my first match in the USA. For those who don’t know me, I’m Krish, a 27-year-old guy from Hyderabad. I am living in the united states and having the time of my life in the sexual department.

Coming to this incident, the majority of it happened in a span of a few hours. But I shall write from the beginning.

As I mentioned earlier, a week after Trisha left for her parent’s place, we face-timed and had virtual sex. But as you all know, nothing beats the real thing, and we crave it.

Thus I finally decided to give Tinder a try and test my luck. On a lazy afternoon, I installed Tinder, created my profile, and started swiping right on every woman shown in my desired age and distance range.

Days pass, but luck hasn’t yet knocked on my door. Unshaken, I continued my quest and continued swiped right. After 21 days, 14 hours, and 7 minutes, a notification from Tinder popped up saying I had a match.

Excitement gushed in as I opened it to see who it was, and there it showed “Kyra, 27 1.0 miles away.” And that’s how this journey started. As they say, getting a match is just the first hurdle. Now I have to develop an excellent icebreaker to get the conversation started and get going.

While the conscious mind was trying to develop a good opening line, the subconscious brain had second thoughts. What if this is a drunken swipe? The battle between the conscious and subconscious mind continued. I decided to open the chat and make my first move.

After minutes of thought, which felt like hours, I wrote, “Hey, How often do people misspell your name as Kira instead of Kyra?”

I think I have an excellent chance and place my phone down and relax.

After an hour, I received an answer, which started our conversation.

K – Lol, a lot. When I say my name, the majority of people misspell it. Ah, it sucks sometimes.

Me – Guessed so. How are you? What are you doing?

K – I’m fine, thanks. Nothing much bored due to the lockdown.

Me – Same here. Had dinner?

(the chat was around nine-ish in the night)

K – Yeah.

K – Where do you stay, and with whom do you stay?

Me – I am staying in JP with my friends, and you?

K – I stay in Brookline and alone.

Me – That’s cool.

K – How long is it?

Woah! That was fast, I thought to myself.

Me – What?

K – You know what I meant.

Me – Huh, 6 inches.

K – Nice. Any plans for the night?

Me – Nothing, what about you?

K – Good. 25 mins, be at the T-station. I will come and pick you up.

Me – What? Why?

K – Don’t act like a kid. We both know for what, so be there on time. I hate waiting, and I shall ping you once I reach. Bye.

I was staggered, dumbfounded, and shocked at how quickly the events unfolded for the evening. I tried to calm myself and recap what had happened and the possible outcomes by keeping my excitement in place.

The good and bad outmatched each other. Not wanting to lose the opportunity if it was real, I decided to take the risk. I freshened up, shaved my stubble and groin area, grabbed a couple of condoms, dressed up, and headed to the agreed destination.

Once I reached the place, my heartbeat started to get louder and more evident with each passing minute. Every passing car made me more anxious and nervous. Thoughts flooded my mind.

Every time a new car pulls into the parking lot, I check my phone in anticipation of a message from her. Eventually, after a 30-minute wait that felt like an eternity, I had my phone vibrate after a car pulled in. It was a message from her asking me where I was located.

I replied with my exact location and attire. The wait for the reply was exhausting, but it was quick, “Stall 28, red mustang, come and get in,” was the response.

I walked into the parking lot searching for that stall and car in it, a walk I didn’t have confidence in but curiosity. As my steps towards the goal got closer, I knew this would be an experience to remember, irrespective of the outcome. Boy, it turned out well in the end.

I knock on the window for the driver to lower it, and I see it’s a woman. My nerves start settling in, and once the door is unlocked in the bare minimum luminosity available, I see and confirm that it was, indeed, Kyra herself. More signs of positivity, I think to myself.

As I settle in my seat, we smile and greet each other, and off we are from the parking lot into the unknown, at least for me.

Breaking the silence, I started the conversation. The gist is not the common tinder reason, i.e., “fought with the partner, who was bad-mouthing and saying all demeaning things, which led to their horrible breakup. Now looking for some meaningless sex.”

Nope, that was not the reason, it was a relatively simple one, she was new to the city, was bored, and wanted to go out and explore, but the lockdown disrupted her plans. Dejected, exhausted, and horny, she got on Tinder swiping.

Fortunately, I got the right swipe, and here we are chit-chatting about it, which broke to a halt at CVS pharmacy. Talk about timing and being in the right place. I guess I got lucky on both occasions. My thoughts were disturbed by this sudden detour, and I was perplexed.

Thinking the stop might have been for condoms, I blurted out, “ I do have a few on me if you have stopped for them,” saying that I gave a sheepish smile. Kyra smiles back and continues walking into the shop.

Inside the shop, we walk past different aisles and pick up a pack of beer, an i-pill, a pregnancy test kit, and 2 boxes of dotted condoms.

Once we took all we needed, our journey continued, and the next and final destination was her place. The closer we got, the more excited and nervous I got. Finally, we reached her home. The walk from the garage to the main door felt long, even though it was just 7 steps.

The cool breeze and the weather made us rush inside, and once inside her place, we both got to see each other without all the heavy winter jackets.

Wearing a grayish sweater, blue jeans, high boots, and a black puffer winter jacket, Kyra stands tall at 5ft 5inches, with hair running close to her shoulder blades cut in layers.

Once the coat was off, I could gauge the beauty hidden beneath it. It turned out to be a gorgeous 32Ds on the top, followed by a 28 curvaceous midriff to blend into those 36 bubble-shaped butts.

Settling in and opening a beer from the case we just got, she asks me, “Drink?”

“Just water would be good,” I responded, being the teetotaler I’m.

She smiles, passes me a bottle, and crashes onto the sofa, kicking her boots away. I sit on the opposite end, sipping my water, and then she initiates the conversation.

K – First time, huh?

Me – Yeah, never been on a blind date before.

K – Aww, my baby, I’m your cherry popper. Don’t worry. Mama will go easy on you.

Me – Don’t worry, there is nothing daddy can’t handle.

I assume that was the cue we needed. She pounced on me like a wild cat pinning me to the sofa. She started kissing me wildly with her hair all over my face and mouth as our lips touched.

Clearing the hair from the path of the lips, which tasted like strawberry, she adjusted her head to let me get more room to kiss her and bite her lips. Dragging her lips and sucking them and ensuring that I asserted dominance on this wild cat. I held her back on the neck and pushed her face onto mine.

The kiss intensified as sucking the lips turned into biting and pulling them with tongues pushing each other to explore each other’s mouth. The grip on the hair tightened.

A slight pause saw her grayish sweater bid goodbye to her soft, smooth body revealing the black laced push-up bra, locking those boobs and squeezing them together.

While my shirt was off my body and on the floor beside me, making me topless. Our eyes scanned the skin show we had in front of us before resuming the hugging and kissing. This time around, I explored Kyra’s back and unhooked her bra.

As the bra strap separated, she broke the kiss, gave me a grin, pulled the bra in one go, threw it aside, moved forward, and started dry-humping me, making my dick even harder and throbbing to come out of my pants.

Sensing the turned-on shaft, she kissed my lips, bit them hard, and pulled them as she backed away from me. After reaching the maximum I could move, she left my lips. She started unzipping her jeans, revealing her red panties with a small dark patch between her legs.

Seeing her undress herself even, I stood up. I pulled my pants and undies down in a single go making myself utterly naked with a throbbing dick oozing precum and ready for action.

Those lust-filled eyes were locked on my dick, and I could sense how badly she wanted one. Seeing her bite her lower lip was the cue. Pulling a condom out of the pack we just got, I wrapped my hard pre-cum oozing dick with one and turned towards her.

Settling myself on the chair, I pull her down onto me holding her hips with her legs spread wide to make her wet pussy meet my throbbing dick. A swift pull made my dick miss the target, hurting us both.

Seeing my struggle, she smirked and asked me to wait while she adjusted and sat on my dick, which I did. Finally, she pushed my dick tip into her pussy and gave me a nod to take over.

Pushing into her body while holding the back of her neck and lifting myself from the chair. I thrust my entire shaft into her with a loud moan. She swirls her head and pulls her hair back as it falls over our faces.

Once I find her adjusting to the expanding walls of her vagina, I start moving my hip up and down. It inevitably moves my dick in and out of her making her moan and jump on me.

As we both synced our hip movements, Kyra held my hands and moved one hand to her neck, squeezing it. Suggesting that I choke her and the other onto her boobs.

Resting her hands on my shoulders, she jumped on me wildly like an untamed horse wanting to go on a wild ride. Obliging to the request, I moved my body accordingly. I made sure I reached more profound energy each time I thrust my dick into her.

I understood she was enjoying this fuck as her moans were getting louder and her movements were. The thumping and our bodies moving up and down in sync. It caused us both to moan louder and louder.

Me becoming a bit aggressive, grabbing her hair, pulling her face close to mine, and locking her lips again with mine. After a while, I pushed her away. I got up from the chair and grabbed her by the waist. I pulled her close and swirled to get her onto the chair and bend her down.

With her ass pointing at me, the curves of her hips and ass cheeks were prominent. In my face, smacking both the ass cheeks. I held the hips and inserted my dick from behind, entering her in a doggy style. I positioned her in downward dog, with her hands extended.

Holding the chair, I was pulling her ass into me, holding her hips. Once I felt I was the furthest I could be, I moved my hip back and forth, pulling my dick in and out of her.

Once the rhythm was set, I moved my hands away from her hips to her navel and slowly towards her boobs and erect nipples. Bending over her, I grab her boobs and squeeze the nipples. I pull the boobs back while trying to thrust her from behind.

Her moans and hair flipped along with her head movements. Her boobs in my hand made me even hornier and went faster. “Grab my hair,” she shouted, and I obliged and held her hair with my hand.

Adjusting, I started to ride her like a horse spanking the ass cheek. I pulled her hair and thrust my dick deep inside her pussy walls. After a good round of thrusts and loud moans, we both had orgasms minutes apart.

I let Kyra’s hair and felt my knees tremble and loudly moan. I entered her into a condom. She pushed the chair forward, moaning loudly and shivering. Her body excreted the last ounce of her sexual fluids.

Exhausted, we both spooned and lay on the floor in her living room with our breaths loud enough. Our bodies are soaked in sweat, and our groin regions are sticky with our mixed bodily fluids.

That’s it, folks. That is the first act of the night, followed by some conversation. In the meantime, give me feedback or say hello. Please feel free to reach out at /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection” class=”__cf_email__” data-cfemail=”583135332a312b30392a2139183f35393134763b3735″>[email protected].